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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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In Metacritic, only seven PS4 games, that are neither DLC or HD ports of games that were first released on 7th gen consoles/Wii U received only 90+ Metascore:

Uncharted 4
Witcher 3
Shovel Knight (This one is sort of a port, but I'll count it for the sake of inflating the numbers at least a little).

Reviews are way harsher now. This game is not going to reach +90 score.

Yeah, each of those games is phenomenal. I don't like Witcher, but I can clearly see the quality. Never played Shovel Knight. There's no way FFXV will break into those ranks.

I would be thrilled with 83-86 range.
The only one with a truly awful story post X was XIII and its sequels. XI's is phenomenal, XII's starts out great but falls flat in the later parts and XIV has been really good so far. I think it's absolutely fair to expect at least some semblance of narrative direction and good storytelling here, especially given the wait.

I think the wait makes it less likely to get a semblance of good storytelling, since you're dealing with piecemeal assemblage from many different people over an extended length of time. Even in the games you mention, the two with troubled development history made that history really obvious in the storytelling: XII, as you mention, had a strong start but fell apart as Matsuno's influence diminished in the later parts of the game, and the base story of XIV: A Realm Reborn was quite generic - only after the new development team had established a baseline competent game were they able to start getting creative and engaging with the storytelling in the later patches and expansions.


That sounds exactly like the frame pacing issue from the Judgement Disc demo. The frame rate is 30 on average but each frame is uneven, some are 16ms, some are 55ms, some are 33ms making it feel 'juddery' and 'uneven'. Guess it wasn't fixed with the patch

Edit: You can see Digital Foundry talk about it in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew0_5fF0WaM Would you say it's just like that?

Yup, that's it. Don't know if the patch makes this any better since I played with the 1.00 version and left 1.01 downloading overnight, when I get home from work I'll see what it's like.
The latest game that got a 69 was Mafia. Now, that game was boring as hell, it had so many technical issues and the AI was broken. FF XV is much better in all these elements. It has fun gameplay.

This reminds me a bit of mafia 3 actually. Some decent pre-review user impressions but clear issues in said imoressions, then when reviews showed up it was very mixed


Unconfirmed Member
Yup, that's it. Don't know if the patch makes this any better since I played with the 1.00 version and left 1.01 downloading overnight, when I get home from work I'll see what it's like.

That's interesting! Yeah would be great if you can tell us if there's a difference
Yeah, each of those games is phenomenal. I don't like Witcher, but I can clearly see the quality. Never played Shovel Knight. There's no way FFXV will break into those ranks.

I would be thrilled with 83-86 range.

MGSV did. I think despite how good the mechanics are, as an MGS game, other flaws prevent it from being absolutely top tier.

Wild wild rice: A lot of impressions have been positive, just not on the story so much.


Lots of the opinions here are similar to what you hear about Final Fantasy XII. Meh story, great enemies and hunts, weird battle system.

GOTY confirmed.


Imma go ahead and call an 87. Unless every previewer suddenly hates the first 5 chapters after loving them, I don't see how they would hate the game tbh.

I guess they could be divisive on the latter half, but that sounds more like a matter of opinion than actual judgement of the quality of the game. I hope those two are mutually exclusive when it comes to reviews.
Somewhere between 86 and 89 is my prediction. "Professional" reviewers tend to look at things differently than your average everyday gamer though so idk which direction they are gonna go in regarding the somewhat sprase story telling until the later chapters.

The saving grace is going to be the reportedly very good gameplay in the final 5 chapters.

How long is this game?

25 hours if you rush. I'd bet average people who do even light side questing and exploring are looking at more like 35~
Hey, I'm just going to repeat my unanswered question from before:
Since the world is smaller than we thought and the areas get also smaller and more linear towards the end

Noooo so the world is smaller than we thought, wow SE truly fucked up, why the hell would this game take so long to make if its a small open world? I was expecting GTA type of openworld :(

This game has been in development since like forever and they cant even get the open world big enough.


Lots of the opinions here are similar to what you hear about Final Fantasy XII. Meh story, great enemies and hunts, weird battle system.

GOTY confirmed.

FF XII has far better and more varied environments though, hell you begin in a massive bustling city.

I loved traversing through that game.

How long is this game?

Someone completed it in 25 hours skipping side quests and focusing on the main story.

Someone else completed it in 40 hours doing some side quests.


Lots of the opinions here are similar to what you hear about Final Fantasy XII. Meh story, great enemies and hunts, weird battle system.

GOTY confirmed.

I think the same thing, i love FFXII because of the challenging gameplay and great side monster content. Even if he story is not that outstanding, at least they are not trying to push it to much, it's fine by me.
Given the impressions, I'm inclined to believe that the 81-84 range is where it'll end up falling in.

Garbage stories haven't prevented other games from achieving higher meta scores (Fallout 4, literally most WRPGs outside Witcher 3 for the mainstream audience) but I suspect the JRPG nature of the game alongside some gameplay aspects will bring the score down.

Edit: Er... Let me change that to a 76-79 range actually.


Noooo so the world is smaller than we thought, wow SE truly fucked up, why the hell would this game take so long to make if its a small open world? I was expecting GTA type of openworld :(

This game has been in development since like forever and they cant even get the open world big enough.

Smaller != small

It's still pretty damn big compared to many other games.
I feel like people may be underwhelmed on first play through but are going to find more and more to enjoy as we get to explore every nook and cranny in the game world.


Personally I'm not concerned with the length, considering I've spent almost 20 hours with the judgment demo, lol.

I'm one of those who do everything and explore all the places.


Unconfirmed Member
I think the same thing, i love FFXII because of the challenging gameplay and great side monster content. Even if he story is not that outstanding, at least they are not trying to push it to much, it's fine by me.

I don't think anyone has called this game challenging though.... People do seem to like the Hunts and Dungeons at least. I'm not sure how much of that there actually is though, I'm not sure it will compare to XII in terms of scope of hunts and stuff. Can anyone comment?
Noooo so the world is smaller than we thought, wow SE truly fucked up, why the hell would this game take so long to make if its a small open world? I was expecting GTA type of openworld :(

This game has been in development since like forever and they cant even get the open world big enough.

GTA type of open world from SE?


Interesting reading the impressions.

My opinions on story quality always seem to deviate wildly from everyone else's so still looking forward to it.

I always knew looking at the various maps that size was going to be a problem and many things that should be there won't be, but will see how I feel when I get my hands on it.


I don't think anyone has called this game challenging though.... People do seem to like the Hunts and Dungeons at least. I'm not sure how much of that there actually is though, I'm not sure it will compare to XII in terms of scope of hunts and stuff. Can anyone comment?

FWIW I tried doing a level 14 hunt where you have to kill three oversized crabs and it was pretty hard, BUT, I was level 5. I lost but I managed to deplete about half the HP of al three crabs. The hunts themselves are much more akin to a MMO since all targets are clearly marked in your minimap, unlike FFXII. Other hunts I've done have definitely been more challenging than regular fights, but the ones I've done haven't felt all that special either IMO.


I'm yet to catch up in this thread, but some quick thoughts about the "shallow combat" complaints... "simply holding buttons" and all that.

For basic attacks, I'd much rather hold a button than mash a button. Let's go back to what happened with Dragon Age 2. They removed auto-attack and replaced it with A-A-A-A that we all made fun of. Eventually they put Auto-attack back in as an option. Dragon Age Inquisition has its problems, but I never hear any complaints about the combat. And they went with a "Hold" mechanic much like XV uses. You simply hold a button for basic attack. I found this to be a satisfying middle-ground. You feel more engaged than when using auto-attack, but also less button-mashy.

XV would be pretty shit, if they went the O-O-O-O (or whatever the western attack button is) for basic attacking. I'm happy you hold the button instead.

Holding a button for block/dodge is also fine, which is what you typically do in any game that allows you to do so... including the always praised combat of the Souls series (the attack game is much different however and we shouldn't even go there... they are very different combat styles!)

Now what then becomes important is the REST of it...

Dragon Age has you assigning custom skills to all the other buttons and Alt/Shift buttons, and they are on a cooldown.

What I remember of XV Judgement demo is TRIANGLE for warp strike, and X for jump... very "action oriented" options, but do they play a major role in combat? Like does jumping while attacking have any value? Can it stagger certain enemy types for example? Or does jumping serve NO valuable purpose during combat at all? I know there are jump-attack animations, but is there a strategic reason to ever use a jump attack?

Secondly, the Warp Strike... does it evolve? Does it allow you to do more than A: Warp to a safe hanging location or B: Strike a distanced enemy? Is there more to it than that?? I don't recall more in the Judgement demo...

Do the skill trees open up more combat options? or is it all "more damage to X" , "more speed to Y" type stuff?

These are pretty heavy questions... I'll now return to catching up on this thread and hopefully find answers, but if not hopefully someone can answer my above questions. Cheers!
Given the impressions, I'm inclined to believe that the 81-84 range is where it'll end up falling in.

Garbage stories haven't prevented other games from achieving higher meta scores (Fallout 4, literally most WRPGs outside Witcher 3 for the mainstream audience) but I suspect the JRPG nature of the game alongside some gameplay aspects will bring the score down.

Edit: Er... Let me change that to a 76-79 range actually.

And this one's gameplay was even more boring than the story. I think Bethesda gets far too much leaway from reviewers.


Junior Member
Noooo so the world is smaller than we thought, wow SE truly fucked up, why the hell would this game take so long to make if its a small open world? I was expecting GTA type of openworld :(

This game has been in development since like forever and they cant even get the open world big enough.

it was in development for 3 years

Ran rp

i lied

turned the hud off

got a better feel for combat without the distracting elements

let myself get immersed

i'm enjoying myself


MGSV did. I think despite how good the mechanics are, as an MGS game, other flaws prevent it from being absolutely top tier.

Wild wild rice: A lot of impressions have been positive, just not on the story so much.

Personally I think it's a dumb idea that changing the title on the cover of the box would suddenly make it a better game.

IMO, if it's good, then it's good. If FFXV turns out to be a great game but not a "great FF game", I won't give a damn.
well seeing its been in development since like forever! is that too much to ask for? I think I am done with SE after this game unless it really impresses me with its side quest, open world secrets and the OP hidden armor and weapons

you should judge the game once Tabata came along, the last 3-4 for years. Everything prior doesn't count cause nothing remained, hell they tweaked Noctis personality a bit.


well seeing its been in development since like forever! is that too much to ask for? I think I am done with SE after this game unless it really impresses me with its side quest, open world secrets and the OP hidden armor and weapons

They never promised that so your complain don't make sense.

Btw , people getting all triggered by impressions on people that played 5 to 6 hours and saying the game is not all that good. This is final fantasy, what is great to you in this series might be bad for others, some thing ff 7 is complete garbage i say its the best game ever, other say ff13 is great to me is a turd. Play the game and see for yourself, saying you will cancel your pre order makes you look like a fool IMO


that puzzling face
PSY・S;225321268 said:
i lied

turned the hud off

got a better feel for combat without the distracting elements

let myself get immersed

i'm enjoying myself

wait so are you getting the game or not now i cant keep up with all these changes just before release


Ha well about 6, keep in mind that I didn't play it in my youth. I tried to play it a few years ago at the urging of some friends. It's really really hard for me to get into older games. Had I discovered the game when I was a young teen it would probably be a favorite of mine like the others after it and before X

I LOVED VI at time of release... and generally in my youth... but every single attempt I made to replay it as an adult on later platforms ended in early failure to keep going. While I find I and IV infinitely replayable. They are the only ones I usually get all the way to the end, even recently. I usually stomach VII and VIII much further than VI, but haven't finished a replay of those either since perhaps 1-2 years after their initial release. XII I played through twice on PS2, loved it. XIII I find myself coming back to over and over for some reason. I still can't explain why. I know I love the combat.

XII - Gambit System, AI self-driven combat, built from XI foundation
XIII - Paradigm Shift system
XIV - WoW style MMO combat
XV - Action-RPG combat

They really like Mixing it up.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Speaking of rankings, majority our well favored JRPGs don't go past 90+:

Kingdom Hearts II - 87 (still sold a lot)
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - 82 (I think it sold fine??)
Xenoblade X - 84
Valkyria Chronicles / Remastered - 84 / 86 (became a classic for many)
Bravely Default - 85
Pokemon Sun - 86 (still sold a lot)
Fire Emblem Fates - 86~88
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse - 85

So we I won't break down even if it gets 85.
Man what a Rollercoaster this has been after reading some of these impressions. I just need to keep my head down and hope for the best.

I love that game's aesthetics and adore its soundtrack .........

It is hot trash tho ;_;

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It hurts, man. Hurts even more to see people who hated XIII saying that XIII-2 was a huge improvement. I never asked for this.

If by trash yall mean one of the best FF games, then yes.
Personally I think it's a dumb idea that changing the title on the cover of the box would suddenly make it a better game.

IMO, if it's good, then it's good. If FFXV turns out to be a great game but not a "great FF game", I won't give a damn.

Same. For better or worse, I'm going to be judging it as a standalone title that I paid $60 for, like any other game.
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