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GameStop has a 70% trade in deal right now..

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Some were saying that they can permaban your PUR account and all of the trade credit on it disappears as well. Obviously that's shady as fuck, but I didn't want to risk it.

I personally have never been permabanned but I've been banned for a year twice from doing these deals. Never lost any trade credit. Just get all of your trade credit put on trade cards and not your actual PUR and you have nothing to worry about.


i have no idea how this really works. I go in and trade 6+ games and use that credit to use the B2G1 offer?

i got 11 xbox 360 games on me rn, and am willing to trade in some ps4 games if it can get me a PS4 pro.


Alright so before I go...

1) GS employee cant see today's transaction of games. So if you flip all day, they wont know what you have been up to?

2) Can you trade the same game again, on a different game, at a different gamestop and not be "flagged"? Im not talking about buying 4x+ of the same game and flipping at one store. I sold some games on sunday. Today is monday and curious if I can buy and resell the same games. Will they see my transaction from yesterday and bat an eye?


Some were saying that they can permaban your PUR account and all of the trade credit on it disappears as well. Obviously that's shady as fuck, but I didn't want to risk it.

That has happened to some people on CAG, but as long as you don't get the trade credit on the PUR Card it doesn't matter.

Never get the trade credit on it. Ever.
I traded in some games (which I never planned to replay ever again), my PS4, and my Vita (which I used like twice) and walked out with a shiny PS4 Pro.

Not gonna lie, pretty happy.


What games even have good trade in value? Some older ps3 games I have are worth cents and one newer game I have, Uncharted 4, is worth like 5 bucks according to their trade in calculator :(
Going for the gold after work. I have two stores holding 3DS games and pvz2.

Base trade should be $475. PURshould lift it to $807.50 in one transaction. After this I'm out the game and good til 2018


Just went to a different GameStop and confirmed that trade credit -> Amazon Go Cash was a no go.

I ended up spending some of my credit though.. $40on Uncharted Legacy Pre-order (so I get Jak and Daxter for free digital as well). I figure that now I've learned about trade ins, I can beat the game and trade it in during a decent promotion to get at least half the value back. Then I'd likely pick up a digital version when it's dirt cheap and if I feel like it.

Also pick up a $50 steam card to use towards the steam sale.


Don't think I maxed out my own account with trades, but I made another $600 today using my brothers. None of the GameStops near me check ID for trades unless you get cash, so nobody cared.

I also told on of the managers what I'm doing and he let me buy/rebuy the stuff I just traded twice in a row lol, he didn't care.


There's too few stores far and between each other to efficiently pull this off + the GameStop closest to me are a bunch of hard asses when it comes to any trade-in which turns me off to going to them. I tried trading in a smartwatch once and the assistant manager said their system wasn't set-up to check blacklists or whether smart devices were locked.
Well I went to the second store and they told me they can't take any of the trades whatsoever. The clerk got on the phone and called what I assume were all of the Gamestops in the area. Apparently the guy I first bought then from sent out an APB with my name and purchases.

Not lying at all btw. What a bummer. I might just try and find a store further out. But I guess I can still return these now. At least I hope so.
What games even have good trade in value? Some older ps3 games I have are worth cents and one newer game I have, Uncharted 4, is worth like 5 bucks according to their trade in calculator :(

Nintendo games are good to consider. I'm trading in Mario Party 10 for $52. Mario Kart 7 for $35. Pokemon Platinum for $48. Pokemon Diamond for $29. Black 2 for $29, and Black for $26.

E92 M3

I personally have never been permabanned but I've been banned for a year twice from doing these deals. Never lost any trade credit. Just get all of your trade credit put on trade cards and not your actual PUR and you have nothing to worry about.

That has happened to some people on CAG, but as long as you don't get the trade credit on the PUR Card it doesn't matter.

Never get the trade credit on it. Ever.

While it was convenient having the trade credit accessible through my phone, I did convert everything to gift cards. Just have my points for Fall now.
Just got home and picked up my trade cards and the PS3 games to trade in along with the flippers to help throw off the scent of the junior detectives. I have a couple GameStops that are just over the county line. Would it better to buy games from stores in one county and then trade them in the one in a different county? Wish me luck!

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Hmm... amazingly, all of the Best Buy's and walmarts in MY HUGE FUCKING CITY are out of Amazing Spider-Man 2, Need for Speed, AND Plants Vs Zombies (all of the recommended games in that YouTube video).

Gee... wonder why. If someone would be so kind. Would they mind recommending me some other cheap games that would trade in for profit with this deal? Preferably by PM.

Guess I'll be needing 6 or so


I went to like 3 gamestops. None of them even had used switch games. They didn't have the big trade in value 3ds/Wii U games either.
No. You can get the trade credit put on the PUR card linked to you or a black "trade credit" card. They can't track the trade credit card.

Uh... Yeah they can. It's in the system like everything else. When its swiped the computer captures the numbers used for that card and that transaction along with the normal PUR account info.

Not saying they will go after it as well but yeah they absolutely have that information if they wanted to take away credit from those who are taking advantage of this promotion, I don't even know if they actually can do that but if they can I would be shocked if they don't. Speaking as a former employee FYI.

I get the feeling Gamestop LP is going to be doing some major OT from this promotion.


I just got out of gamestop. I visited only two gamestops. If you buy a gamestop gift card with your trade in credit from the first one, you can buy Amazon gift cards with the gamestop gift cards at the 2nd.

I'm done with everything now. I flipped only once, 9 3DS games. I also had bought 7 different best buy games to sell. I also brought a tub of 50 games of my own that had good trade values.

I made a total of $1580 in trades today. I spent $150 at bestbuy with gift cards I had. I spent $240 at gamestop buying the 9 3ds games. So I spent $390 total (all gift cards mind you), for a net profit of $1190.

Ive removed half of it from the gamestop ecosystem by getting steam, Nintendo eshop, psn, blizzard, and Amazon cards. The rest is on gamestop gift cards. Zero is left on trade in cards.
One of my Gamestops has Pokémon Sun and Mario Party 10 but not a good third value game for the B2G1.

Should I just get two Pokémon Sun?
Been thinking about trading in my PS Vita for a while now. Except it has a small scratch on the screen and Sony was like "nah, we won't fix that shit". Think GS will take it?
What games did you use? I'm tempted but my wife won't let me leave since family is coming over later for 4th celebrations haha

Used GCU at Best Buy and bought Just Dance 2017 on Switch, Binding of Isaac on Switch, Puyo Puyo Tetris on Switch, Lego City Undercover on Switch, and 2 copies of Watch Dogs 2, one on PS4 and one on XBO. $155. Drove across the street, traded them in to Gamestop for like $220, and then started the trade in loop between the three Gamestops in my area. I only stopped at each Gamestop one time. Didn't feel comfortable doing it more than that.




So I don't currently have the currency to do this but I was thinking about trading in my PS4 and some games then just flipping plants vs zombies. Is this still reliable before I risk my console to make a profit? Figured if I get 20 copies I'll make around a grand.


To any of the people that have run into trouble today, you wouldn't happen to be located in Georgia would you? I'm starting to get scared to go out & do more flipping now.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican

Puyo Puyo Tetris - Switch = Trade Value $38.25
Binding of Issac + Switch = Trade Value $42.50

Are on sale at Best Buy for $23.99 each. They make great flippers, this is assuming you are maximizing the 6+ trades at once and have PRU and GCU, of course.

Reposting for the new page. Here are the best GameStop In-Store Flips. Buy at least 6 of them pre-owned, all these fetch a better trade-in than what you can buy pre-owned from GameStop itself.

Assuming you have the PowerUp Rewards Card:

All the 3DS games on this list will give you $42.50 in Trade-In Value (as long as you have SIX). Each of these games cost ~$35 when you purchase them, AND you get the third one free. If you can purchase more than six, like 9 or 12, you are getting a third and fourth free game and will boost your trade-ins. These are being flipped around so much that they are likely in stock at your GameStop. Check their store www.gamestop.com on the website and then click "Hold @ Store" to really save time, let them gather the games for you!

Here are the best 3DS flippers:



Best WiiU


Best Switch


Look for these, they're ranked in order.
Remember: you need to have SIX games to get the highest 70% trade in value. You can look for six of these games listed, or just use some of your own to get that 6.
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