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GameStop has a 70% trade in deal right now..

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The dream is dead for me... My local Gamestop said that 5 of the 6 games I wanted to put on hold could not be fullfilled. Don't have time to take advantage of the B2G1 deal at any of the other locations nearby. Damnit... Wish I knew about this earlier.

My luck is the opposite.
All 12 games I asked to hold are ready. Where is 3pm???!?!?
I need to stop. I can't stop!

Last one.. I swear.. man, it's just so easy. Only 3 GS here though, so I think I'm going to stop, don't want to see the same people too many times. Just gets weird.

Lots of good surveys though!
Did you do the B2G1 flip exclusively? How many did you buy like 12+ games and trade at another GS?
Yeah it was all credit for B2G1.

Bought 18 games for $500 in credit and sold them at the store down the street for $820

One last trip and I’m bowing out of the hustle.

Gonna try and covert all my credit into Amazon and see where that goes. I got all my money off of my PUR card and onto gift cards today already with trades.


Damn man... I'll be on the lookout. Seems really dumb that they'd lose out on a sale given the random assumption that you'll flip them. Was this your first purchase?

Not really. He didn't mention what he was buying. It might have been extremely evident what he was doing -- buying exactly 6 games, including duplicates of known high TIV games? Very obvious. Especially if they have any access to see your account and can tell you've been active all weekend.

If they wanted to datamine after this event, they could easily figure out who abused their system and ban if they wanted to. I doubt they will, but it's well within their capability and it's not like people aren't abusing their promotion, even if the promotion was obviously badly timed/designed with other promotions.
Ha...went to three different gamestops flipping the 2 for 1 and the third Game stop manager came out and "flagged" me. I was like it's cool I have $514 in credit where can I pre order a 1X?!... 😎
GameStop manager just told me he would not take my trade because I'm trying to flip them. Told me to bring and receipts to prove I even bought them, he then said he's going to email his LP manager who will notify law enforcement. I explained to him I have receipts for my switch games but I don't have receipts for my 3DS games because I bought them at Best Buy a while ago, he told me he'll take them but he'll notify law enforcement. I asked since we are notifying law enforcement for silly things do you think I can notify them about you being an asshole? He asked me to leave, dude was a major asshole.
I like a good deal as much as the next guy but you guys get that by buying used games at one GS store and then trading them in at another GS and making money off the transaction is scamming them right? I'm not saying its illegal but you are literally ripping them off, some of you for hundreds of dollars at a time. I don't know that GS can do much about it but I won't be surprised if they trade ban anyone who is doing it and if they are able to I really wouldn't be surprised if they just outright ban people from the stores for doing so.

From what other people were mentioning it seems Corporate is well aware of the scam at this point and likely will tell employees to prevent these transactions from happening as much as they can.
Trying not to be too sad at the idea that I might not be able to do this again lol. Got a Pro at least 6 months earlier than I should have, and have enough for either a Switch or to complement my own proceeds toward a pretty quality 4K monitor.

Glad I tuned in Saturday night, but whew, if I could've done this all weekend.


Is it best to take the games out of the Gamespot cases before trade in? About to go to the Gamestop about 15 min from now.

Also any thoughts on the guy warning me that trades won't be able to happen until the 9th? Said he flagged the games?

they dont take value out for not having cases, only if the game itself is damaged. They know me at the gamestop I go to (used to work there) and they know I usually keep my boxes just because I like to keep them on my shelf so when I flipped 6 3ds games in two cases it probably looked normal lol. It's best to remove the gamestop stickers too from the ones you're trading in as well. Not that it necessarily gives away that you're flipping, but adds another layer of "protection" i guess. :p
I like a good deal as much as the next guy but you guys get that by buying used games at one GS store and then trading them in at another GS and making money off the transaction is scamming them right? I'm not saying its illegal but you are literally ripping them off, some of you for hundreds of dollars at a time. I don't know that GS can do much about it but I won't be surprised if they trade ban anyone who is doing it and if they are able to I really wouldn't be surprised if they just outright ban people from the stores for doing so.

From what other people were mentioning it seems Corporate is well aware of the scam at this point and likely will tell employees to prevent these transactions from happening as much as they can.
It's not cash. It's Gamestop credit.


I wonder what their terms and conditions are for store credit... If possible, it wouldn't surprise me if they "re-structure" the company, re-brand themselves and void all of this store credit soon.
I like a good deal as much as the next guy but you guys get that by buying used games at one GS store and then trading them in at another GS and making money off the transaction is scamming them right? I'm not saying its illegal but you are literally ripping them off, some of you for hundreds of dollars at a time. I don't know that GS can do much about it but I won't be surprised if they trade ban anyone who is doing it and if they are able to I really wouldn't be surprised if they just outright ban people from the stores for doing so.

From what other people were mentioning it seems Corporate is well aware of the scam at this point and likely will tell employees to prevent these transactions from happening as much as they can.

How about don't run 2 trade deals at the same time. That's corporate's fault. There is no law against taking advantage of a promotion.
It's not cash. It's Gamestop credit.

I never said it was cash, I said money, store credit is considered money by gamestop but either way poor choice of wording. My point is that doing this to make more off what you originally spent is a scam and thats why they are telling people they won't do the transactions now.


I wonder what their terms and conditions are for store credit... If possible, it wouldn't surprise me if they "re-structure" the company, re-brand themselves and void all of this store credit soon.


This might be the peak of the lunacy I've seen in this thread.
I wonder what their terms and conditions are for store credit... If possible, it wouldn't surprise me if they "re-structure" the company, re-brand themselves and void all of this store credit soon.
There is no way to know which games were brought in from outside the system and then which ones were bought from a Gamestop and then traded in. It's a class action lawsuit in the making.


I like a good deal as much as the next guy but you guys get that by buying used games at one GS store and then trading them in at another GS and making money off the transaction is scamming them right? I'm not saying its illegal but you are literally ripping them off, some of you for hundreds of dollars at a time. I don't know that GS can do much about it but I won't be surprised if they trade ban anyone who is doing it and if they are able to I really wouldn't be surprised if they just outright ban people from the stores for doing so..

Oh no, won't someone think of poor GameStop. It's not like they've been "scamming" (by your definition) millions of lower income gamers for decades by taking their games at a quarter of their value and selling them back at 3x.
Called my local Gamestop just to check on my hold requests... Turns out someone played the game better than me. As the clerk was going down my list of games to put on hold someone came and bought all 6 of them. Bastard was probably trying to flip them as well.

Oh well... I at least had some fun running the math on what games to get the max profit out of. Killed some time during a slow afternoon.
How about don't run 2 trade deals at the same time. That's corporate's fault. There is no law against taking advantage of a promotion.

I never said it wasn't corporates fault or that it was in any way illegal, I said that by doing it you are scamming them and if you think that they won't try to prevent it from happening or taking action against those doing it you are crazy. It may not be legal action but they can certainly ban you from the system from ever trading games in again.

Zen Aku

GameStop manager just told me he would not take my trade because I'm trying to flip them. Told me to bring and receipts to prove I even bought them, he then said he's going to email his LP manager who will notify law enforcement. I explained to him I have receipts for my switch games but I don't have receipts for my 3DS games because I bought them at Best Buy a while ago, he told me he'll take them but he'll notify law enforcement. I asked since we are notifying law enforcement for silly things do you think I can notify them about you being an asshole? He asked me to leave, dude was a major asshole.
lmao he couldn't even take your games even if they were stolen from another place. He has no authority to. The best he could do is called the cops. But clearly thats not the case.
I like a good deal as much as the next guy but you guys get that by buying used games at one GS store and then trading them in at another GS and making money off the transaction is scamming them right? I'm not saying its illegal but you are literally ripping them off, some of you for hundreds of dollars at a time. I don't know that GS can do much about it but I won't be surprised if they trade ban anyone who is doing it and if they are able to I really wouldn't be surprised if they just outright ban people from the stores for doing so.

From what other people were mentioning it seems Corporate is well aware of the scam at this point and likely will tell employees to prevent these transactions from happening as much as they can.
Also lmao at this shiet.
Not really. He didn't mention what he was buying. It might have been extremely evident what he was doing -- buying exactly 6 games, including duplicates of known high TIV games? Very obvious. Especially if they have any access to see your account and can tell you've been active all weekend.

No. I did this all day yesterday. I'm not an idiot. They were 6 different 3DS games. He didn't even look at my account because he never asked for my number. Took one look at the games and said "I can't let you buy these, boss".

They've caught on. It's fine.


i want to pre order the switch bundle from thinkgeek but you cant preorder with giftcards :)

i mentioned that at gamestop and they said it's weird because apparently you can order stuff from gamestop through thinkgeek stores but not the other way around. It's stupid.
Im at $610 now. Everything seems to be wiped out, besides the games I just traded. Cant find any of the high value 3DS games or switch games...and there are like 10+ gamestops near me


Any of you who are nervous, I've been flipping games to gamestop for years. A few years ago they messed up equally as bad on a promotion and the worst they can possible do to you is ban you from trading for a year. They can't take your trade credit, call the police, etc. Chill out and just don't be stupid about it. 90% of employees won't think twice about what you're trading as long as you take the stickers off, maybe throw in an old game or two, and take it to different stores.


...is scamming them right? I'm not saying its illegal but you are literally ripping them off, some of you for hundreds of dollars at a time.

When I sell them Infinite Warfare for $4.40 and they turn around and sell it for a 500% return, all they are doing is flipping my games.

It's my choice to sell them the game for $4.40 so I can't accuse them of scamming me. It's their choice to offer up these specials.

Not that it matters but I have not done anything with their current trade in offers.
I never said it wasn't corporates fault or that it was in any way illegal, I said that by doing it you are scamming them and if you think that they won't try to prevent it from happening or taking action against those doing it you are crazy. It may not be legal action but they can certainly ban you from the system from ever trading games in again.

Call me crazy but I have enough for an X1. Getting banned from trading is probably a plus for most. Their normal trade values are horrible.


The next crazy deal like this probably won't be until your trade ban is up anyway.

That's the only time you should be trading to GS.
I felt bad at my last purchase, one of the games was injustice 2. The employee was passionate as fuck about the game. Going on and on about how great it is and what characters he likes. All while I just had to nod my head and say "cool"
So, just realized I fucked up somewhere. A few days back, I traded in PvZ GW2 and Nioh at BEST BUY for 25 goddamn dollars, which I used to get a 20 dollar psn card and a pack of Twix. Just checked the values for both of them and then added them to my final amount for all the games I'm about to trade in then added the 60%. If I still had those games, I could have been getting $366.18.



I'm now pissed at my past self.
Call me crazy but I have enough for an X1. Getting banned from trading is probably a plus for most. Their normal trade values are horrible.

The next crazy deal like this probably won't be until your trade ban is up anyway.

That's the only time you should be trading to GS.

Exactly. Only reason I'm avoiding it is I don't want to get stuck with 6+ games I don't want. Just maybe don't flip larger amounts at once anymore.

E92 M3

Any of you who are nervous, I've been flipping games to gamestop for years. A few years ago they messed up equally as bad on a promotion and the worst they can possible do to you is ban you from trading for a year. They can't take your trade credit, call the police, etc. Chill out and just don't be stupid about it. 90% of employees won't think twice about what you're trading as long as you take the stickers off, maybe throw in an old game or two, and take it to different stores.

Some were saying that they can permaban your PUR account and all of the trade credit on it disappears as well. Obviously that's shady as fuck, but I didn't want to risk it.
Is there a cap? Can I walk in with my big box of old Wii games and get the 70% on each of them, or would I have to bring them in as groups of 6?
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