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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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『Inaba Resident』;225312979 said:
Locations not getting any more fantastical than Altissia is extremely disappointing to hear. I've been pretty excited to play this game for a long time but some of the recent impressions have me doubting if I should even pick this up now.

What about that place from the world of wonder footage video from 1m40?



Question for those who finished the game or have seen all of its open world :

How big and varied is the world compared to Xenoblade and Xenoblade X ?


that puzzling face
I think you'll be interested in knowing then that
I've seen a dude doing an end game hunt on easy, and he was getting his ass kicked and ended up giving up exactly because he didn't learn some of the fancy stuff that would really make his life easier. Air combat and using warps and moves with a bunch of iframes seemed fundamental for that fight. The ascension grid even has an unlockable skill that recovers MP with aerial hits. I don't expect any of the main campaign to require it, but it's definitely not just to look fancy, it's really effective. Even in the Judgment Demo you can see this by comparing how long it took people who just played it as hold O and press Square occasionally to kill the Bandersnatch, and then looking at "Killing Bandersnatch in 2 minutes" videos, and how they use all of the mechanics, including party related ones, all the time.


Awful stream quality aside, regarding combat and how specific things can get, here is a stream of someone fighting
shown at G-STAR Korea a few days back. It's from an official FFXV promotional event, no story, just that fight.

The player here obviously knows what he's doing, and is using daggers/javelin/thrown vs an aerial enemy. Also a good grasp on warping for bonus damage and knowing when/how to manage MP.
I'm glad the game leaked and the story impressions are coming through now, because I had previously lowered my expectations for what I wanted out of the story and even those expectations are beginning to seem a little high now.

I guess we're getting a game that is mostly just adventuring while moving towards a latter half where the heroes take a more active role, if I'm to go by the various impressions that have been given. It'll be interesting to see how it compares to Type 0. I expect better writing for the characters, at least.

(I enjoyed Type 0).


Considering my main worry about the game was the story, some of these impressions aren't really good to see. Man, I just hope it's better than the abomination of a story that was in Type-0. At least the characters sound good which sounds leagues better than Type-0.


I expected to see a lot more focused on group cutscenes. Since they are just four guys, they should have developed their relationship a lot better, with a lot more cutscenes. In FF XV most of the characters interactions are just dialogue during the car travel.

Don't like that one bit.
Just caught up on all the impressions.

I'm still psyched!

But it does indeed sound like the game could be polarizing. Solid in many ways w/ maybe flashes of greatness, but not all around stellar in such a way as to quiet the "FF is finished" narrative that emerged during PS3 era.

In some ways, either much worse or much better would be easier on the fan base. Seems we'll have plenty of reason to keep at each others' throats as we wait for 7R =P
I expected to see a lot more focused on group cutscenes. Since they are just four guys, they should have developed their relationship a lot better, with a lot more cutscenes. In FF XV most of the characters interactions are just dialogue during the car travel.

Don't like that one bit.

What difference does it make if they are "cutscenes" versus dialogue throughout the game itself? This seems like a really arbitrary distinction.


- The combat: People are mistakenly leading other people to think that combat is mindless and its easy to win any battle. They are wrong. The combat is pretty good and has some great depth to it. Encounters get harder later in the game.

- Enemies have become a little more complicated. Hold circle to win no longer applies but it’s still easy.

I'm confuse gaf.. lol
These impressions regarding the story are absolutely horrifying.

No way is this gonna top most FF's bar FFXII for me (which has a similar low focus on story...and even then it sounds that may have a larger volume).

What a disappointment after years of hype and after all those expectations for a well told story.

A lot sounds great but frankly with FF i want my well made dramatic cut scenes as much as good gameplay.

I don't know if im sad or happy im now gonna play the game with some of these preconceived notions :(


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Can anyone who's played the game confirm the language settings? Can you change both text and audio or just audio?


Didn't played Judgment Demo.
My first impressions about combat against the scorpions:

Dinamic seems a little messy, maybe I still have to get used it.

Wait mode it bother me that each time I look to an enemy the mode turn on. Can't activate when you want?


Now that we know that the world doesn't get much more fantastical than we thought, that we know that the world is much smaller than we thought and that single regions are smaller and more constricted too...can we at least expect a graphical boost in these later parts? They don't have to do open-world anymore, they can at least challenge FFXIIIs extreme graphical polish, right? :/



Hello, my name is sappyday. Let me give some context behind who's writing this for anyone that is reading.

I've been active in almost every FFXV thread since I've become a member, and I'm usually one of the few that have remained optimistic and positive throughout them all. I've been waiting for the game since 2008 when I first saw the Versus XIII trailer, everything about the game looked amazing to me back then. I can't lie when I say the game looked appealing more to me back then than now despite me acting like it didn't.

However, till this day I remained positive, although with some worry. I had to lower my expectations before getting it. I'm glad I got it early cause it still feels unreal that I have it (don't feel bad about since I waited 8 years anyway), but it also lets me have a fresh impression before all the reviews or GAF impressions so I purposely didn't read any posts in this thread. Getting it early gave me a clearer mind going in.

Current Playtime: 6:43

Chapter 1 Completed.

The Bad
  • I want to get the bad stuff out of the way first. This is only the first chapter so it won't be much since everyone who's been following closely already know pretty much everything that happens in this chapter.
  • First off, the tutorial is fucking boring ass hell and should not exist in that form. It takes way too long to learn everything when it's pretty much repeated to you anyways in the game. Skip It.
  • Chapter 0 is still handled poorly. You get no real proper introduction to these characters. Think of how we first meet Cloud, or Tidus. If you do the tutorial then your first introduction is literally in a boring room with a talking animal. If it's Chapter 0 then it's
    getting a glimpse into Noctis in the future, but to any newcomer they won't know it's the future and they won't know where they are and they won't know our main character's name (the crew decides to fix this by spelling it out to you which is again poorly done).
    The CG scene afterwards is also poorly done. It's too short and rushed. To give you a better idea how it should have been done
    We should have seen Noct with his friends before Regis sets them off. Noctis talks about he really feels and the scene in the CG plays out.
    A lot of this in the end doesn't bother me cause I've known these characters for years now, but I feel like the development team were making that scene as if I was the average player. As if they think everyone already knows who these characters are.
  • Noctis so far is boring. He either answers everything with a question, repeating the same thing the person told them, or just "Yeah."When the actual story beat comes at the end he shines a little better.
  • Some cutscenes are directed poorly. It's something that is very apparent if you've played XIII or even played a huge dynamic open world like The Witcher 3. However, most of them so far have been just you talking to NPCs so worries yet.
  • Sometimes the framerate can get distracting. There are some ugly ass textures too. Also I've experienced some audio bugs such as the music in Hammerhead not playing or some annoying sounds that repeats when I'm exploring.
  • The treasures in this game feel pointless. Shiny objects on the ground with some that randomly spawn. I gave it a pass in Episode Duscae cause I thought they didn't have to model an actual object but that shouldn't be the case here.
  • Camera is absolute shit. Day 1 patch does not help.

The Good
  • The overall world and vibe is great to me so far. The relationship with these bros feels real.
  • I like Leide as an environment. It's barren and desolate on purpose I feel. It has history and you can tell it's an area affected heavily by the war. I like that everyone has the Southern accent there so it's not just Cindy. There are some nice little spots even though some don't have anything exciting. The outposts feel homely too. Galdin is just chill.
  • Enemy design is great.
  • The graphics are beautiful in general. There are some breathtaking moments.
  • The hunts are fun to do.
  • There is a lot to do especially if you just enjoy walking around and seeing the sights. I mean just look, it took me 6 hours to beat Chapter 1 and that's with me not doing every side quest or even going into the dungeons.
  • The car customization is cool and I enjoy just having Ignis driving me around.
  • The camp mechanic is great. I do it every night cause it feels like an event. Then seeing Prompto's photos make it all come together.
  • Speaking of which, Prompto's photos are the best.
  • The ascension grid actually feels like you're getting something out of it.
  • The music is best of the year. Not up there with Yoko's KH music but it could get there.

The So-So
  • Combat. Combat. Combat. There are times where I feel like I got the handle of it. And there are times where I just scramble to finish the fight. When you're doing good you feel like a badass, but when you're not it's just a chaos on screen. I definitely feel like it'll lean more to the good by the end though. However, anything that are just sponges won't be fun.
  • The voice acting. Sometimes it's good and natural, but sometimes it's stilted. There would be times I can't even tell who's talking. The weakest links are Noct and Gladio, everyone else does a good job.
  • The side quests are boring so far. Go collect this or go collect that. Hopefully they get better. I ain't expecting TW3 levels but some story behind them would be nice.

Alright that's it. Tomorrow I'll play a lot more and be in a more fresh area. The fact that I still had fun with Chapter 1 despite its flaws and despite me knowing everything that happens in it made me glad. Hopefully I enjoy the later chapters more.


Sappyday, if you're playing the US version of the game, could you answer my question from a few pages ago?
I didn't read through the whole thread, since I'm a bit afraid of spoilers, but hopefully someone can answer my question from the previous thread.

To those with the US version of the game - what text and audio languages are available in the language selection menu?



Hello, my name is sappyday. Let me give some context behind who's writing this for anyone that is reading.

I've been active in almost every FFXV thread since I've become a member, and I'm usually one of the few that have remained optimistic and positive throughout them all. I've been waiting for the game since 2008 when I first saw the Versus XIII trailer, everything about the game looked amazing to me back then. I can't lie when I say the game looked appealing more to me back then than now despite me acting like it didn't.

However, till this day I remained positive, although with some worry. I had to lower my expectations before getting it. I'm glad I got it early cause it still feels unreal that I have it (don't feel bad about since I waited 8 years anyway), but it also lets me have a fresh impression before all the reviews or GAF impressions so I purposely didn't read any posts in this thread. Getting it early gave me a clearer mind going in.

Current Playtime: 6:43

Chapter 1 Completed.

The Bad
  • I want to get the bad stuff out of the way first. This is only the first chapter so it won't be much since everyone who's been following closely already know pretty much everything that happens in this chapter.
  • First off, the tutorial is fucking boring ass hell and should not exist in that form. It takes way too long to learn everything when it's pretty much repeated to you anyways in the game. Skip It.
  • Chapter 0 is still handled poorly. You get no real proper introduction to these characters. Think of how we first meet Cloud, or Tidus. If you do the tutorial then your first introduction is literally in a boring room with a talking animal. If it's Chapter 0 then it's
    getting a glimpse into Noctis in the future, but to any newcomer they won't know it's the future and they won't know where they are and they won't know our main character's name (the crew decides to fix this by spelling it out to you which is again poorly done).
    The CG scene afterwards is also poorly done. It's too short and rushed. To give you a better idea how it should have been done
    We should have seen Noct with his friends before Regis sets them off. Noctis talks about he really feels and the scene in the CG plays out.
    A lot of this in the end doesn't bother me cause I've known these characters for years now, but I feel like the development team were making that scene as if I was the average player. As if they think everyone already knows who these characters are.
  • Noctis so far is boring. He either answers everything with a question, repeating the same thing the person told them, or just "Yeah."When the actual story beat comes at the end he shines a little better.
  • Some cutscenes are directed poorly. It's something that is very apparent if you've played XIII or even played a huge dynamic open world like The Witcher 3. However, most of them so far have been just you talking to NPCs so worries yet.
  • Sometimes the framerate can get distracting. There are some ugly ass textures too. Also I've experienced some audio bugs such as the music in Hammerhead not playing or some annoying sounds that repeats when I'm exploring.
  • The treasures in this game feel pointless. Shiny objects on the ground with some that randomly spawn. I gave it a pass in Episode Duscae cause I thought they didn't have to model an actual object but that shouldn't be the case here.
  • Camera is absolute shit. Day 1 patch does not help.

The Good
  • The overall world and vibe is great to me so far. The relationship with these bros feels real.
  • I like Leide as an environment. It's barren and desolate on purpose I feel. It has history and you can tell it's an area affected heavily by the war. I like that everyone has the Southern accent there so it's not just Cindy. There are some nice little spots even though some don't have anything exciting. The outposts feel homely too. Galdin is just chill.
  • Enemy design is great.
  • The graphics are beautiful in general. There are some breathtaking moments.
  • The hunts are fun to do.
  • There is a lot to do especially if you just enjoy walking around and seeing the sights. I mean just look, it took me 6 hours to beat Chapter 1 and that's with me not doing every side quest or even going into the dungeons.
  • The car customization is cool and I enjoy just having Ignis driving me around.
  • The camp mechanic is great. I do it every night cause it feels like an event. Then seeing Prompto's photos make it all come together.
  • Speaking of which, Prompto's photos are the best.
  • The ascension grid actually feels like you're getting something out of it.
  • The music is best of the year. Not up there with Yoko's KH music but it could get there.

The So-So
  • Combat. Combat. Combat. There are times where I feel like I got the handle of it. And there are times where I just scramble to finish the fight. When you're doing good you feel like a badass, but when you're not it's just a chaos on screen. I definitely feel like it'll lean more to the good by the end though. However, anything that are just sponges won't be fun.
  • The voice acting. Sometimes it's good and natural, but sometimes it's stilted. There would be times I can't even tell who's talking. The weakest links are Noct and Gladio, everyone else does a good job.
  • The side quests are boring so far. Go collect this or go collect that. Hopefully they get better. I ain't expecting TW3 levels but some story behind them would be nice.

Alright that's it. Tomorrow I'll play a lot more and be in a more fresh area. The fact that I still had fun with Chapter 1 despite its flaws and despite me knowing everything that happens in it made me glad. Hopefully I enjoy the later chapters more.

Thanks for your impressions. I think you helped me make up my mind. I'm skipping this game. I'll wait for it to drop price and get multiple patches before trying it out. 2017 it is.


Thank you everyone who has done your impressions - i really think this is a game i want to buy still and will be purchasing as long as the metacritic doesnt bomb to like 60 on the first day.

Are there any impressions from people who didn't already know a lot about the games story? i have not been reading up at all on the game and i don't want to end up not understanding what is going on. Does the story explain itself properly without assuming you know the characters?



Awful stream quality aside, regarding combat and how specific things can get, here is a stream of someone fighting
shown at G-STAR Korea a few days back. It's from an official FFXV promotional event, no story, just that fight.

The player here obviously knows what he's doing, and is using daggers/javelin/thrown vs an aerial enemy. Also a good grasp on warping for bonus damage and knowing when/how to manage MP.

He's using square to attack though, so clearly has no idea what he's doing.


Thanks for all the impressions guys, my digital copy is pre-installed on my XB1 and I'm still hyped for day one. My expectations have been lowered a bit but still very much looking forward to the game, I plan to every side quest and really explore around.


Sappyday, if you're playing the US version of the game, could you answer my question from a few pages ago?


Latin American Spanish
Brazilian Portuguese



Latin American Spanish
Brazilian Portuguese
So the same as in the European/Peruvian (?) version? Awesome, thank you.


The impressions are good but I thought they would be better so I'll lower my meta prediction to 81-84. Oh boy.

I'm expecting it to score in the yellow range.

But you have to balee.

It's fun now to go back and compare Verendus's impressions posts to the ones that have actually played the game.

It was the vagueness of his account, despite being pretty long, that made me suspicious. I don't think much of what he said contradicts much of what people say here at all, but that is because the game has had a lot of exposure and everything he said could already be inferred by anybody who has been keeping up with it.


It was the vagueness of his account, despite being pretty long, that made me suspicious. I don't think much of what he said contradicts much of what people say here at all, but that is because the game has had a lot of exposure and everything he said could already be inferred by anybody who has been keeping up with it.
Next week I'll do a post pointing out all the incorrect parts, assuming people still care.
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