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Fox News to Host Live Event With Bernie Sanders. Hillary Too

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I'm not sure why people thought this was a good idea to begin with.

I'm not sure why people think Clinton going now too makes it a good idea.

I don't really think it should need to be pointed out that this is a channel that literally receives directives from on-high on what stories to cover and how to slant them.

Perhaps Breitbart can sponsor the next Democratic debate alongside the Moonie Times and Newsmax.
I'm not sure why people thought this was a good idea to begin with.

I'm not sure why people think Clinton going now too makes it a good idea.

Perhaps Breitbart can sponsor the next Democratic debate alongside the Moonie Times and Newsmax.

Well the Democrats need to do something to boost their ratings! Hilary doesn't even have a penis so we can't speculate how big it is and Bernie is Ewww level of old


I don't see the problem in trying to reach as many voters as possible. If you are a candidate for a public office, you want as many eyes on your message as you can get.

If neither one of them can avoid being bamboozled by pesky Fox News then perhaps they shouldn't be running for the office.

I honestly don't think this November is going to be as easy as people think.


I blame Bernie's dumb advisers like Tad Devine. These career loser consultants who helped lead Gore and Kerry to losses in the general.
Once Bernie accepted, I can't blame Hillary for following suit.
Just dumb all-around. Anything that helps legitimize Fox News is a bad look for Dems.


I blame Bernie's dumb advisers like Tad Devine. These career loser consultants who helped lead Gore and Kerry to losses in the general.
Once Bernie accepted, I can't blame Hillary for following suit.
Just dumb all-around. Anything that helps legitimize Fox News is a bad look for Dems.

Dear HillGAF:

Never stop
I'm sure both candidates will acquit themselves just fine.

But anyone under any illusion that this is some good faith attempt by Fox to allow them to spread the good word to a broader audience where they can interact with totally impartial Frank Luntz's hand-picked questioners ... is out of their mind


No Scrubs
I'm sure both candidates will acquit themselves just fine.

But anyone under any illusion that this is some good faith attempt by Fox to allow them to spread the good word to a broader audience where they can interact with totally impartial Frank Luntz's hand-picked questioners ... is out of their mind

Pretty much. There's no way this is all on the up and up from Fox. Expect every question to be loaded.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Is Fox News' slogan still "Fair and Balanced" without a hint of irony?


Dammit. I was hoping Sanders would have it to himself. Good move on Clintons part imo.

Just seems like now instead of using this to prop up Bernie to disenfranchise people when they have to switch over to Hilary, they can now set targets on both of them to make Democrats look bad overall.


Dear HillGAF:

Never stop

Great job refuting anything I said. And I'm hardly "hilgaf" I never said a bad thing about Bernie himself. But it's hardly a bad or controversial opinion to think he's getting terrible advice, is headed to a loss, but is taking the most ignoble route to that outcome.

Instead of fighting on his message, he's spending more time trying to tear down Hillary. And going on Fox News to accomplish what? I understand he wants to get as many media appearances out there as possible, but this is just dumb. And I'd think the same thing if it were Hillary doing the same thing.


I really want to know what people who are angry about this think is going to happen.

Is Fox going to ask Bernie negative questions about Hillary? Maybe.

Is Bernie going to say negative things about Hillary? Maybe.

Is he going to say anything he hasn't already said in press conferences or stump speeches? No. Why would he?

So I don't see how this matters at all. Who cares?

This post is still cogent and on-point even with Hillary attending the event, and the original poster of it also has great hair. Good job.


Great job refuting anything I said. And I'm hardly "hilgaf" I never said a bad thing about Bernie himself. But it's hardly a bad or controversial opinion to think he's getting terrible advice, is headed to a loss, but is taking the most ignoble route to that outcome.

Instead of fighting on his message, he's spending more time trying to tear down Hillary. And going on Fox News to accomplish what? I understand he wants to get as many media appearances out there as possible, but this is just dumb. And I'd think the same thing if it were Hillary doing the same thing.

Rule 1 of how to lose a campaign: limit your audience


Hillary and Bernie are both traitors to the Democrats and to the liberal cause. They should be ashamed that they're appearing on Fox News; an arm of the Republican party.

Completely, utterly, disgusting. Next they're going to be interviewed by Glenn Beck. Just. You. Watch.



The update with Hillary joining the Town Hall event makes this thread hilarious. Good on her for showing some semblance of a backbone by joining Bernie in the lion's den.

Dems need all the voters they can get. A few percentage points can turn an election. So while DEms should keep their FNC appearances to a minimum, it doesn't really hurt to try to sway some of their loyal viewers with an event or two.

I'll never fully understand the open contempt a lot of Gaf seems to have for Bernie.

Be it marginalizing his accomplishments, condescendingly speaking on his chances against Hil, or just flat out mocking...I just don't think it's warranted and it feels pretty damn toxic.

At best, they will claim to be "OK" with Bernie, but not his supports.....most likely calling them "allies".

It's still a damn shame, but clearly Hillary had to sign on since Bernie did, or risk FOX getting uninterrupted "Slander Hillary" time with Bernie, and being perceived as not fighting as hard for the vote leading into Tuesday.

Bernie led them both into a trap.

Exactly the type of response I was hoping to read from the update. Thank you.
Hm. Still not crazy about a Fox news event because I doubt that they're interested in presenting the candidates in a neutral light. But like pigeon said, it's probably not gonna be a big deal. The "Bernie screwed us...but now Hillary is too!" reversal is pretty fucking funny, though.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm actually curious how these two handle themselves against what will be an interesting line of questions. If your candidate has what it takes to win the general elections and become president then they should be able to handle these "loaded" questions and much worse in a few months. If they can't whither the onslaught now they never will when it really comes time to.

I think they are both up to it and I don't doubt some of the really jaded members of the GOP voting masses may be so fed up with what's left of their party's nominees that they might possible listen. It could be a mess or it could be the time to shine, we shall see. If nothing else they are at least making an attempt, so what if it's Fox News. They will be slandered and quoted out of context and every other dirty trick in the bookblater this year whether they appear on this event or not, might as well go it.


I'm not sure why people thought this was a good idea to begin with.

I'm not sure why people think Clinton going now too makes it a good idea.

I don't really think it should need to be pointed out that this is a channel that literally receives directives from on-high on what stories to cover and how to slant them.

Perhaps Breitbart can sponsor the next Democratic debate alongside the Moonie Times and Newsmax.

Honestly, Hillary needs to polish up her email responses for the general and Fox will make sure she gets hit with that. She needs to be pushes on it before the Trumpasaurus Rex hita her.


Hillary will be going as well? Should be fun to see how Fox News will deal with those two.
Hilldawg: "Hello, it's great to be here."

Fox: "As a liar who lies and is corrupt, just how corrupt and dishonest are you?"

Hilldawg: "Great question. I've dealt with a lot of partisan attacks throughout my career in public office. Tonight I'd like to focus on the real issues that affect the lives of the American people."

Fox: "Butcher-of-Benghazi-says-what?"

Hilldawg: "Pardon?"

Fox: "Enjoy prison."

*pause for applause and airhorns*


Hilldawg: "Hello, it's great to be here."

Fox: "As a liar who lies and is corrupt, just how corrupt and dishonest are you?"

Hilldawg: "Great question. I've dealt with a lot of partisan attacks throughout my career in public office. Tonight I'd like to focus on the real issues that affect the lives of the American people."

Fox: "Butcher-of-Benghazi-says-what?"

Hilldawg: "Pardon?"

Fox: "Enjoy prison."

*pause for applause and airhorns*

This got me cracking up on the train ride home.
Hilldawg: "Hello, it's great to be here."

Fox: "As a liar who lies and is corrupt, just how corrupt and dishonest are you?"

Hilldawg: "Great question. I've dealt with a lot of partisan attacks throughout my career in public office. Tonight I'd like to focus on the real issues that affect the lives of the American people."

Fox: "Butcher-of-Benghazi-says-what?"

Hilldawg: "Pardon?"

Fox: "Enjoy prison."

*pause for applause and airhorns*

And the prize for best GAF post of the week goes to...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Hilldawg: "Hello, it's great to be here."

Fox: "As a liar who lies and is corrupt, just how corrupt and dishonest are you?"

Hilldawg: "Great question. I've dealt with a lot of partisan attacks throughout my career in public office. Tonight I'd like to focus on the real issues that affect the lives of the American people."

Fox: "Butcher-of-Benghazi-says-what?"

Hilldawg: "Pardon?"

Fox: "Enjoy prison."

*pause for applause and airhorns*

Oh, oh! Do one for Bernie now!
I'm not sure why people thought this was a good idea to begin with.
It wasn't. It was supremely stupid of Bernie to agree to this in the first place.

I'm not sure why people think Clinton going now too makes it a good idea.
It still not a great Ideal. But it would be worst if she didn't show up. Other wise it would be Fox's talking heads basically attacking Hillary constantly with Bernie there to lean some semblance of credibility. At lest this way Hillary is there to defend herself. Like another poster said Bernie basically walked both of them into a trap.

Bernie's advisers are the worst.


First part of this thread is revolting. Almost makes me not want to vote for Hillary under any circumstance. It's like a cult of people pretending to be know-it-alls.
First part of this thread is revolting. Almost makes me not want to vote for Hillary under any circumstance. It's like a cult of people pretending to be know-it-alls.

Which sentiments exactly? If it's those saying this was a dumb idea, I can't say I agree with you. It was a dumb idea. It's like a deer signing up to appear at a hunter convention.

We are going to witness the first pre-planned televised assassination (where everyone lives).


If the Klan invited you to one of their meeting to teach racial tolerance, you'd be a fool to accept. Fox is looking to use Bernie as a weapon against Hillary. Period. Bernie is foolish playing into their hands.

lol. I guess Hillary is a fool now too?
First part of this thread is revolting. Almost makes me not want to vote for Hillary under any circumstance. It's like a cult of people pretending to be know-it-alls.

I agree. HillShills are worse than Bernie Bros.
If the Klan invited you to one of their meeting to teach racial tolerance, you'd be a fool to accept. Fox is looking to use Bernie as a weapon against Hillary. Period. Bernie is foolish playing into their hands.
What? Is this like saying "If Saudi Arabia invited you to converse about women's rights, you'd be a fool to accept?"

Dialog with your enemies is bad. Got it.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Well now that both candidates are forever branded with the mark of the beast by appearing on Fox News can we at least agree to get along just a tiny bit better for everyone's mental well being?


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Which sentiments exactly? If it's those saying this was a dumb idea, I can't say I agree with you. It was a dumb idea. It's like a deer signing up to appear at a hunter convention.

We are going to witness the first pre-planned televised assassination (where everyone lives).

The weakness of today's democratic party summed up in one post. Such a pathetic, defeatist attitude.
What? Is this like saying "If Saudi Arabia invited you to converse about women's rights, you'd be a fool to accept?"

Dialog with your enemies is bad. Got it.

This isn't dialog with the enemy.

Did you watch last night's Republican debate on Fox News? Did you see what the moderators pulled out on Trump? They're out to destroy him because (among other things) he's voted Democrat in the past, has shown a willingness to compromise and "work deals," and he isn't falling in line with the strict party line.

Have you seen what they've been saying about Obama for the last eight years? He wasn't born in America so he's not the real president, and he's an evil Socialist. How are they going to treat an actual, avowed Socialist?

This isn't going to be a dialog. It's going to be Sanders and Clinton constantly on the defense, fighting against moderators who are angry about the last two presidential elections, who believe our country has been headed in the wrong direction for the last eight years, and who are out to win an election for the Republicans in November.

It's going to be an absolute dumpster fire.

The weakness of today's democratic party summed up in one post. Such a pathetic, defeatist attitude.

Oh fuck that nonsense. We aren't talking about going to a respectable news organization for a debate with a couple of moderately Republican moderators. We're talking about being bombarded with shit by an actual wing of the Republican Party who will do anything to reclaim the White House.

I'm sorry you're too myopic and idealistic to see it. Come back to me for some crow when the show's over.


Oh, oh! Do one for Bernie now!
Bernie: "Good evening, it's a pleasure to be here with you tonight."

Fox: "Senator Sanders, as a socialist—"

Bernie: "Democratic socialist."

Fox: "As a godless communist, will your economic plan force job creators and their families to face the firing squad before or after the state has sold their organs to illegal immigrants?"

Bernie: "Well, that's not entirely accurate. My administration will address the outrageous disparity between the top 1% and your average working class—"

Fox: "If we could get back to—"

Bernie: *furiously wagging his finger* "Excuse me! I need to clarify—"

*a foghorn blares behind Bernie*

Fox: "Comrade Sanders, tell us more about the brainwashing centers that will replace all public schools within the first year of your presidency."

*the room is plunged into darkness and a red spotlight centers on Bernie's podium*
First part of this thread is revolting. Almost makes me not want to vote for Hillary under any circumstance. It's like a cult of people pretending to be know-it-alls.

revolting? lol okay

and if something like that could keep you from voting for a candidate, perhaps you should rethink how much you actually give a fuck about politics/politicians or what they represent

This isn't dialog with the enemy.

Did you watch last night's Republican debate on Fox News? Did you see what the moderators pulled out on Trump? They're out to destroy him because (among other things) he's voted Democrat in the past, has shown a willingness to compromise and "work deals," and he isn't falling in line with the strict party line.

Have you seen what they've been saying about Obama for the last eight years? He wasn't born in America so he's not the real president, and he's an evil Socialist. How are they going to treat an actual, avowed Socialist?

This isn't going to be a dialog. It's going to be Sanders and Clinton constantly on the defense, fighting against moderators who are angry about the last two presidential elections, who believe our country has been headed in the wrong direction for the last eight years, and who are out to win an election for the Republicans in November.

It's going to be an absolute dumpster fire.

Oh fuck that nonsense. We aren't talking about going to a respectable news organization for a debate with a couple of moderately Republican moderators. We're talking about being bombarded with shit by an actual wing of the Republican Party who will do anything to reclaim the White House.

I'm sorry you're too myopic and idealistic to see it. Come back to me for some crow when the show's over.

how revolting. i am literally sick to my stomach reading this. i will not vote for either bernie or hillary now and will write in idris elba's name instead


Bernie: "Good evening, it's a pleasure to be here with you tonight."

Fox: "Senator Sanders, as a socialist—"

Bernie: "Democratic socialist."

Fox: "As a godless communist, will your economic plan force job creators and their families to face the firing squad before or after the state has sold their organs to illegal immigrants?"

Bernie: "Well, that's not entirely accurate. My administration will address the outrageous disparity between the top 1% and your average working class—"

Fox: "If we could get back to—"

Bernie: *furiously wagging his finger* "Excuse me! I need to clarify—"

*a foghorn blares behind Bernie*

Fox: "Comrade Sanders, tell us more about the brainwashing centers that will replace all public schools within the first year of your presidency."

*the room is plunged into darkness and a red spotlight centers on Bernie's podium*

Just as good as the first. XD
Bernie: "Good evening, it's a pleasure to be here with you tonight."

Fox: "Senator Sanders, as a socialist—"

Bernie: "Democratic socialist."

Fox: "As a godless communist, will your economic plan force job creators and their families to face the firing squad before or after the state has sold their organs to illegal immigrants?"

Bernie: "Well, that's not entirely accurate. My administration will address the outrageous disparity between the top 1% and your average working class—"

Fox: "If we could get back to—"

Bernie: *furiously wagging his finger* "Excuse me! I need to clarify—"

*a foghorn blares behind Bernie*

Fox: "Comrade Sanders, tell us more about the brainwashing centers that will replace all public schools within the first year of your presidency."

*the room is plunged into darkness and a red spotlight centers on Bernie's podium*
I laughed. Monocle, you're a gem.
This isn't dialog with the enemy.

Did you watch last night's Republican debate on Fox News? Did you see what the moderators pulled out on Trump? They're out to destroy him because (among other things) he's voted Democrat in the past, has shown a willingness to compromise and "work deals," and he isn't falling in line with the strict party line.

Have you seen what they've been saying about Obama for the last eight years? He wasn't born in America so he's not the real president, and he's an evil Socialist. How are they going to treat an actual, avowed Socialist?

This isn't going to be a dialog. It's going to be Sanders and Clinton constantly on the defense, fighting against moderators who are angry about the last two presidential elections, who believe our country has been headed in the wrong direction for the last eight years, and who are out to win an election for the Republicans in November.

It's going to be an absolute dumpster fire.

Oh fuck that nonsense. We aren't talking about going to a respectable news organization for a debate with a couple of moderately Republican moderators. We're talking about being bombarded with shit by an actual wing of the Republican Party who will do anything to reclaim the White House.

I'm sorry you're too myopic and idealistic to see it. Come back to me for some crow when the show's over.

Pretty much all of this.
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