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Forbes: Time To End All This Doom And Gloom Over Sony And The PlayStation



You guys were looking at it wrong.

My dad gave me some good advice back in the day: buy low, sell high. And, quoting Kenny Rogers:

Said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy, ya gotta learn to play it right.

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
If I were running Sony, there would be no PS4 as people currently conceive it. Also, the Vita, in its current form should never have been made.

With the Vita, Sony amply demonstrated that they learned nothing from the PSP. If they refuse to learn that lesson for PS4, Sony may actually die.

So yes, there are people who seriously think that Sony, if they were more prudent and not blinded by concerns over prestige, would leave the hardware business. It won't happen, but only because the company's culture is such that such a course of action is unthinkable.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What a terrible article. Nobody is claiming PS3 failed because it sold a little less than 360. They're claiming PS3 failed because it lost Sony many billions of dollars and like 40% of the marketshare generation-over-generation.

The pro Xbox guys in a thread I made said losing billions of dollars isn't important because it happened in the past.

Apparently I have much to learn about corporate finance, if that's the case. :(
Lmao, someone posts a "Let's stop crying doom and gloom for Sony" article, albeit from a contributor or w/e, and everyone keeps hampering over that. Playstation is one of their few divisions that has seen growth and good sales, so naturally they've been focusing on that ever since Kaz took helm of the somewhat sinking ship. It's never over till it's over, we'll get at least one more hardware cycle.


If I were running Sony, there would be no PS4 as people currently conceive it. Also, the Vita, in its current form should never have been made.

With the Vita, Sony amply demonstrated that they learned nothing from the PSP. If they refuse to learn that lesson for PS4, Sony may actually die.

So yes, there are people who seriously think that Sony, if they were more prudent and not blinded by concerns over prestige, would leave the hardware business. It won't happen, but only because the company's culture is such that such a course of action is unthinkable.

Well I'm certainly glad youre not in charge I owned the PSP and I have a Vita and I'm sorry but Sony learned A LOT from it. It has a wider variety of games, the control issues are mostly gone, and the "buy one get both" strategy is great. Yes it's more expensive than the 3DS but what shoul they have done? Release crappy hardware? How would you have conceived the Vita.


wheres the dude from the OMG WILL POWERS WAS FIRED topic that claimed it was a sign of the end?

I'm sure he'll be happy in this topic.
You're talking about Pramath, and last I checked he was banned.

This thread though, wow. I guess we'll see what happens but people really believe Sony is going to bow out? cmon guys.


I just don't think anyone believes that. I've never seen it said.

The Vita? Yea, people have said they should probably get out of the portable business. People have also said that Sony should get out of the $600 console business.

Again, that's not the same thing as saying that Sony should stop making consoles entirely. That's just silly talk and I've never seen it said here or anywhere else, nor alluded to. Maybe Sony zealots need to believe that people out there feel like that so that they can conjure some sort of "us against the world" mentality, but it doesn't really exist beyond the occasional troll that enjoys giving Sony a hard time...but not even they actually want less gaming hardware on the market, even if they're not buying it.

Hey, you're actually right. While I've seen people predicting Sony's exit or just saying they wouldn't mind if they did, no one has said that they wanted them to stop making consoles.
If I were running Sony, there would be no PS4 as people currently conceive it. Also, the Vita, in its current form should never have been made.

With the Vita, Sony amply demonstrated that they learned nothing from the PSP. If they refuse to learn that lesson for PS4, Sony may actually die.

So yes, there are people who seriously think that Sony, if they were more prudent and not blinded by concerns over prestige, would leave the hardware business. It won't happen, but only because the company's culture is such that such a course of action is unthinkable.

I share this view. The absolute best thing Sony could do right now is ride it out with the PS3. The price would be lower and a great value especially if some good software is coming for it.


"Next-Gen begins when we say so." -Forbes

Last gen begins when we say so - Iwata ;)

Sony ultimately want to be a "service" and you have to assume that at some point that extends to multiple -non sony- platforms.

It'll be interesting to see how they go about it.


Batteries the CRISIS!
This Forbes blogger is full of stupidity.

Abandoning that ground, on the other hand, would almost certainly be a disaster. Sony would need to compete on software alone and would suddenly be competing with dozens of other publishers in a turbulent market.

But Sony already competes with dozens of publishers in a turbulent market ... on the PS3 and Vita. Going third party means competing with those publishers in an expanded market by virtue of Sony's games being on more platforms. Increasing product availability usually reduces risk, it doesn't increase it.

stop posting forbes contributor "articles" and attributing them to forbes. especially the ones from this guy.

Both of these. So much both of these.

But Sony already competes with dozens of publishers in a turbulent market ... on the PS3 and Vita. Going third party means competing with those publishers in a larger market by virtue of games being on more platforms. Increasing product availability usually reduces risk, it doesn't increase it.

Eeeehhhh I wouldnt be so sure. Look at iOS. Sure the product availability is good, but the larger market creates a larger pool of products, making individual products much easier to miss than in smaller markets.
Well I'm certainly glad youre not in charge I owned the PSP and I have a Vita and I'm sorry but Sony learned A LOT from it. It has a wider variety of games, the control issues are mostly gone, and the "buy one get both" strategy is great. Yes it's more expensive than the 3DS but what shoul they have done? Release crappy hardware? How would you have conceived the Vita.
Vita should have been a minimum spec shared across a wide variety of mobile devices (tablets, phones). Have them all conform to the minimum hardware requirement (graphics, touchscreen, gamecard slot, analog sticks, face buttons) but allow each to vary in their natural ways. Basically, Vita is just a part of the devices people were going to buy anyway. This way, you get a "full" gaming device into the hands of more people and you have an opportunity to make it an indispensable part of their lives once they do.

Apple can't compete with you on content and Nintendo is trumped on ubiquity.

They built was a PSP on steroids even though the market was lukewarm on the original.

I share this view. The absolute best thing Sony could do right now is ride it out with the PS3. The price would be lower and a great value especially if some good software is coming for it.
Pretty much. If I were running Sony, I'd support the PS3 for its "full" ten years and just quietly shelve its successor.

Yes, Sony made money on PS3 in recent financial years, but there is no question the whole boondoggle has weakened their market position, their brand and their company. If they had to make the decision again whether to make a PS3, they would have done things differently, slim profits in 10/11 and 11/12 be damned.


None of the big 3 are going anywhere any time in the next five or six years.

Whether Sony gets out depends on how fucking terrible the rest of their business continues to go. The game division is fine.

Well, their CONSOLE game division is fine. They may want to rethink this handheld stuff.


Membero Americo
None of the big 3 are going anywhere any time in the next five or six years.

Whether Sony gets out depends on how fucking terrible the rest of their business continues to go. The game division is fine.

Well, their CONSOLE game division is fine. They may want to rethink this handheld stuff.

Isn't their gaming division the only one making any actual profit right now? Maybe TVs too?
we're talking about crazy scenarios? well, now this thread makes sense.
The crazy scenario you speak of happened in 2006 and if the Vita is anything to go by, they haven't fully abandoned the razor blades / razor model of the console hardware business.

I have no confidence in Sony's management to make the right decisions. Not after the Vita.

Valnen said:
And be slaughtered by the next Xbox and Wii-U? Yeah, no.
That's what leaving the console hardware business means.


Oh boy, that old discussion finisher. Anyone interested in making an updated one?

yes, someone needs to make an animated GIF with all three "games" companies showing the same drop and red text with



a few frames later show Apples stock price and the text

Taveras argues that it’s time Sony got out of the hardware business and started focusing on its software.


Look, how do I put this, but...they're in trouble, but not THAT much trouble, nor the kind of trouble that "fix" would fix.


The only company that's not called doomed is Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony get so much doomed and gloomed articles it's so annoying, maybe Microsoft pays every website to say good things about the Xbox and them.

Maybe it's because MS is on the rise (partly good business strategy, partly luck and a whole lot of the fact that they are only in their 2nd gen and were bound to build on what they did the first gen with the amount of money they have to throw around).

Nintendo is struggling with the Wii after blitzing it early on and the 3DS had a bad start as well as not being at the same pace as the DS.

Sony is no where near as successful as last gen in terms of market share and it goes without saying that a lot needs to be done to turn around the Vita's fortunes.

Seems to me that outside the rare person with an obvious bias most people who get paid to do it try to write something that is objective and able to be backed up with facts.

Keep that tinfoil hat on though if you like it.


Maybe it's because MS is on the rise (partly good business strategy, partly luck and a whole lot of the fact that they are only in their 2nd gen and were bound to build on what they did the first gen with the amount of money they have to throw around).

Nintendo is struggling with the Wii after blitzing it early on and the 3DS had a bad start as well as not being at the same pace as the DS.

Sony is no where near as successful as last gen in terms of market share and it goes without saying that a lot needs to be done to turn around the Vita's fortunes.

Seems to me that outside the rare person with an obvious bias most people who get paid to do it try to write something that is objective and able to be backed up with facts.

Keep that tinfoil hat on though if you like it.

I don't have a tinfoil hat on, even when the Wii and DS where selling like hot cakes their where still doomed and gloomed about Nintendo.

Just reporting the facts.
Oh, so because you said "may" that somehow gives you a free pass to make such a ridiculous statement? Well okay then.
I think you fail to appreciate just how much trouble Sony is in right now. Their credit rating is on a downward spiral (BAA2/ Medium Grade credit risk at Moody's, BBB at S&P) and they don't have much in the way of cash reserves. If they repeat the PS3 disaster, they can't afford to ride it out like they could have back in 2006.

One more downgrade at S&P and they have junk bond status, which means that their ability to borrow money becomes severely compromised. A big shock in that event could tip them over.

So yes, not exiting the hardware business could affect the company as a going concern. More than likely, what would happen then is the sale of the Playstation business to some interested buyer in order to save the rest.


I don't have a tinfoil hat on, even when the Wii and DS where selling like hot cakes their where still doomed and gloomed about Nintendo.

Just reporting the facts.

I don't remember that. All I remember (and it's not an article, obviously) is people on GAF posting the "it only prints money" gif over and over again. Come to think of it I remember people posting that gif in threads that were about articles talking about how much ass Nintendo was kicking financially.

You honestly think MS pays every outlet to not report doom & gloom about them? That is tin foil hat stuff in my book.


I don't remember that. All I remember (and it's not an article, obviously) is people on GAF posting the "it only prints money" gif over and over again. Come to think of it I remember people posting that gif in threads that were about articles talking about how much ass Nintendo was kicking financially.

You honestly think MS pays every outlet to not report doom & gloom about them? That is tin foil hat stuff in my book.

I was just be funny when I said that, obviously Microsoft doesn't play all websites to say good things about them.


I was just be funny when I said that, obviously Microsoft doesn't play all websites to say good things about them.

Fair enough. I still think those reporting are reporting about stuff that is true. That being said when there is juicy news you can be sure they all pile on.


When will people realise that "Forbes contributors" are just random blogs and have nothing to do with actual forbes?
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