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Fortnite: Battle Royale |OT| 100 Players on Epic Battlegrounds


Ammo needs to be picked up automatically.
If your inventory slots are full and you have the pickaxe in hand, it will only pick up ammo/material off the ground. Useful for looting corpses in a fighting scenario.

Also just nabbed my second victory. Landed in the farm and scored a good chunk of kills (six in total) with a semi-shotty, then managed to stalk the finalists and finish them off with a semi-sniper.

Which area has the most loot density? I feel like wrestling in whatever this games Sosnovka-equivelant is.
got my first solo win today with about 5 kills evenly spread out through the match, easily my best, most intense game so far

Finished the last duel by building a ruse-building as some random walls and a roof, then leaving it and hiding behind a nearby tree and the last opponent showed up looking for me in the building, bam, dead :D wished i had some traps on me to make it even better.
Damn had a very close match right now, got second place. Died because my weapons were shit but we both build walls to the middle of the circle and in the end he shot me first.

Man they really need to strength the walls. It's frustrating that you can shoot a.stone wall down with 3 bullets.. :/ Doesn't make that much fun to build with that as it could make.


If your inventory slots are full and you have the pickaxe in hand, it will only pick up ammo/material off the ground. Useful for looting corpses in a fighting scenario.

Also just nabbed my second victory. Landed in the farm and scored a good chunk of kills (six in total) with a semi-shotty, then managed to stalk the finalists and finish them off with a semi-sniper.

Which area has the most loot density? I feel like wrestling in whatever this games Sosnovka-equivelant is.

There's a prison on the Southeast corner of the map. I swear it looks like it was modeled after The Walking Dead's prison, but it is loaded with shit and a helluva place to fortify if your playing squads.
Eden, I thought you were lying about Moisty Mire. I thought you were lying about the chests......you weren't. My gosh that place was deserted and the chest were all there for me to take.


Improvements i'd add:

- Auto pick up ammo and materials. Too many times i've accidentally swapped weapons trying to pick up ammo and materials

- Have a favourite weapon for quick changing between axe and gun.

- Use left and right d-pad to cycle through guns and materials. Having to keep pressing the triangle button is annoying.

- R1 should be swap shoulders when aiming


Improvements i'd add:

- Auto pick up ammo and materials. Too many times i've accidentally swapped weapons trying to pick up ammo and materials

- Have a favourite weapon for quick changing between axe and gun.

- Use left and right d-pad to cycle through guns and materials. Having to keep pressing the triangle button is annoying.

- R1 should be swap shoulders when aiming
-Equip your pickaxe while looting ammo. You can't swap your pickaxe so you'll leave guns etc behind (as long as your inventory is full)

- it kind of already does this? Hold triangle to go to pickaxe, then when you press triangle again it'll go back to whatever you were on before.

- agreed, really weird that you have to cycle with triangle while left/right dpad aren't even used.

- I'd prefer R3 but yeah. I think this will be patched in fairly quickly as they've already mentioned it as a priority.
tip: if you are going for the maze and then realise there are six other people, glide further to the coast where there is a wooden multi level tower it has two noisy crates and everything else you need and nobody goes there.


actually the most tense part of the match was being trapped against a cliff by the storm and having to quickly build a janky ramp up it.
tip: if you are going for the maze and then realise there are six other people, glide further to the coast where there is a wooden multi level tower it has two noisy crates and everything else you need and nobody goes there.

No crates are guaranteed btw. Somestimes that tower might have nuffin. Though I'd imagine it would have at least 1.


This game really needs vehicles, trekking across the map sucks. Automatically picking up ammo would help as well.

Gunplay is good though


Played a few games last night and ended up enjoying it much more than I thought I would. It has some issues, and it doesn't quite scratch the same itch that PUBG does, but I can definitely see myself firing it up every so often.

The sniper rifle seems ridiculously strong though - I had 8 kills in my first match without really knowing what was happening lol.


I just placed 7 to someone that built a really cool designed base.
It's basically four walls and two ramps.
You are covered in all directions with it and can peek your head whenever you want.

EDIT: Also, grenade launcher sucks.


They really need to fix the rng bullets. Its frustrating losing at a long range encounter and knowing you lost because you didnt win the rng lotto while the other did

How do you build a ramp?! I tried for 10 minutes yesterday. No idea.

You build stairs consecutively where the platforms snap together


I love this game - I love PUBG too, but I can play FNBR with a smile on my face the whole time...PUBG im shaking and sweating and scared most of the time lol

My only gripes are:
Bus need to go faster - make staying in it worth it
Need a few more small loot spots but Im sure they are working on the map

Sure, other things need tweaking too, but those two would really change the game play.

(and give us material in the lobby to play with)


Ok hold on a second...

Is this game really PS4 - PC cross-play?

No fucks given about Controller vs M/KB?

Game supports m/kb natively on PS4, so no.

Controller players have significant aim assist so I actually think they are at an advantage if I'm honest. Particularly given mouse users have no way of adjusting sensitivity except through any direct DPI settings their mouse has.

Can't get KB/M to work with PS4 at all.

You need to have a controller on at the same time, you can then switch between the two seamlessly. Remember to adjust the time until your controller turns off setting in the systems settings (Settings > Power Saving Settings > Set Time Until Controllers Turn Off) so it doesn't accidentally turn off mid way through a round.

Note, you can't adjust any mouse sensitivity in game so it doesn't feel quite right at the moment. You also won't have a cursor in menus for some reason (assume a bug). This has so far stopped me remapping any keys (not sure if you even can) as it's a pain in the arse trying to guess where you are pointing and the key mapping screen is just a long list.

No. It's cross-save but not cross-play.

I hope this changes in the future. I'm currently playing PS4 but am moving to PC soon and also have buddies on XB1 so cross-play and cross-save would be ideal for me.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
They really need to fix the rng bullets. Its frustrating losing at a long range encounter and knowing you lost because you didnt win the rng lotto while the other did

You build stairs consecutively where the platforms snap together

I didn't even know you can build stairs, haha.

Re: the patch, I honestly thought the assault rifle was already pretty good. Surprised that it's getting buffed.
That's my feeling also after playing a handful of games. Maybe I just watched too much PUBG and my expectations need to be reset but the map feels awfully small.

It is pretty small. There's nowhere you can land that you won't have to fight off 3-4 people before escaping. I'm having games now where I kill 5 people, but the 6th guy gets me when I have like 40 health left. It's a little frustrating.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
It is pretty small. There's nowhere you can land that you won't have to fight off 3-4 people before escaping. I'm having games now where I kill 5 people, but the 6th guy gets me when I have like 40 health left. It's a little frustrating.

I've had the most success starting if I just wait as long as possible to leave the bus. The first 30 seconds means you'll be fighting as soon as you hit the ground, but the last 10 seconds means, at most and in a worst case scenario, you'll see one person when you hit the ground, but usually it's no one or it's someone you can avoid.

They really need to patch out bushes

Yesterday, for the first time, I hid in a bush and killed some folks walking by. I felt guilty because I know it's super cheap, haha. If they get rid of bushes, then at least let us lay prone.


I almost never play PVP in anyway, mostly played single player games all my life but tried this out and its so much fun lol I dont know if its just cause of the Battle Royale or the prospect of PVP that ive never fully enjoyed but i cant stop playing.


It is pretty small. There's nowhere you can land that you won't have to fight off 3-4 people before escaping. I'm having games now where I kill 5 people, but the 6th guy gets me when I have like 40 health left. It's a little frustrating.

You just have to land in places that have like one or two houses and quit landing at the towns. I've landed plenty of times with no one else around me. Get a gun or two then hope to kill some loot goblins to flesh out the gear.
I didn't even know you can build stairs, haha.

Re: the patch, I honestly thought the assault rifle was already pretty good. Surprised that it's getting buffed.

If your on PS4 (not sure for the other versions) the Circle button brings up the blueprints for wall, floors, stairs and roofs. As long as you have the material you get from breaking stuff with the pick ax , you make a stairway to heaven if need be lol.
The Ar buff seems minor. It's probably based on their internal statistics though. Now there is a scoped rifle with near perfect scoped accuracy you probably want to bring the non-scoped up a bit. Also, it's more of a buff for lower tier gear, which seems fair.


You just have to land in places that have like one or two houses and quit landing at the towns. I've landed plenty of times with no one else around me. Get a gun or two then hope to kill some loot goblins to flesh out the gear.
I ride the bus to the other end of the island and have yet to be killed by the storm if the circle is far. This lessens player density. Land on a two story house + shed combo as you glide look for that yellow glow through the ripped tiles of the shed....if there land on shed if not go to the roof of the house...land on top as crates are usually are in the attic...then the fun begins
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