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Final Fantasy XIII on Steam October 9th, $16; full trilogy by Spring 2015


that puzzling face
This wouldn't ever happen but tweeting that the same fast-forward feature FF8 Steam got would make me gift out like 10 copies to random people because that's a feature that needs to be baseline on every RPG ever at this point.

Few revisiting a game out of nostalgia have the time or patience to sit through 1:1. Especially a decade down the road.


I don't see how this is different from any other S-E Japan PC release on Steam. It's always been like this. Not like they bothered marketing The Last Remnant, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, or Final Fantasy IV. They just pop up and they expect word of mouth to sell the games since they're old titles people have already played. Even in the case of Last Remnant where the PC version ran so much better than the 360 one, they didn't really do any PR for it.

It doesn't seem like a market S-E Japan takes seriously, and they probably only release it because they were convinced by the overseas departments that there's some demand. The only reason these FFXIII PC ports even exist is likely because they had to be ported to make the DiveIn service they're launching in Japan feasible. So having a product to release on Steam is a consequence, not a direct intention.
I don't see how this is different from any other S-E Japan PC release on Steam. It's always been like this. Not like they bothered marketing The Last Remnant, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, or Final Fantasy IV. They just pop up and they expect word of mouth to sell the games since they're old titles people have already played. Even in the case of Last Remnant where the PC version ran so much better than the 360 one, they didn't really do any PR for it.

It doesn't seem like a market S-E Japan takes seriously, and they probably only release it because they were convinced by the overseas departments that there's some demand. The only reason these FFXIII PC ports even exist is likely because they had to be ported to make the DiveIn service they're launching in Japan feasible. So having a product to release on Steam is a consequence, not a direct intention.

I hope the success of XIII, may make them reconsider the PC market.
I don't see how this is different from any other S-E Japan PC release on Steam. It's always been like this. Not like they bothered marketing The Last Remnant, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, or Final Fantasy IV. They just pop up and they expect word of mouth to sell the games since they're old titles people have already played. Even in the case of Last Remnant where the PC version ran so much better than the 360 one, they didn't really do any PR for it.

It doesn't seem like a market S-E Japan takes seriously, and they probably only release it because they were convinced by the overseas departments that there's some demand. The only reason these FFXIII PC ports even exist is likely because they had to be ported to make the DiveIn service they're launching in Japan feasible. So having a product to release on Steam is a consequence, not a direct intention.

This is why I'm hesitant to get excited for XV. I feel like if it does come to PC it will be years after the console release and XIII coming to Steam doesn't indicate any different.



But I am sure even the screenshots on steam currently do not represent the game.It looks a lot better than that.

Why would you assume that? If these PC ports are made to support their new streaming service then perhaps they figure after video compression and internet transmission enough fidelity is lost that the PC versions running on the servers don't really need high resolutions or high framerate, so we'll get a PC port with a single 720p resolution locked at 30fps.


I'm betting on a flexible resolution (or at least 1080p support, like Rising) and a locked 30fps.

Let's see what happens!
Everyone will take their resolution and vsync options and like it.

Man, some of us are worried that we won't even get that.

I would really hope that they'd give this full options because it's a 'modern' game, but considering how lazy their other FF ports are...
Whatever happens with this, I just hope they see how much it sold, and realize the market they're missing out on. So they can actually put the money and effort into porting their other games.

I'm gunna be an optimist and believe that we're getting 1080p+, 60fps, and some AA/ AF


For you.
Why are they sooo quite regarding this release ?

Maybe they really added nothing to it or its just a bad 360 port ?

I hope the game can reach its full potential with this release :/ But it doesn't look like it.

Game has been made first for PC and then ported to consoles, so chances of it being a "bad 360 port" are non-existent.


This wouldn't ever happen but tweeting that the same fast-forward feature FF8 Steam got would make me gift out like 10 copies to random people because that's a feature that needs to be baseline on every RPG ever at this point.

Few revisiting a game out of nostalgia have the time or patience to sit through 1:1. Especially a decade down the road.

FF8 has a fast-forward feature. What?

Someone grab me a copy :O!


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Wow, that design is a shit ton better than the stupid default one she wears in-game.
Did you never download the free Style and Steel outfit?
Man, some of us are worried that we won't even get that.

I would really hope that they'd give this full options because it's a 'modern' game, but considering how lazy their other FF ports are...
Whatever happens with this, I just hope they see how much it sold, and realize the market they're missing out on. So they can actually put the money and effort into porting their other games.

I'm gunna be an optimist and believe that we're getting 1080p+, 60fps, and some AA/ AF

The only thing I would be concerned about is a frame rate cap. Their port of the Last Remnant was very good but that was most likely due to UE3. We really have not seen a modern FF port so maybe they will make good.
The only thing I would be concerned about is a frame rate cap. Their port of the Last Remnant was very good but that was most likely due to UE3. We really have not seen a modern FF port so maybe they will make good.

Yeah, that's why it's so conflicting. Last Remnant's port was shockingly amazing, but I guess it didn't sell enough so they stopped caring about bringing Japanese games over.

Here's hoping yo


The only thing I would be concerned about is a frame rate cap. Their port of the Last Remnant was very good but that was most likely due to UE3. We really have not seen a modern FF port so maybe they will make good.

I actually consider TLR a lazy port at best. For a game that utilized the Unreal Engine, Square could have at least let us have the option in-game to prevent texture pop-in because it was nearly as bad as the console variants. It is horrendous on the PC unless you change the .ini file of the game.

There wasn't even a VSYNC option in-game, texture filtering was bilinear, AF was lacking, etc. These were all fixable via .ini, but the average user would not know about it.
I actually consider TLR a lazy port at best. For a game that utilized the Unreal Engine, Square could have at least let us have the option in-game to prevent texture pop-in because it was nearly as bad as the console variants. It is horrendous on the PC unless you change the .ini file of the game.

There wasn't even a VSYNC option in-game, texture filtering was bilinear, AF was lacking, etc. These were all fixable via .ini, but the average user would not know about it.

You are correct about this, I am too used to having to self tweak all my PC games to realize this. It is a problem far too common in PC games.


Well, I trust square on this port. Last Remnant was great, and Eidos games had pretty solid ports too.

I did get a chance to play the original VIII PC port, and yeah, it was awful; there wasn't much they could do to those, so I can understand if they ended up being awful (But I haven't played them)... Dunno about the iOS games though


that puzzling face
Well, I trust square on this port. Last Remnant was great, and Eidos games had pretty solid ports too.

I did get a chance to play the original VIII PC port, and yeah, it was awful; there wasn't much they could do to those, so I can understand if they ended up being awful (But I haven't played them)... Dunno about the iOS games though

But but but... FF8 was an Eidos port. Not to mention it's basically what's on Steam at the moment.


It could be more similar to the 360 version is what I am thinking here.

I doubt it. These games were made on PC first and then ported over to consoles.


"Let's not forget, when we developed the Final Fantasy 13 series, all three titles, at the early stages of development we were working on PC," Kitase told Eurogamer.

"Then we had to port it to the consoles. As far as the technology is concerned, it would have been possible for us to make a PC version, but we decided against it for two reasons: we looked at the market situation and we didn't think it would be a good idea, and also it would have involved lots of complex issues like security. So we decided not to do it this time around.

"But we see potential in it and there are lots of regions and countries where PC is very strong. So in terms of our hope of being able to deliver our games to every single country in the world and to as many gamers as possible, yes, we would definitely be interested in pursuing that route in the future."


I really hope this has some decent PC options, at least with resolution. Gotta keep my PC SCREENSHOT GAF addiction moving.

Could you imagine XIII with Workshop support? :p


I really hope this has some decent PC options, at least with resolution. Gotta keep my PC SCREENSHOT GAF addiction moving.

Could you imagine XIII with Workshop support? :p

I honestly doubt there will be workshop support. They want it to stream with their Dive-In system as well.


Well, got it for 10.80 USD. A game would have to be pretty bad not to be worth that imo. Will probably talk about it in the inevitable LTTP threads that will pop up.


yes but 2 years later or so

Haha, let's hope not.

I got the FF4 PC port recently, and after trying it I gotta say I'm iffy on the quality of this port. The battles are locked at 15fps, just like they were in the DS game. Outside of battles it stutters constantly. A DS game. No graphical options of any sort and the textures are all unfiltered and even look like they have that PS1 texture warping thing going on.

Apples and oranges maybe, but I'll let other people be the guinea pigs of this thing.
I got the FF4 PC port recently, and after trying it I gotta say I'm iffy on the quality of this port. The battles are locked at 15fps, just like they were in the DS game. Outside of battles it stutters constantly. A DS game. No graphical options of any sort and the textures are all unfiltered and even look like they have that PS1 texture warping thing going on.

Maybe it uses a No$GBA or DesMuMe wrapper, haha. :(


Haha, let's hope not.

I got the FF4 PC port recently, and after trying it I gotta say I'm iffy on the quality of this port. The battles are locked at 15fps, just like they were in the DS game. Outside of battles it stutters constantly. A DS game. No graphical options of any sort and the textures are all unfiltered and even look like they have that PS1 texture warping thing going on.

Apples and oranges maybe, but I'll let other people be the guinea pigs of this thing.

Are you playing on 1080p/60Hz? I think the game has that weird glitch that makes it not recognize your native res, and after changing it to 1080p/59Hz it's smoother, but still limited to both framerate caps. Nonetheless it's a cheap Dotemu phone port that wasn't even announced before release, there's no way an actual dev team won't handle FFXIII. We'll find out soon enough, I guess!


I doubt it. These games were made on PC first and then ported over to consoles.


Like "security" What the fuck does that mean?

Also they basically admitted that there's no pc market in japan, so that's why they don't release a pc version. That's still not a good excuse to not release a game on PC, if you're a big developer and want to get equal or more sales (than you would get from japan) from other regions.

also 95% of the games in my queue are NOT INTERESTED from this new update. No I don't want this awful indie shit.


He's a big whiner at the start and into the middle, he gets 'better' later on. But you'll get tired of the inspirational speeches all the characters give after a while. I almost torre eyes out after the fifth time somebody said "we just have to belive in the path we 're choosing!" and they had to stand there espousing in front of the group

It's shocking how patronizing Toriyama is! The dialogue is so childish and amateur, just
how young does he think the FF demographic is? The sheer number of eye-rolls and
cringe attacks I experienced throughout those games....

It was drastic at how low the quality of the script was, as I had only recently finished
FF12 before trying out FF13. FF12 just blows it out the water, it is insane at how
large the gap in quality is between the two titles!

Um, this is awkward, but is that a Lightning mouse pad with her boobs as wrist supporters?

Lmao good catch. I kinda want to try one of those, just to say that I've used one.


Fuck, don't lock this at 30fps

It's not like the gameplay is dependent on the framerate like other games.

I mean I'd understand if this was a twitch shooter or a competitive fighting game in which a drop in frames can determine actually losing ship or combo or counter timing being totally off for the split second or so.

There would be a tangible benefit for the game to have it's graphical assets at a higher rendering resolution beyond 1080p with AA applied or even GeDoSaTo to get some high level downsampling done, but other than that, considering the nature of this sort of game 60fps will have a very minor effect.

FFXIII isn't exactly like the The Last Remnant with many enemies on screen, as for FF3 Steam, well that was port of a DS game that was ported to Android, which was then ported to Steam. I don't think FFXIII will have any sort of issues of something being lost in the conversion per say.
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