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Final Fantasy XV: Signs of downgrades from the Platinum Demo


That's because the outside of that area is skybox.

Hell, the original's trees are obviously just + billboard trees.

Skyboxes tend to have low detail

Welcome to 1999, technology been doin' this for a while


It's not a downgrade if it was never meant to look like that. There's a reason nearly everything looks better in the first reveals these days.
People hate it, but this is honestly why we need something like a PS4K. The framerate is rough on top of the visual issues, and this is going to become a bigger problem the later we get into this gen.

I know it's early and I expect the game to run better on PS4 when it comes out, but I think this is what we get when it comes to graphics. It's a decent looking game that, as of right now, feels like a much better looking game with the settings turned way down.

I was always skeptical of what they were going to achieve on PS4 and Xbox One so I'm not surprised or upset by the way the demo looks and runs. I just hope they release an improved version, whether that be on PS4K or PC.


For you.
No, it's one of the recent screens. The current demo looks massively better. Square is weird with screenshots.

That much is true. This is a actual screenshot that they released officially:



After watching the new trailer, I'm convinced just like in the Witcher 3 downgrade thread GAF will never be satisfied.

Game still looks stunning. Looking at how the camera follows you and goes from boss interaction scene into live combat looks amazing.

Witcher 3 changed it's whole renderer in their engine, yet it's one of the biggest games last year.

People are never happy, this and more @ 11.
That's because the outside of that area is skybox.

Hell, the original's trees are obviously just + billboard trees.

Skyboxes tend to have low detail

Welcome to 1999, technology been doin' this for a while

Don't forget the vintage frame drops with basic particles on screen.
Very rarely do you get anything more than larger textures and higher levels of AA when you get a pc release unfortunately.

We are probably stuck with how the grass looks like now and hopefully ini tweaking the LoD.
LoD and vegetation density are usually markedly improved for PC versions of most games simply because people with beefy rigs can crank it without worry.

And improved textures, shadows, AO, and AA are really all the game needs. As I said, it's not a bad looking game; it just looks like a toned down version of a much prettier game.
Yeah, Square is fucking weird. Judging by Duscae and the new demo the final game will be pretty clean looking with a fairly good grass density and few jaggies outside of hair.

Honestly the main thing bugging me is the weird blur filter. I hope they find a better solution before release. Other than that I can pretty much deal with the rest even if I'm hoping for less FPS drops in the final version.


Yeah, Square is weird with the promotional material they've been posting. The screenshots looked jagged and blurry, and the trailers they showed during the event was lagging. However, the demo looked sharp and fine. Framerate was also pretty steady (although it does dip down at times).

In fact, the trailers they have up on YouTube currently are not laggy.


Misinformation everywhere.

E3 2013's trailers were using a prototype engine called Ebony.

Q: So after all, the E3 2013 trailer was a lie? You can’t actually play like that?

A (Tabata):You can fight like that. I think in the recent play demonstration we showed several techniques and functions, but at E3 last year the game was running on a prototype environment (Ebony). At TGS 2014 we showed the game running in the actual environment (Luminous). Right now we are in the process of migrating functions from the prototype into it. It will take time to migrate it all. I wanted to show footage in the actual environment as soon as possible, so I ended up showing something that is in the midst of migrating. The video shows actual footage, not an idealized version. It will become more and more advanced from here on out.

Read more at http://gematsu.com/2014/10/final-fa...fan-concerns-new-gameplay#Epso4erQ8zr42TWo.99


You should be far more concerned about the frame rate than what the graphics look like. These consoles are old as hell, what do you expect?


Neo Member
The recent trailers they released make the game look fantastic imo, but I didn't get the same impressions after playing the Platinum demo. Things seemed... a bit blurry TBH.


The fact that it's a demo isn't going to change much, we are not years from the release but only 6 months away from it and even less from when the game goes gold and away from heavy development production. They are not going to have big asset changes in the last 5-6 months of development.
Game will look more or less like this only less rough on the edges, still nowhere near what the CG trailer showed.

Wait what you were expecting real time footage to actually meet some high end PC CG target render?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The reality of game development. The 2013 trailer your looking at was prerendered in the first place OP, not taken from the development unit.


The lighting engine kind of falls apart in midday lighting, but at other times it looks alright.

Sad to say it but overall this demo was one of the worst looking things I played on PS4, realtime lighting with pseudo GI or not.


The lighting engine kind of falls apart in midday lighting, but at other times it looks alright.

Sad to say it but overall this demo was one of the worst looking things I played on PS4, realtime lighting with pseudo GI or not.

Yes this is still more of a square enix didn't transition and still haven't transitioned smoothly to the HD era. I mean look how long and how many problems the luminous engine is giving them yet we see FFVIIR and KH3 progressing insanely fast using unreal 4 for when they were announced and shown.

We also have games that look better and even perform better on the PS4.......this isn't a PS4K please save us because all square would do is Jack the graphics up and you would still get the same performance you see in its current state.

It's all going to comedown to how well they can optimize there game and engine in these final six months to release.
Does the lighting still look like this?

It's hard to tell for sure without being in the same area, but the lighting is still very impressive so I'd guess yes. Also that video was filled with bad LOD so I'd be surprised if it's a false representation. The game has some visual shortcomings but lighting, reflections and shaders are generally really high quality. It's a bit hidden by the IQ at times though and some areas just don't do a good job of showing it off either. I'd say the room where you're small in the demo does and even better job of showing the lighting off to be honest.

If you try it out jump on the table in that room and try the switch that cycles times of day. I'm fairly certain you'll be impressed to a degree if you like the lighting in the trailer you linked.
Equally good to see the defense force here right on time to save the honour of their favourite game (I don't really care either way).

I'm just growing tired of unfounded rumors, hyperbole, hot takes, and placing labels on games that are months away from completion.

(not that all of those exist in this thread, but GAF in general).

Edit: In my mind, it is more appropriate to make a downgrade thread in the days leading up to release, or even better when the game comes out.


my hard graphic balls
It's hard to tell for sure without being in the same area, but the lighting is still very impressive so I'd guess yes. Also that video was filled with bad LOD so I'd be surprised if it's a false representation. The game has some visual shortcomings but lighting, reflections and shaders are generally really high quality. It's a bit hidden by the IQ at times though and some areas just don't do a good job of showing it off either. I'd say the room where you're small in the demo does and even better job of showing the lighting off to be honest.

If you try it out jump on the table in that room and try the switch that cycles times of day. I'm fairly certain you'll be impressed to a degree if you like the lighting in the trailer you linked.
Nice to hear.
I'm not iterested in the game or series, but I was just impressed by that video back at Gamescom.


The 2013 trailer is pre-rendered. I doubt current gen consoles can handle the amount of moving objects in that trailer.


They just changed assets and maybe a different lighting effect/weather gives that impression.
Although the design of the buildings seems to be a little more simple now but whatever,wait for the full game etc etc.


Rarely on visuals and performance, except in very early stages of development.

Visuals yes. They can't start making new texture or anything.
Performance no. If they can't improve the performance, they'd just release it already. At least the framerate can see some improvement, especially when the director himself said performance issue is the top priority of the team now.

Also, isn't every game this gen is a downgrade from early footage?
It has the exact same frame rate issues as the duscae demo. Which tells me this is what we'll get in the final game.

Duscae demo looked more impressive. The buildings in this one look pretty bad tbh. Noticable downgrade

Oh well, still looking forward to the final game
I definitely think the draw distance, shadows, hair dithering, and AA will remain disappointing in the final release. Maybe not as bad as it is now with the Plat demo, but I don't expect pristine image quality and great draw distance.
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