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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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Medalion said:
I think some people here would prefer blank discs than what they did to change their precious movies
I'm not sure I follow. You're saying people would rather pay for blank discs than just not buy them?


MikeMyers said:
Just did a quick search and it seems that ET and Apocalypse Now are both available in their original format. So I guess Spielberg and FFC could advise Lucas to do that.

Reminds me of the South Park ep - Free Hat.
I wonder what GL would advise them to do if they suggested that.

I also wonder if Lucas was planning on just releasing this shit without mentioning it at all. We knew he had done something, but obviously no one knew that he took it to this extent. That's pretty shady I think.


There was a thread the other day about whether or not there is such a thing as "ethical piracy", and I certainly believe that this would count. I could and would totally endorse someone just downloading an HD fan edit that removes ridiculous bullshit like the Vader "Nooooo" or the shot of Hayden Christensen as a ghost.

We've all bought these films multiple times already, Lucas has more than made his share so I don't see why you should feel guilty about it either. It's nothing less than robbery for him to make the films worse every time there's a new format to milk.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
border said:
There was a thread the other day about whether or not there is such a thing as "ethical piracy", and I certainly believe that this would count. I could and would totally endorse someone just downloading an HD fan edit that removes ridiculous bullshit like the Vader "Nooooo" or the shot of Hayden Christensen as a ghost.

We've all bought these films multiple times already, Lucas has more than made his share so I don't see why you should feel guilty about it either. It's nothing less than robbery for him to make the films worse every time there's a new format to milk.
Yeah I mean, the original Star Wars is actually an "out of print" film. Bootlegs are fair game.


vaelic said:
doesnt sound bad to me. damn star wars nerds

What is your favorite movie?

Cuz I'd like to fuck with it several times over a 2 decade period to the point where parts of it aren't recognizable to the same film you fell in love with.

The main problem is that none of this is necessary so why change anything? These movies launched a multi-billion dollar 3 1/2 decades-long franchise. Its not like people were pissed off enough to stop consuming Star Wars because it wasn't a complete experience unless George changed it so that Greedo shoots first, and Vader says a ridiculous sounding NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo at the key emotional climax of a 6-film saga. Nobody asked for any of these changes. So why? That's the only question I want answered.


bill0527 said:
What is your favorite movie?

Cuz I'd like to fuck with it several times over a 2 decade period to the point where parts of it aren't recognizable to the same film you fell in love with.

The main problem is that none of this is necessary so why change anything? These movies launched a multi-billion dollar 3 1/2 decades-long franchise. Its not like people were pissed off enough to stop consuming Star Wars because it wasn't a complete experience unless George changed it so that Greedo shoots first, and Vader says a ridiculous sounding NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo at the key emotional climax of a 6-film saga. Nobody asked for any of these changes. So why? That's the only question I want answered.

Basically because George Lucas is a fucking asshole.


Lost all credibility.
These changes never bother me, I got my money's worth of enjoyment watching the movies when I did, whatever they want to do to them now is their business. I just find it odd that Lucasfilm continues making these changes when fans on the internet seem to be so against it.
The "NO" still sounds stupid and doesn't look like it fits at all but it honestly isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. That scene looked awkward without it when I look at it again anyways. Still, I'd probably prefer it the original way.


alr1ghtstart said:

she responds to all the comments...

she retweets any positive comments...

people are talking highly of lucas...




@KRLgrrl I've heard some bad things, but I've heard more positive comments about these changes from true fans of the Saga.


ZombieSupaStar said:
i wish you could just buy the extras stuff separate.
It would be nice to have the option to turn off Vader's ROTJ "no" audio. Would be cool if they could send out an update to give us that option.


I still don't understand why he altered Greedo to shoot first. It's a defining moment that perfect describes who and what Han Solo is. I still SMH over that one. For some odd reason, Lucas seems to be obsessed with seemingly minor omissions or alterations. It's not that it bothers us fans that the Ewoks now blink but that he fucking bothered to do it instead of simply releasing a clean and unaltered version. Next time you watch the SE version of Star Wars, check out the stupidity of Mos Eisley...We are warned that it is a "hive of scum and villainy" but we are to busy laughing at the funny Jawas who fall off their stupid Alien Alpacas. Ugh... There are dozens of these moments and most of them feel like ILM is simply trying to show off.

What really gets me with all these changes is that in theory, I wouldn't mind them one bit! All Lucas need do is borrow a copy of the Star Trek blue rays to see what a proper updating should have been. They should reshoot all the exterior space shots and battles, fix the the special effects and do a proper restoration. Hell, I wouldn't even mind if he removed and replaced all of the stop motion photography for CGI. If done right, nobody would complain except for the truly hard core.

As for ethical piracy, I agree...I own the original on VHS Widescreen and although I briefly owned the Laserdisk versions, I made sure to download similar quality versions for myself.


FOOTE said:
It would be nice to have the option to turn off Vader's ROTJ "no" audio. Would be cool if they could send out an update to give us that option.
Or they could release they unaltered versions... nahhhhhh


bish gets all the credit :)
FOOTE said:
It would be nice to have the option to turn off Vader's ROTJ "no" audio. Would be cool if they could send out an update to give us that option.

the level of computer graphics were not up to standard when these were originally released. The "nooooooooo" is part of his original vision.


VGChampion said:
The "NO" still sounds stupid and doesn't look like it fits at all but it honestly isn't as bad as some people make it out to be.

The no wouldn't be too bad if it was James Earl Jones doing it. It doesn't even sound anything like him.


3rdman said:
I still don't understand why he altered Greedo to shoot first. It's a defining moment that perfect describes who and what Han Solo is. I still SMH over that one. For some odd reason, Lucas seems to be obsessed with seemingly minor omissions or alterations. It's not that it bothers us fans that the Ewoks now blink but that he fucking bothered to do it instead of simply releasing a clean and unaltered version. Next time you watch the SE version of Star Wars, check out the stupidity of Mos Eisley...We are warned that it is a "hive of scum and villainy" but we are to busy laughing at the funny Jawas who fall off their stupid Alien Alpacas. Ugh... There are dozens of these moments and most of them feel like ILM is simply trying to show off.

What really gets me with all these changes is that in theory, I wouldn't mind them one bit! All Lucas need do is borrow a copy of the Star Trek blue rays to see what a proper updating should have been. They should reshoot all the exterior space shots and battles, fix the the special effects and do a proper restoration. Hell, I wouldn't even mind if he removed and replaced all of the stop motion photography for CGI. If done right, nobody would complain except for the truly hard core.

As for ethical piracy, I agree...I own the original on VHS Widescreen and although I briefly owned the Laserdisk versions, I made sure to download similar quality versions for myself.
you were off to a good start...but quickly went off the deep end




mattp said:
you were off to a good start...but quickly went off the deep end


Ah, but were I in charge, you and I would have the best of both worlds as I would never deny those who wish to see the unaltered version....Seriously if you haven't seen them, check out the Star Trek Blue Rays...you can switch between original and restored with the press of a button.


A Good Citizen
3rdman said:
I still don't understand why he altered Greedo to shoot first. It's a defining moment that perfect describes who and what Han Solo is. I still SMH over that one. For some odd reason, Lucas seems to be obsessed with seemingly minor omissions or alterations. It's not that it bothers us fans that the Ewoks now blink but that he fucking bothered to do it instead of simply releasing a clean and unaltered version. Next time you watch the SE version of Star Wars, check out the stupidity of Mos Eisley...We are warned that it is a "hive of scum and villainy" but we are to busy laughing at the funny Jawas who fall off their stupid Alien Alpacas. Ugh... There are dozens of these moments and most of them feel like ILM is simply trying to show off.

What really gets me with all these changes is that in theory, I wouldn't mind them one bit! All Lucas need do is borrow a copy of the Star Trek blue rays to see what a proper updating should have been. They should reshoot all the exterior space shots and battles, fix the the special effects and do a proper restoration. Hell, I wouldn't even mind if he removed and replaced all of the stop motion photography for CGI. If done right, nobody would complain except for the truly hard core.

As for ethical piracy, I agree...I own the original on VHS Widescreen and although I briefly owned the Laserdisk versions, I made sure to download similar quality versions for myself.
No, he needs to be handed the 5-disc Blade Runner set.


via george's daughter's twitter, she didn't say this, but she retweeted it.

@KRLgrrl There is a special place in Hell for haters next to the one for child molesters and people who talk obnoxiously in the theatre

so she's a fucking idiot like her father.


Rodent Whores
Obi-wan's scream sounds like the "wooo" human bender made when they rolled him off the stage in that "Tales of Interest" episode.

Dead Man

3rdman said:
Ah, but were I in charge, you and I would have the best of both worlds as I would never deny those who wish to see the unaltered version....Seriously if you haven't seen them, check out the Star Trek Blue Rays...you can switch between original and restored with the press of a button.
Really? That's awesome. Lucas, why are you so stupid? I wouldn't care at all about your stupid edits if I could just get the fucking originals in decent quality.
This is kinda off topic but I just noticed something that was problem obvious to everyone else :


Don't know why, just never made the connection.

Far as these changes go, nothing can be worse than Hayden at the end of RotJ, so have fun Lucas.

Dr Prob


Joking, of course, but what's sad is that this latest news isn't even surprising.

Lucas is like a little kid with a rash or something. STOP TOUCHING IT, YOU'RE JUST MAKING IT WORSE!
megashock5 said:
Yeah, it does. And yes, it's depressing.

At this point I'm trying to decide whether I want to...

1. Track down a copy of the DVD with the LD transfers before they're gone (I only have the 2004 set).

2. Burn DVDs of my VHS copies for (purely for viewing convenience)

3. Forget the whole thing even exists and watch Iron Man

One good thing has come of all this. I decided a week ago that I didn't need all of those Star Wars toys that I kept from 77-83. They don't mean anything to me anymore. I've already made over $900 on ebay and I have more boxes to go through. I'm done.

Maybe this has already been said, but anyone intested in the dvd's, they can be found on amazon used for less then ten bucks each. You get the best versions of the originals, and lucas gets no more money from it, win win.
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