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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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Hardly surprising. Not that I really care, I'm not going to see this crap in 3D anyway.

or are these changes going to be on the blu-rays since it's the "2011 edition"? I may pass on that, still haven't decided
Ushojax said:
The most crucial change for me is that they fix the Anakin ghost at the end. I don't give a fuck that it's Hayden Christensen, but the shoddy eyeline match and creepy stare is a terrible way to end the saga (a bit like ROTJ in general).

I think ROTJ is a far cry from Empire, and is very lacking in the middle, but the finale was amazing and a great way to end the series (referring of course to the Luke/Vader/Emperor showdown in the throne room).


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Solo said:
I love not caring about these movies at all. Makes it really fun to watch Lucas buttfuck his fans for over 30 years and have them still come back for more. Battered wife syndrome of the highest degree, thy name is Star Wars fans.
God I love Star Wars fans. They're the obsessive, jilted lovers of geekdom. Saying you don't care about them while posting about why you "hate" them. This is why the Blu rays are gonna make a shit ton of money despite all the bitching going on from the fanboys.
Mr. Serious Business said:
I think ROTJ is a far cry from Empire, and is very lacking in the middle, but the finale was amazing and a great way to end the series (referring of course to the Luke/Vader/Emperor showdown in the throne room).
I agree but the the little testicles destroying the storm guys dents the atmosphere pretty hard.
ROTJ is the best Star Wars movie. I can't believe there is even debate about this. If every saga climaxed with an epic 40 minute space battle the world would be a better place.
No matter what he changes, I will buy them on blu. Its just too damn tempting. 3D how ever I can pass up on. I have no desire to sit through another 3D movie ever. Tron was the last one.

Apparently judging from box office receipts, I am not the only one that feels this way.


Anticitizen One said:
ROTJ is the best Star Wars movie. I can't believe there is even debate about this.


ryutaro's mama said:
I love not caring about spoilers for a certain Batman movie.

Are you gonna make a separate thread now, declaring how much you don't care about SW?


I still don't understand how you don't understand the desire for a spoiler-free thread. You seem almost upset about it.


Anticitizen One said:
ROTJ is the best Star Wars movie. I can't believe there is even debate about this. If every saga climaxed with an epic 40 minute space battle the world would be a better place.

ROTJ sucks. If it weren't for the prequels, it would be easily the worst film in the series by a large margin.


Anticitizen One said:
ROTJ is the best Star Wars movie. I can't believe there is even debate about this. If every saga climaxed with an epic 40 minute space battle the world would be a better place.


Super Member
Anticitizen One said:
ROTJ is the best Star Wars movie. I can't believe there is even debate about this. If every saga climaxed with an epic 40 minute space battle the world would be a better place.
I agree. The last shots of the Falcon escaping the Death Star is the best shot in movies, ever. Luke fighting Vader was awesome too.

Empire was a great movie but there wasn't much of the Star Wars aspect to it. The Hoth battle was alright though
Anticitizen One said:
ROTJ is the best Star Wars movie. I can't believe there is even debate about this. If every saga climaxed with an epic 40 minute space battle the world would be a better place.

AOTC is the best.


Solo said:
ROTJ sucks. If it weren't for the prequels, it would be easily the worst film in the series by a large margin.

Actually I'd even rank Episode III above ROTJ.

For me it's III, IV, and V as the best trilogy.


I know that original theatrical isn't included, but will this be the awful 2004 SE or the tolerable 1997 SE?

Also, about these extra/ deleted scenes. I heard they are not included within the main feature but on an extra disc, is this true? Are they also in HD?

Thanks. I just hope there is as little tampering to the originals as possible, I nerd raged when I saw the ending of the 2004 RotJ, a poor shot of Hayden Christensen in the place of the original actor...


Anth0ny said:
I'd say the fucked up colors and lightsabers that plague all three movies are pretty brutal. But yeah those three are on a whole other level.

The colors and lightsabers weren't an intentional change. Even Lucafilm pretty much admits the 2004 DVDs were rushed, which is why they spent so much time fixing the color balance, lightsabers, and audio problems on the Blu-Rays.


MLH said:
I know that original theatrical isn't included, but will this be the awful 2004 SE or the tolerable 1997 SE?

Also, about these extra/ deleted scenes. I heard they are not included within the main feature but on an extra disc, is this true? Are they also in HD?

Thanks. I just hope there is as little tampering to the originals as possible, I nerd raged when I saw the ending of the 2004 RotJ, a poor shot of Hayden Christensen in the place of the original actor...

The deleted scenes are most in HD and only on an extras disc that comes with the six-movie, nine disc set. The individual trilogy sets are movies-only and don't include the extras disc.
Morn said:
Actually I'd even rank Episode III above ROTJ.

For me it's III, IV, and V as the best trilogy.

Episode III was much more awful than even the worst parts of Episode VI. Any kind of emotional payoff you could have gotten in III was ruined by the absolute lack of buildup in the first two films. It was flashy but had little substance. Return of the Jedi was crappy for the most part but the last third or so of the film was incredible.


My Member!
The #1 unbreakable rule of 'special editions' of DVD's should be that you NEVER EVER take something out of the original movie. Whether or not the movie maker has regrets about the scene or whatever, you can't just change how the movie was once it's released, its already become mainstream and idiotic to change it.

Hell I was reading even about the Beavis and Butthead DVD sets out there, supposedly Mike Judge removed scenes from the show. Not the music stuff due to getting rights, but just things inside the cartoon episodes themselves. This kind of stuff is just ridiculous, you can't undo what you already did.
KittenMaster said:
I made the switch over to Star Trek. You guys don't know how liberating it is to no longer have to deal with Lucas' crap.
Yeah but now we have to deal with Abrahms Crap or years before we had to deal with Berman & Braga Crap.

It's a lose-lose situation
RotJ will forever be the worst of the OT. It takes a concentrated form of terrible to turn Han Solo into a lame, blubbering vagina.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Morn said:
The colors and lightsabers weren't an intentional change. Even Lucafilm pretty much admits the 2004 DVDs were rushed, which is why they spent so much time fixing the color balance, lightsabers, and audio problems on the Blu-Rays.

Here's an example of one of the lightsaber fixes (from the Digital Bits):


2004 DVD


2011 Blu ray


ROTJ is forever known as The Great Ewok Misadventure, in my eyes.

ESB is the only movie I recognize as canon, due to Lucas' retconn shennanigans.

Honorable mention goes to the animated AOTC, because of Genndy Tartakovsky's artful representation of the trainwreck that is the Star Wars space opera.
Did we expect different?

Mama Robotnik said:

From: George Lucas <bossman@lucasfilm.com>
To: Undisclosed recipients

Date: 22nd August 2011

Subject: Star Wars 2011/12 Star Wars Special Editions.

Dear Friends and Colleagues

Once more I have viewed our earlier works, the original Star Wars films, and once more I find them lacking. The level of action, of pacing, and continuity pales in comparison to our prequel trilogy, which I'm sure you'll agree were our defining works.

As such, I've come up with a list of proposed changes that we're going to explore, to improve the original movies and give them a chance to stand alongside their modern counterparts.

The following are the major insertions, and are sure to be the most expensive. The attached zip archive (with the usual password) contains the 1,457 minor changes that shouldn't be too much hassle.

Star Wars: Episode IV

-Renaming the movie from "A New Hope" to "The Imperial Menace" to give a long-missing sense of symmetry to the movie titles.

-The opening scene is to be a huge spacebattle over a rebel stronghold, the biggest battle we've ever seen. Leia's ship flees the battle and arrives ar Coruscant persued by 36 Star Destroyers and 12 Super Star Destroyers. Minor dialogue changes will support this new action

-C3PO will now mention that he is fed up of having his mind wiped, and turn to face the audience in a brave fourth-wall moment that that fans will love. We're thinking of changing his design so he can wink at the audience.

-When R2 and C3PO get into the escape pod, we're going to see the Force ghost of Quin Gon Jin pulling the lever that launches it to Tatooine.

-When the stormtroopers storm Leia's ship, their weapons fire is going to ignite the rebel troops, just like it does to General Greivous in Episode 3.

-Darth Vader will now stun Leia with Force Lightning.

-When Leia is stunned, she will yell "father" and we will cut to an extended flashback of her and Bail Organa, as he explains to her that her mother died very young.

-In the flashback there will be another flashback to Padme dying.

-In this flashback there will be another flashback to Padme meeting the young Anakin. The camera will zoom into Anakin's shadow which will then cut back to the present, and the image of Darth Vader.

-When the escape pod crashes on Tatooine, it will now land in a field of baby Sarlaccs, and there will be an amusing sequence in which R2 and C3PO must make their way out. The Force ghost of Mace Windu appears to help them.

-When the sand people find R2 and C3PO, one of them will comment "This one has had his memories erased" just to hit home why he doesn't remember the previous movies.

-When we first meet Luke, he wakes up having a Force Dream in which Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious are standing around his bed laughing. They all then unleash their red lightsabres and slice towards him. Luke wakes at the last second.

-When Luke looks up at the twin suns, we're going to include a sky full of CG creatures. I have a vision of some sort of flying birdmen that liven that shit up a bit.

-When they purchase the droids, we're going to have the Force ghost of Ki-Adi-Mundi using his force powers from behind Luke, making him choose R2 and C3PO.

-When Darth Vader is interrogating Princess Leia in her cell, we're going to give the interrorgation robot a cute voice to make this scene a little more family friendly.

-When R2 goes to find Obi Wan, Jabba the Hutt's barge flies past.

-When the sand people surround Luke and the robots, one of them says (subtitled) "This one looks like the son of the one who murdered our cousin tribe".

-When Obi Wan appears, in a moment that's going to knock the audiences socks off, it will be Ewan McGregor playing him, aged with CG work.

-There will be a new scene on Coruscant in which Emperor Palpatine uses Force lightning to kill all of the senators in the senate chamber. When they're all dead, he will say "Senate disbanded."

-There will be a new scene on Dagobah in which Yoda is visibly upset over what has happened. He then looks to a photo of him and Chewbacca together.

-This blends into Chewbacca and Han at the Mos Eisley Cantina. In a really clever bit of continuity, Watto sees them and goes to a screen, activates it and says to Jabba the Hutt that he has found them and expects a reward.

-There will be a new scene in which Jabba dispatches Greedo to get Han. Some minor dialogue changes will cover the continuity of this.

-When Obi Wan and Luke return to his uncle's ranch, we're removing the charred bodies. Instead the Force ghost of Yaddle will inform them what has happened. This is far more family friendly.

-Obi Wan and Luke travel to Mos Eisely and in a huge camera pan we will see that a Pod Race is happening.

-In the "You don't need to see my identification" bit, Obi Wan will now use the force to make a rock hit each of the stormtroopers on the back of their heads knocking them out.

-There will be three musical numbers in the Catina, one of which will have a dance sequence.

-In the scene in which Greedo shoots Han, we're going to cut to Obi Wan, who it becomes evident is using the Force to ensure Greedo misses Han.

-We're going to insert new dialogue following the "under twelve parsecs" line in which Han will explain how a parsec is an impressive feat under the distance measurement of the Kessel run, and further convey what I was expressing with this scene.

-The meeting on the Death Star will have more Force lightning used on the Admiral challenging Darth Vader's "sorcerers ways". We're changing the line "I find your lack of faith disturbing" to "I find your lack of faith shocking" to support this.

-The scene will now be extended to include a hologram of Emperor Palpatine, who will now be the one to order Vader to "Release him".


Aaaaaaaaaand scene.


TheNatural said:
The #1 unbreakable rule of 'special editions' of DVD's should be that you NEVER EVER take something out of the original movie. Whether or not the movie maker has regrets about the scene or whatever, you can't just change how the movie was once it's released, its already become mainstream and idiotic to change it.

Hell I was reading even about the Beavis and Butthead DVD sets out there, supposedly Mike Judge removed scenes from the show. Not the music stuff due to getting rights, but just things inside the cartoon episodes themselves. This kind of stuff is just ridiculous, you can't undo what you already did.

Blade Runner breaks your rule and takes a big steaming shit on it and then lights it on fire and pisses on the fire.
I feel ashamed for thinking the special editions were
back when they were released in '97, being a 12-year old impressionable boy. Now, when I read about more things being changed for the BR versions, I just feel sad.

Image quality looks friggin' awesome though. Will probably buy.


bish gets all the credit :)
Morn said:
Blade Runner breaks your rule and takes a big steaming shit on it and then lights it on fire and pisses on the fire.

yeah, but the original version is available for sale, even the workprint.


richiek said:
God I love Star Wars fans. They're the obsessive, jilted lovers of geekdom. Saying you don't care about them while posting about why you "hate" them. This is why the Blu rays are gonna make a shit ton of money despite all the bitching going on from the fanboys.

Who says they don't care about them? Obviously the Star Wars fans care, which is why they post with such hate.

For what it's worth, the Star Wars home releases I own are the following:

-Star Wars Trilogy VHS (pre special edition)
-Star Wars 2006 DVDs

I will not buy the blu rays, and will continue to bitch about Lucas until the fucker releases the real versions of the films properly.

and LOL at Jedi being the best Star Wars film. Empire all day.


alr1ghtstart said:
yeah, but the original version is available for sale, even the workprint.

That wasn't his point. He was saying the #1 rule of special editions is to NEVER take anything out of the original. Blade Runner shows that's absolutely false.

And anyone who wants to listen to that voice over is an idiot.


Eh, smart move by him. All the people like me who are against changes wouldn't be buying it anyway, since it's SE only. Not like there's anyone out there that was happy with that crap, but can't stand any more new things.
MisterHero said:
Empire was a great movie but there wasn't much of the Star Wars aspect to it. The Hoth battle was alright though
Which is why it was originally released as just "The Empire Strikes Back".


Guevara said:
I'm done. I'll just keep my 15 year old VHS copies and a cheap VCR forever.

It's been said in this thread, but you can get official versions of the non-SE Original Trilogy on DVD. They're non-anamorphic transfers from the 1994 Laserdisc set, but they're STILL superior to VHS and won't degrade.

You can buy them separately:

Or in a box set:

They are also superior to the VHS version as the print of Star Wars on the disc doesn't have the EPISODE IV title in the opening crawl.


ROTJ is the overall weakest film in the OT, but the final space battle and Luke/Vader duel is fucking ace from start to finish, and anyone who disagrees is wrong.


Anticitizen One said:
ROTJ is the best Star Wars movie. I can't believe there is even debate about this. If every saga climaxed with an epic 40 minute space battle the world would be a better place.



Fuck Lucas and Star Wars. I saw ESB in the theater when I was 2 and cherished the og trilogy for much of my life. However, the total disregard Lucas has for the fans who made Star Wars what it is, is pretty sickening. I'm so over Star Wars.
D6AMIA6N said:
Fuck Lucas and Star Wars. I saw ESB in the theater when I was 2 and cherished the og trilogy for much of my life. However, the total disregard Lucas has for the fans who made Star Wars what it is, is pretty sickening. I'm so over Star Wars.

if i were an artist, i'd do what the fuck i want and not listen to fans at all. no other way to live.

first, huge caveat that I don't agree with his changes. Second, but they're HIS changes. He created Star Wars. None of you people had a single hand in it. Maybe you guys bought $100k worth of Star Wars merch, but nope, you still have absolutely zero input on Star Wars, which is Lucas' work. When fans of other things disagree with changes, they go "oh, they kinda ruined it" and move on with their lives. They don't suddenly think they can tell an artist how to make his art.

and the best part? this is gonna be like the best selling blu ray ever, and that's fuel enough for his "I don't give a fuck" fire.
Solo said:

I still don't understand how you don't understand the desire for a spoiler-free thread. You seem almost upset about it.

My point is you are saying that you are glad you don't care about SW in a thread full of people that mostly do care in some capacity.

In the TDKR thread, most people were reading the spoilers, even though you weren't.

I was drawing a parallel as how absurd that is to me, given your position on the TDKR thread.

It's like you're bragging about the fact that you are above caring about all SW, unlike all the other people here.

Those poor souls...


Smision said:
if i were an artist, i'd do what the fuck i want and not listen to fans at all. no other way to live.

first, huge caveat that I don't agree with his changes. Second, but they're HIS changes. He created Star Wars. None of you people had a single hand in it. Maybe you guys bought $100k worth of Star Wars merch, but nope, you still have absolutely zero input on Star Wars, which is Lucas' work. When fans of other things disagree with changes, they go "oh, they kinda ruined it" and move on with their lives. They don't suddenly think they can tell an artist how to make his art.

and the best part? this is gonna be like the best selling blu ray ever, and that's fuel enough for his "I don't give a fuck" fire.
I never said what he was doing was wrong or whatever or he ruined it or blah, blah, blah. What I said was, Lucas is a dick, and I'm over Star Wars, even though it was a huge part of my childhood.


Anticitizen One said:
ROTJ is the best Star Wars movie. I can't believe there is even debate about this. If every saga climaxed with an epic 40 minute space battle the world would be a better place.

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