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FINAL FANTASY XV: The English Voice Cast


Why can't Japanese games just have normal voice acting? They almost always end up sounding like anime dubs. Is it the talent pool that they pull from, or do the voice directors think people want this style?

I'd blame the language barrier, but games like Witcher 3 still manage to sound pretty good. Whoever was in charge of FFXII needs to be the head of Square's english localization team.


Yeah, don't jump the gun. Isn't this scene from the beginning of the game? She has plenty of time to need rescuing or whatever.

I like to keep a positive outlook. So far, nothing has shown me any weakness on her. :)

Why can't Japanese games just have normal voice acting? They almost always end up sounding like anime dubs. Is it the talent pool that they pull from, or do the voice directors think people want this style?

I'd blame the language barrier, but games like Witcher 3 still manage to sound pretty good.

Anime-styled game from Japanese developer who is trying to revive the gaming scene in Japan features a game with anime-style movements in one of her female characters.

News at 11.


Anime-styled game from Japanese developer who is trying to revive the gaming scene in Japan features a game with anime-style movements in one of her female characters.

News at 11.

Seriously it's like people forgot this is still a JRPG at heart.

If you aren't used to Japanese culture and how they apply it in their video games that's too bad unfortunately.

I'm a bit more open minded myself when it comes down the the differences between east vs west. The animation from the East is far more expressive.

Comments like "its shit" sounds more like a preference thing than actual criticism.
I get that the anime-melodramatic delivery is just what dubs like this are going to go for, but I really wish they'd at least take out - or at least tone down - reactionary 'grunts' during conversation. DAHH! GWUHH? It feels out of place 100% of the time.

Man, that "it does feel a bit contradictory" comment is a bummer. It's not the most shocking viewpoint in the world for a Japanese dev but I still went and looked up the stream in hopes that someone had changed the text for those images lol, but yeah...


He literally says Not interested in the English trailer.

He says:

"Not interested"


Okay, I probably didn't word my post clearly enough^^ I know that he says "Not interested", but his body language absolutely doesn't match what he says, imo.

The Japanese voice actor of Prompto is not by chance also the German one? The Japanese actor, Tesuya Kakihara, actually grew up in Germany and speaks it fluently.

Here's he speaking German:

I wondered about that too recently, but when you listen you can hear as a native that he has a slight accent even though he lived here until he was 18 - or maybe he's out of practice after years of living and working in Japan as a VA -, which might not be pure enough for German VO studios that, afaik, often times are very theatre-centric with actors that have an overly clear, theatrical pronunciation (and often stiff performance, unfortunately).

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Why can't Japanese games just have normal voice acting? They almost always end up sounding like anime dubs. Is it the talent pool that they pull from, or do the voice directors think people want this style?

I'd blame the language barrier, but games like Witcher 3 still manage to sound pretty good. Whoever was in charge of FFXII needs to be the head of Square's english localization team.
Yea we're long past the point of language barrier being a valid excuse at this point. When acting quality in western games continues to get better and better while Japan stagnates in that regard it doesn't help with their industry or getting back in the eyes of the mainstream market.


Quite happy with their picks, especially with Ardyn. Of course, I check the thread, and it's a deluge of FUD. I'd say "never change, GAF", but...y'know.


Time of day difference or not, they've done something to the way the lighting in this game used to look. E3 on top.





Time of day difference or not, they've done something to the way the lighting in this game used to look. E3 on top.

There is a TOD difference as shadows tell in those shots, but yeah they have removed some lighting features most likely for performance reasons.


This is one of the best made videos released for the game.

Still,you prompto and Gladio sound far too stilted and intentionally archtypal.Should've toned it down.
I enjoyed that video a whole lot actually.

Why does it look like when she's walking her shadow is on the buildings following her like if she's in some diorama?

I laughed at this until I remembered she was confronting Leviathan on the other side of the camera.

Time of day difference or not, they've done something to the way the lighting in this game used to look. E3 on top.
I agree, the shadows look much lighter in all the recent screens.


I don't think it's that bad! Glad to see some lesser-known voices take the lead here. Also glad to see Matt Mercer in the cast, I like his work!


But why can't Noctis be like Geralt? D:

They want UC4 Nathan Drake level "realism".

To anyone thinking that Japan is stagnant vs the west that's not what is really going on.

Growing up in Japan is completely different, when people argue they probably spazz out like you see in the animes. Completely different mannerisms to the west.
Because to them THAT is what realistic arguments sound like IN JAPAN, and that's how they convey it in their media.

You grow in the West thinking "It has to be this way" that's not true at all.
The way people express themselves is different everywhere.

Western media tends to depict the average conversations, expressiveness and mannerisms we are used to in western culture. Which is why most of us think it's "The standard".

It's only a matter if you are used to other cultures or not. That's just it.

*Edit Kojima is probably the only exception but he obviously is well informed about the west and so he knows how to make military games based off american culture.


The dub is fine, but I will play with Japanese dubs just because they sound more passionate and true to the characters.

Are we seriously going to criticize Japanese devs for showcasing their culture in a JRPG? This is what they do, not just in anime, but live action as well. Also, have you never played a FF game before?

Also, Luna looks strong and determined in that shot, I don't see her as someone who is weak. I find it funny that everyone calls Stella "a strong female character" when we've only seen her for about 30 seconds, she could have been a controlled L'cie for all we know, but sure she is strong, lol.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
They want UC4 Nathan Drake level "realism".

To anyone thinking that Japan is stagnant vs the west that's not what is really going on.

Growing up in Japan is completely different, when people argue they probably spazz out like you see in the animes. Completely different mannerisms to the west.
Because to them THAT is what realistic arguments sound like IN JAPAN, and that's how they convey it in their media.

You grow in the West thinking "It has to be this way" that's not true at all.
The way people express themselves is different everywhere.

Western media tends to depict the average conversations, expressiveness and mannerisms we are used to in western culture. Which is why most of us think it's "The standard".

It's only a matter if you are used to other cultures or not. That's just it.

*Edit Kojima is probably the only exception but he obviously is well informed about the west and so he knows how to make military games based off american culture.
The dub is fine, but I will play with Japanese dubs just because they sound more passionate and true to the characters.

Are we seriously going to criticize Japanese devs for showcasing their culture in a JRPG? This is what they do, not just in anime, but live action as well. Also, have you never played a FF game before?
You realize that we've had a shit ton of gaffers who actually live in Japan debunk this right? Anime is incredibly terrible at representing Japanese culture. You sincerely shouldn't try to argue that it does.


You realize that we've had a shit ton of gaffers who actually live in Japan debunk this right? Anime is incredibly terrible at representing Japanese culture. You sincerely shouldn't try to argue that it does.

Debunk how, prove it to me. Who here from Gaf was born and raised in Japan.


What I got out of this video is that Ignis would have sounded so much better using his normal voice :p
Oh and that I should probably play in jp.

That and I expect the OT to be a shitshow, so I'll have to play the game prior to entering that else I may feel dismayed. Oh well, I'm gonna go preorder now. That way I won't forget to pick it up (there have been a few games this and last year that I "wanted" to get but after release didn't bother for whatever reason)


They want UC4 Nathan Drake level "realism".

To anyone thinking that Japan is stagnant vs the west that's not what is really going on.

Growing up in Japan is completely different, when people argue they probably spazz out like you see in the animes. Completely different mannerisms to the west.
Because to them THAT is what realistic arguments sound like IN JAPAN, and that's how they convey it in their media.

You grow in the West thinking "It has to be this way" that's not true at all.
The way people express themselves is different everywhere.

Western media tends to depict the average conversations, expressiveness and mannerisms we are used to in western culture. Which is why most of us think it's "The standard".

It's only a matter if you are used to other cultures or not. That's just it.

*Edit Kojima is probably the only exception but he obviously is well informed about the west and so he knows how to make military games based off american culture.

Do you also think every female in japan has a high pitched voice?
I get that the anime-melodramatic delivery is just what dubs like this are going to go for, but I really wish they'd at least take out - or at least tone down - reactionary 'grunts' during conversation. DAHH! GWUHH? It feels out of place 100% of the time.

Man, that "it does feel a bit contradictory" comment is a bummer. It's not the most shocking viewpoint in the world for a Japanese dev but I still went and looked up the stream in hopes that someone had changed the text for those images lol, but yeah...

Isn't that due to the fact that the Japanese text takes longer for the characters to speak and they have to fill the gaps where the characters mouths move? Or is that just an Anime thing?
They want UC4 Nathan Drake level "realism".

To anyone thinking that Japan is stagnant vs the west that's not what is really going on.

Growing up in Japan is completely different, when people argue they probably spazz out like you see in the animes. Completely different mannerisms to the west.
Because to them THAT is what realistic arguments sound like IN JAPAN, and that's how they convey it in their media.

You grow in the West thinking "It has to be this way" that's not true at all.
The way people express themselves is different everywhere.

Western media tends to depict the average conversations, expressiveness and mannerisms we are used to in western culture. Which is why most of us think it's "The standard".

It's only a matter if you are used to other cultures or not. That's just it.

*Edit Kojima is probably the only exception but he obviously is well informed about the west and so he knows how to make military games based off american culture.

The dub is fine, but I will play with Japanese dubs just because they sound more passionate and true to the characters.

Are we seriously going to criticize Japanese devs for showcasing their culture in a JRPG? This is what they do, not just in anime, but live action as well. Also, have you never played a FF game before?

Also, Luna looks strong and determined in that shot, I don't see her as someone who is weak. I find it funny that everyone calls Stella "a strong female character" when we've only seen her for about 30 seconds, she could have been a controlled L'cie for all we know, but sure she is strong, lol.

Growing up in Japan is completely different, when people argue they probably spazz out like you see in the animes. Completely different mannerisms to the west.
Because to them THAT is what realistic arguments sound like IN JAPAN, and that's how they convey it in their media.

I'll do a second playthrough in Spanish because it's the closest thing to Latin which is probably what Eos' language would be in-universe.
Do you also think every female in japan has a high pitched voice?

He's right though.

From daying sorry by doing a hand chop, saying please with 2 hands together, pointing to yourself to your nose rather than your chest, saying "no by shaking your hand.
All mannerisms that are normal in Japan and i could go on.
Noctis and Ardyn are probably my favourites. Darin really seems to enjoy playing Ardyn and I'm glad to see his enthusiasm.

I wish they'd have let Adam use his natural voice for Ignis. You can tell in the interview segments that they make him "character" his voice up and he would've sounded so much more natural if they let him speak how he actually does.

Matthew Mercer seems like a nice guy but I'm really starting to be burned by how casting directors insist on making him do the same voice for every character in every game. Really ruins my immersion when I can only hear an actor and not the character.

Regis's VA was pretty clearly cast when they were using the younger design :V


You realize that we've had a shit ton of gaffers who actually live in Japan debunk this right? Anime is incredibly terrible at representing Japanese culture. You sincerely shouldn't try to argue that it does.

It doesn't matter if people didn't act like that in real life, this is what they do in all of their entertainment (anime,live action, games..etc). This is a JRPG not a WRPG, they've been doing this since the first FF, its just their thing. Why should they change that? I don't get it.


Junior Member
Why can't Japanese games just have normal voice acting? They almost always end up sounding like anime dubs. Is it the talent pool that they pull from, or do the voice directors think people want this style?

I'd blame the language barrier, but games like Witcher 3 still manage to sound pretty good. Whoever was in charge of FFXII needs to be the head of Square's english localization team.
  • Certain game companies (Capcom, most of Nintendo, Atlus, etc.) only have enough money in the voice acting budget to hire non-union voice actors (Matthew Mercer, Laura Bailey, Yuri Lowenthal, Johnny Yong Bosch, etc.). Unless said companies have a prior relationship with a unionized voice actor, like how Atlus USA is buddy-buddy with Troy Baker, unionized VAs are typically too expensive for said companies to bother hiring (Roger Craig Smith, Steve Blum, Nolan North, Tara Strong, etc.). As such, you mainly see AAA games go for unionized VAs.
  • As you mentioned, the script wasn't originally written in English. The translator may either go for a straight translation or to take some liberties on the translation for the sake of the script sounding better in English.
  • The voice director is also something to consider, as he or she may go for a different approach in terms of how the voice actors say their lines.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Debunk how, prove it to me. Who here from Gaf was born and raised in Japan.
One does not have to look to far to know that this is already true.

Not only did the link you provide prove my point, it also proved his point about how the majority of women over there don't have a high pitched voice like you in anime, (which note, the most famous Japanese animator in history, has gone on record saying he hates). Their mannerisms are incredibly similar to arguments you see here. Do you also think they all have incredibly large eyes and irises?
They don't

And as someone said, those two aren't even Japanese. Here's a Japanese woman speaking.


Junior Member
They want UC4 Nathan Drake level "realism".

To anyone thinking that Japan is stagnant vs the west that's not what is really going on.

Growing up in Japan is completely different, when people argue they probably spazz out like you see in the animes. Completely different mannerisms to the west.
Because to them THAT is what realistic arguments sound like IN JAPAN, and that's how they convey it in their media.

You grow in the West thinking "It has to be this way" that's not true at all.
The way people express themselves is different everywhere.

Western media tends to depict the average conversations, expressiveness and mannerisms we are used to in western culture. Which is why most of us think it's "The standard".

It's only a matter if you are used to other cultures or not. That's just it.

*Edit Kojima is probably the only exception but he obviously is well informed about the west and so he knows how to make military games based off american culture.

What you said has some validity to it, but you see, they've been trying very hard to sell this game to western audience, from all the character redesign to the way the entire game is created, like the open world gameplay which is a more common characteristic of Western RPGs. And now you have characters like Iris, who has a caucasian name acts like a childish Japanese teen (do real life Japanese teen girls even exaggerate their expressions like that on a regular basis?).

It's just very jarring. Gladio is her brother, but he clearly never acts like that. I know he's a guy, but you can tell he's a very western looking dude. Iris on the other hand behaves like a Japanese. It's some contradictory stuff, and not to mention, these kind of character archetype is just freaking annoying.


I'm pretty sure that if people like Matt Mercer or other "anime/cartoon" sounding VA are being hired for this game it's because they want this game to sound like that. I know that "lol Japan is so behind" is an easy answer but between the casting staff and the voice direction etc...I doubt that only japanese people decided to chose these guys in particular. That's just the tone they are going for.

I'd be ok with this argument if the actual voice actors were bad - because of course, going for a specific direction doesn't mean it's executed correctly - but here it's not that they're bad, it's that they go for a more "cartoony" approach, though I get why for some it can be seen as a negative.


Crystal Bearer
I like everyone except Prompto and Gladiolus... Those two sound too exaggerated and have since the Duscae demo. I'll be playing in Japanese though since the JP cast is really unmatched.


they've been trying very hard to sell this game to western audience, from all the character redesign to the way the entire game is created, like the open world gameplay which is a more common characteristic of Western RPGs. And now you have characters like Iris, who has a caucasian name acts like a childish Japanese teen (do real life Japanese teen girls even exaggerate their expressions like that on a regular basis?).

It's just very jarring. Gladio is her brother, but he clearly never acts like that. I know he's a guy, but you can tell he's a very western looking dude. Iris on the other hand behaves like a Japanese. It's some contradictory stuff, and not to mention, these kind of character archetype is just freaking annoying.

This is true yes, and it seems that even if they are going open world and aiming towards the west, they aren't quite ready to drop the other Japanese related mannerisms in this game.

It's an odd mix that have many confused, but I'm pretty open minded towards this and excited.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It doesn't matter if people didn't act like that in real life, this is what they do in all of their entertainment (anime,live action, games..etc). This is a JRPG not a WRPG, they've been doing this since the first FF, its just their thing. Why should they change that? I don't get it.
It's not a WRPG but it's heavily influenced by the west, they took notes from a lot of western studios while making the game. But ignored a pretty important part of telling a story, a good script and acting direction. The first final fantasy was released decades ago, times change. Standards change. And typically, series grow with those changes, it's would be like saying they should solely stick to high fantasy settings because FF1 was high fantasy, it's a limiting mindset for any creator to think that way let alone the fans.
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