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Floyd Mayweather vs Conor McGregor - Saturday August 26th |OT| FOOK / YEAAAH


Conor started throwing hammers and then Floyd turned his back and kept leaning. Conor kept falling for it. He's an idiot. He got played so hard. He was so fatigued he kept throwing punches, he was so aimed at winning by strength that he didn't realize Floyd was smiling his ass off the entire time. Then he gets dummied later because he literally can't keep his arms up anymore while Floyd is just "man, only the 8th round and I get free face shots?"

I mean ALL MMA fighters? ;-)

And Mayweather is really good at making people look like bafoons, or shutting them down.


I also don't get this Conor did well because Floyd should have done better/won sooner/whatever narrative. Of course he has a game plan. He has an insane unimaginable record on the line and to have that ruined by someone who never got into the ring before would be embarrassing. Conor had nothing to lose, Floyd had everything to lose.

Conor was also much bigger, all it takes one moment of not being careful and someone like Conor could have blown up the spot early on. But he stuck to his plan, blocked his way into deep water and then went for the KO. It probably went word for word like they discussed in the back.

The whole Conor wouldn't land a shot was all bullshit hype mongering. Of course he would.
I havent seen anyone who said Floyd would have won sooner AND said Conor wouldn't land a shot, the guy straight up said in the post fight he didn't fight normally to prove he can adapt and be exciting

He also said he could have ended it sooner if he fought normally in the same stand but I have never heard anyone say conor wouldn't land a shot and lose sooner as well, Conor has an insane reach hits were going to happen

Edit- I don't think people who mentioned he wouldn't land a shot period are worth even debating

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Are you joking? McGregor isn't an actor. He's a decorated, disciplined (highly active) mixed martial artist with enough talent and athleticism to at least make people tune in and give him a chance.

Stop making excuses for the guy when even HE isn't.

And Matthew is a decorated, disciplined actor that has actually boxed before, and is well known enough that folks would pay to see the spectacle.

What excuses am I making? What I'm saying is Conor isn't a boxer, boxing a damn 20+ year professional. He wasn't in the same league, man. People paid for the spectacle.


Conor started throwing hammers and then Floyd turned his back and kept leaning. Conor kept falling for it. He's an idiot. He got played so hard. He was so fatigued he kept throwing punches, he was so aimed at winning by strength that he didn't realize Floyd was smiling his ass off the entire time. Then he gets dummied later because he literally can't keep his arms up anymore while Floyd is just "man, only the 8th round and I get free face shots?"

Conors punches lacked any real power.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Having it be a sanctioned, professional boxing match is what added to the spectacle though. If it had been an exhibition, the stakes (mainly Floyd's 0 not being on the line) would have been greatly diminished, and the fighters likely would have taken it even less seriously than they did.

Word. Point made.


I'm reading the reactions from other pro MMA fighters and most are dellusional as well, Floyd wanted to make the fight interesting, he said it himself. He felt like he owed the fans after the May vs Pac debacle, so the fact that the fight lasted 10 rounds and Conor managed to land a punch or two without counting the rabbit and hammer punches (with zero effect) is not because McG is a good boxer, its because May let him in order to make the fight look interesting, had he used his usual fighting style Conor would not have landed a single punch and would've tired out earlier from punching all that air... May should've fought him in his usual style and just completely clown him to shut all of the dellusional MMA fans (and i love MMA).


And Matthew is a decorated, disciplined actor that has actually boxed before, and is well known enough that folks would pay to see the spectacle.

What excuses am I making? What I'm saying is Conor isn't a boxer, boxing a damn 20+ year professional. He wasn't in the same league, man. People paid for the spectacle.

I'm saying your MatMc comparison was over exaggerating.

We agree overall though.


Were people really saying that Mayweather had to rely on Connor's fatigue to win? Sooo, uhhhh, taking advantage of fatigue and conditioning is a part of the sport - any sport, actually. Of course he's going to take advantage when he sees his opponent gassed.

The only thing Floyd should be docked is his 50-0 record. This win shouldn't count given McG's lack of professional boxing experience.
oh god. rofl.

MMA analysts are clowns guys, I wouldn't take much from what they were saying. They all thought Ronda had close to elite striking ability.

Everyone thought Ronda did. Then she lost. Then she came out with some silly fighting videos which looked odd but were in line with her pre-loss videos.

People are just more woke to the faults of fighters now because of Ronda. We all saw Conor's videos and laughed and knew he had no chance. Very little was wise enough to pick up that Ronda was a bit of a joke pre-loss.

Hindsight is 20/20.
This fight was a joke. Good on Mayweather for playing McGregor like a fiddle. 10th round TKO after completely exhausting McGregor. Going aggressive on a defensive boxer is never a good idea.
Was disappointed in how gassed Conor got, as I was routing for him. Mayweather showed that he can be extremely aggressive too. I say this as someone that hasn't really watched many of his fights and doesn't know first hand his skills. All I knew was people called him boring/point catcher.

Good send off for Mayweather and can't wait to see how Conor reacts when he goes back into the octagon. Glad to see both of them being humble in the end, though really what do you expect, it was all about money anyway.


Were people really saying that Mayweather had to rely on Connor's fatigue to win? Sooo, uhhhh, taking advantage of fatigue and conditioning is a part of the sport - any sport, actually. Of course he's going to take advantage when he sees his opponent gassed.

The only thing Floyd should be docked is his 50-0 record. This win shouldn't count given McG's lack of professional boxing experience.

Folk are so mad for Conor they maje all these dunb ass excuses withiut realising how ridiculous it makes them look.


Connor won the cutest punch in professional history; you can't take that from him!

This is hilarious.
I'm reading the reactions from other pro MMA fighters and most are dellusional as well, Floyd wanted to make the fight interesting, he said it himself. He felt like he owed the fans after the May vs Pac debacle, so the fact that the fight lasted 10 rounds and Conor managed to land a punch or two without counting the rabbit and hammer punches (with zero effect) is not because McG is a good boxer, its because May let him in order to make the fight look interesting, had he used his usual fighting style Conor would not have landed a single punch and would've tired out earlier from punching all that air... May should've fought him in his usual style and just completely clown him to shut all of the dellusional MMA fans (and i love MMA).

I practice amateur hour MMA only but you've got to be able to see how easy it is to get triggered when people imply that the obviously lop-sided display this fight in any way translates to outside the boxing ring.

You have to work mentally to not lash out with some anti-boxing spiel, you know.


Grandma's Chippy
Pre-fight when I posted about potential salt, I never expected this!

People are really over analyzing shit lol. It's fun, and a good read. It was entertaining, ended as expected, had only a couple of frustrating points overall.

Why people have to resort to personal attacks on either of them is beyond me though.


Were people really saying that Mayweather had to rely on Connor's fatigue to win? Sooo, uhhhh, taking advantage of fatigue and conditioning is a part of the sport - any sport, actually. Of course he's going to take advantage when he sees his opponent gassed.

The only thing Floyd should be docked is his 50-0 record. This win shouldn't count given McG's lack of professional boxing experience.

Meh, all boxers have their early careers padded with journeymen. Conor is better than journeyman tier atleast.

If anyone deserves that record, it is Floyd. He has convincingly beat many great fighters. Sure, some of them were well past their prime, but his record is hardly padded out with shite like somebody like Wilder.


Was disappointed in how gassed Conor got, as I was routing for him. Mayweather showed that he can be extremely aggressive too. I say this as someone that hasn't really watched many of his fights and doesn't know first hand his skills. All I knew was people called him boring/point catcher.

Good send off for Mayweather and can't wait to see how Conor reacts when he goes back into the octagon. Glad to see both of them being humble in the end, though really what do you expect, it was all about money anyway.

At the end of the day they're both great fighters but the rules & strategy of both respective sports are too vastly different to make this anything other than a spectacle.

I'm just amazed that people thought this was a competitive fight. Put a boxer in the octagon and see how fast I get laughed out the room when I call the ass whooping he gets competitive.


R2: PBF still feeling him out. Conor keeps throwing illegal strikes to the back of the head and not a whole lot else. 10-9 PBF. In between rounds PBF refuses to sip any water and looks like his heart rate is at about 40 bpm. I think his corner might have loaded up some Netflix for him off-screen since they haven't given him any verbal feedback and he looks like he could be on a sofa right now. Conor is breathing heavily and has giant icepacks being held against his body while his corner rapid-fires advice.

R3: More illegal strikes. I don't know if Conor is actually hitting anything other than the back of PBF's head at this point. On his way to losing a point. Conor has zero footwork other than his telegraphed, stiff stance shuffles to orthodox for a single punch. Conor's couple real jabs from the first round are nowhere to be seen and he's just pawing his jab at the edge of his reach over and over now, accomplishing nothing. Floyd's still watching Death Note on his corner's iPad while warming up a bit more. 10-9 PBF. Conor's breathing very heavily in the corner now.

R4: Conor opens up with a flurry that hits nothing except PBF's defenses...and his cup. Jesus Christ, dude. More illegal shit with this pseudo-guillotine clinching a few consecutive times. Now Conor tries some legal boxing finally and immediately gets tagged. Again. Again. Conor's slowing down. Tagged again. PBF flies past Conor's overextended arm and tags him in the nose. Conor looks hurt already and is moving like he's underwater. Takes his back...not MMA, dude. Chin up and extended forward comically...tagged. Floyd's blocked or slipped just about everything this round while landing at-will. PBF nails a counter and then Conor reaches all the way around to tap him on the back of the head, for reasons. 10-9 PBF, starting to get to 10-8 territory. Conor's arms are hanging limp at his waist and he looks completely gassed after the bell.
I feel like all the people giving Conor early rounds were overlooking how much the ref was letting illegal strikes just pass. Do people think if this was Pacquiao doing this the ref isn't docking at least a point?

I feel like if we're you're being extremely generous you could give Conor the first round maximum, and only one judge felt that way inclined.

Speaking of race, I wonder what the racial breakdown is for the top 10 posters in this thread are:

Certainly seems like there was a lot of investment from both sides...
Really intrigued to what the point was here?

I mean, I'm white and Irish, and a huge fan of Conor as an MMA competitor and personality but I'm not blinded about the fact that he go embarrassed by the GOAT (and saw it coming) and think some of the racially-charged things he's said in the past are over the line and unignorable/unforgivable.
I noticed a lot of my conservative friends on Facebook that don't really follow MMA wanting the foreigner Conor McGregor to win last night. Weird....


Wow, I called Mayweather a disgusting person last night in here and went to bed not realizing it would lead to someone having a meltdown and getting banned.

That was interesting to read.

Where's this meltdown you speak of. I need a light reading for my Sunday morning.


I noticed a lot of my conservative friends on Facebook that don't really follow MMA wanting the foreigner Conor McGregor to win last night. Weird....

That is weird because my conservative friends were rooting for Floyd because of his ties with Trump.
Conor did great for not being in his sport. Dude got to the 10th round against a legend. A lot of his illegal punches were reactionary from being in mma. Flip the tables and mayweather wouldn't last. Fun fight overall and went longer than I expected
How exactly do you think Floyd would have done under the pressure if it was an MMA fight? Some of you guys man, I swear.

Floyd has shown himself to be an intelligent fighter. He literally started turtling because Conor kept doing hammers. He was able to adapt really well and Conor could not. All this fight shows is Conor's is sort of stupid. He stuck with a dumb idea that was not working and he realize it wasn't working even when Floyd was smiling after taking hits. He and his team never thought, "hey, stop doing like 50 punches a round, Floyd isn't even tired."


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Really I think Mayweather could have ended it in the fifth round, maybe earlier if he wanted to take more risks but that's not really his thing and he knew Conor was going to gas out pretty quickly. When Mayweather turned it on near the end it was over quick and it really seemed like he was dragging it out for the sake of the show. The guy was basically grinning from cheek to cheek from the first bell and looked like he took a mild jog by the end of the fight.


Conor did great for not being in his sport. Dude got to the 10th round against a legend. A lot of his illegal punches were reactionary from being in mma. Flip the tables and mayweather wouldn't last. Fun fight overall and went longer than I expected
Floyd has absolutely no training in martial arts, don't understand why people feel the need to say Mayweather wouldn't last as some sort of face saving caveat when it's really quite irrelevant.
Floyd has absolutely no training in martial arts, don't understand why people feel the need to say Mayweather wouldn't last as some sort of face saving caveat when it's really quite irrelevant.

Is it though? Obviously one of conors biggest downfalls is he approached it like mma and got points docked and gassed himself
One thing it did show is the difference in punching power from MMA to boxing.

Conor is known as a devastating puncher in MMA, but by boxing standards his power is average or maybe lesser than that. Floyd had little to no respect it.

Ric Flair

Those early rounds were Floyd observing and letting Conor gas himself out. It was the simplest strategy to take, and he executed it perfectly. I don't think there was one surprise the entire fight for Floyd, and it's outcome allowed him to go out on the highest possible note for a guy his age. He might not have the speed or bullet-time reaction that he once had, but his IQ in the ring is still fucking legendary. This was a 100 million dollar sparring match, and kudos to both guys for hyping it and getting paid. Watching the post-fight press conference really says it all, seeing that laugh from Conor when Floyd brings up the payday, these guys knew the odds the whole time.
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