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Game Informer played through MGS Ground Zeroes' main mission in [1.5hrs, not rushing]

WAT? for people who don't know she is the Personal Assistant of Hideo Kojima, Kojima Production, KONAMI.

Wow that's quite confrontational. Even Konami said their speed runners finished it in 5 mins.

How can it be false when Kojima himself has tweeted about the cover story in question?

This sounds like poor damage control from his assistant.

It's possible that she is referring to the entirety of Ground Zeroes, as well.

Why should I give a single fuck about the tweets of Kojima's personal assistant?

Wow. Well, fuck her, then, I guess.



Ayako (Touchy!) ‏@Kaizerkunkun
False article. Don't believe them. “@Official_OnlySP: @Kaizerkunkun Do you have any comment on GZ being only 2-5 hours in length?”

EDIT: For those who don't know... Personal Assistant of Hideo Kojima, Kojima Production, KONAMI.

Wow, GI is slipping. First about how long the game is, then thinking MGS V was next gen only(only to get debunked by a Konami rep).

I'm confused.


I see. So people are seeing this as a sort of pre-requisite for MGSV? That also works.

As things stand now, yes. It's supposed to the prologue to the proper MGSV, but released separately earlier on, at a premium price. They've kept mum so far on whether the same content will be included in the eventual release of the full game. If it is, then this would be something they released early to get desperate fans to pay more. If it isn't, then this would be basically a complete price booster for anyone who wants the complete story experience.

I don't think we know enough about the full game to know for sure how it will play out in the end.


My initial reaction is that this is one of the many ways Publishers are looking to boost margins on AAA productions with low growth potential.

They can either boost price (i.e. initial price over $60, expensive, near mandatory DLC, etc) or find ways to cut the development costs. Reducing game length is one of the clear ways to do that.

Why don't they just increase the fucking prices instead of compromising and dismantling and subverting the games.

If the product is high quality, it will sell at $79. Going the route they are just makes their games worse and turns fans off for good.


I preordered mine probably about a month ago and it is already paid for. I like the franchise enough to give it a chance and give them the benefit of the doubt. I can't remember being disappointed by a metal gear game. Right now it's looking like a gamble as to whether it will be worth it, but at this point I'll give it a chance.


is the ground zeros content going to be in the full game? is this just a long demo they are trying to sell ....i no not understand whats going on here :O


is the ground zeros content going to be in the full game? is this just a long demo they are trying to sell ....i no not understand whats going on here :O

No one can answer that question with certainty because the full game has no release date, and there are no release details at all. It's possible they haven't even decided.


It would be smarter of them to just give you bonus items...or something for having played the version coming out soon, rather than tack it on when PP comes out. They look less like schmucks for keeping them separate and gives rabid fans incentive to go get GZ if they must know everything, albeit at a discounted price.


Why don't they just increase the fucking prices instead of compromising and dismantling and subverting the games.

If the product is high quality, it will sell at $79. Going the route they are just makes their games worse and turns fans off for good.

That's one solution, sure. I think it makes sense for games like MGS, with a dedicated (but not fast growing) fan base. Price elasticity of demand for MGS games is likely to be extremely low.


Gold Member

Ayako (Touchy!) ‏@Kaizerkunkun
False article. Don't believe them. “@Official_OnlySP: @Kaizerkunkun Do you have any comment on GZ being only 2-5 hours in length?”

EDIT: For those who don't know... Personal Assistant of Hideo Kojima, Kojima Production, KONAMI.

What is this nonsense? 2 to 5 hours is "false" now? Come on, why would GI lie about this? Did they make the 5-minute speedrun up too? This is absurd.


What is this nonsense? 2 to 5 hours is "false" now? Come on, why would GI lie about this? Did they make the 5-minute speedrun up too? This is absurd.

This is most likely the sort of misunderstanding you can get when people who aren't entirely in the loop tries to defend something they think is in their best interest without knowing the exact circumstances. She might not be aware that the source is from the Game Informer article which she herself helpfully retweeted and promoted 16 hours ago.
What is this nonsense? 2 to 5 hours is "false" now? Come on, why would GI lie about this? Did they make the 5-minute speedrun up too? This is absurd.

I'm not saying that Game Informer is making anything up. Just sharing the tweet is all. :) It's possible (and likely) that she is referring to Ground Zeroes as a whole and not just the main mission. We'll have to wait for more clarification on this.


This is most likely the sort of misunderstanding you can get when people who aren't entirely in the loop tries to defend something they think is in their best interest without knowing the exact circumstances. She might not be aware that the source is from the Game Informer article which she herself helpfully retweeted and promoted 16 hours ago.



Game Informer has every reason to lie.

They should just accept that this is a $15 product. Everyone would be happier.
Game Informer has every reason to lie.

They should just accept that this is a $15 product. Everyone would be happier.

No one here is saying that Game Informer is lying, though. Ayako's tweet contradicts the statements made in Game Informer, however, that's not to say that either side is lying.


Where is my full zoe3 game with this?

The same place Igarashi is being held at.

the following question arises: should kojima commit seppuku?

No, he should find a way out of the company if he loathes working there so much (which I don't entirely believe).

It sure get's people talking about it.

For all the wrong reasons unfortunately. :/

In one of the previous interviews, Kojima straight out said that this wasn't his own decision, but something decided by the marketing team at Konami due the various reasons. The reasons he gave were that it's been really long since the last major MGS release and fans have been getting impatient, and that the rest of MGS5's development still has quite a way to go so they needed something to release. It's just business. :(

There was mention of some sort of analysts involvement that prompted the decision too. Might be as bad as Wada using a fortune teller to decide where to put SE HQ at.

I'm loving how the facts about Ground Zeroes are finally coming out. It sure helps debunk all the dumbest stuff we've seen from stubborn defenders before this. It's really baffling how obvious it was that this is a paid demo, but yet some people just refused to believe it and made up all sorts of reasons why it might not so. Really hilarious imo!

This. So much this. I think the signs have been in front of our faces from nearly the beginning.

"Are Journey and Dear Esther long?" Amaro told Gamespot. He also cited the philosopher Voltaire's 18th century Candide, alluding to the fact that the work was only around 100 pages in length. "Yet they are masterpieces of video game and literature. This smearing will not stain and affect what we're aiming to achieve with MGS, the game industry in Japan, or video games as a whole."

"I want people to celebrate the new MGS like we used to. I'm not dismissing their concerns. But this [issue surrounding the game's length] has been trumped-up," Amaro said.

- Kojima Productions designer Jordan Amaro

Full article: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/metal-gear-solid-5-dev-defends-ground-zeroes-length/1100-6417538/



"Are Journey and Dear Esther long?" Amaro told Gamespot. He also cited the philosopher Voltaire's 18th century Candide, alluding to the fact that the work was only around 100 pages in length. "Yet they are masterpieces of video game and literature. This smearing will not stain and affect what we're aiming to achieve with MGS, the game industry in Japan, or video games as a whole."

- Kojima Productions designer Jordan Amaro

Full article: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/metal-gear-solid-5-dev-defends-ground-zeroes-length/1100-6417538/

Lol. Stop, Amaro. You can't tout the size of The Phantom Pain and say that.

Philosophers? Please.



"Are Journey and Dear Esther long?" Amaro told Gamespot. He also cited the philosopher Voltaire's 18th century Candide, alluding to the fact that the work was only around 100 pages in length. "Yet they are masterpieces of video game and literature. This smearing will not stain and affect what we're aiming to achieve with MGS, the game industry in Japan, or video games as a whole."

- Kojima Productions designer Jordan Amaro

Full article: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/metal-gear-solid-5-dev-defends-ground-zeroes-length/1100-6417538/

Sorry, Mr. Amaro, those weren't prologues to larger stories. Get over yourself.

What role does he even have? Is he working on MGO?


Kojima designer defends game length:

"Are Journey and Dear Esther long?" Amaro told Gamespot. He also cited the philosopher Voltaire's 18th century Candide, alluding to the fact that the work was only around 100 pages in length. "Yet they are masterpieces of video game and literature. This smearing will not stain and affect what we're aiming to achieve with MGS, the game industry in Japan, or video games as a whole."


EDIT: Beaten. Oh well. Journey released for $15, no? Not exactly the same price range as Ground Zeroes.


Kojima designer defends game length:


EDIT: Beaten. Oh well. Journey released for $15, no? Not exactly the same price range as Ground Zeroes.

Yeah pretty much. I feel like they're trying to use the graphics and the name to justify the price. Sure, the lowest price point for this is $20, but then you're forced to get the PS3/360 version in digital form. $20 should've been the ceiling for this no matter what platform you got it for.
Lol. Stop, Amaro. You can't tout the size of The Phantom Pain and say that.

Philosophers? Please.

Exactly. It makes no sense to constantly discuss the scope of The Phantom Pain, yet say that the size of this game is being blown out of proportion. Part of me feels that they should just quit talking about this game (probably should have a while back, honestly) and just start hyping up The Phantom Pain. I'll make the most of Ground Zeroes, but this situation is a disaster.

Sorry, Mr. Amaro, those weren't prologues to larger stories. Get over yourself.

What role does he even have? Is he working on MGO?

Level designer. Not sure if he's working on MGO!



"Are Journey and Dear Esther long?" Amaro told Gamespot. He also cited the philosopher Voltaire's 18th century Candide, alluding to the fact that the work was only around 100 pages in length. "Yet they are masterpieces of video game and literature. This smearing will not stain and affect what we're aiming to achieve with MGS, the game industry in Japan, or video games as a whole."

"I want people to celebrate the new MGS like we used to. I'm not dismissing their concerns. But this [issue surrounding the game's length] has been trumped-up," Amaro said.

- Kojima Productions designer Jordan Amaro

Full article: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/metal-gear-solid-5-dev-defends-ground-zeroes-length/1100-6417538/

Journey was what? 15 bucks? Dear Esther was 9.99

Ground Zeroes is 20-40 bucks depending on the version you get. Physical next gen buyers are paying 20 bucks per hour of main story. If ridiculous pricing is what theyre aiming to achieve, then congrats, Mr Amaro! You did it!


Amaro's LinkedIn profile says he's in Tokyo, been there since March 2013. Says Designer on MGSV: The Phantom Pain. If he's been working on TPP that whole time and only TPP, then hopefully a good portion of the game is done. That's almost a year.



"Are Journey and Dear Esther long?" Amaro told Gamespot. He also cited the philosopher Voltaire's 18th century Candide, alluding to the fact that the work was only around 100 pages in length. "Yet they are masterpieces of video game and literature. This smearing will not stain and affect what we're aiming to achieve with MGS, the game industry in Japan, or video games as a whole."

"I want people to celebrate the new MGS like we used to. I'm not dismissing their concerns. But this [issue surrounding the game's length] has been trumped-up," Amaro said.

- Kojima Productions designer Jordan Amaro

Full article: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/metal-gear-solid-5-dev-defends-ground-zeroes-length/1100-6417538/

How out of touch can one person be?



"Are Journey and Dear Esther long?" Amaro told Gamespot. He also cited the philosopher Voltaire's 18th century Candide, alluding to the fact that the work was only around 100 pages in length. "Yet they are masterpieces of video game and literature. This smearing will not stain and affect what we're aiming to achieve with MGS, the game industry in Japan, or video games as a whole."

"I want people to celebrate the new MGS like we used to. I'm not dismissing their concerns. But this [issue surrounding the game's length] has been trumped-up," Amaro said.

- Kojima Productions designer Jordan Amaro

Full article: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/metal-gear-solid-5-dev-defends-ground-zeroes-length/1100-6417538/

Wow, the hubris displayed by Mr.Amuro is hilarious. We should give this overpriced 2 hour demo the benefit of the doubt because it's a supposed "masterpiece" now? Well, then all publishers should follow suit then, by releasing their own overpriced demos and claim that they are masterpieces. Please understand, right?

I'm sorry, Konami peeps, but if you're not slashing the price point, it doesn't matter what you say.
when i rescue "Pacifica Ocean" from Skull Face's secret spy base as "Big Boss" and then the game asks me to do it again with mgs1 graphics it'll be just like reading Candide


surely konami has thought about the number of people who are going to buy the game that says "metal gear solid 5" on it and then get completely burned when they finish it 2 hours later
and then most likely will not buy phantom pain



surely konami has thought about the number of people who are going to buy the game that says "metal gear solid 5" on it and then get completely burned when they finish it 2 hours later
and then most likely will not buy phantom pain


Money now, think later.

If it doesn't exceed the low expectations I want Kojima and Konami to feel a reaction befitting of a sub-standard release, financially and in terms of fan appreciation. It would only humble them.


Always wanted to play the Metal Gear Acid games, would like to see a HD collection with those two games and the Sega CD English version of Snatcher thrown in. Bundle Ground Zeroes with that.

As it stands the current distribution and pricing method for Ground Zeroes is agonizing.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
when i rescue "Pacifica Ocean" from Skull Face's secret spy base as "Big Boss" and then the game asks me to do it again with mgs1 graphics it'll be just like reading Candide

Who are you to doubt a master at his craft?

At it's deepest core, Metal Gear Solid is essentially the Noam Chomsky of the industry. Deeply controversial but utterly potent in every way and demanding of strong feedback from those who experience it. If Last of Us was the Citizen Kane of gaming, Metal Gear Solid was Citizen Kane 2 despite being released earlier. It was a deconstruction of life itself. To be honest there's not really a point to games outside of MGS given that a point is defined as an apex. A centralized idea. Sure I enjoy a Dark Souls here or a Counter Strike there, but these are cute little nuggets that aspire and occasionally yield fractions of adept ingenuity. It's akin to cavalry charges in World War 1. Admirable. But futile. On the grapevine of cultured savoir-faire, MGS reigns as a beacon of delightful delights.



Jeez. It really is short :(

"Wow, they're really charging $40 for this?"
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