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Florida Man shot at Pokemon Go players parking on road outside his house at 1:30AM


Gold Member
That anyone is attempting to rationalize the shooting is completely fucked.

Wait, was he really trying to justify shooting. Ever heard of stray bullets that dont hit their target and ends up hitting the guy across the street in his bed? Yeah, no. Firing, holstering or even leaving his property to approach with a firearm was not the right idea lol. Simply call the cops if you genuinely feel in danger and observe from within your house. LOL this country... Almost like its some third world Brazil favella or something

Show me where I justified it, because a follow up response I said, 'would not get an argument out of me' for him to just call the police if he had an issue'?

What I was putting into perspective, was that if someone wanted to say it 'hit the rear tire and hubcaps, so it must have been when it drove away', or those saying 'he was trying to kill kids for being parked'... the evidence did not add up or a different perspective was given to those narratives. Is all.

I think the guy was totally in the wrong, lol.

Other similar nations have issues with people going out of the way to confront people with guns?

Especially with your nonsensical defense of 'shooting to disable', when you don't know what is going on.

It was not defense, lol. It was to combat people saying he was trying to 'shoot kids parked'. The evidence does not show he was shooting at the persons. Is all. Again, the guy was wrong, but keep reading into things I never said, lol. And other similar nations have people confronting people with other forms of deadly devices. Violence is not exclusive to just guns or the like.

I've never experienced violence, or hatred. I haven't seen a gun, or held a gun in my life. The chances of me being shot in both my home country (or even the rest of Europe) and my current country are virtually zero. Gun crime is a massive issue in the US, where it isn't in most other parts of the world.

You have a better chance to being struck by lightning or bit by a shark never going into the ocean in America, than getting shot as well.

So what is your point with anecdotal evidence?

Violence is not strictly exclusive to guns. People have bats, knives, fists, etc., and bad neighborhoods and crazy people exist ALL OVER THE WORLD.

Reminded me of this.



Wholeheartedly agree it is a sign that society is royally screwed up to HAVE to think this way, yet it is a fact that that is the society we live in.
It's not the society I live in (UK). Here teenagers are free to park on the street and talk with a practically zero chance of getting shot by the local residents, and the odds of a resident getting shot by a burglar or either being carjacked at gunpoint etc are pretty slim too. I don't think I've even seen a real gun outside of armed police/military units protecting high-value landmarks in London.
People should really avoid stereotyping all Americans as crazy, gun owning, violent people. Not all of us are like this. Some of us even own guns and are responsible gun owners who realize this person was clearly in the wrong and should be prosecuted (may still be).
It really is one of the most "culture shock"-y threads in a while. (The situation here is like you describe. Including the occasional drunk group selecting the sidewalk in front of your house for a loud argument. Or worse, singing)

I have both on a regular basis, alcohol tends to bring out the performers and debaters in people. I admit until today it never crossed my mind I may be lucky for living in a country where people can do that if they want, so I definitely learned something from this thread. But I don't get what the point of living in a first world country is to begin with if you're fearing for your life everyday.

If things are indeed that bad in America, then us Europeans literally can't even discuss this topic with any kind of applicability for them. I mean, I'm 40 and I've literally never even seen a real gun anywhere but in policemen's holsters (not even drawn), even though I've been mugged a few times; I'm guessing that would be a culture shock for many Americans.

Ok, if you say so, lol.

Violence and hatred is in every country all over the world.

If I admitted I can't fathom what the situation is in America, you can admit you can't fathom what the situation is outside it.


It's not the society I live in (UK). Here teenagers are free to park on the street and talk with a practically zero chance of getting shot by the local residents, and the odds of a resident getting shot by a burglar or either being carjacked at gunpoint etc are pretty slim too. I don't think I've even seen a real gun outside of armed police/military units protecting high-value landmarks in London.

If true then, we as Americans really need to analyze why we have such high crime rates.


Gold Member
Purely from a statistical standpoint, i don't think that's true.

The shark part was a joke, the lightning part was not...




You have about a 1 in 100 chance of dying in a car crash. http://www.asktheodds.com/death/car-crash-odds/

A person in the US has (far) better chances of being struck by lightning (according to google, about 1 in 6,000) than of being shot by another person at any given moment, much less by an officer.

You have about a 1 in 20,000 chance of being murdered (all the way dead) by your spouse, your neighbor or a violent thug etc.


By the generously high estimates:

You have (in the US) about a 1 in 250,000 chance of being shot (though this doesn't mean killed) by a police officer.

That's a one in a quarter million chance that you'll be shot (and possibly still live to tell about it) by an officer.

While it does have the police officer angle, it mentions shot in general with statistical data sources.

If I admitted I can't fathom what the situation is in America, you can admit you can't fathom what the situation is outside it.

Fair enough (for living experience, personal travel and tours are not large enough for me to pool), but I also base it off of human beings and their patterns as well. There is no utopia out there, when humans behave innately/predictable/etc. more often than not.

That has more to do with socioeconomic disparity than guns.

Why he is not already in jail awaiting a trial, is completly absurd.

As someone who has a license to carry, I feel like you should keep your shitty comment to yourself. Think before you speak.
Oh, but you see, he was thinking allright.
What if he doesn't want to shut up, are you going to shoot him?
Maybe use the stand your ground in a dialogue excuse to mot assume any consequence?


If true then, we as Americans really need to analyze why we have such high crime rates.
I think that a societies comfortable, middle-class, middle-aged people being afraid of teenagers at night and assuming they are up to no good when they are hanging around isn't just a U.S. thing, and nor is crime, we get those too, they are almost universal I would have thought. As is teenagers enjoying their freedom away from the constraints of their home life, exams, jobs etc.

But encounters between scared, anxious adults and young people wandering around late at night (whether heading home from a party, chasing Pokemon, drinking, escorting friends home etc) are more likely to be fatal if said adults are occassionally equipped with lethal weapons. Nobody likes being scared and stressed at night on either side, but at least if both parties live through the encounter that's a plus, something less likely if one party can kill the other with a twitch of the finger.

It's not your crime rate that's the issue, it's that guns (obviously) increase the probability of the lethality of any encounter between two parties if it escalates, whether one, both or neither of them are completely innocent.

People don't make good decisions when they are scared, stressed and under pressure to act. That's why armed police have a support network feeding them information and reassurance about where their allies are, that they aren't outflanked, confirming targets etc. For all the U.S. ideal of the 'random good guy with a gun can save the day', being a lone gunman must be pretty stressful.


People should really avoid stereotyping all Americans as crazy, gun owning, violent people. Not all of us are like this. Some of us even own guns and are responsible gun owners who realize this person was clearly in the wrong and should be prosecuted (may still be).
As a fellow American citizen, I'd say we brought all the stereotyping and assumptions on ourselves.


If true then, we as Americans really need to analyze why we have such high crime rates.
In my situation, most crime around here stems from drugs, either drug addicts or drug dealers, I maybe the only person on the block that knows what a Pokemon go is. Now I see more kids walking around the street at night, only to wake up the next morning to hear another kid was robbed.

This game is causing kids not to use common sense. Kids that are not street smart or even aware of their surroundings are just walking around streets they shouldn't be on, as in.....really shady parts of town at shady times of the night and people are praying on them. What happened in Florida is tragiic, but first instinct you think when someone is hanging out in front of your house is "up to no good"
Not having that train of mind leads to broken glass on your driveway and stolen property.


Gold Member
This sounds kind of like a threat. You're not making a good case here

That does not sound like a threat, at all, lol.

a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
"members of her family have received death threats"
synonyms: threatening remark, warning, ultimatum
"Maggie ignored his threats"
a menace of bodily harm, such as may restrain a person's freedom of action.
a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger.
"hurricane damage poses a major threat to many coastal communities"

Just told someone to 'shut up'... not unlike we see daily on here, lol.


Calm down Yosemite Sam

You know not everyone who owns a gun/carries is a cartoon-cowboy type. There are some shitty ass people in this world that will hurt you and we need a way to protect ourselves. You never know, a carrier might save your life one day if he see's someone trying to rob/kill you or your family.
You know not everyone who owns a gun/carries is a cartoon-cowboy type. There are some shitty ass people in this world that will hurt you and we need a way to protect ourselves. You never know, a carrier might save your life one day if he see's someone trying to rob/kill you or your family.

You're wasting your time. I mentioned having a conceal carry once and I was automatically labeled a "gun nut".


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
You know not everyone who owns a gun/carries is a cartoon-cowboy type. There are some shitty ass people in this world that will hurt you and we need a way to protect ourselves. You never know, a carrier might save your life one day if he see's someone trying to rob/kill you or your family.

Yeah. Or he might shoot you while you and your friend play on your cellphone


You know not everyone who owns a gun/carries is a cartoon-cowboy type. There are some shitty ass people in this world that will hurt you and we need a way to protect ourselves. You never know, a carrier might save your life one day if he see's someone trying to rob/kill you or your family.

Better chance he shoots you accidentally than saving the day like Jack Bauer.


You're wasting your time. I mentioned having a conceal carry once and I was automatically labeled a "gun nut".

To be fair, I'd feel unsafe around someone hiding a gun on themselves and not letting it be known. I mean, you're carrying around a weapon that was designed to kill other people.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
As someone who has a license to carry, I feel like you should keep your shitty comment to yourself. Think before you speak.

So.... your defense of responsible gun ownership is this kind of kneejerk, from-the-hip silliness?

You're the one with the gun. Hopefully you think before speaking a little more IRL than you do on video game websites, or else you might get a thread of your own someday

OT, I would've just said "hi" to the kids. If they were up to no good, eye contact and just letting them know that you see them is enough for criminals to leave in most cases. Criminals don't like witnesses, it's not a big deal.

If they had said they were catching pokemon, I would have asked what they had and had a nice conversation about it

Americans are scared and scary on account of their scaredness, I wish we could grow past it
This is why that article came out the other day about not playing Pokemon Go while black. Mistaken intention turning into violence is a thing and Go appears to be quite the misunderstanding accelerant already.


I cannot say that I am surprised, something like this was going to happen sooner or later though, there has been things here in the UK press about possible issues with trespassing etc.

I don't know the exact laws regarding self-defence in the USofA but I doubt it is deemed ok just to open fire as a civilian, however what if it were a police officer that shot, using probable cause as a reason?

OT I know but some lads here in the UK got lost in some caves the other day while hunting for Pokemon.

Somewhere along the line, someone is going to get seriously injured or killed unfortunately, I can just see it.


Gold Member
To be fair, I'd feel unsafe around someone hiding a gun on themselves and not letting it be known. I mean, you're carrying around a weapon that was designed to kill other people.

To be fair, you would never know in order to feel that way.

Think about what you just wrote. ;)
To be fair, I'd feel unsafe around someone hiding a gun on themselves and not letting it be known. I mean, you're carrying around a weapon that was designed to kill other people.

That's ridiculous and if you mindset is that simple, there's really nothing I can say to you. Most people feel unsafe when a gun is in plain sight. I purposely don't open carry for this reason. It only serves to upset people.

To be fair, you would never know in order to feel that way.

Think about what you just wrote. ;)

You think you've heard it all and folks still manage to surprise you. Not sure why I bother tbh.


Man, the first news on this reported that they were out the car walking around his property...

...hearing the dude's side of the story has me smh.

You don't leave the house brandishing a firearm, step IN FRONT of a parked car, threaten the driver and passenger, then fore when they attempt to escape.

This some Treyvon Martin shit.
That does not sound like a threat, at all, lol.

Just told someone to 'shut up'... not unlike we see daily on here, lol.

It's not really a threat but the person does come across as a typical gun loving American who instead of making a legitimate case for their views, just tells anyone they don't agree with to stfu. That's what rubbed me the wrong way really. It's not something to be proud


You know not everyone who owns a gun/carries is a cartoon-cowboy type. There are some shitty ass people in this world that will hurt you and we need a way to protect ourselves. You never know, a carrier might save your life one day if he see's someone trying to rob/kill you or your family.
Statistically speaking, the good guy with the gun or responsible gun owner is more likely to accidentally shoot you than becoming shining knight on a white horse. This has nothing to do with you being responsible, this is just pure probability
I never drove around and parked in front of peoples houses at 1:30am when i was young.

If i look outside at 1:30am and see 2 people sitting in a car in front of my house i am going to assume they are up to no good because people don't sit in front of peoples houses at 1:30 in the fucking morning. I wouldn't shoot them, that's stupid and i think this man deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison i would of called the cops and told them there are some shady people sitting in a car on my road at 1:30am.

I often stop during the night when i'm driving to check my sms or my mails or to properly answer the phone while i'm driving. It doesn't matter what time it is ... it's perfect ly reasonnable to stp your car and check your phone as long as you stay on the road.( no private property )
It's not really a threat but the person does come across as a typical gun loving American who instead of making a legitimate case for their views, just tells anyone they don't agree with to stfu. That's what rubbed me the wrong way really. It's not something to be proud

I wonder how many "typical gun loving Americans" most of you have actually met. Most of us seem to be automatically labeled with that title by association it seems.

Ive yet to see any strong educated arguments from the opposing side not based on ignorance of the topic or fear.


You never know, a carrier might save your life one day if he see's someone trying to rob/kill you or your family.

Probably not, as most other first world countries have incredibly strict ownership laws that means resolution of such incidents is in the hands of professionals trained in dealing with it, hence the vastly lower incidence of such violence.

Your arguments a lot like picking a shitty character thats only situationally useful in a multiplayer game; yeah, maybe 1 game in a 100 picking situationally useful character pays off.
Every other game you lose, and your team are flaming you for your shitty character pick.


You know not everyone who owns a gun/carries is a cartoon-cowboy type. There are some shitty ass people in this world that will hurt you and we need a way to protect ourselves. You never know, a carrier might save your life one day if he see's someone trying to rob/kill you or your family.

The ratio of this actually happening versus horrible murders as a result of everyone having access to lethal weapons seems pretty low. How about no one has guns and far less people get killed from stupid arguments escalating, accidents, and yeah crazy ass mother fuckers who can now kill multiple people in seconds thanks to guns.


You know not everyone who owns a gun/carries is a cartoon-cowboy type. There are some shitty ass people in this world that will hurt you and we need a way to protect ourselves. You never know, a carrier might save your life one day if he see's someone trying to rob/kill you or your family.
I think it's far more likely that my family would be killed in the ensuing crossfire between random guy with gun and robber with gun blasting away in public, rather than me doing the sensible thing and handing over my wallet before calling the police and letting trained and supported firearms professionals handle it in an area they think isn't going to result in mass civilian casualties and particularly the civilians I love. Escalating a gunfight in public isn't a great idea.
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