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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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Thanks a bunch for these answers guys. They kinda deflate my hype considerably though. :(

I am sure I am perhaps exaggerating, but the map comments, the linear part comments kinda put me off. I had a completely different game in my mind. I dont even know if it feels like a roadtrip anymore.

One final question. If you remember the Environment Video, it featured a lot of locations. Are those in game or are some of them removed as well from the final game?

They're all in. One of them isn't exploreable though.
I have a question regarding spells. I know we can craft Thunder, Blizzard, Fire and it's variations, but what about Haste, Shell, protect and etc? Are these magics in the game?


Finishing the Game in 25 Hours is quite bothersome. I know, that with side stuff you can go up to 100 hours, but still 25 hours does Not seem much..


Thanks to the people writing impressions and me not seeing any spoilers here.
Took a bit of a risk coming here, sadly I was concerned about the story and it seems my concerns may be right..., which I have to question, why did they decide to make a movie out of FFXV, when FFXV itself didn't have enough story. (I know it was to save time/money, but still).
I'll have to wait and see how I feel about it when I can finally get my hands on it, but it does seem to be becoming a shared opinion the story didn't quite meet expectations. Other than that, I think I am really going to enjoy the game, even if only for gameplay, and I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy seeing all the characters.


Off topic, but I actually did this in 13-2, taped the analog stick to keep going in a circle and a special controller to keep attacking.
Left the console on for weeks and then progressed through the game for the story.
It was fun breaking a game like that.

LMFAO. Made my day.
After ten years, it's finally time. I'm actually about to start Final Fantasy XV. It's so exciting and bizarre at the same time, I love it!

Patch 1.01 has been downloaded and installed on my PS4 Pro. I am SO ready for this, you guys.

Here we go!

Please be as great as I think you're going to be, FFXV. I BALEE.

I remember the days when RPGs used to have several cities and towns - 2 or 3 large ones, 3 or 4 smaller-sized, average ones and then a handful of small settlements. Do we really have to wait for all of Final Fantasy XV's DLC to experience the full breadth of the game world we've been waiting over 10 years to get?

They're not going to be added in DLC's, they simply didn't have the time and resources to finish them. I can't think of a single game that's re-added cut major locations, it's not going to happen
Locations not getting any more fantastical than Altissia is extremely disappointing to hear. I've been pretty excited to play this game for a long time but some of the recent impressions have me doubting if I should even pick this up now.


that puzzling face
Finishing the Game in 25 Hours is quite bothersome. I know, that with side stuff you can go up to 100 hours, but still 25 hours does Not seem much..

For reference, FF9 expects you to finish the game under 12 hours for Excalibur 2.

Granted, FF9 had completely skippable dialogue boxes as opposed to fully VA'd cutscenes you'd most likely want to view on a first playthrough.

I'm gonna fast travel everywhere then.

i take my post back


I feel like i've been reading too many impressions and posts here on Gaf and my impressions of the game are being conditioned by this even before i even start it.
I am now super anxious about the later part of the game, after a point where i was sure it still left some freedom to explore, also the lack of crazy landscapes is super disappointing :(


How much space does this game need?.. I had 60 GB free space but it said it needed more. I thought it was 45 gb.


I thoroughly enjoyed this game, more than any other game this year for sure. It's a unique game, much different than anything in the market, which I really appreciate. It has many great, memorable moments that reminded me of why I loved FF in the first place. However, I think the opinions on it will be very polarizing, mostly due to how uneven it is and how the 10 years development hell is apparent on it.

  • I loved the battle system. It's a different take on RPG battle systems, that values positioning and strategy, and combine it with action elements like timing and execution skills in a very engaging combat. I think many people will dislike it, due to the fact that it's not a 100% Action RPG, but looks like a one. I personally loved it, and enjoyed the high learning curve it needs to master it, regardless of how - sadly - easy the main story is.
  • Loved how every royal arm has it's different animations, attributes, and warp strikes. They add so much needed variety to the combat.
  • Magic crafting is an interesting system. There's a lot of options to craft, including stop, venom, heal, etc. Sadly, I don't the system works well with the fluid flow of the combat, but I found it to be a good battle starter against bosses.
  • Enjoyed the ring magic. Can't say more about it due to spoilers, but there's more to it than the death spell, and it got really flashy effects.
  • Sadly, side quests are very xenoblade-y. However, there's much good side content in the game, in the form of Niffelhim basses to infiltrate, super bosses hunts to take, and optional dungeons to explore.
  • Sadly, side quests are very xenoblade-y. However, there's much good side content in the game, in the form of Niffelhim basses to infiltrate, super bosses hunts to take, and optional dungeons to explore.
  • You've already seen most of the open-world part in the promotional material, sorry guys.
  • The art direction, music, and monster gallery were all excellent, but most of you already know that.
  • I think I overall prefer the linear part over the open world part, but I expect this to be an unpopular opinion. The linear part, for those who asked about how linear is it, consists of large dungeons mixed with crazy set pieces. One of those dungeons I absolute adored, and the setpieces I found very impressive for an open world game, and surely very memorable. Loved each one of them. I have to say though that most people who watched the set-pieces in the spoiler thread thought they sucked, so maybe I just have a bad taste, or maybe they're just much better if you're the one playing!
  • The story is a hot mess. Can't talk about it without going into spoiler territory, but the rewritings are very apparent here, and the first 8 chapters have basically no story. Story and its presentations are the weakest links in the game, and its major problems.
  • That said, it had it's moments that I adored. Highlight was the last chapter, which I thought was truly perfect, including the ending that I consider as one of my absolute favorite endings in the series. I also thought the villain was overall pretty good, with some issues that I'll detail when the game is out.
  • That said, it had it's moments that I adored. Highlight was the last chapter, which I thought was truly perfect, including the ending that I consider as one of my absolute favorite endings in the series. I also thought the villain was overall pretty good, with some issues that I'll detail when the game is out.

Please keep in mind that I'm a person who waited 10 years for this game. It was part of my childhood, teenage years, and adulthood. I was - and still - very emotionally invested in it. I don't know if that makes me more forgiving, or more critical, but I tried to be objective as much as I can writing this post.

Final Fantasy XV is more than the sum of its parts, and I loved it for that.

It's not exactly the return to form that people hoped for, but it certainly a huge step in the right direction, and I absolutely can't wait to play Tabata's next big game, where he hopefully won't have to deal with someone else baggage and development mess.

I hope you all enjoy Final Fantasy XV as much as I did and more.

  • Can't believe that I forgot to talk about the party! I know they're controversial, but I loved them! One of my favorite parties in the series, and a return to form after disliking XIII and XII parties. Friendship is a recurring theme in most JRPGS, but this the first time it was done that well imo. While not terribly interesting individuals, XV's party works great as team, and they have on of the realest chemistry I experienced in any game.

Your impression is actually great because you are one of the people who waited a large part of their life on it. Based on this i will get the game heck some of the older Zelda games have nearly no story i would be a hypocrite if i just ditch it for that alone. Because everything else sounds good to me.

And i rather have a great ending look at MGS V... Yeah. It can't be worse then that right😂



Appreciate the answer. This was pretty much my impression too from the JD. It seems like Noctis doesn't have much in the way of options to break up and diversify the normal gameplay loop which consists of attacking, warping and dodging almost exclusively. What you're saying about making it look fancy really resonates with me in particular. Most of the acrobatics I see in gifs and whatnot are of very little benefit to the player, and in reality the player would have been just as effective (if not more) by sticking to one weapon the enemy is weak against and staying planted on the ground. The praise is puzzling, but I'm glad people are having a good time for sure.

I think you'll be interested in knowing then that
I've seen a dude doing an end game hunt on easy, and he was getting his ass kicked and ended up giving up exactly because he didn't learn some of the fancy stuff that would really make his life easier. Air combat and using warps and moves with a bunch of iframes seemed fundamental for that fight. The ascension grid even has an unlockable skill that recovers MP with aerial hits. I don't expect any of the main campaign to require it, but it's definitely not just to look fancy, it's really effective. Even in the Judgment Demo you can see this by comparing how long it took people who just played it as hold O and press Square occasionally to kill the Bandersnatch, and then looking at "Killing Bandersnatch in 2 minutes" videos, and how they use all of the mechanics, including party related ones, all the time.

So I played the game for around 12h. Reached Level 22 for my characters.

- I will never understand them assigning X as the jump button AND the action button. Whenever I try to open a door or pick up an item I end up jumping. Its a nitpick but pretty annoying after 10h of gameplay lol.

This looked so annoying on streams... They really didn't put much consideration into western button configurations, I guess. In the japanese version, you probably interact with O, right? That should already solve the issue.

I guess the dev team never tried playing it in english for long periods of time.

You have to actually always press the sprint to run and wait between stamina refreshes. Ugh.

Release the sprint button when the stamina is about to deplete.

This is XIII-2, the game that actually made the nonsensical complaints about XIII's combat true. There's no reason to use buffs or debuffs in that game until, like, the final boss.

XIII-2 was a mistake, it's nothing but trash.


Disappointing about the lack of story in the first half, but happy about being able to explore, and then the second half having the story get serious. I am glad the game ends on a high note, I feel that will be important.

I will probably not be able to play until much after the release date, so enjoy everyone. I'll probably go on blackout after the review thread.
I'm actually really glad about a reversal MGS V situation. And I mean, I'm sure even with the first half lack of story it will still be better than the MGS V second half because at least the characters will actually talk unlike Snake.
Copy-pasta impressions from a guy from PlayStation Philippines FB group

Final Fantasy XV Early Impressions (No Spoilers)
Summary: I hate to say it but, FFXV isn't showing any signs of greatness. I suggest wait for professional reviews before buying.
I'm lucky enough to get an early copy so I'm sharing this to everyone eagerly anticipating FFXV. I've played the first five hours and I skipped the tutorial so I think that's enough to make some impressions about the game.

Just to add on Ultros's post. The same guy updated his impressions. His impressions seems to lean more positive after playing a few hours.

Progress: Chapter 5, 10 hours of game time
Summary: FFXV is good enough to buy day 1 for avid Final Fantasy fans. For first timers, I think there are much better open-world action RPGs out there.
Here’s what I think about the story, gameplay etc. so far.
- Again, the main overarching story of FFXV is great.
- Storytelling just plain sucks. There’s little connection between what the boy band is doing and the game’s main plot. There’s a big conflict going on and the guys are just happily driving around with seemingly no clear idea of where to go. You will understand this when you’re playing it yourself.
- Several guys are telling me to watch the prequel movie and the anime so I can appreciate the story more and I respect that. But I stand by my opinion that games should tell a complete story on its own. People complain about publishers cutting out some content from a game for paid DLC. This is kind of the same thing. The anime is free I know but the movie isn’t. And those aren't games.
- A lot of relevant characters are being shown but most of them are introduced poorly, if not at all. Even the main villain of the game wasn’t even worth noting.
- I am enjoying the combat now, specifically in the open world. Noctis has got weapons that add a lot of variety to it.
- Enemies have become a little more complicated. Hold circle to win no longer applies but it’s still easy.
- Camera is not improving. Even when I’m locked on a target, the camera just insists on spinning around sometimes, especially in tight spaces.
- I find that the Leveling/Progression/Skill system does not matter a lot, at least not yet. Most of the skills are passive and I don’t feel like they’re affecting the gameplay.
- Same for equipments. I haven’t bought or changed anything since I started.
- Fast Travel is very convenient since you can FT to places you’ve been to wherever you are in the map. Unlike Dark Souls where campfires are the Fast Travel points for example.
- Riding Chocobos is amazing.
- Hunts is going to be the best thing about the game, I think. It’s like the bounty hunts in FFXII.
Graphics and Music
- I can’t believe how good the graphics of this game is. It’s not photo realistic but it’s really good for an open world game this size.
- Some frame rate dips in populated areas but there’s nothing to worry about.
- The music is like a mix of P4 and FFVIII’s OST. Specifically in the menu and while walking in cities.
I’m starting to feel the game now. The combat has got its hooks on me. But I really have problems with the way the story is told. It's still early in the game so I hope it improves.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Really can't wait anymore... Sometimes hate living in Sweden.
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