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Final Fantasy VII Announced For PS4

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Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
What would the equivalent of this in a Nintendo conference? Or in an MS conference?

C'mon let's try to squeeze some fun out of this tragedy.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm ain't even mad. At first I thought maybe there was a chance for a remake or something huge but when it was announced as a port I just laughed it off. Dunno why Square came( or was allowed to take the stage) just to announce that it was coming out next spring though.. like seriously?


People raging over this...it isn't even curtains call yet...trust me on this but when Kojima hears this...his rage will be massive.

No one trolls better than Kojima, no one is allowed to even challenge him.
The retribution that will befall us all due to Hashimoto's trolling will shake the heavens, the Dragons of east are quivering in fear, the Ice Giants of the north are walking down the volcano to escape his rage no one is safe, everything between heaven and Earth will feel his wrath.

Phantom Pain 2015 pushed until 2016 exclusively for Ps Vita

No, he's recovering from being trolled and not allowed into the TGA's after party.

I need a Japanese culture expert to help understand this.

Not a cultural thing. It's an out-of-touch management thing.


Dreams in Digital
SE and Ubisoft, Goodbye. I will never invest in your companies ever again. You're both just lazy arsed, money grabbing, has-beens.
I'm not even a huge FF guy and that troll hit me right in the gut. It hurts.

From extreme highs to total confusion and sadness.

What a show killer. Took me right out of it once I knew it was just the PC port.


Kojima wouldn't want to top this, that amount of ether released into the atmosphere would be dangerous.

And joking about MGSV release date is too raw right now

heh, probably not but I'm 100% sure Kojima has a whole slew of cards left to play just to mess with us ^^

But serious question. Why do people expect anything "Japanese" from a Western thing? Sure Type-0 HD got a little snippet in a youtube vid during E3 on their own showing nothing else.

If SE will announce anything but a localisation it'll be in Japan. Probably something on Jump Festa.

- Someone at Square Enix says that was cool to announce FF7 Steam in this keynote
- Someone chose this particular guy
- Someone at Sony saw what the guy will show and let him do it

What the fuck.
I have no problem with this. Ff7 doesn't need to be remade and modern square couldn't do it right anyway. Will be happy to replay this again on ps4. Its been a few years.


Junior Member
I need a Japanese culture expert to help understand this.

Square Enix just shot themselves in the foot.

I don’t know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I’m an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It’s not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the Japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase these Final Fantasy VII ports, nor will they purchase any of Square Enix’s other games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square Enix has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square Enix, publicly apologize and switch these graphics to HD towns or you can kiss your business goodbye.
The biggest troll of all time.

I can't remember being trolled harder for anything in any kind of media.

Sadly, I know I'm gonna buy it again when I get my PS4 since I can't play my OG discs or transfer my PS1 or PS3 saves. :(
I am amazed sony alllowed square to troll people at this event like this, what a sad joke that was. No one wants a port of the PC port..we want a remake.


Sheesh. Watching that trailer it seems this game has aged worse than any other game I can remember.


This is just sad, they could've at least worked on the graphics to bring them up to late PS2 levels...at least make everyone look humanoid not like popeye on the world map

They didnt even need to do that much really. The game itself was sub 480p, which looks super rough on the average display today. Clean up or re do the background art enough so it dosent look like everything is smeared when you play it at 1080p. That would have been more than enough for me.



- Someone at Square Enix says that was cool to announce FF7 Steam in this keynote
- Someone chose this particular guy
- Someone at Sony saw what the guy will show and let him do it

What the fuck.

Town hall Q&A is coming up. People should not let Sony off the hook for this.


Just to remind everyone.



i tell you right now the downfall of S-E is an inside job.


SE and Ubisoft, Goodbye. I will never invest in your companies ever again. You're both just lazy arsed, money grabbing, has-beens.

Oh, come on. FF15 still looks great and there's KH3 and their unannounced RPG for PS4 (unless FF7 PC port was it). Yeah, they make shit decision, but FF15 and Tabata's transparency is great.
The absolute worst part of this for me is that I never expected a PS4 remake of of FF7 to happen here. Not at all.

However it is absolutely my most wanted game.

Square comes on stage and I thought, oh this is that new JRPG thats been rumored. Cool Im interested. Then though, the fucking FF7 logo hits and Im just stunned, I cant fucking believe it. Its really happening. Then just a minute of absolute agonizing deflation.

That's me exactly lol


Trolled so hard by both SE and Sony. I hope they have bodyguards with them, as they may just need them after that.

Wasn't expecting an announcement today anyway, as I still think if a remake was on the cards, it would be for the games 20th anniversary. Today would have been way too early for that.


I don't see the point of this. This could of been announced any other day but they decide to take up time on the stage. They least Square could of done was show some snippet of KH3 (at least the same snippet shown at the KH 2.5 event).


Guys, the remake's coming out in 2017 on its 20th year anniversary.

...knowing Square Trollix, they'll probably release an anniversary port for the vita just to spite us


Trolled so hard by both SE and Sony. I hope they have bodyguards with them, as they may just need them after that.

Wasn't expecting an announcement today anyway, as I still think if a remake was on the cards, it would be for the games 20th anniversary. Today would have been way too early for that.

Oh, I expect a PS5 tech demo for the 20th anniversary. :p
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