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Fighting Games Weekly | Nov 4-10 | I-No what that finger smells like [18+]

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan

How many documentaries does the FGC need? At least 1,000, apparently.

Also, only semi-related but people need to stop with the whole "hey what fighting game term hasn't already been used as a name for another website/whatever already oh that one cool I'll use that one" stuff too and be a bit more original.

One Frame Link Guy gets a pass because he seems like a pretty cool dude, but the next time I hear of a new site named "super cancel" or whatever I'm gonna...be moderately annoyed for a few minutes and talk about it on the internet.

He actually just got kicked off because he was making fun of everyone

Conan confirmed for Jaha shit tier

Wait, what? It's fucking Conan. What did they expect?
Also, only semi-related but people need to stop with the whole "hey what fighting game term hasn't already been used as a name for another website/whatever already oh that one cool I'll use that one" stuff too and be a bit more original.

One Frame Link Guy gets a pass because he seems like a pretty cool dude, but the next time I hear of a new site named "super cancel" or whatever I'm gonna...be moderately annoyed for a few minutes and talk about it on the internet.

brb registering americanreset.com


Hrm, In city online matches in SF4 are pretty decent but man get outside of that range and it starts to go nuts.


Seems like there is going to be a good amount of MM at NEC. I think Neo said on twitter Marn vs Flux and now PR Rog posted he is playing Sanford in a ft7.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";89092291]I'll bet on Marn for odds.

Also, this fucking Vega combo is way too damn hard.

lvl2 focus, clFP xx EX Rolling Crystal Flash, cMP xx EX Wall Dive[/QUOTE]

you can link ex rolling crystal flash with cmp?


tagged by Blackace

KI community already bigger than anime confirmed.


tagged by Blackace
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";89101606]^_^

edit:JWong has 10 sponsors on his stream and still asks for money?[/QUOTE]
Dumbasses will fund FChamp's gambling endeavors, so yeah not that surprising.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";89101606]^_^

edit:JWong has 10 sponsors on his stream and still asks for money?[/QUOTE]

why cut out a portion of your earnings? That's bad business

Mr. X

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";89101606]^_^

edit:JWong has 10 sponsors on his stream and still asks for money?[/QUOTE]

Can't take the EMP out the player, player.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";89101606]^_^

edit:JWong has 10 sponsors on his stream and still asks for money?[/QUOTE]

sponsor league players ask for donations. Also those 10 "sponsors" sponsor EG, not him. He gets paid by EG, not those companies.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";89110663]Burlingame, just south of san fran.[/QUOTE]

I meant asia qualifier, where is and why isn't it on my twitch!?!?!

though 3s char select is on now
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