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Fortnite: Battle Royale |OT| 100 Players on Epic Battlegrounds


First win on squads last night playing with my brother as a duo. I also got my 1st and 2nd solo wins after multiple top 10 finishes so good to get it done finally.

He managed to kill 5 players in quick succession (stupidly has his PS4 recording set really short so missed the sequence) when there was 8 left. Then a easy 2 on 1 against a guy hiding up above us who I spammed with grenades from the launcher, destroyed everything he built before I finished him off with the AR when he peeked over the top of the mountain.

Starting going to Moisty Mire on solo, right about getting those 4 crates to yourself.
I land, squad games or otherwise, and get butchered.

My 7 year old plays squads for his first game. He lands with the first guy to jump. The other 2 at the other side of the map. His team mate gets shot gunned. He returns fire, kills and rezzes. It happens again and he rezzes but his team mate goes down again just after and is dead. He now has 2 kills, two decent weapons and ammo for days. He then traverses the entire map on 11 health to join up with his other 2 squad mates.

Long story short, he starts picking off ranged targets with a machine gun and he's last man standing, falling to a team of 2 to come in second place. 4 kills and 4 or so assists.

He was a machine.

I jump into squads. Land with my team. Pick Axed.


I feel not playing any shooters for about 17 years is biting me in the ass. I do alright in surviving, but near the end even if I go into favorable engagements I usually die anyway.

Last game I ran towards one of the final circles when I took fire from behind. I managed to hide and he lost me. He then went into a container to get weapons and I waited just outside, really close with a pump shotgun where he was to emerge. He was surprised as I shot at him point blank, I managed to get two more shots off before I died to his rifle.

Before that I died early on when somebody dropped near me. Again I saw the person go into a house, I hid below the stairs and when he came down I shot him in the back. He managed to turn around and kill me before I killed him.

Game before - yesterday - I was near the end and had a bolt-sniper rifle. I saw one of the last five people run towards the center of the circle and I had a perfect spot hidden in a bush. I managed to hit him twice - he had armor and I believe he used bandages in between, but I also missed 9 times while he was hopelessly trying to see where I was. All the missed shots though did alert other people to my location and I took an assault rifle to the back of the head. The person I was shooting had still lived by the way.

I'm sure with practice this gets better, but there's so little opportunity to practice, especially because I really, really hate the long downtime between games so I'm not about to just drop first to just get into gunfights.


Last game I ran towards one of the final circles when I took fire from behind. I managed to hide and he lost me. He then went into a container to get weapons and I waited just outside, really close with a pump shotgun where he was to emerge. He was surprised as I shot at him point blank, I managed to get two more shots off before I died to his rifle.

This is me every game. I'm done with the shotguns. I can't use them.
How do you use traps (Xbox One)?

I press B to get the building stuff up but I can only scroll through the usual stuff; walls, pyramids, whatever the fuck.

The trap is right there. I can see it. But I have no idea how to use it.
How do you use traps (Xbox One)?

I press B to get the building stuff up but I can only scroll through the usual stuff; walls, pyramids, whatever the fuck.

The trap is right there. I can see it. But I have no idea how to use it.

Point your reticle at the area the trap will be laid and new choices come up. So point at the ceiling, wall, or floor.
Just got killed by my own squad mates, is this a common thing?
Happened to me and a buddy. We went Squad with the two of us. The other guys killed me first. Looted all my crap, then walked over to my friend and did the same to him. He was a few hundred metres apart from us too, so they were pretty dedicated in getting this 'job' done.

I'm hoping it'll be labeled cheating and will lead to a perma-ban if it happens more often, because it really is cheating: killing your tm's for easy loot basically.
Happened to me and a buddy. We went Squad with the two of us. The other guys killed me first. Looted all my crap, then walked over to my friend and did the same to him. He was a few hundred metres apart from us too, so they were pretty dedicated in getting this 'job' done.

I'm hoping it'll be labeled cheating and will lead to a perma-ban if it happens more often, because it really is cheating: killing your tm's for easy loot basically.
Use the in the options menu feedback menu and report them. I did the same when some sad sack TK'ed my son yesterday.
Happened to me and a buddy. We went Squad with the two of us. The other guys killed me first. Looted all my crap, then walked over to my friend and did the same to him. He was a few hundred metres apart from us too, so they were pretty dedicated in getting this 'job' done.

I'm hoping it'll be labeled cheating and will lead to a perma-ban if it happens more often, because it really is cheating: killing your tm's for easy loot basically.

If I understand Epic's policy it's already a bannable offense. Not sure if it's perma though.
How do you use traps (Xbox One)?

I press B to get the building stuff up but I can only scroll through the usual stuff; walls, pyramids, whatever the fuck.

The trap is right there. I can see it. But I have no idea how to use it.

You have to press B, then press X.

The traps have a dedicated button.

Then, you will get a wheel -- Wall, Floor, or Ceiling. Depending on the trap you picked up, it will be in one of these.

They have to be placed on actual walls and floors, so dont expect to put one on grass (since most fort builders avoid building a floor).

Got two kills booby trapping Loot Lake cottage with the electric ones. Which are way too easy to hear, so I suspect theyll need to be buffed since everyone figures out the traps after their first death.

The spikes can catch you off guard though

Mikey Jr.

Umm, did they change the speed of the storm or something?

I was just watching a dude playing right now on PS4, and he had to outrun a storm.

But it never caught up to him. It stayed the same speed as him. And he was running for a solid minute and a half up hills and shit. Didn't touch him once.
Umm, did they change the speed of the storm or something?

I was just watching a dude playing right now on PS4, and he had to outrun a storm.

But it never caught up to him. It stayed the same speed as him. And he was running for a solid minute and a half up hills and shit. Didn't touch him once.

AFAIK they haven't, perhaps he was in a location where the storm was close to the white zone already. You can outrun the storm in certain situations because the storm doesn't have a set speed, it's based on a timer. The further the storm has to go, the faster it will move.
Man wtf. I know Im hitting these people with my scoped AR and strafing, but the bullets seem like they dont go where I have them. I get crouching and shooting but I dont know if I like that

Mikey Jr.

AFAIK they haven't, perhaps he was in a location where the storm was close to the white zone already. You can outrun the storm in certain situations because the storm doesn't have a set speed, it's based on a timer. The further the storm has to go, the faster it will move.

Ohhh, ok.

Yeah, it was at/near the end of the game. Didn't know it had different speeds. Good to know.
Man wtf. I know Im hitting these people with my scoped AR and strafing, but the bullets seem like they dont go where I have them. I get crouching and shooting but I dont know if I like that

It's sorta like csgo, you want to strafe, stop fire, strafe, stop fire. Preferably while crouching. Gotta account for the weapon spread after shots and distance.
Just saw a guy cheating with his teammate, autoaim and probably something else. Nick: Waymeman. Is there some place to report this? They ruined such a great match :(

Edit: just found the option to report in the menu.
I watched my replay. The reticule is on the player but Im not getting shots on. Im gettign frustarted with the face to face engagements. I feel like Im not understanding something
YES! Just won for the first time as a squad of two with my friend, this feels so good.



I watched my replay. The reticule is on the player but Im not getting shots on. Im gettign frustarted with the face to face engagements. I feel like Im not understanding something
Scoped ARs are still susceptible to the rng bullet spread that affects non snipers/launchers. All the scope is for is extra zoom, the bullets still act like you fire with any other gun when adsing
Scoped ARs are still susceptible to the rng bullet spread that affects non snipers/launchers. All the scope is for is extra zoom, the bullets still act like you fire with any other gun when adsing

Can they remove the bloody RNG. Feels incredibly infuriating. I was also using a regular AR this time around, but was not strafing around
Two second places in a row just now. Starting to get really pissed.

1. I saw the guy first and shot first but I had no shield, shit guns, and 80 health.
2. I saw the guy first. He had a metal fort in the circle and I had an open field to cross.


Can they remove the bloody RNG. Feels incredibly infuriating. I was also using a regular AR this time around, but was not strafing around

Damn I'm feel like a cranky old man when I read things like this. Remove "rng"? Aren't you just talking about recoil? Afaik there is only two methods for recoil. One follows a pattern and one is random. If you go with a pre-defined pattern it can be macro'd.


Damn I'm feel like a cranky old man when I read things like this. Remove "rng"? Aren't you just talking about recoil? Afaik there is only two methods for recoil. One follows a pattern and one is random. If you go with a pre-defined pattern it can be macro'd.

No. Whenever you fire the gun the bullet can go anywhere within the reticle/crosshair, even from the first shot you fire. I'd take random recoil over the random bullet spread the game has now
Damn I'm feel like a cranky old man when I read things like this. Remove "rng"? Aren't you just talking about recoil? Afaik there is only two methods for recoil. One follows a pattern and one is random. If you go with a pre-defined pattern it can be macro'd.

It's not recoil. It's a form of bloom.

This game appears to use a defined spread around the reticle where your bullet has a possibility of traveling regardless of where the dot is aimed. Each quality level that a gun goes up reduces the defined area, thus making your shots more likely to go where you're actually aiming.

Various other factors reduce or increase this area as well. Kneeling reduces it. Firing quickly or at full auto increases it. Firing while moving increases it.


I dunno man... This speaks more about me than the game, but after this many days, I think i'm close to being done with it. I really got addicted the first couple of days, and the first matches where you almost win and the one you do win really give you a great adrenaline rush.

But since yesterday it's not clicking like before. I feel like i know the map like the back of my hand, the sense of exploration is no longer there, the feeling of being lost and the sense of making things up as you go along. Also after winning a couple of matches i just don't feel that motivated (but again, this speaks more about me than the game)

Maybe different maps will make me wanna play again, but right now i'll give it a rest.

ps: This is my first BR type game, so i don't know if this genre will do it for me long run

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I dunno man... This speaks more about me than the game, but after this many days, I think i'm close to being done with it. I really got addicted the first couple of days, and the first matches where you almost win and the one you do win really give you a great adrenaline rush.

But since yesterday it's not clicking like before. I feel like i know the map like the back of my hand, the sense of exploration is no longer there, the feeling of being lost and the sense of making things up as you go along. Also after winning a couple of matches i just don't feel that motivated (but again, this speaks more about me than the game)

Maybe different maps will make me wanna play again, but right now i'll give it a rest.

ps: This is my first BR type game, so i don't know if this genre will do it for me long run
They're adding supply drops and new weapons this week. Which should definitely shake things up a bit especially in squad mode. I just want my cosmetics, leaderboard, and ability to choose gender already so I have something to work towards.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Ok I just had the easiest win ever. Destroyed literally every tree in Moisty Mire, got so much good weaponry and full shields And then just waited for people to run to the circle which throughout the whole game was closing in directly next to Moisty Mire.
After a series of crushing runner ups, I finally got my second win.

Gotta say though, in both wins, I kill most of my opponents from behind and I feel bad. Wonder if that formula can be improved upon in BR games like this.

Anyways, I got some solid sniper kills. Killed about 3-4 players, and only 1 was an AR kill.

Goodness, does it feel satisfying stalking a clueless player and sniping them. I feel so bad, because your entire game is ruined by a single bullet out of nowhere.

Final opponent got sniped, I was amazed that they even challenged me considering they knew I had a sniper
Fucking 14 kill game and I come in 2nd. That's the most frustrating end to a game of Fortnite ever. Just gunning down fools left and right only to get rocket launchered to death.
Ok I just had the easiest win ever. Destroyed literally every tree in Moisty Mire, got so much good weaponry and full shields And then just waited for people to run to the circle which throughout the whole game was closing in directly next to Moisty Mire.

Wait. There are weapons inside the trees?

Because I've tried the mire a few times and only gotten a white gun or two, and maybe some bandages and I've been thinking what's the mire hype about.


I'm pretty good at FPS's but I CONSTANTLY lose gun fights in this game, no idea what I'm doing wrong lol.

The randomness of the bullet spray/bloom along with the first shot coming of the AR not always going where you aim. Trust me it's not you.

Oh and the smg is super weak if you have been picking that up.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Wait. There are weapons inside the trees?

Because I've tried the mire a few times and only gotten a white gun or two, and maybe some bandages and I've been thinking what's the mire hype about.
The medium size trees that are like half cut down do contain items yes. Not the ones in the water.
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