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Final Fantasy XV - Review Thread [Second wave of reviews coming in]

I guess I just didn't check Twitter yesterday. In any case, my point was that I was discouraged at first and now I'm happy to see that it's doing well in the reviews. I've been away from the series since 12. I didn't really like 13 and was hoping this one would be better.

It is. It's great!

Matt Lees hated Xenoblade Chronicles X and generally dislikes open-world games, so read a couple of reviews (Kotaku's is great) and make up your own mind!


FF standards from the past and current two generations.


A Realm Reborn got fucking robbed here. Massively superior to all the other games in this image.

If you think you're being anything besides just petty, I don't know what to tell you.

I thought it was pretty accurate and fair, and I totally agree with Lees on this game (and XCX) so it's not like I'm biased.
Hm. Uses the version of XIV: AAR with a lower score and leaves off Heavensward.


Misses the point anyways when people talk about "standards" and only serves to highlight what a fall from grace the series has had.
So now you are accusing me of trying to frame a narrative?

Heavensward is an expansion. FFXIV: ARR was originally released on PC and the PS3 version was even lower at 79, but of course, if I wanted to show that it was lower, I could have used the PS3 version ;)

The PS4 version was released an year or so later when they released multiple major patches that added more to the game.

The series has a fall from grace, alright. So did countless others franchise this generation. Gears of War. Halo. Call of Duty. etc. This doesn't apply to a single series.
In gameplay, yes. But I will never forgive Square for ruining what I thought was a great story and great ending for FF13.

The end of FFXIII was fine as is, but I do think that Serah, Noel, Caius and Yuehl are some of the most interesting and well-written characters that Square has created in a long time so to me it was worth it. They're by far more interesting than Sazh, Snow, Vanielle, Cid Raines, Barthandelus...people would argue that Lightning is lame but I like her, and I'd say Fang is perfect.

That game is just a whole lot of fun and really what jRPGs should be about.

I also found
the twist ending of FFXIII-2
to be a great departure for the series, and I enjoyed Lightning Returns.
I'm only 6 hours in and I'm loving it. If anything I wish you had other sources of income. I don't mind the subtle tedium of the side quests, what's starting to get me is the hunting missions. If it wasn't for the game's inherent reward system for traveling by foot I would have ignored the hunting missions completely.

Also, how OP is that food system. Find the right resources and you can boost your Exp by 50%. And that's only in the first few hours.
So now you are accusing me of trying to frame a narrative?

Heavensward is an expansion. FFXIV: ARR was originally released on PC and the PS3 version was even lower at 79, but of course, if I wanted to show that it was lower, I could have used the PS3 version ;)

The PS4 version was released an year or so later when they released multiple major patches that added more to the game.

The series has a fall from grace, alright. So did countless others franchise this generation. Gears of War. Halo. Call of Duty. etc. This doesn't apply to a single series.
Yeah, this seems like a narrative. I'm not sure why we're framing the discussion of a thirty year franchise that was seen as a pillar of the genre in relation to franchises that have been around for 1/3 or 1/2 the time that it has. It's not like this has happened to every multi-generation franchise this gen anyways. Final Fantasy had seen many series wither while it flourished.
FF standards from the past and current two generations.


I don't think we're being fair here.
Not only are two entries HD remakes (and one of those is bundled with X-2, which as much as people defend it I think it was an unnecessary sequel), but MMO's reach a very niche community of gamers and I find it difficult to see how it could reach the same critical appeal as the single-player FF titles.

As for the XIII series? Hot garbage. Fuck it. I only bought those games for a cheap pocket watch and the fact that I can say I physically own every FF title SE released on console.
Geralt is the best character in an RPG since years but he has books detailing his personality, his story, his past, his friends.Cd Projekt just had to take note from books.

Noctis is a typical Jrpg main character. They were never great (expect maybe Terra).

Cloud is a great character that was proceeded to be destroyed by Nomura and company in posterior works.


Finally got to put some time into the game last night. GAF is right in skipping the tutorial will yield a better experience IMHO.
fuck the haters. Frame pacing though noticeable did not happen to the extreme that I'm hearing on this. Like it's there, but only if your actually looking for it. The art direction and scenery makes me ignore it.
Once the game is in motion it's a breadth to withhold. That stand by me intro is fucking ace. The IQ on base PS4 I think is fine, could be better, but art direction makes up for it IMHO.

Also playing original Japanese with English text is the way to go. US voices are inconsistent in quality of acting.
Only played up to Deadeye side mission which I thought was cool. Getting wrecked was actually fun.
Can't wait to get me a god damn Chocobo.

This game gaf has renewed my faith in JRPG's for world building and combat that's satisfying and not mundane like most Western RPG'S. Bring on Neir.
Just my thoughts so far and BTW to op didn't see you update this to 35 critics with a rating of 84.
Feel game deserves a little higher in all honesty just for the feels this game gives.
Yeah, this seems like a narrative. I'm not sure why we're framing the discussion of a thirty year franchise that was seen as a pillar of the genre in relation to franchises that have been around for 1/3 or 1/2 the time that it has. It's not like this has happened to every multi-generation franchise this gen anyways. Final Fantasy had seen many series wither while it flourished.
The last FF that was under development during Sakaguchi-era and reached a meta of 90+ was FFXII.

A franchise that lives so longer is not prone to fall from grace. The key developers that made the franchise in this position in the first place all left Square Enix for the most part.

Yasumi Matsuno left in middle of FFXII. Sakaguchi left before the release of FFXII. Itou was thrown in the janitorial role after FFXII. The only key people that I remember from the past golden age of FF, and are still working at SE, include Nomura (FFVII: Remake) and Kitase (no longer director).

There is no narrative here. Just cold and hard facts. Game development is not easy and finding a talented developer that can create and maintain a franchise' legendary status is not easy.


no epic meltdowns? Why even have a review thread, then :(

/s but I'm disappointed about the lack of embarrassing reactions nontheless


FF standards from the past and current two generations.


the real thing here is how the fuck Type 0 HD got > 60 metacritic

The last FF that was under development during Sakaguchi-era and reached a meta of 90+ was FFXII.

A franchise that lives so longer is not prone to fall from grace. The key developers that made the franchise in this position in the first place all left Square Enix for the most part.

Yasumi Matsuno left in middle of FFXII. Sakaguchi left before the release of FFXII. Itou was thrown in the janitorial role after FFXII. The only key people that I remember from the past golden age of FF, and are still working at SE, include Nomura (FFVII: Remake) and Kitase (no longer director).

There is no narrative here. Just cold and hard facts. Game development is not easy and finding a talented developer that can create and maintain a franchise' legendary status is not easy.

especially with such a shitty engine and such a disastrous development


Are the reviews actually representative of the general opinion?

I remember FF13 reviewing well and everyone hating it...
Are the reviews actually representative of the general opinion?

I remember FF13 reviewing well and everyone hating it...

I remember seeing reviews for that game, took 2 days off of work to play it. I got 20 hours in and I clearly remember texting a friend who is also a huge FF fan and simply saying "Dude, I don't think this game is very good". I'm 16 hours in to FFXV and I don't want to put it down. Take that how you will I suppose.
I personally want the XIV:ARR guys work on the next single-player FF. They're so much better at world building and story/writing than the people who made XV it's not even close.

And yeah, Type-0 was horrible. Can't believe it scored that high.


Something similar annoyed me in The Wither 3 as well.
Just have to bring this up because it becomes a slight to the devs to me when it shouldn't. Sure they probably should allow more button configuration and it also annoys me, but this is the fault of Sony using X as the accept button for western audiences from the dawn of time. Circle works much better.

And yep, review aggregate site scores discussion being dumb as always as I expected from this thread.
The most pleasant surprise to me is how much reviewers enjoy the camaraderie between the party members.

With "characters" like Hope and Snow still fresh in my memory, and even just by looking at their designs, I never would have expected FFXV to have a fun, likable cast, but that really seems to be the case.

I can't wait to play it now.


Crystal Bearer
I personally want the XIV:ARR guys work on the next single-player FF. They're so much better at world building and story/writing than the people who made XV it's not even close.

And yeah, Type-0 was horrible. Can't believe it scored that high.
We can only hope.


Are the reviews actually representative of the general opinion?

I remember FF13 reviewing well and everyone hating it...

The game only came out yesterday, the one's who've already finished are likely the same ones who were always going to come out praising it. Give it a few weeks


A Realm Reborn got fucking robbed here. Massively superior to all the other games in this image.

I thought it was pretty accurate and fair, and I totally agree with Lees on this game (and XCX) so it's not like I'm biased.

dont worry, heavensward has an 86


Does the story structure and amount increase as the game goes? I really don't like the approach they used for the beginning hours of the story. I feel like it's all leading nowhere.

FF lives and dies by the story imo.


Crystal Bearer
Does the story structure and amount increase as the game goes? I really don't like the approach they used for the beginning hours of the story. I feel like it's all leading nowhere.

FF lives and dies by the story imo.
The story feels like it's missing 90% of itself.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Why are people freaking out over this review stuff?

In the first place, FF15 does have its issues. If journalists feel those issues hold the game back from being a masterpiece, that's their right to criticize.

Its still a great game from the perspective 90% of outlets and considering the journey of the game, we should be lucky it didn't crash and burn.


If you want to include really low metacritic scores for Final Fantasy games, look no further than the original 1.0 release of FFXIV.

Never understood Type-0 hate. Decent game that is elevated slightly through the sheer amount of creative ideas involved.



Look its not like I've ever had a good word to say about the guy, and am so mortally offended by his comments on FF particularly that I felt the need to slate him!

Someone asked who this guy is (not unreasonable, as he's kind little-league by any standards) and I just gave my opinion.

You are the one resorting to ad-hominem attacks on me because I had the nerve to give my honest opinion about who Matt Lees is. Hilarious.

He is big deal in the board game world. I disagree with a lot of his reviews but he is well articulated and great at arguing his views.


Crystal Bearer
After multiple patches that improve the game, how can the rating not improve? ;)

Original FFXIV at launch had a rather decent reception with a meta average around 81 on PS3/PC. They improved it a lot so kudos to them.
Heavensward is an expansion with the same amount of content as a full single player game. Actually probably more given it takes 40 or more hours to clear the main scenario.


Geralt is the best character in an RPG since years but he has books detailing his personality, his story, his past, his friends.Cd Projekt just had to take note from books.

Noctis is a typical Jrpg main character. They were never great (expect maybe Terra).
Yuri from Tales of Vesperia makes all other JRPG protagonists look like fucking trash.


Why are people freaking out over this review stuff?

In the first place, FF15 does have its issues. If journalists feel those issues hold the game back from being a masterpiece, that's their right to criticize.

Its still a great game from the perspective 90% of outlets and considering the journey of the game, we should be lucky it didn't crash and burn.
Because people want this game to be bad. It's getting pretty great reviews and yet people have to make a XIII score comparison to try to say the game is awful since many at GAF and other places think XIII is awful.

And I gotta say, XIV has a great story/narrative and writing for an MMO...for a singleplayer game? No way...but that's just my opinion...just as these reviews are regardless of score.
Heavensward is an expansion with the same amount of content as a full single player game. Actually probably more given it takes 40 or more hours to clear the main scenario.
Correct me if I am wrong though, but you need to play the full game and have the max level to continue the story there. It is completely unlike an expansion in the vein of The Last of Us: Left Behind and Infamous: First Light, that can be played without base game.


Crystal Bearer
Correct me if I am wrong though, but you need to play the full game and have the max level to continue the story there. It is completely unlike an expansion in the vein of The Last of Us: Left Behind and Infamous: First Light, that can be played without base game.
Right. They did this because the story is extremely important.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Because people want this game to be bad. It's getting pretty great reviews and yet people have to make a XIII score comparison to try to say the game is awful since many at GAF and other places think XIII is awful.

And I gotta say, XIV has a great story/narrative and writing for an MMO...for a singleplayer game? No way...but that's just my opinion...just as these reviews are regardless of score.

It doesn't seem like everyone hates this game, so i don't agree with your view, but the controversy about review scores and such make no real sense to me either in a positive or negative sense about the game.

It seems like it landed just about right on the scale. There are tons of fun things to do in the game, but depending on what you play FF for, you may either come down more positive or more negative.


Yuri from Tales of Vesperia makes all other JRPG protagonists look like fucking trash.

Having a dark character counterpart who actually did terrible things (as opposed to looking/talking "edgy") was a nice touch. That story really was the height of that series.


Correct me if I am wrong though, but you need to play the full game and have the max level to continue the story there. It is completely unlike an expansion in the vein of The Last of Us: Left Behind and Infamous: First Light, that can be played without base game.

Maybe FFXIII would have been liked more if it took 40-60 hours to get good instead of just 20.
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