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Final Fantasy XIII on Steam October 9th, $16; full trilogy by Spring 2015


that puzzling face
The fanservice in the Japanese version is significantly worse.

She says Tabechau, nya~

Which is "I'm going to eat you, nya~"

Also, the chocobogirl tells her to "Nya Nya to her heart's content." "Nya Nya" is actually a slang in Japan for sexual intercourse. If you run around in the Miqo'te costume, some randoms actually say they want to Nya Nya with her, albeit a cheek-in-tongue.

It also spawned a doujin centered around that line. Sigh.

While I played the game and platinumed in Japanese and I'm well aware how much more hilarious that scene is, the fact that you're aware of doujins scares me even more.


While I played the game and platinumed in Japanese and I'm well aware how much more hilarious that scene is, the fact that you're aware of doujins scares me even more.

There's very little about her that escapes my eye.

Eh... I don't know how to put this in a nicer way.


Neo Member
i liked the corridor style, i don't really like open world rpgs, i don't think they are that interesting to begin with, and I only really like the story and battle systems in jrpgs that i've liked


i liked the corridor style, i don't really like open world rpgs, i don't think they are that interesting to begin with, and I only really like the story and battle systems in jrpgs that i've liked

one thing I like about XIII's corridor design is that there is no shortage of things to see and a variety of enemies to encounter.

Its also really rewarding to constantly little treasure spheres every where you go ,and it usually has interesting loot.

That's one thing it does well, I think.Constantly changing scenery,always new loot to find,constantly changing enemy set ups.

Whenever you play FFXIII you know you've made progress through the game.In that sense, every little small session of the game can feel rewarding.


Yea I don't get what people don't realize about that.

She acts distant and disinterested because she has to deal with Snow all day long. That's enough to make anyone zone out of reality 24/7.

I mean she literally hates him and dislikes pretty much everyone else except Sara and Hope somewhat. Funny enough I felt the same way. (But Fang is awesome and always will be)

Sazh is the best character in 13.

Noel is pretty fuckin awesome in 13-2

as to the above poster:

I never felt that. Some minor strong weapon you find in the field that is barely better than what you had before is lame. Also making all the drop rates really pisspoor that you have to grind is bullshit and archaic.


didn't expect they would bring this to the PC

never played a jrpg apart from last remnant demo ages ago (didn't like it), might check this out just to see what all the fuss is about
one thing I like about XIII's corridor design is that there is no shortage of things to see and a variety of enemies to encounter.

Its also really rewarding to constantly little treasure spheres every where you go ,and it usually has interesting loot.

That's one thing it does well, I think.Constantly changing scenery,always new loot to find,constantly changing enemy set ups.

Whenever you play FFXIII you know you've made progress through the game.In that sense, every little small session of the game can feel rewarding.

This. That's exactly why I liked FFXIII so much.


So this is out in less than a month and we don't have a single pc screenshot or what the graphic options are going to be? Well, the game looks fantastic on ps3 already, I just want to know if it can be played at 60fps, mostly.


Ooooh. It's not a good enough game for me to double-dip, but for 15 buckaroos it's pretty acceptable from a value standpoint for people on the fence. First SquEnix move in a long time I can agree with. Neat.

Plus, who knows, maybe fans will hunker down and mod the game until it's actually worth the initial console asking price. I mean, it could happen.

Edit: And of course it's old news. Meh.


Kind of itching to play the first game again but I don't re-play RPGs due to the grind :/

Haven't played LR yet though so really looking forward to when that releases.
Sazh is the best character in 13.

Noel is pretty fuckin awesome in 13-2

as to the above poster:

Objectively speaking: yes.

IMO: Snow is the best character in the whole Trilogy.


<3 Snow Villers.


Supporting this if only for the extremely faint chance that Squeenix sees that there's money in releasing FFXV on PC.

Imagining playing that with my (soon-to-be-acquired) GTX970? Hnnnnrrrggg.


Supporting this if only for the extremely faint chance that Squeenix sees that there's money in releasing FFXV on PC.

Imagining playing that with my (soon-to-be-acquired) GTX970? Hnnnnrrrggg.

They'll definitively release it on PC too, maybe just not at release.


Wow, for such an incredibly disliked game series on GAF, this thread sure is active.

Can't some of ya'll let us be hyped for this without the constant "WORST CHARACTER EVER" stuff?


Wow, for such an incredibly disliked game series on GAF, this thread sure is active.

Can't some of ya'll let us be hyped for this without the constant "WORST CHARACTER EVER" stuff?

It isn't a disliked game series?

Edit: Oops, thought this was a thread about FF15. My bad. lol

Carry on. Too many FF threads lately.
Supporting this if only for the extremely faint chance that Squeenix sees that there's money in releasing FFXV on PC.

Imagining playing that with my (soon-to-be-acquired) GTX970? Hnnnnrrrggg.

I don't see how there can be any doubt regarding a PC version of XV.


Wow, for such an incredibly disliked game series on GAF, this thread sure is active.

Can't some of ya'll let us be hyped for this without the constant "WORST CHARACTER EVER" stuff?

If someone posts their opinion on something expect people to respond in kind.

I think this thread is really active more to the thought of what S-E might bring in the future, rather than just being hyped to play this game (again).


He;s one of the worst characters Square have ever created.

I have only played FFXIII-1 (havent played XIII-2 or LR) but Hope and Vanille are definitely worst characters. Not that I think Snow is such a good character though, in fact thats the worse Final Fantasy game on the character aspect by far, since Lightning was the only really good character there imo. Even the antagonists... I cant even remember who was the evil character of FFXIII, when I found most of FF games to have remarkable enemies.
I don't see how there can be any doubt regarding a PC version of XV.

It's a simultaneous release of a good port for which we're fighting. That's why I'm buying all three damn games in this trilogy that I don't want.

Even the antagonists... I cant even remember who was the evil character of FFXIII, when I found most of FF games to have remarkable enemies.

Organized religion.


I have only played FFXIII-1 (havent played XIII-2 or LR) but Hope and Vanille are definitely worst characters. Not that I think Snow is such a good character though, in fact thats the worse Final Fantasy game on the character aspect by far, since Lightning was the only really good character there imo. Even the antagonists... I cant even remember who was the evil character of FFXIII, when I found most of FF games to have remarkable enemies.

I remember disliking Snow even more than I did Hope when I played the game. He's just so... fake? Well I'm gonna play it again on PC to confirmed it, but I don't see my opinion on him changing much. You're pretty spot on about the villains though.

Can't agree on Lighting. Sazh and Fang are the only two decent party members from the first game.


I remember disliking Snow even more than I did Hope when I played the game. He's just so... fake? Well I'm gonna play it again on PC to confirmed it, but I don't see my opinion on him changing much. You're pretty spot on about the villains though.

Can't agree on Lighting. Sazh and Fang are the only two decent party members from the first game.

Oh yeah, Sazh and Fang werent that bad either. But honestly its hard to define the worst character in this game, I just could not swallow Hope's reactions (or lack of) to what was happening to his life (
his mom dies in front of him and its like he has no reaction of any kind from start to the end
), and neither Vanille's irritating dialogues. But Snow was extremely generic also...


nah sorry, Snow is the typical stereotype "hero" dude in jrpg. no depth whatsoever
He;s one of the worst characters Square have ever created.
You're like... objectively wrong.

Such violent hatred...though I guess there's really not all that much to him besides looks.

Can't wait for dem mods.

Definitely why I'm waiting to play LR properly on PC. A consistent framerate, some better-looking costumes and cleaned-up environments will go a long way. That dog should stay, though.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Well I just bought this to support the FFXV movement.

I'm sad to see it's not even in the top 25 on Steam.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Well I just bought this to support the FFXV movement.

I'm sad to see it's not even in the top 25 on Steam.

It was. But it lost (pun totally not intended) steam over the past week. Steam sales will help, but it's "shit" reputation precedes it, $20 asking price or not.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
FF13 isn't priced $20 though, it's currently priced for under $15.

You're right. Memory failing me due to it being so late. Point is: A lot of people know it's a "bad Final Fantasy" so $15 for a four year old port or not, it's not going to entire many fans at that level. If Square deep-discounts it, it'll sell well during a Steam sale, but I wouldn't expect that until Spring at the latest given it's releasing a month or two before the Winter sales.

Joey Ravn

Eek, October 9th can't come soon enough. I already pre-ordered FFXIII the day it got announced for PC. I was planning on starting FFX on Vita, but I guess I'll wait. I don't care if people say that FFXIII is the worst and what not: I want to experience it first-hand.

This made me think... if the scene was the opposite we'd have hordes of feminazis complaining about it

Is there any point to this post besides stirring some controversy? I mean, does it really contribute to the thread, or do you want to take a jab at the so-called "feminazis" just because?
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