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Final Fantasy XV - Review Thread [Second wave of reviews coming in]


Add a 6 from Edge to OpenCritic and the average will drop 2 point or more... Metacritic will drop 3 points or more because Edge has more weigh but both will be close to each other.

It is math.

MC ~ 84 * 32 ~ 2688
Add Edge 6 ~ 2694 / 33 ~ 81.63
Put the Edge weigh in place and you will have < 81 metascore

My math issue is that I don't have the real average (84 is rounded and it can be 83.6 to 84.4) and depending that the meta can go to 80 or 82 with a 6. The second issue is that I'm using the same weight 1 to all publications because ai don't know the real weight so it can go down more than I actually examplified with a Edge 6.

Edge 6 will indeed drop the metascore from 84 to something between 80 and 82.

OpenCritic didn't have weight but a 6 will drop at least 2 points too... 3 if the average is 84.6 instead 85.4... so a 6 will put OC between 82 and 83.

But thing about that... a 6 is about 2.5 points below 8.4/8.5... of course it will strong affect the average with or without weight.

Edit - The same is true about a 10 from Edge but instead downgrade it will upgrade the score in the same proportion than a 6.

6 from edge will be counted as 60 in metacritic.
MC ~ 84 * 32 ~ 2688
Add Edge 60 ~ 2748 / 33 ~ 83.27
I was thinking last week, "this game is a solid 9, unless something goes horribly wrong later in the story". Welp, something went horribly wrong and I understand and agree with the mid to high 8's. The lows of this game are LOW but the highs are some of the highest the series have ever seen.

It's a great foundation for what future FFs may be like and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.



It's true though. Feel free to provide a better alternative.


Why is 8/10 suddenly bad?

It has, so far, 31 positive critic reviews, one mixed, and it's being touted as a failure?

Can't say I understand really.

Looks like it's doing fine to me, especially given it's rocky history, surely no one expected it to attain universal acclaim.

Because people are used to 8/10 being "meh" or "okay". Scores have shifted down significantly in this generation, which is arguably a good thing. Before, people complained the scoring scales were bad because 90% of games fell in 7 - 10, and that reviewers should use a wider range. Now they did so, and everyone complains when their favorite game doesn't get above an 8.5

This is actually moving closer in-line with other media reviews. If you look at movies, anything about a 60 is a good film. Disney's latest, Moana, has an 81, which MC considers "Universal Acclaim".
6 from edge will be counted as 60 in metacritic.
MC ~ 84 * 32 ~ 2688
Add Edge 60 ~ 2748 / 33 ~ 83.27
You are dam right.

81 to 83 depending of the round plus weight (the wrong math was 80 to 82).

Sorry about the mistake.

Seriously guys what in the fuck are you even doing

It's true though. Feel free to provide a better alternative.

The better alternative is to stop pretending you can measure the quality of art objectively.
When will people realise that these days, 90+ Metascores are generally reserved for games that are considered to be absolute masterpieces. It's okay if FF doesn't reach that height. The biggest fear was that the game would end up being complete garbage. That didn't happen and it's ended up being, at the very least, a good videogame in the eyes of many.


May I remind the Final Fantasy 8 haters that it has a 90 on Metacritic which is the equivalent of an A+?

Review scores-- which are attached to opinions-- haven't meant shit to me since then when it comes to Final Fantasy. All of the high review scores in the world mean jack when I play well-reviewed games and wind up loathing them (FFVIII, FFXII, FFXIII). After XIII, I finally learned my lesson and stopped donating my money to the series; I haven't at all liked the battle systems and since X and the stories/characters haven't been even remotely appealing.

Cite review scores all you want to justify your love of a game, but that's never going to change the fact that some people are still going to wind up hating said game.
Seriously guys what in the fuck are you even doing

The better alternative is to stop pretending you can measure the quality of art objectively.

Same thing they did when folk tried to measure how many 10s Uncharted 4 would need to get to 94.

Expect sad spectacles like this to continue with The Last Guardian


Review scores-- which are attached to opinions-- haven't meant shit to me since then when it comes to Final Fantasy. All of the high review scores in the world mean jack when I play well-reviewed games and wind up loathing them (FFVIII, FFXII, FFXIII). After XIII, I finally learned my lesson and stopped donating my money to the series; I haven't at all liked the battle systems and since X and the stories/characters haven't been even remotely appealing.

Cite review scores all you want to justify your love of a game, but that's never going to change the fact that some people are still going to wind up hating said game.
It's a strange thread for you to be in then...


This game wasn't in development for ten years. It feels like they took assets of a cancelled game and pieced them together into something completely new. It's actually amazing they pulled it off.

I think of it this way. Versus 13 was cancelled and the director was tasked with making 15 while using as many of the assets from the failed versus 13 as possible.
I know it wasn't. That's why I said I'm not talking about the review score, because that's a different set of standards from studying for a test.

If you were studying for 4 years and still got an 84? Even without being Asian that's still a bit of a failure.


There's a reason impressions based on one hour of gameplay don't get scored and end up on Metacritic!

Still valid thoughts, though. Twitter is great for them.
I know it wasn't. That's why I said I'm not talking about the review score, because that's a different set of standards from studying for a test.
If you were studying for 4 years and still got an 84? Even without being Asian that's still a bit of a failure.
We comparing tests to games now?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Get over yourself.

What's to get over? Some people find his schtick entertaining, to me he's just another mediocre "personality journalist" that the UK scene has had far too many of since Stu Campbell made his name (and a certain degree of infamy) in the early 90's.

Newsflash, I've got exactly the same right to express my opinion of his output as he has to express his over the stuff he writes about.

Why are you so defensive about this non-entity anyway?
What's to get over? Some people find his schtick entertaining, to me he's just another mediocre "personality journalist" that the UK scene has had far too many of since Stu Campbell made his name (and a certain degree of infamy) in the early 90's.

Newsflash, I've got exactly the same right to express my opinion of his output as he has to express his over the stuff he writes about.

Why are you so defensive about this non-entity anyway?

What Bernardo said.

He said something bad about the game he likes, so it's time to ad hominem over and over again. Happens in every single review thread when a reviewer has different opinions.

Get over yourself. You won't like everyone ever. Be a grown-up about it.
FF standards from the past and current two generations.


FFXIII-2 is by FAR superior to FFXIII, but I digress.

I don't get the gaming community's obsession with metacritic. I've never heard of this website outside of gaming forums. Who gives a shit what number it gets? The reviews themselves are more important.


FFXIII-2 is by FAR superior to FFXIII, but I digress.

I don't get the gaming community's obsession with metacritic. I've never heard of this website outside of gaming forums. Who gives a shit what number it gets? The reviews themselves are more important.

In gameplay, yes. But I will never forgive Square for ruining what I thought was a great story and great ending for FF13.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Get over yourself. You won't like everyone ever. Be a grown-up about it.


Look its not like I've ever had a good word to say about the guy, and am so mortally offended by his comments on FF particularly that I felt the need to slate him!

Someone asked who this guy is (not unreasonable, as he's kind little-league by any standards) and I just gave my opinion.

You are the one resorting to ad-hominem attacks on me because I had the nerve to give my honest opinion about who Matt Lees is. Hilarious.


How spoilery is the Easy Allies review?

Edit: I'm already playing the game, so I'm just gonna listen to it and not watch.

Look its not like I've ever had a good word to say about the guy, and am so mortally offended by his comments on FF particularly that I felt the need to slate him!

Someone asked who this guy is (not unreasonable, as he's kind little-league by any standards) and I just gave my opinion.

You are the one resorting to ad-hominem attacks on me because I had the nerve to give my honest opinion about who Matt Lees is. Hilarious.

He's a journo who acts like a more sweary version of a children's TV presenter is his online videos. Some find him amusing I guess.

If you think you're being anything besides just petty, I don't know what to tell you.
Standards have changed in reviews, you can't really compare this 84 from now to say a 90 in the PS2 era or even the PS3 era. Compare this games score to games of this generation.
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