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#GAMERGATE: The Threadening [Read the OP] -- #StopGamerGate2014

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Seriously, I still can't believe we're discussing this. When you actually read the article, it's abundantly clear what Leign was saying; I just can't fathom how people thought it was some hateful attack on gaming as a whole, when that content and context is the totally opposite of what GamerGate is yelling about.

After reading about this for two, I've concluded that all sides engaged in awful behavior. No side seem to care what the other side thinks and everyone loses.

We absolutely care about what gamergate think. We just aren't going pretend to pretend along with them that it's really about ethics.

When it's clearly not.
Yeah I've been well and sick of the idea of nonconformity as having some intrinsic value for a few years now
Yeah, but conformity as a virtue is just as illegitimate.

Anita's videos really spoke feminism to me in a language I could understand: video games. It made me think critically about my own experience and those of women I have known in my life which completely changed my perspective. I think people should speak out about these epiphanies to put out a positive message to GGers.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeah, but conformity as a virtue is just as illegitimate.

Its an entirely case by case thing, and trying to make one or the other philosophically virtuous to our children just seems like a dangerous thing. There are times where you absolutely should stand against the crowd. There are also lots of times where its absolutely fine and even the right thing to do to conform to social norms like "don't threaten to rape people"
You can pick up NPR live on many websites (at least if you have Windows or Apple). Try the NPR website first. I think there are also Android apps if you need that.
Yeah, but conformity as a virtue is just as illegitimate.

True, true, but you should absolutely hold your own beliefs to more scrutiny, the more that you see people thinking your position is fringe and extreme.

And the GamerGaters aren't doing that. They're scrutinizing absolutely everything but their own opinions (for how damaging or hateful they are) and statements (for how feasible or transparent they are).


I have to admit I'm not entirely comfortable with how close the relationship is between some of the games media and some of the development community - not that it exists, but people not recusing themselves when there's at least the appearance of a conflict of interest or providing a decent disclosure.

That said, gamergate is just a steaming pile of shit that has nothing to do with any of that. Whatever it might have been, it isn't anymore.


Oh good, more Milo later.

Edit: /\/\/\/\/\/\

You're absolutely right there are problems in this industry, but it's not with random fucking indies, it's the big sites and publishers. but GamerGate doesn't seem to give a shit about that.
Oh good, more Milo later.

Edit: //////

You're absolutely right there are problems in this industry, but it's not with random fucking indies, it's the big sites and publishers. but GamerGate doesn't seem to give a shit about that.
And in the case of Zoe Quinn, not just any indie. A free game. And not just that, but a free game in a super niche genre

So it's not even like reviews from evil corrupt journalists would mean increased sales and revenue

It's a free game.




Edit: Sorry, this may not work for you. It seems to depend on where you are.
I wonder why the people who are ProGG who condemn harassment, doxxing, and being a dick to people don't just start up a new hashtag and migrate to that..

Like fuckin... idk #TeamVideoGames or something. I'd join that team.


This NPR radio show is wayyy more balance than i thought it would be. The callers know what they are talking about.

The gamerpro stuff rubs me the wrong way too.


Milo is a crazy person.

Also what is he saying about the women being doxxed setting up Kickstarters for money?

Was that a dig at Anita for no reason?


I wonder why the people who are ProGG who condemn harassment, doxxing, and being a dick to people don't just start up a new hashtag and migrate to that..

Like fuckin... idk #TeamVideoGames or something. I'd join that team.

The really gross elements of GamerGate don't want that because then they'd lose their cover, so they portray any attempts to shift the hastag as a divide and conquer attempt by SJW infiltrators.

It's real stupid.


GGers really need to learn just how insane the Bayonetta stuff sounds to the average person. NPR hosts will get the general stuff but if you try talking about how the character that uses hair as her clothes and it comes off when she attacks was treated poorly by a reviewer, you're going to sound insane to them. I mean, a lot of it sounds insane generally, but hearing the hosts sort of beffutlement to the "paul" caller was hilarious. You really have to be into the general scene to have Bayonetta make any sort of sense.
The really gross elements of GamerGate don't want that because then they'd lose their cover, so they portray any attempts to shift the hastag as a divide and conquer attempt by SJW infiltrators.

It's real stupid.

The more associated with hateful misogynist shit the hashtag becomes, the more they cling to it.

This of course, surprises no one.

I hate making ISIS comparisons, because... you know... but this one is so apt.

Only a maniac would criticize Archer for dropping the name of the agency... because of what it has come to be associated with. I presume GamerGate think that's letting the terrorists win or something.


I don't know much about Gamergate but I think that was a pretty good 1 hour overview of the whole thing. Very entertaining to listen to. It bothered me how that pro-Gamergate guy started one of his talking segments by insinuating that the Gawker guy couldn't have an opinion or make an argument about something because of his work background.
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