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Game Informer played through MGS Ground Zeroes' main mission in [1.5hrs, not rushing]


Man, looking at this now, they really should have made Metal Gear AC!D 3 or some spin-off.

Every time I see a 3DS I am compelled to ask why this isn't a thing.

MGA2 was 3D so heck, why not a port, even? It's the perfect system for MGA. Bottom screen for card management.


Jack cw

I'm loving how the facts about Ground Zeroes are finally coming out. It sure helps debunk all the dumbest stuff we've seen from stubborn defenders before this. It's really baffling how obvious it was that this is a paid demo, but yet some people just refused to believe it and made up all sorts of reasons why it might not so. Really hilarious imo!

>Kojima calls it a prologue.
"Anything can be a prologue! It can be a full game and still be a prologue to another game!"

>Kojima says it serves as a sort of tutorial for the full game.
"You don't know what that means! Don't judge!"

>Achievements leak showing that there's likely only one mission and a bunch of optional side-ops in the same area.
"They probably want to protect people from spoilers! There has to be more than one mission! And you don't know how long a mission is!"

>Game Informer spends 4 hours on the game, playing through the main mission and the extras.
"You don't know if they finished it! Even if they did 4 hours is a long time! They could have rushed it!"

>Game Informer confirms the main mission took less than 2 hours to complete.
"So what! The Tanker can be beaten in 15 minutes if you know what you're doing! Could be way longer than that for normal people!"

>Konami speedrunners can beat the main mission in 5 minutes.

Haha, these were some really embarrassing defences and I'm glad that the truth about this demo came to light. I hope this really gets to Konami and change the MSRP to 9.99$ immediately. This should be a free demo to begin with.
See, my train of thought was that MGR:R was about 4 hours long and I played through it 4 times.

but with this... $40 is starting to seem like an awful lot of money that could go towards other games.


I really hope reviewers will factor the value proposition into their reviews. I think this is one of those times where it is really necessary. What they are asking for is just too much.

Every time I see a 3DS I am compelled to ask why this isn't a thing.

MGA2 was 3D so heck, why not a port, even? It's the perfect system for MGA. Bottom screen for card management.


Also MGA was really fun. I'd play a new one!


Every time I see a 3DS I am compelled to ask why this isn't a thing.

MGA2 was 3D so heck, why not a port, even? It's the perfect system for MGA. Bottom screen for card management.


Considering how KojiPro didn't have the resources to even handle the MGS3D port themselves, I doubt they would be interested in getting involved with an even less significant title. I loved the MGA games, but the fact is they don't interest most Metal Gear fans, and they didn't sell well. The director/writer who made the MGA games isn't at KojiPro anymore either. He went on to produce and supervise Neverdead for Konami, and that was a failure too. :(


The longest cutscene in the entire franchise is a little over 40 minutes. Which is a lot. But some RPGs like Persona or Trails in the Sky will have longer stretches without any battles or even gameplay.

I was tempted to buy a ps4 for this...now I might pick it out of a bargain bin for ps3.

There's a stretch of 80+ minutes without any sort of real gameplay between MGS4's Act 4's ending cutscene until the beginning of Act 5.

40 minutes!
80+ minutes?!
Is the story that good? I must know.


Considering how KojiPro didn't have the resources to even handle the MGS3D port themselves, I doubt they would be interested in getting involved with an even less significant title. I loved the MGA games, but the fact is they don't interest most Metal Gear fans, and they didn't sell well. The director/writer who made the MGA games isn't at KojiPro anymore either. He went on to produce and supervise Neverdead for Konami, and that was a failure too. :(

Neverdead was also a bad game. I never feel bad for a bad game being a failure.


I was just being slightly facetious and making a jab at how disproportionate the actual gameplay to cutscene ratio was. Overall MGS4 was somewhat short if you only factor gameplay.

Sure definitely, but I think your post said MGS3 when I read it, or maybe I misread it w/e.

People say the Gran Turismo Prologue releases are demo's, but in all honesty I've sunk 50+ hours in to those things. 2 hours is actually taking the piss, and there's no way I can support such robbery.

What if you got more hours out of the game than that though, wouldn't it be worth it then?

I mean I'll be playing the roughly 2 hour main mission, all the side ops/trials/extra ops, collecting all the XOF patches and playing the console exclusive mission that unlocks because of it, collecting all the unique prisoners that carry over to Phantom Pain, getting S-rank on every mission, competing on the leaderboards and exploring the hell out of the map for any easter eggs.

That doesn't even count going for the platinum or any replays which I know for sure I'll be doing a lot.


I still can't make sense of this unless TPP price is reduced for GZ owners but how would they even do that.

This is something that I feel could do some damage to the already damaged MGS brand. If the uninformed buys GZ at full price and gets 2 hours, why would they buy TPP at launch after getting screwed like that?

I said yesterday that I was a sucker for keeping my preorder but the more i think about it, the more i actually want cancel it. I don't want to support this model even though I'm the type to drop 50+ hours into any metal gear title
People say the Gran Turismo Prologue releases are demo's, but in all honesty I've sunk 50+ hours in to those things. 2 hours is actually taking the piss, and there's no way I can support such robbery. Other day I was questioning spending less than half that for Octodad, because I felt 3-4 hours was short. 2 hours for $40...

The extra content has at least 5 other missions aside from the story, so it's not entirely fair to describe it as 2hours.
But I think they're nuts make such a big event of this release, and thinking of the console specific missions they must have spent a bunch of time adding 'value' to this which they should have been spending on TPP.


This is total bullshit. Well that means I will have to find it used somewhere there is no way I am buying this for the full price.
I'm loving how the facts about Ground Zeroes are finally coming out. It sure helps debunk all the dumbest stuff we've seen from stubborn defenders before this. It's really baffling how obvious it was that this is a paid demo, but yet some people just refused to believe it and made up all sorts of reasons why it might not so. Really hilarious imo!

>Kojima calls it a prologue.
"Anything can be a prologue! It can be a full game and still be a prologue to another game!"

>Kojima says it serves as a sort of tutorial for the full game.
"You don't know what that means! Don't judge!"

>Achievements leak showing that there's likely only one mission and a bunch of optional side-ops in the same area.
"They probably want to protect people from spoilers! There has to be more than one mission! And you don't know how long a mission is!"

>Game Informer spends 4 hours on the game, playing through the main mission and the extras.
"You don't know if they finished it! Even if they did 4 hours is a long time! They could have rushed it!"

>Game Informer confirms the main mission took less than 2 hours to complete.
"So what! The Tanker can be beaten in 15 minutes if you know what you're doing! Could be way longer than that for normal people!"

>Konami speedrunners can beat the main mission in 5 minutes.

Most of that came from a single fanboy, honestly. I'm a Metal Gear fanboy, too, no doubt, but I was in the camp who suggested that we all wait until the facts come out before passing judgment. I wasn't a fan of the misinformation being spread by those on either side. Now that we have the facts, we should all judge away! The problem was that people were either trashing the game or going all-in to defend it -- driven by hyperbole (mostly from those going all-in, sadly). Well, now that we have some concrete info, it is what it is! If people don't think it's worth the price tag, they shouldn't support it. If they do, then they should get on that MSF hype chopper with me! :)
I'm loving how the facts about Ground Zeroes are finally coming out. It sure helps debunk all the dumbest stuff we've seen from stubborn defenders before this. It's really baffling how obvious it was that this is a paid demo, but yet some people just refused to believe it and made up all sorts of reasons why it might not so. Really hilarious imo!

>Kojima calls it a prologue.
"Anything can be a prologue! It can be a full game and still be a prologue to another game!"

>Kojima says it serves as a sort of tutorial for the full game.
"You don't know what that means! Don't judge!"

>Achievements leak showing that there's likely only one mission and a bunch of optional side-ops in the same area.
"They probably want to protect people from spoilers! There has to be more than one mission! And you don't know how long a mission is!"

>Game Informer spends 4 hours on the game, playing through the main mission and the extras.
"You don't know if they finished it! Even if they did 4 hours is a long time! They could have rushed it!"

>Game Informer confirms the main mission took less than 2 hours to complete.
"So what! The Tanker can be beaten in 15 minutes if you know what you're doing! Could be way longer than that for normal people!"

>Konami speedrunners can beat the main mission in 5 minutes.
Everything up to the achievements leak was logical reasoning to me, but once GI came up with the 4 hour figure that was pretty much it lol

Nothing wrong with waiting for facts. "Prologue" and achievements for a downloadable title that can't get stuff like platinum trophies/1000g don't mean squat, but you can't argue with numbers.
I still can't make sense of this unless TPP price is reduced for GZ owners but how would they even do that.

This is something that I feel could do some damage to the already damaged MGS brand. If the uninformed buys GZ at full price and gets 2 hours, why would they buy TPP at launch after getting screwed like that?

I said yesterday that I was a sucker for keeping my preorder but the more i think about it, the more i actually want cancel it. I don't want to support this model even though I'm the type to drop 50+ hours into any metal gear title

They won't and I think deep down we all know this and those who purchase GZ now could end up forking over €100 to play the MGSV experience. Which IMO is absolutely disgusting.
I'm not trying to be condescending but for people who are still going to buy this, can you tell me how you can justify it? I mean, Metal Gear is my favorite franchise, hands down, and I was still willing to swallow my pride and fork over $30 (for the digital) for a four hour title, but now we know that it's less than two.

I just don't see how this won't set a dangerous precedent if it is successful, and I cannot see how one can truly get the full $40's worth, even with replays. I love other franchises and don't want to support this practice, because I'd hate to see my other favorite games do something similar. This is sort of like the flipside of people who detest the Part 1/Part 2 trend in movies nowadays (or turning The Hobbit into a trilogy). Most people hate it and yet thought no one else would do it, so they went and saw the movies anyways, and now it's the standard.


So yeah... once again, the 5 minute speedrun of Ground Zeroes is ridiculous? How ridiculous? The fastest recorded (that I can find) speedrun of the Tanker section of MS2 is 8 minutes 46 seconds with the speed runner saying he might be able to chop an additional 30 seconds off.


The Tanker is a linear design though. I don't think a straight comparison can be made because open world design generally means something can always be done quicker, but there are also a lot more options in terms of how to do something. The important thing here is that the information we have now confirms that Ground Zeroes is similar in scope to the Tanker chapter in MGS2, Virtuous Mission in MGS3, and Demo Ops for Peace Walker.


They won't and I think deep down we all know this and those who purchase GZ now could end up forking over €100 to play the MGSV experience. Which IMO is absolutely disgusting.

Yeah. I feel like I'm in denial just thinking about it.

I guess my only remaining hope is that this backlash does something positive and forces them to reconsider this pricing model but I doubt it.
I'm not trying to be condescending but for people who are still going to buy this, can you tell me how you can justify it? I mean, Metal Gear is my favorite franchise, hands down, and I was still willing to swallow my pride and fork over $30 (for the digital) for a four hour title, but now we know that it's less than two.

I just don't see how this won't set a dangerous precedent if it is successful, and I cannot see how one can truly get the full $40's worth, even with replays. I love other franchises and don't want to support this practice, because I'd hate to see my other favorite games do something similar. This is sort of like the flipside of people who detest the Part 1/Part 2 trend in movies nowadays (or turning The Hobbit into a trilogy). Most people hate it and yet thought no one else would do it, so they went and saw the movies anyways, and now it's the standard.

I can't speak on Metal Gear Solid V, but what I will say is...

With every entry in the franchise, I (and other hardcore fans, I'm sure) have managed to extract much more playability than a majority of gamers who play the game. Metal Gear Solid 2, for example, I spent around 100 hours with the demo (about 60-80 hours more than I spend with most games) just toying with the gameplay -- learning the mechanics, messing with the physics (like breakable glass bottles, fire extinguishers, things of that nature), and found myself re-watching the cutscenes and codec calls over and over again. Not to mention just exploring around the Tanker and checking out the detail. (I should note that I purchased Zone of the Enders just to play this demo. I didn't even touch Zone of the Enders, which is a fantastic game, until well after I completed Sons of Liberty.) That's just one example, but it's a microcosm of my experience with the series as a whole. When the full games are available, I find ways to get more and more out of them each time I play them. Ground Zeroes offers a psuedo-open world experience, however unlike The Phantom Pain, still holds onto that traditional linear Metal Gear gameplay. So yes, you will see that people complete the games within a ridiculous time limit; but for me, I will explore every inch of the map, find new ways to sneak in and around Camp Omega, mess with the new gameplay mechanics, master them (to the best of my abilities), and so on and so forth. A Metal Gear game with leaderboard support is a dream come true for me. It gives me even more to play for and gives me even more reason to want to get better at the game. (Takes me back to the days of MGS2 on PC!) I don't speak for the majority, obviously, and I'm not trying to justify my purchase to you or anyone else. I'm just sharing with you how I see myself spending time with the game.
I can't speak on Metal Gear Solid V, but what I will say is...

With every entry in the franchise, I (and other hardcore fans, I'm sure) have managed to extract much more playability than a majority of gamers who play the game. Metal Gear Solid 2, for example, I spent around 100 hours with the demo (about 60-80 hours more than I spend with most games) just toying with the gameplay -- learning the mechanics, messing with the physics (like breakable glass bottles, fire extinguishers, things of that nature), and found myself re-watching the cutscenes and codec calls over and over again. Not to mention just exploring around the Tanker and checking out the detail. (I should note that I purchased Zone of the Enders just to play this demo. I didn't even touch Zone of the Enders, which is a fantastic game, until well after I completed Sons of Liberty.) That's just one example, but it's a microcosm of my experience with the series as a whole. When the full games are available, I find ways to get more and more out of them each time I play them. Ground Zeroes offers a psuedo-open world experience, however unlike The Phantom Pain, still holds onto that traditional linear Metal Gear gameplay. So yes, you will see that people complete the games within a ridiculous time limit; but for me, I will explore every inch of the map, find new ways to sneak in and around Camp Omega, mess with the new gameplay mechanics, master them (to the best of my abilities), and so on and so forth. A Metal Gear game with leaderboard support is a dream come true for me. It gives me even more to play for and gives me even more reason to want to get better at the game. (Takes me back to the days of MGS2 on PC!) I don't speak for the majority, obviously, and I'm not trying to justify my purchase to you or anyone else. I'm just sharing with you how I see myself spending time with the game.

Trust me, I'm the same way. But my biggest issue is that I'm not like this with every franchise, and I'll be saying that it is okay for other franchises to do things like this if I buy into it. It's not okay, obviously. Fans like you and I are outliers from other video game fans, just like Dark Souls players who are on their 12 NG+ run.
And fans are still lapping this shit up. I really do not like this trend of paying for largely a prologue.

I'm a pretty big fan. Waited 8 hours in line at a GameStop just to get Kojima's autograph a few years ago.

Fuck this company, though. This thing would have been packed in with The Phantom Pain at no additional cost 2 generations ago. Nothing makes my wallet tighten up quicker than greedy devs/publishers.


I can't speak on Metal Gear Solid V, but what I will say is...

With every entry in the franchise, I (and other hardcore fans, I'm sure) have managed to extract much more playability than a majority of gamers who play the game. Metal Gear Solid 2, for example, I spent around 100 hours with the demo (about 60-80 hours more than I spend with most games) just toying with the gameplay -- learning the mechanics, messing with the physics (like breakable glass bottles, fire extinguishers, things of that nature), and found myself re-watching the cutscenes and codec calls over and over again. Not to mention just exploring around the Tanker and checking out the detail. (I should note that I purchased Zone of the Enders just to play this demo. I didn't even touch Zone of the Enders, which is a fantastic game, until well after I completed Sons of Liberty.) That's just one example, but it's a microcosm of my experience with the series as a whole. When the full games are available, I find ways to get more and more out of them each time I play them. Ground Zeroes offers a psuedo-open world experience, however unlike The Phantom Pain, still holds onto that traditional linear Metal Gear gameplay. So yes, you will see that people complete the games within a ridiculous time limit; but for me, I will explore every inch of the map, find new ways to sneak in and around Camp Omega, mess with the new gameplay mechanics, master them (to the best of my abilities), and so on and so forth. A Metal Gear game with leaderboard support is a dream come true for me. It gives me even more to play for and gives me even more reason to want to get better at the game. (Takes me back to the days of MGS2 on PC!) I don't speak for the majority, obviously, and I'm not trying to justify my purchase to you or anyone else. I'm just sharing with you how I see myself spending time with the game.

I'm the same exact way. GZ Will easily be 30+ hours for me. I love the series so much.

I did just cancel my preorder though. I don't want to support this stupid pricing model. I might change my mind but as of now, im waiting for that 20 or 25 dollar price point for the physical ps4 version. First time in forever that I won't own a new mgs at launch :(
I'm not trying to be condescending but for people who are still going to buy this, can you tell me how you can justify it? I mean, Metal Gear is my favorite franchise, hands down, and I was still willing to swallow my pride and fork over $30 (for the digital) for a four hour title, but now we know that it's less than two.

I just don't see how this won't set a dangerous precedent if it is successful, and I cannot see how one can truly get the full $40's worth, even with replays. I love other franchises and don't want to support this practice, because I'd hate to see my other favorite games do something similar. This is sort of like the flipside of people who detest the Part 1/Part 2 trend in movies nowadays (or turning The Hobbit into a trilogy). Most people hate it and yet thought no one else would do it, so they went and saw the movies anyways, and now it's the standard.

1. I really, really want some new stuff to play on my PS4, especially if it's from my favourite series. I've exhausted AC and Resogun, will play Outlast, but basically have nothing else until Infamous. The wait for big games is painful. They chose exactly the right time to do this gouging.

2. I have a shit ton of GAME store vouchers left over from Christmas that I'm going to use. I got literally £100 worth. The price is still horrifically exploitative and disgusting, but at least I won't be paying actual money I guess. Will probably go PS4 digital unless the physical release bonuses are amazing (can get PSN redeem cards in GAME stores now). I expect the physical release will be some kind of steelbook or artwork, and I don't need that stuff tbh.
1. I really, really want some new stuff to play on my PS4, especially if it's from my favourite series. I've exhausted AC and Resogun, will play Outlast, but basically have nothing else until Infamous. The wait for big games is painful. They chose exactly the right time to do this gouging.

2. I have a shit ton of GAME store vouchers left over from Christmas that I'm going to use. I got literally £100 worth. The price is still horrifically exploitative and disgusting, but at least I won't be paying actual money I guess. Will probably go PS4 digital unless the physical release bonuses are amazing (can get PSN redeem cards in GAME stores now). I expect the physical release will be some kind of steelbook or artwork, and I don't need that stuff tbh.

Aren't you worried that more sales = telling publishers that this is okay to do?
Trust me, I'm the same way. But my biggest issue is that I'm not like this with every franchise, and I'll be saying that it is okay for other franchises to do things like this if I buy into it. It's not okay, obviously.

That's not necessarily true. It's not okay for you, sure. But why does it matter what they call the game if you know you'll get a great deal of replayability out of it? Whether they call this game a "demo", "tutorial", or anything else -- at the end of the day, if you play it and enjoy it, then that's what matters most. If you enjoy it, then why should you care if anyone else tells you that you shouldn't? One of the biggest factors into my decision to purchase this game isn't because of the name on the box, but because I felt I got my money's worth with every title in the franchise (whether it be a mainline Metal Gear game or a spin-off, like Metal Gear Ac!d). Believe me, I am not trying to defend the pricing. I can understand why a lot of people are upset... I'm just not one of those people. Come March 18, I will be enjoying the game. Being able to discuss the game with fellow GAF members from that point on would only be a bonus.

I'm the same exact way. GZ Will easily be 30+ hours for me. I love the series so much.

I did just cancel my preorder though. I don't want to support this stupid pricing model. I might change my mind but as of now, im waiting for that 20 or 25 dollar price point for the physical ps4 version. First time in forever that I won't own a new mgs at launch :(

I think there is something that should be noted with this whole pricing situation:

A Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes fact sheet was released by Konami on November 4 with a list of the game's pricing. The pricing structure was detailed:

PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 - DIGITAL: $20
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 - PHYSICAL: $30
PlayStation 4, Xbox One - DIGITAL: $30

Fans noticed the absence of a physical next-gen version of the game and created a petition to get their physical copy of a next-gen Metal Gear title. Within a month (and change), Konami announced a physical copy for next-generation hardware with a price tag of $40. I won't go as far as a certain someone once did and say that "some simply do not want to appreciate anything KONAMI or Kojima is trying to do for them," but a number of fans did express their demand for a next-gen retail version of Ground Zeroes, and they got it.

The fact that there was a $10 jump from digital to physical for current-gen hardware could have only meant that the same jump in price was inevitable for next-gen platforms, as well. It's not my goal to try and justify the game's price tag to anyone, by any means. But the pattern was already in-place with current-gen versions of the game, so I really don't see how people are still in shock in regards to the game's price point.

If you don't feel the game warrants your hard-earned money, then no one would blame you for deciding to pass on it!
Not even me. :)
However, the same sentiment should exist for those who do feel that they should spend their money on the game and know they'll get every bit of value that they can out of the game. We all value things differently. $40 may be too steep for you, and that's certainly understandable, but based on my past experiences with the series, I don't see that being the case for me.
Aren't you worried that more sales = telling publishers that this is okay to do?

Yes, it's a shitty situation, and a very difficult decision as I'm generally a common sense kind of guy. It sets a precedent, it exploits the fans, creates bad blood and stains the trust we put in them, and worst still, it's going to give me a palpable sense of guilt (even shame) as I buy this. It's literally amongst the worst things I've seen a publisher do, and honestly I still MIGHT change my mind. But as of right now, huge MGS fan + the need to put my PS4 to use soon + vouchers = alrighty then.


That's not necessarily true. It's not okay for you, sure. But why does it matter what they call the game if you know you'll get a great deal of replayability out of it? Whether they call this game a "demo", "tutorial", or anything else -- at the end of the day, if you play it and enjoy it, then that's what matters most. If you enjoy it, then why should you care if anyone else tells you that you shouldn't? One of the biggest factors into my decision to purchase this game isn't because of the name on the box, but because I felt I got my money's worth with every title in the franchise (whether it be a mainline Metal Gear game or a spin-off, like Metal Gear Ac!d). Believe me, I am not trying to defend the pricing. I can understand why a lot of people are upset... I'm just not one of those people. Come March 18, I will be enjoying the game. Being able to discuss the game with fellow GAF members from that point on would only be a bonus.

I think there is something that should be noted with this whole pricing situation:

A Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes fact sheet was released by Konami on November 4 with a list of the game's pricing. The pricing structure was detailed:

PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 - DIGITAL: $20
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 - PHYSICAL: $30
PlayStation 4, Xbox One - DIGITAL: $30

Fans noticed the absence of a physical next-gen version of the game and created a petition to get their physical copy of a next-gen Metal Gear title. Within a month (and change), Konami announced a physical copy for next-generation hardware with a price tag of $40. I won't go as far as a certain someone once did and say that "some simply do not want to appreciate anything KONAMI or Kojima is trying to do for them," but a number of fans did express their demand for a next-gen retail version of Ground Zeroes, and they got it.

The fact that there was a $10 jump from digital to physical for current-gen hardware could have only meant that the same jump in price was inevitable for next-gen platforms, as well. It's not my goal to try and justify the game's price tag to anyone, by any means. But the pattern was already in-place with current-gen versions of the game, so I really don't see how people are still in shock in regards to the game's price point.

If you don't feel the game warrants your hard-earned money, then no one would blame you for deciding to pass on it!
Not even me. :)
However, the same sentiment should exist for those who do feel that they should spend their money on the game and know they'll get every bit of value that they can out of the game. We all value things differently. $40 may be too steep for you, and that's certainly understandable, but based on my past experiences with the series, I don't see that being the case for me.

I can't disagree with anything you just said.
I hope Torashiro is running around konami hq with a printed copy this thread hand :p


I'm not trying to be condescending but for people who are still going to buy this, can you tell me how you can justify it?

Maybe they really need the money? I'm starting to think with the whole MGR fiasco and the fact that last mainline mgs game came out in 2008, that they might not be very efficient.

STill, I agree $45 CND is a lot.


Maybe they really need the money? I'm starting to think with the whole MGR fiasco and the fact that last mainline mgs game came out in 2008, that they might not be very efficient.

STill, I agree $45 CND is a lot.
I definitely think they need the money. Konami is a shell of it's former self and mgs is practically all they have anymore. I feel like they're taking advantage of us
I can't disagree with anything you just said.
I hope Torashiro is running around konami hq with a printed copy this thread hand :p

Ha! For sure, man. I understand that we are all on the same side here, and no one wants this game to be lackluster by any stretch of the imagination. I could only imagine what ToraShiro is going through between communicating with GAF and communicating with his higher-ups! XD


My initial reaction is that this is one of the many ways Publishers are looking to boost margins on AAA productions with low growth potential.

They can either boost price (i.e. initial price over $60, expensive, near mandatory DLC, etc) or find ways to cut the development costs. Reducing game length is one of the clear ways to do that.


Not touching Ground Zeroes until The Phantom Pain releases. That way, I can play MGSV like it should've been made... like one game.


My initial reaction is that this is one of the many ways Publishers are looking to boost margins on AAA productions with low growth potential.

They can either boost price (i.e. initial price over $60, expensive, near mandatory DLC, etc) or find ways to cut the development costs. Reducing game length is one of the clear ways to do that.

This isn't a reduction of length though. This is definitely more of a price booster. Because now MGSV will cost 80-100 bucks for someone buying both Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain, rather than 60 bucks for the entire game, and a free demo before the release to promote the game.

Ayako (Touchy!) ‏@Kaizerkunkun
False article. Don't believe them. “@Official_OnlySP: @Kaizerkunkun Do you have any comment on GZ being only 2-5 hours in length?”

EDIT: For those who don't know... Personal Assistant of Hideo Kojima, Kojima Production, KONAMI.


It's solid.


This isn't a reduction of length though. This is definitely more of a price booster. Because now MGSV will cost 80-100 bucks for someone buying both Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain, rather than 60 bucks for the entire game, and a free demo before the release to promote the game.

I see. So people are seeing this as a sort of pre-requisite for MGSV? That also works.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.

Ayako (Touchy!) ‏@Kaizerkunkun
False article. Don't believe them. “@Official_OnlySP: @Kaizerkunkun Do you have any comment on GZ being only 2-5 hours in length?”

WAT? for people who don't know she is the Personal Assistant of Hideo Kojima, Kojima Production, KONAMI.



Ayako (Touchy!) ‏@Kaizerkunkun
False article. Don't believe them. “@Official_OnlySP: @Kaizerkunkun Do you have any comment on GZ being only 2-5 hours in length?”

Wow that's quite confrontational. Even Konami said their speed runners finished it in 5 mins.



Ayako (Touchy!) ‏@Kaizerkunkun
False article. Don't believe them. “@Official_OnlySP: @Kaizerkunkun Do you have any comment on GZ being only 2-5 hours in length?”

EDIT: For those who don't know... Personal Assistant of Hideo Kojima, Kojima Production, KONAMI.

How can it be false when Kojima himself has tweeted about the cover story in question?

This sounds like poor damage control from his assistant.
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