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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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The Lamonster said:
Makes me think of the 2004 DVD menus, using CGI versions of Luke, Han, etc.

I'd be into episodes 7-9 featuring digital actors from the original trilogy.

Luke will be old.

Leia will be Avatarized into a MILF.

Han will be dead.

Droids will be rusty and dented.

Palpatine will be ghost.
GAH the cover art on the whole set is horrendous.



or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Could you imagine if the new changes to the movies were not character-ruining.... the 1997 special effects were completely redone... and Han Shoots First?

Not happening I know, but...


purple cobra said:
I think some of those changes are for the better. There's rumors of the CGI Yoda replacing the bad puppet in Episode 1. I can't see how anyone would prefer the puppet. The CG Yoda would better match Episode 2 and 3 Yoda.

From that article, they seem like they're correcting a lot of little nagging mistakes throughout the films. Like the lightsabers, their colors throughout Episodes 4-6 were off. The color timing varied in those movies. Now it looks like they'll be consistent throughout.
The puppet is way better...
BocoDragon said:
Nope. The Episode I puppet looks derpy.

ESB and ROTJ puppet is a classic, though.

i'll agree with that, then again i think the CG Yoda was pants on head retarded also.

God those films were shit.


BocoDragon said:
Nope. The Episode I puppet looks derpy.

ESB and ROTJ puppet is a classic, though.
I have a bias towards puppets. Someone needs to remake 1,2,3 and make 7,8,9 after the sum bitch retires.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
DeathNote said:
I have a bias towards puppets. Someone needs to remake 1,2,3 and make 7,8,9 after the sum bitch retires.
Farscape fan?


Birbo said:
I agree I hate the "Duel of the Fates" music addition, but I love his changes to the Death Star attack:


Biggest changes come in around the 2:59 mark.

That's pretty awful. I like the idea of a larger TIE force intercepting them, but most of that fight is empty, pointless action for action's sake. Very little purpose to what's happening beyond showing ships blowing up ships because OMG KEWL SPLOSION. Every shot and action beat in the original sequence is there for a reason, it's one of the tightest sequences in the entire series, and really doesn't need "improving." Not like this, anyway.

And judging from what I've watched on YouTube, this guy should never be allowed to pick the music for any scene, ever. Terrible choices every time.
DeathNote said:
I have a bias towards puppets. Someone needs to remake 1,2,3 and make 7,8,9 after the sum bitch retires.
Episodes I-III are bad, but tragically fixable.

All they needed was some competent writers to revise the script.



Buckethead said:
Episodes I-III are bad, but tragically fixable.

All they needed was some competent writers to revise the script.

I mean I guess you could re-edit and re-shoot some stuff while the actors are still look relatively the same. Excluding the kid.

But I think all the politics and everything Hayden says is complete crap.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Buckethead said:
Episodes I-III are bad, but tragically fixable.

All they needed was some competent writers to revise the script.

Also a lot of problems could be fixed by not casting Hayden Christensen. He's probably the worst actor in the entire series, with one of the most emotionally demanding roles.

I actually consider his Episode III acting job to be an amazing feat.. a best case scenario... considering he's Hayden Christensen, the worst actor ever :p


bish gets all the credit :)
looking over that starwars site yielded this lulzy speech from Lucas.
The Greatest Speech Against the Special Edition was from George Lucas

"My name is George Lucas. I am a writer, director, and producer of motion pictures and Chairman of the Board of Lucasfilm Ltd., a multi-faceted entertainment corporation.

I am not here today as a writer-director, or as a producer, or as the chairman of a corporation. I've come as a citizen of what I believe to be a great society that is in need of a moral anchor to help define and protect its intellectual and cultural heritage. It is not being protected.

The destruction of our film heritage, which is the focus of concern today, is only the tip of the iceberg. American law does not protect our painters, sculptors, recording artists, authors, or filmmakers from having their lifework distorted, and their reputation ruined. If something is not done now to clearly state the moral rights of artists, current and future technologies will alter, mutilate, and destroy for future generations the subtle human truths and highest human feeling that talented individuals within our society have created.

A copyright is held in trust by its owner until it ultimately reverts to public domain. American works of art belong to the American public; they are part of our cultural history.

People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians, and if the laws of the United States continue to condone this behavior, history will surely classify us as a barbaric society. The preservation of our cultural heritage may not seem to be as politically sensitive an issue as "when life begins" or "when it should be appropriately terminated," but it is important because it goes to the heart of what sets mankind apart. Creative expression is at the core of our humanness. Art is a distinctly human endeavor. We must have respect for it if we are to have any respect for the human race.

These current defacements are just the beginning. Today, engineers with their computers can add color to black-and-white movies, change the soundtrack, speed up the pace, and add or subtract material to the philosophical tastes of the copyright holder. Tommorrow, more advanced technology will be able to replace actors with "fresher faces," or alter dialogue and change the movement of the actor's lips to match. It will soon be possible to create a new "original" negative with whatever changes or alterations the copyright holder of the moment desires. The copyright holders, so far, have not been completely diligent in preserving the original negatives of films they control. In order to reconstruct old negatives, many archivists have had to go to Eastern bloc countries where American films have been better preserved.

In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be "replaced" by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.

There is nothing to stop American films, records, books, and paintings from being sold to a foreign entity or egotistical gangsters and having them change our cultural heritage to suit their personal taste.

I accuse the companies and groups, who say that American law is sufficient, of misleading the Congress and the People for their own economic self-interest.

I accuse the corporations, who oppose the moral rights of the artist, of being dishonest and insensitive to American cultural heritage and of being interested only in their quarterly bottom line, and not in the long-term interest of the Nation.

The public's interest is ultimately dominant over all other interests. And the proof of that is that even a copyright law only permits the creators and their estate a limited amount of time to enjoy the economic fruits of that work.

There are those who say American law is sufficient. That's an outrage! It's not sufficient! If it were sufficient, why would I be here? Why would John Houston have been so studiously ignored when he protested the colorization of "The Maltese Falcon?" Why are films cut up and butchered?

Attention should be paid to this question of our soul, and not simply to accounting procedures. Attention should be paid to the interest of those who are yet unborn, who should be able to see this generation as it saw itself, and the past generation as it saw itself.

I hope you have the courage to lead America in acknowledging the importance of American art to the human race, and accord the proper protection for the creators of that art--as it is accorded them in much of the rest of the world communities."


I don't understand why they don't just release a huge-ass set with multiple versions of the films. Like a DVD/Blu-ray combo with the original and 2004 cuts on DVD and the Revisited versions on Blu-ray. Fans would lap it up and everyone would be happy.

Then again I also don't really understand what the fuss is about regarding changes in the Revisited versions.


George Lucas said:
A copyright is held in trust by its owner until it ultimately reverts to public domain. American works of art belong to the American public; they are part of our cultural history.

Star Wars is still his, and he can modify his art whether you like it or not. If he views it as a work I progress, he is free to do whatever he wants.

If this speech is real, then it doesn't means jackshit to the debate, seeing he is still alive, and he wants to change things and not a faceless corporation.

Also, the old versions will always be there for the purists...


Kurdel said:
Star Wars is still his, and he can modify his art whether you like it or not. If he views it as a work I progress, he is free to do whatever he wants.

If this speech is real, then it doesn't means jackshit to the debate, seeing he is still alive, and he wants to change things and not a faceless corporation.

Also, the old versions will always be there for the purists...

It is real, but people like to overlook that he wasn't talking about the creators changing things. He was railing on the movie studios who were doing it.


bish gets all the credit :)
Kurdel said:
Star Wars is still his, and he can modify his art whether you like it or not. If he views it as a work I progress, he is free to do whatever he wants.

If this speech is real, then it doesn't means jackshit to the debate, seeing he is still alive, and he wants to change things and not a faceless corporation.
Well I obviously know he was speaking about protecting copyright holders. He can do whatever he wants. However, he goes on about using technologies to change films and that we should not alter or destroy works of art.

Kurdel said:
Also, the old versions will always be there for the purists...
um no they won't. That's what this whole debate is about.


The more I think about it, the more excited I am if they really do end up taking care of most (if not all) of those little errors throughout the films. Fixing the color timing, lightsabers being the correct color, bad matte lines being fixed. Sounds good.

I wish they could somehow be able to take care of this little problem here...


If they could somehow digitally move Luke or the guard closer to each other so the kick looks like it connects, these are the kinds of changes I'm all for.


purple cobra said:
The more I think about it, the more excited I am if they really do end up taking care of most (if not all) of those little errors throughout the films. Fixing the color timing, lightsabers being the correct color, bad matte lines being fixed. Sounds good.

I wish they could somehow be able to take care of this little problem here...


If they could somehow digitally move Luke or the guard closer to each other so the kick looks like it connects, these are the kinds of changes I'm all for.

Force kick?


As expected.

Not buying these blu rays, of course.

Kurdel said:
Star Wars is still his, and he can modify his art whether you like it or not. If he views it as a work I progress, he is free to do whatever he wants.

If this speech is real, then it doesn't means jackshit to the debate, seeing he is still alive, and he wants to change things and not a faceless corporation.

Also, the old versions will always be there for the purists...


edit: ninja'd!


I love not caring about these movies at all. Makes it really fun to watch Lucas buttfuck his fans for over 30 years and have them still come back for more. Battered wife syndrome of the highest degree, thy name is Star Wars fans.


Adywan's fan edit absolutely shits on the real special edition. The music playing during the Vader/Obi-Wan duel is literally the only thing I don't like about it. I wish I could say there was only a single thing I don't like about George's special edition.


Solo said:
I love not caring about these movies at all. Makes it really fun to watch Lucas buttfuck his fans for over 30 years and have them still come back for more. Battered wife syndrome of the highest degree, thy name is Star Wars fans.

Haha, no doubt......Solo?
A) George Lucas always makes changes to the films during every major new release. This should surprise no one.

B) Why do you guys automatically assume they are going to be bad? Most people felt the 2004 redo of the Emperor scene in ESB with Ian Mcdiarmid was an improvement and I personally liked the more dynamic X-Wing CGI in ANH. Perhaps Lucas is restoring Han shoots first and replacing the ugly yoda puppet in TPH with a CGI yoda?


Does anyone else think he might surprise people by reversing some of his changes?

I wouldn't be surprised at all, especially now that Spielberg has come around from all the special edition shit.
Solo said:
I love not caring about these movies at all. Makes it really fun to watch Lucas buttfuck his fans for over 30 years and have them still come back for more. Battered wife syndrome of the highest degree, thy name is Star Wars fans.
The one bad thing about watching all this crap is the movies still make a ass load of cash.
The 3D movies bombing would make me gasm'.


Anticitizen One said:
A) George Lucas always makes changes to the films during every major new release. This should surprise no one.

B) Why do you guys automatically assume they are going to be bad? Most people felt the 2004 redo of the Emperor scene in ESB with Ian Mcdiarmid was an improvement and I personally liked the more dynamic X-Wing CGI in ANH. Perhaps Lucas is restoring Han shoots first and replacing the ugly yoda puppet in TPH with a CGI yoda?

For every okay, yet unnecessary change, there are 5 BRUTAL, unnecessary changes.


well not really...yet
The only brutal changes are in ROTJ (musical scene, adding naboo + audible gungan, hayden)
Solo said:
I love not caring about these movies at all. Makes it really fun to watch Lucas buttfuck his fans for over 30 years and have them still come back for more. Battered wife syndrome of the highest degree, thy name is Star Wars fans.

I love not caring about spoilers for a certain Batman movie.

Are you gonna make a separate thread now, declaring how much you don't care about SW?


Dead said:
The only brutal changes are in ROTJ (musical scene, adding naboo + audible gungan, hayden)

I'd say the fucked up colors and lightsabers that plague all three movies are pretty brutal. But yeah those three are on a whole other level.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
The most crucial change for me is that they fix the Anakin ghost at the end. I don't give a fuck that it's Hayden Christensen, but the shoddy eyeline match and creepy stare is a terrible way to end the saga (a bit like ROTJ in general).
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