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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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I am Korean.
Well to be fair he did tell her the marriage is off if she objected. I do honestly believe that he did not know what Ramsay Bolton was like.

The guy who fancied himself a rival to Varys doesn't know that Ramsay Snow's a known sadist? He dealt with the Boltons knowing full well their reputation. He needed them to gain a foothold on the north.

He knew. He didn't care. Everything he's been doing in the show so far is specifically calculated to gain him more power. That's why Varys tried to keep tabs on him. That's why LF gave the girl Varys swayed to Jeoffrey to murder. The dude is ruthless, and Varys considered him dangerous for that reason.
What Sansa is doing is on Cat's level right now.
That's factually incorrect. She got a W for what she did, while Cat constantly fucked over her son and played a role in getting him, his wife and unborn child murdered all at once. I think some of you people need to lay off the whiskey. Sansa was an asshole, or calculating, unlikeable, confusing etc but in no way do her actions impact negatively on the Stark or the battle they had to win.


The guy who fancied himself a rival to Varys doesn't know that Ramsay Snow's a known sadist? He dealt with the Boltons knowing full well their reputation. He needed them to gain a foothold on the north.

He knew. He didn't care. Everything he's been doing in the show so far is specifically calculated to gain him more power. That's why Varys tried to keep tabs on him. That's why LF gave the girl Varys swayed to Jeoffrey to murder. The dude is ruthless, and Varys considered him dangerous for that reason.

While i agree that LF is one cunning bastard, i do feel if he would know that Ramsay is that psycho, he would not send Sansha to him here. As i believe he actually really care for her here even if it is one warped up affection.T_T


I am Korean.
That's factually incorrect. She got a W for what she did, while Cat constantly fucked over her son and played a role in getting him, his wife and unborn child murdered all at once. I think some of you people need to lay off the whiskey. Sansa was an asshole, or calculating, unlikeable, confusing etc but in no way do her actions impact negatively on the Stark or the battle they had to win.

Cat's actions had short term negative consequences and long term benefits.

Sansa's actions have short term benefits and long term negative consequences. She's not someone coming into her own at playing the game of thrones. She's letting herself be manipulated into handing LF the north.

If you don't think playing with LF is a bad idea, I don't know what else to say.

While i agree that LF is one cunning bastard, i do feel if he would know that Ramsay is that psycho, he would not send Sansha to him here. As i believe he actually really care for her here even if it is one warped up affection.T_T

At the risk of presenting LF as a GoT version of Batman with prep time, I think you underestimate the man. He's run a brothel for years, and he is well versed in tricks to make the women working for him pliable. He views them as tools to the point he's willing to murder them if they cross him without a second thought. He may be obsessed with Sansa, but is that actually a positive trait? Does that really make him reliable? Does that actually make Sansa safer?


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Cat's actions had short term negative consequences and long term benefits.

Sansa's actions have short term benefits and long term negative consequences. She's not someone coming into her own at playing the game of thrones. She's letting herself be manipulated into handing LF the north.

If you don't think playing with LF is a bad idea, I don't know what else to say.

At the risk of presenting LF as a GoT version of Batman with prep time, I think you underestimate the man. He's run a brothel for years, and he is well versed in tricks to make the women working for him pliable. He views them as tools to the point he's willing to murder them if they cross him without a second thought. He may be obsessed with Sansa, but is that actually a positive trait? Does that really make him reliable? Does that actually make Sansa safer?
I wouldn't say death is a long term benefit lol. She is directly responsible for starting the war with the Lannisters, with Ned getting attacked by Jaime, negotiating a ridiculously stupid deal with the Freys, Lord Kastark killing the Lannister boys due to her freeing of Jaime, and finally the Red Wedding.
Cat's actions had short term negative consequences and long term benefits.

Sansa's actions have short term benefits and long term negative consequences. She's not someone coming into her own at playing the game of thrones. She's letting herself be manipulated into handing LF the north.

If you don't think playing with LF is a bad idea, I don't know what else to say.

At the risk of presenting LF as a GoT version of Batman with prep time, I think you underestimate the man. He's run a brothel for years, and he is well versed in tricks to make the women working for him pliable. He views them as tools to the point he's willing to murder them if they cross him without a second thought. He may be obsessed with Sansa, but is that actually a positive trait? Does that really make him reliable? Does that actually make Sansa safer?
You're right, she should have let Jon and his entire army die and then kill herself which was her plan B while dooming Westeros and everyone in there in the process. That really just sounds like a much better idea.

Please just stop lol.. it hurts my brain when I read theories/comparisons this bad.
Jon and sansa had better have it out next episode. We can all make excuses for the pro/against her reasoning for sending thousands to die instead of coming clean, but to me all that matter is that it's not not ignored moving forward.


With all the hubbub over the last episode, I'm surprised more people aren't talking about Ned Stark's cameo.




semen stains the mountaintops
Sister has said that Ned is

1. Sexy as hell
2. awesome

while she watches season 1 for the first time. She also said she "just likes the way he is", episode 9 is gonna break her heart.


Cat's actions had short term negative consequences and long term benefits.

Sansa's actions have short term benefits and long term negative consequences. She's not someone coming into her own at playing the game of thrones. She's letting herself be manipulated into handing LF the north.

If you don't think playing with LF is a bad idea, I don't know what else to say.

At the risk of presenting LF as a GoT version of Batman with prep time, I think you underestimate the man. He's run a brothel for years, and he is well versed in tricks to make the women working for him pliable. He views them as tools to the point he's willing to murder them if they cross him without a second thought. He may be obsessed with Sansa, but is that actually a positive trait? Does that really make him reliable? Does that actually make Sansa safer?

Lol. Batman of GoT sounds suitable for LF here lol. But joking aside, i do feel Sansha is probably his only Achilles Heel here. He maybe damn smart and cunning on using other people as his pawn. His obsession towards Cat's before her death and now Sansha is simply borderline insane lol.

But, the last i told myself this, he give Sansha to Ramsay so i can't said anything here.T_T I do feel that the bigger and stronger LF become right now, he is not going to had easy time moving forward here.

The main reason why he can become so powerful till now is not only his smartness and cunningness but also his position.
He is simply a nobody. He never stands on the spot light which makes no one really cares about him.

Many of his foes always view him as a very small and weak person which is why he can control many others movement from behind while they underestimate LF. However with how he is going stronger and stronger each season, i feel he is going to faced more difficulties as spotlights is going to shine more on him this time.

Actually, is there anyone who is on par with LF on political maneuver currently in Westeros? With how Varys is doing journey of his life, Tyrion drunking with Danny, and Tywin six feets under. LF is playing the Game on easy mode.T_T Give LF some challenge guys.
Cat's actions had short term negative consequences and long term benefits.

Sansa's actions have short term benefits and long term negative consequences. She's not someone coming into her own at playing the game of thrones. She's letting herself be manipulated into handing LF the north.

If you don't think playing with LF is a bad idea, I don't know what else to say.

At the risk of presenting LF as a GoT version of Batman with prep time, I think you underestimate the man. He's run a brothel for years, and he is well versed in tricks to make the women working for him pliable. He views them as tools to the point he's willing to murder them if they cross him without a second thought. He may be obsessed with Sansa, but is that actually a positive trait? Does that really make him reliable? Does that actually make Sansa safer?
I don't see why Robb's demise isn't due to anyone but Robb himself. Cat isn't responsible for anything dramatic imo


semen stains the mountaintops
To be clear, the below is from an interview and that's why I'm spoilering it.

About Littlefinger, Sansa and Ramsay:
Not sure if it was D&D or the actor who plays Littlefinger but it was said that LF didn't actually know how fucked up Ramsay was when he delivered her to him. Everything he told her in that farmhouse earlier in the season was true, Blackfish truly had taken Riverrun and he honest to goodness had no idea what he was doing with Ramsay, it's one of his few mistakes when it came to knowing information.

LF is the type of guy who would sell his own mother to slavery if it meant he'd gain power from it but I don't think he'd ever truly do something to harm Cat or Sansa, he'd harm people they love but not them.


While looking for the interview above, I came across this.




To the above.
Then that's completely outta character. I find it hard to believe he wouldn't know that, and if he truly did care about Sansa he would of looked pretty deeply into who Ramsey is.


So you guys have convinced me that Jon Snow is a total idiot. I actually find that to be consistent with GRRM-esque irony, which has been prevalent throughout the series. A dumb bastard is the main protagonist who gets brought back from the dead to lead humanity through a particularly difficult winter season.

I think what has been prevalent throughout the series is the fact that doing the right thing, the "honorable" thing, doesn't get rewarded in Westeros - as opposed to doing the smart, often despicable, things.

And while Jon's still convinced it's all about the former, i guess Sansa might have accepted that the way to success are the latter.

I don't have a problem rooting for someone who's accepted the realities of the world they live in.

I'd have shot Ramsey with a crossbow bolt to the face at the pre-battle parlay...


semen stains the mountaintops
To the above.
Then that's completely outta character. I find it hard to believe he wouldn't know that, and if he truly did care about Sansa he would of looked pretty deeply into who Ramsey is.

I agree but everyone can make mistakes, no? Maybe he thought Ramsay would be like his father.


Littlefinger not knowing everything about Ramsay before going into business with him and playing his strongest resource is about as in character as Cersei forgetting about the murder of her only daughter by foreign usurpers, which is about as in character as Arya prancing around Braavos booking a cabin back to Westeros and then standing on a bridge enjoying the view, which is about as in character as Stannis agreeing to burn his beloved daughter alive just to change the weather. Shit happens. Writers don't care. I'm glad I don't care either, otherwise I can't imagine how bothered I would be. Instead just sit back and enjoy the tits, dragons, and bad pussies. :)


Littlefinger not knowing everything about Ramsay before going into business with him and playing his strongest resource is about as in character as Cersei forgetting about the murder of her only daughter by foreign usurpers, which is about as in character as Arya prancing around Braavos booking a cabin back to Westeros and then standing on a bridge enjoying the view, which is about as in character as Stannis agreeing to burn his beloved daughter alive just to change the weather. Shit happens. Writers don't care. I'm glad I don't care either, otherwise I can't imagine how bothered I would be. Instead just sit back and enjoy the tits, dragons, and bad pussies. :)

Lololol. Duckroll don't care everything lol. He only care for Danny nuddieeee.^_^
Littlefinger not knowing everything about Ramsay before going into business with him and playing his strongest resource is about as in character as Cersei forgetting about the murder of her only daughter by foreign usurpers, which is about as in character as Arya prancing around Braavos booking a cabin back to Westeros and then standing on a bridge enjoying the view, which is about as in character as Stannis agreeing to burn his beloved daughter alive just to change the weather. Shit happens. Writers don't care. I'm glad I don't care either, otherwise I can't imagine how bothered I would be. Instead just sit back and enjoy the tits, dragons, and bad pussies. :)

Well in his defense he was counting on Stannis rolling through and stomping out the Boltons, so it wouldn't matter who Ramsey was. Little did he know he bet on Stannis the one true L.


semen stains the mountaintops
I'm releasing the hounds if you mothafuckas call Ramsay Bolton Ramsey one more time. Respek the man's name.


Lololol. Duckroll don't care everything lol. He only care for Danny nuddieeee.^_^

Hey I didn't say I don't care about -anything-. I just stopped caring about poor writing many seasons ago. But bad directing and stupid stuff that isn't entertaining can still be annoying! The Sand Snakes were awful, Dorne is awful, Arya's stuff this season has been awful, and Euron's casting is very disappointing. I care about those things! But if they were badass and cool enough I wouldn't care because that can be enjoyable. If the Sand Snakes had exciting fights with cool use of their weapons and good choreography, I can forgive the terrible character work. If Euron didn't look like an angry uncle and was more badass and intimidating instead, I wouldn't care if he said the exact same lines and talked about his big cock. Etc.


Well in his defense he was counting on Stannis rolling through and stomping out the Boltons, so it wouldn't matter who Ramsey was. Little did he know he bet on Stannis the one true L.

Stannis is really the most overhyped general in GoT you know. Not only he failed terribly, he also sacrificed his own daughter which end up making half his army desert, cause his wife to suicide and end up dieing himself.

I mean, the hell. How pathetic can you be here?O_O

I'm releasing the hounds if you mothafuckas call Ramsay Bolton Ramsey one more time. Respek the man's name.

Why should i respek some pathetic Ramsey who get eaten by hound heh?^_^

Hey I didn't say I don't care about -anything-. I just stopped caring about poor writing many seasons ago. But bad directing and stupid stuff that isn't entertaining can still be annoying! The Sand Snakes were awful, Dorne is awful, Arya's stuff this season has been awful, and Euron's casting is very disappointing. I care about those things! But if they were badass and cool enough I wouldn't care because that can be enjoyable. If the Sand Snakes had exciting fights with cool use of their weapons and good choreography, I can forgive the terrible character work. If Euron didn't look like an angry uncle and was more badass and intimidating instead, I wouldn't care if he said the exact same lines and talked about his big cock. Etc.

Considering i never read the book at all and i maybe had lower taste, i don't had problem with some people called as poor writing here. (I do kinda hate S5 here. Except for Myrcella here. It really hurt me seeing the poor girl die for things which is not even her fault.T_T)


semen stains the mountaintops
Stannis is really the most overhyped general in GoT you know. Not only he failed terribly, he also sacrificed his own daughter which end up making half his army desert, cause his wife to suicide and end up dieing himself.

I mean, the hell. How pathetic can you be here?O_O

The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Why should i respek some pathetic Ramsey who get eaten by hound heh?^_^

Ramsay was a good guy, he was just misunderstood is all.


semen stains the mountaintops
Stannis is such a badass that his cum turned into a spooky ghost and killed his brother.


The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Ramsay was a good guy, he was just misunderstood is all.

The problem with Stannis is, he is not even burning twice as bright. He probably only burn half as bright as other candle and he still end up burn up twice faster here.T_T

You are going to make collapse with that Ramsey statement lol.^_^

Hey look, I know Sandor has done violent stuff and all, but it's not nice to slander him like that. He's not a cannibal. :)

Lolol. Hound is different with doggie huh.^_^ Well Ramsey sure get what he deserved got eaten by some cute puppies.^_^


"playing" dumb? unpossible
So Ramsey has been directly and/or indirectly responsible for the deaths of:

Theon's men who betrayed him.
The men originally torturing Theon
The blonde girl who he fed to his hounds
The men in the fort that surrendered after Reek/Theon "convinced" them to
The "north remembers" lady
Shireen (20 good men moment led Stannis into desperation mode)
Shireen's mother
Roose Bolton
Walda Frey
Little Roose
Wun Wun
An uncountable number of soldiers on both his side and his enemies (loose!)

He was hands down the most prolific killer of named characters lol.


Hey I didn't say I don't care about -anything-. I just stopped caring about poor writing many seasons ago. But bad directing and stupid stuff that isn't entertaining can still be annoying! The Sand Snakes were awful, Dorne is awful, Arya's stuff this season has been awful, and Euron's casting is very disappointing. I care about those things! But if they were badass and cool enough I wouldn't care because that can be enjoyable. If the Sand Snakes had exciting fights with cool use of their weapons and good choreography, I can forgive the terrible character work. If Euron didn't look like an angry uncle and was more badass and intimidating instead, I wouldn't care if he said the exact same lines and talked about his big cock. Etc.

Wasn't Euron supposedly cartoonish in the books?


semen stains the mountaintops
Who wants to join me for our weekly book burning event? This week we're burning A Clash of Kings.
So Ramsey has been directly and/or indirectly responsible for the deaths of:

Theon's men who betrayed him.
The men originally torturing Theon
The blonde girl who he fed to his hounds
The men in the fort that surrendered after Reek/Theon "convinced" them to
The "north remembers" lady
Shireen (20 good men moment led Stannis into desperation mode)
Shireen's mother
Roose Bolton
Walda Frey
Little Roose
Wun Wun
An uncountable number of soldiers on both his side and his enemies (loose!)

He was hands down the most prolific killer of named characters lol.

Which can all be traced as far back as LF. He's the real villain of the piece.


I am Korean.
You're right, she should have let Jon and his entire army die and then kill herself which was her plan B while dooming Westeros and everyone in there in the process. That really just sounds like a much better idea.

Please just stop lol.. it hurts my brain when I read theories/comparisons this bad.

Yeah, because she couldn't contact LF AND tell Jon. Impossible.


I don't think you can really lay Shireen or her mother at Ramsay's feet. Though I imagine if he had the opportunity he would have done the same or worse to them.


Which can all be traced as far back as LF. He's the real villain of the piece.

I would laugh while rofl if LF end up being the final boss outliving the Night King lol.^_^ Considering how calculating he is, that will be such huge twist.^_^

I am being triggered by this thread. Leave Robb and Stannis alone pls.

Why are you getting triggered by those two champions of failure?O_O Time for you to forget them and move to LF ship here.^_^


One question for all the GoT fans here, how many years have passed from GoT season 1 episode 1 up until the last episode? I suppose that this is pretty obvious for all book readers, but it's kinda difficult for me to tell because all the children grow so quickly from season to season. Especially when I look at Ricon, Bran and Arya from season 1 and now.

It look like it passed around 5 years, but somehow I have a hard time believing that. Maybe thats obvious, so sorry in advance for the stupid question.

Atomic Odin

One thing that has been bugging me is the whole "Jon is stupid, he is no Robb" thing.

Like do we honestly believe that Robb/Ned/Benjen would have reacted any differently had they been seeing Rickon about to get wasted in front of their own eyes?

I mean just look at Robb when he recieves news of Ned's beheading in s1. I have no reason to believe he wouldn't have bursted a gut to save his brother like Jon did. If people really expected Jon to do nothing and just relax back in that situation then the war wouldn't be happening in the first place, as saving Rickon is Jon's one & only motivation.
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