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Final Fantasy XV - Review Thread [Second wave of reviews coming in]


It doesn't seem like everyone hates this game, so i don't agree with your view, but the controversy about review scores and such make no real sense to me either in a positive or negative sense about the game.

It seems like it landed just about right on the scale. There are tons of fun things to do in the game, but depending on what you play FF for, you may either come down more positive or more negative.
I'm not saying everyone hates this game. But the ones that do (and not all that do), are the ones that are making the XIII comparisons of "So close to XIII scores. Ouch. Game is bad"


FF standards from the past and current two generations.


ARR should be higher...others seem to be pretty fair.

For what I played, XV feels pretty on par with XIII - meaning there are wow moments (graphics, music, animation and chocobos) but some bad design choices are very hard to ignore.

So the 84 score for XV is very accurate to me.
I've been avoiding most of the lead-up to FF:XV but I just saw that its only 20ish hours long? That is a huge positive for me. I will definitely check this game out in the future.


Gold Member
I'm not all that far, but the game is solid in my book. Too early to tell where it will fall in the pecking order of all FF's.

Don't understand the backlash of FFXIV..that game absolutely scratches the itch of a single player FF without ever touching the true end game.

Enjoyed my time with it as a single player experience and put it in the top half of FF's as well.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Having a dark character counterpart who actually did terrible things (as opposed to looking/talking "edgy") was a nice touch. That story really was the height of that series.

The story wasn't all that important at all in TOV it was actually barely there, just Yuri as a character specifically was interesting

I'm not saying everyone hates this game. But the ones that do (and not all that do), are the ones that are making the XIII comparisons of "So close to XIII scores. Ouch. Game is bad"

I'm sure there is plenty of concern trolling to go around sure, but there's also a lot of saltyness about the game not being a masterpiece 90+. Both sides kind of blend into each other IMO


I'm not all that far, but the game is solid in my book. Too early to tell where it will fall in the pecking order of all FF's.

Don't understand the backlash of FFXIV..that game absolutely scratches the itch of a single player FF without ever touching the true end game.

Enjoyed my time with it as a single player experience and put it in the top half of FF's as well.

Both vanilla and Heavensward stories are among the best of FF narratives. People dismiss XIV because it's an MMO, they miss that it can easily be played as a single player RPG.
ARR should be higher...others seem to be pretty fair.

For what I played, XV feels pretty on par with XIII - meaning there are some wow moments but some bad design choices are very hard to ignore.

So the 84 score for XV is very accurate to me.
I don't mean to be nitpicking but this score for ARR seems accurate to me considering how they improved it with patches.


I'm not saying everyone hates this game. But the ones that do (and not all that do), are the ones that are making the XIII comparisons of "So close to XIII scores. Ouch. Game is bad"

What should be more concerning is that a lot of reviews that gave it high scores also tore into it a bit. Release hype will die, but flaws will remain and only become more observed with months or years of reflection, which is basically what happened with FFXIII. Then again, who knows what update support will be like.

Both vanilla and Heavensward stories are among the best of FF narratives. People dismiss XIV because it's an MMO, they miss that it can easily be played as a single player RPG.

HW may be another story, but ARR is 80 to 90% filler (the inverse of this is the amount of time spent developing the villains and motivations) that's more interested in getting you leveled up to 50 than being a concise experience. Its solo content could be described as brain-dead before considering any sort of power-creep since release. Making stews and fixing pottery in the form of incredibly generic MMORPG quests is the norm. What we would consider irredeemably bad side-quests in a single-player game is built straight into the narrative. The dungeons are interesting enough as multiplayer content, but important story beats pop up only once in awhile and the actual world-shaking stuff only happens in the build up to the last two dungeons at level 50 and after the "credits" where there is then several hours of content aimed for level 50 that came out between the expansions. If we consider that stuff ace, it's still dozens of hours until you can reach it and then after doing that (pile on some more hours), you can finally access Heavensward. Imagine if a single-player Final Fantasy was like this. (XIV being an MMO should not be overlooked, especially how it chooses to blend MMO and traditional aspects - for example, predecessor FFXI had story content and level progression completely separate.)


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
What should be more concerning is that a lot of reviews that gave it high scores also tore into it a bit. Release hype will die, but flaws will remain and only become more observed with months or years of reflection, which is basically what happened with FFXIII. Then again, who knows what update support will be like.

I think that's just because a lot of reviewers felt like the stronger parts of the game outshined weaker parts, even though those weaker parts were still there and in abundance.

It will surely be even more divisive down the line in the fandom's eyes as it was before launch, and at launch. But i think that the viewpoint of many reviewers is right as an objective look.


I don't mean to be nitpicking but this score for ARR seems accurate to me considering how they improved it with patches.

that's true. I played 2.0 at launch and it was so much better than 1.x. The contrast might've given me less objective perception.

I would love to jump into later patches if I had the time....
I personally want the XIV:ARR guys work on the next single-player FF. They're so much better at world building and story/writing than the people who made XV it's not even close.

I'd rather the writers and game designers who made Heavensward and are currently working on Stormblood continue to work on XIV expansions and ensure the continued quality of that game going forward, rather than sacrificing XIV for some unknown XVI game.


I personally want the XIV:ARR guys work on the next single-player FF. They're so much better at world building and story/writing than the people who made XV it's not even close.

And yeah, Type-0 was horrible. Can't believe it scored that high.

The original XII team (even without Matsuno) would be great for the next single player entry too.

Type-0 HD wasn't very good. But the original PSP version showed a lot of potential especially considering what they'd accomplished on the hardware.
I gotta ask, but FFXV was made by Bussiness Division 2.

But what is Bussiness division 1, then ? A more important team than the one of FFXV ? and if yes, what are they doing right now ?

Ray Down

I gotta ask, but FFXV was made by Bussiness Division 2.

But what is Bussiness division 1, then ? A more important team than the one of FFXV ? and if yes, what are they doing right now ?

Business Division 1 is mainly Kitase/Toriyama team. People that worked on 13, Mobius FF & doing FF7R now.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony

Wasn't it supposed to be developed by CC2?

Nobody who is working on 13 and mobius is working on this game outside of Nojima. CC2, and a portion of the team previously on Versus and 15 before the exodus are on the game.

Kitase is producer, but he's producer on basically every game. Toriyama is not shown to be anywhere on the title.
FF7R will be fine. Nomura is focusing on FF7R more than KH3.

Nobody who is working on 13 and mobius is working on this game outside of Nojima. CC2, and a portion of the team previously on Versus and 15 before the exodus are on the game.
When is the game out though? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

late 2018 for 'Part 1' is still terrible unless they magically release new part every year after that.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Oh god poor FF7R

I'll say this, if you hated anything from the compilation, don't bother playing FF7R. Cause that was what you were getting from the start :p

Lucky for me i loved most it outside of Dirge of cerberus's horrible gameplay, even a lot of the plot i thought was pretty interesting.


Both vanilla and Heavensward stories are among the best of FF narratives. People dismiss XIV because it's an MMO, they miss that it can easily be played as a single player RPG.

Vanilla XIV story sucks. It's 90% go here and collect bullshit. Heavensward is great.


I'll say this, if you hated anything from the compilation, don't bother playing FF7R. Cause that was what you were getting from the start :p

Lucky for me i loved most it outside of Dirge of cerberus's horrible gameplay, even a lot of the plot i thought was pretty interesting.

I haven't played it in probably like 8 years or something but I love Crisis Core. No idea if it holds up but it's my favorite FF7 thing


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I haven't played it in probably like 8 years or something but I love Crisis Core. No idea if it holds up but it's my favorite FF7 thing

Yeah, i loved Crisis core as well.

Hopefully Ishimoto is on the soundtrack for FF7R, its like a requirement IMO

Them fighting words.

Wait...I just realized Crisis Core was directed by Tabata.

Nomura was creative director and Nojima was script writer for CC let us not forget. It was a trifecta.

Now third birthday was also had a few of those people working on it too including Tabata, so...lol.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Is the combat as simplistic as some reviews are saying? That's really disappointing, if true

In the early hours kind of. You check enemy weaknesses and switch to whatever weapon is strongest against them. Then you just mash out combos by holding down the attack button, fleeting about with different stick directions. If MP is low, retreat to safety briefly. If a QTE occurs try to parry and repeat the above.

Magic resources are slim in the early section so its not very convenient or efficient to bother with using it(or necessary).

I expect as the game progresses things improve. I sound maybe a bit negative, but it actually is somewhat fun given how frenetic it all can feel, but still very repetitive for now. The synapses in my brain that want for more tactical or thoughtful approaches are not being utilized at all. The non-interactive occasional team attacks and linked strikes that occur are impressive to witness and break up the monotony of holding down a single button at least.


What should be more concerning is that a lot of reviews that gave it high scores also tore into it a bit. Release hype will die, but flaws will remain and only become more observed with months or years of reflection, which is basically what happened with FFXIII. Then again, who knows what update support will be like.

I think FFXIII was different. People still loved FF all around. XII soured some people but not the trust as a whole. Reviewers and gamers probably didn't want to admit XIII was simply a bad game. I think the scores would be in the 7s if it wasn't a Final Fantasy game. I personally do not like it and consider it the only numbered FF I'll never play again.

At this point I think FFXV is being treated on almost equal footing to other RPG series. Maybe there is that hope that FF can recover and people WANT it to be good, but the assumption is gone. I've only played 4 hours, but mid 80s seems right. I'm easier to please so it's great so far for me, but I can see why others would rate it lower. Except the story, maybe it goes wrong but in four hours I've seen nothing bad about the story.


Nobody who is working on 13 and mobius is working on this game outside of Nojima. CC2, and a portion of the team previously on Versus and 15 before the exodus are on the game.

Kitase is producer, but he's producer on basically every game. Toriyama is not shown to be anywhere on the title.
We don't know this for sure. No staff have been confirmed outside of Nomura, Kitase and Nojima. It seems likely that at least a decent amount of XIII staff are working on it as Kitase heavily implied to Game Informer back in April that at least the core team of XIII are working on FFVIIR.

Also there's been no confirmation of former Versus staff working on it outside of those three.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
We don't know this for sure. No staff have been confirmed outside of Nomura, Kitase and Nojima. It seems likely that at least a decent amount of XIII staff are working on it as Kitase heavily implied to Game Informer back in April that at least the core team of XIII are working on FFVIIR.

Also there's been no confirmation of former Versus staff working on it outside of those three.

I read the entire interview, but nowhere is it stated that any XIII staff are working on the project, only that now that the focus is off of 13, FF7R can be a focus for the company.

What we do know of is that those 3 primarily compromised the head Versus staff, so i'm still technically correct :p


I read the entire interview, but nowhere is it stated that any XIII staff are working on the project, only that now that the focus is off of 13, FF7R can be a focus for the company.

What we do know of is that those 3 primarily compromised the head Versus staff, so i'm still technically correct :p
Like I said it's heavily implied not outright confirmed, by him referring to "his team" that was busy with the XIII trilogy then separately mentioning Tabata's team and then saying now "we" are able to do it. I'm saying we shouldn't entirely dismiss the possibility of XIII and Mobius staff being on it since it is likely.

And it seemed to me like you were saying other members of the Versus team were on it but whatever lol...


Despite my grievances with the story, there's a lot of these little moments that make me smile. The game has a lot of charm, that's why i'm not willing to say it's bad. I like it, but i'm not sure I love it.


A low 80's is what I've come to expect from the FF series going forward. SE simply haven't been getting it right with the franchise for quite a few years now. A game that took 10 years to make should be nailing it review-wise across the board.


A low 80's is what I've come to expect from the FF series going forward. SE simply haven't been getting it right with the franchise for quite a few years now. A game that took 10 years to make should be nailing it review-wise across the board.

I would expect the opposite. The game didn't have a 10 year development cycle because they had a grand vision that went smoothly the entire time. It's an accomplishment that the game turned out as well as it did. It could have been significantly worse.
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