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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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New article about George:

The geeks eventually got their face time with Lucas and I want to stress how respectful these guys were, and that they paid a lot of money for face time with Lucas. This was not a surprise interaction; Lucas came to this event knowing he’d be expected to mingle with the peons. I don’t advocate bugging celebrities in their daily lives, but this was a professional event designed to encourage these interactions. The guys were not out of bounds. They started by telling Lucas that they loved him/the movies/grew up watching them. Then they very politely asked why he wouldn’t make the original versions of the movies available on DVD/Blu-Ray. They stressed that they don’t mind the retroactive edits (doubtful, but they were being nice), they just wanted good digital copies of the original cuts, too. Lucas’s response? An eyeroll and a huffy, “Grow up. These are my movies, not yours.”



Jason's Ultimatum said:
Please tell me the picture of Vader unmasked at the end of RotJ is fake.
FOOTE said:
Link it please.


kinn said:
Apart from the live scenes and actors, couldn't he just re-render all the digital assets and backgrounds at a higher resolution (that what happened with the Toy Story films right?). God knows what the final result would look like but that's one way he could use....and then re-release them all over again....with more alterations as well!
The final result would look shit.

To get a look at the reverse, check out Firefly on blu ray. Live action shot on a format able to produce 1080p clarity, CGI only ever rendered at 480p. It clashes horribly and I can guarantee having it the other way around with actors at sub-HD and (as a future-looking example) backgrounds at 4K would look even worse.
Even if that article is fake, I did always find it hypocritical that Lucas messed with the two movies he didn't direct. Wasn't the whole point of those movies that he wanted to see other directors bring a fresh perspective to Star Wars?


Glass Joe said:
But then again... The first scene of Episode IV, wouldn't Vader be able to sense that "the force" was in Leia, if not outright recognize her genetically as his daughter? Eh who cares. I'll just say that Return of the Jedi had some explanations that didn't hold well for me. It's still an awesome trilogy.

I always thought he picked up on it right before Han was frozen. There is a scene there were Chewie goes crazy and Leia and Vader lock eyes after Chewie is brought under control.

Right at the beginning of this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0aeKwVe9wU

At first Leia and Chewie had to stay at cloud city. Then after freezing Han he alters the deal again and asks for them to be brought to this ship. I know, probably in my head but my take is that he recognized something there, either who she might be or just her ability. Keep in mind he just learned is son is alive, maybe before he just wasn't actively looking.


As a serious question... Has George Lucas ever actually released a response to the backlash of the superfluous changes that he makes? I'm not talking about legitimate fixes... I'm talking about the random things he throws in that he thinks are 'improving' his movies.

I really would love to hear a director's commentary that really goes into his mindset that explains why the hell he is doing what he does... Because right now the only reasonable explanation I have is that he has gone bat shit insane.


RyanDG said:
As a serious question... Has George Lucas ever actually released a response to the backlash of the superfluous changes that he makes? I'm not talking about legitimate fixes... I'm talking about the random things he throws in that he thinks are 'improving' his movies.

I really would love to hear a director's commentary that really goes into his mindset that explains why the hell he is doing what he does... Because right now the only reasonable explanation I have is that he has gone bat shit insane.
If you hear his commentaries from the previous DVD, he talks about why he thought the change was a good idea but I am not sure if he said as a direct response to the fans who think his changes are moronic


Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Even if that article is fake, I did always find it hypocritical that Lucas messed with the two movies he didn't direct. Wasn't the whole point of those movies that he wanted to see other directors bring a fresh perspective to Star Wars?

He directed Star Wars and Jedi, and Kershner was there when he did the changes to Empire.

And no, the point of other directors doing them was that directing the first movie nearly killed him physically.
Morn said:
He directed Star Wars and Jedi, and Kershner was there when he did the changes to Empire.

And no, the point of other directors doing them was that directing the first movie nearly killed him physically.

Richard Marquand directed Return of the Jedi

David Lynch of all people was the first choice


ryutaro's mama said:

"My own counsel do I keep, on who is to be trained."
But that does not imply he doesn't consult. Anyone with half a brain would.

We all know it was an easy out. The end.


Glass Joe said:
Yeah, for sure Luke didn't do anything constructive. But he definitely asked Yoda directly and Yoda made it sound like she'd die. Anyway, it does sound more like the "other hope" wasn't finalized at the time. Then again, Luke and Leia speaking to each other telepathically could only be explained satisfactorily if they were brother and sister (Jedi blood, and all), so maybe it was. Not that bro/sis necessarily = "other hope."

But then again... The first scene of Episode IV, wouldn't Vader be able to sense that "the force" was in Leia, if not outright recognize her genetically as his daughter? Eh who cares. I'll just say that Return of the Jedi had some explanations that didn't hold well for me. It's still an awesome trilogy.

And LOL at the Lucas / Slimer ghost shop.

It is 100% certain that "the other hope" was Leia. Leia was supposed to become a Jedi if Luke failed and died.


Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Richard Marquand directed Return of the Jedi

David Lynch of all people was the first choice
Richard was there only by name, George did most if not all the work directing that


Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Richard Marquand directed Return of the Jedi

David Lynch of all people was the first choice

He may be credited as director for Jedi, but Kershner said in 2004 that he didn't really direct it and it was directed by Lucas and Kershner's assistant director from Empire.


Ether_Snake said:
It is 100% certain that "the other hope" was Leia. Leia was supposed to become a Jedi if Luke failed and died.

I think he was referring to the fact Lucas was making up Jedi on the fly and came up with Leia as something to rival ESB's reveal. The "other", at one point, was a plot hook for 7, 8, 9 but Lucas was too burned out to do those by then.


ILM's work on the entire prequel trilogy was incredibly poor. Its very strange given how big of a job Star Wars was and their history with Lucas. But I think its easily their biggest misstep. The final battle in ROTS is, I would imagine, supposed to be epic and intense, but instead its comedy of the highest degree watching two figures leap and jump around on floating pad like video game characters, with the entire environment being painfully noticeable CG. Awful.

Of course, just one year after ROTS they do Davy Jones, easily their most accomplished work yet. Go figure.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Aigis said:

oh god

The prequels already look so dated.[/QUOTE]It looks awful. It is jarring these days to see the shit they did.
looks like something out of Reboot.

Anybody got a pic of the jabba from Return of the Jedi on the BluRay?

Or can we no longer compare since it's digitally altered?


Barberetti said:
Hey, no need to insult id Software. They don't have a problem with people buying the original Doom if they want to play that instead!
I was trying to imply it looks like something that could have been rendered in real time seven years ago. Nothing against id specifically.


A Good Citizen

More QUALITY prequel CG.

Did they just use the same two models several times over for the gungan crowd? lol. This is truly videogame level stuff.

Jesus, I shudder to think as to how awful EP2 is going to look with Blu-ray clarity. The CG for that has looked dated for years even on upscaled DVDs. Can't seem to find any BD screens of it.


Times like these I was looking for reasons to delay my Blu-ray purchase due to life circumstances, Lucasfilm just keeps giving and giving them to me

MC Safety

Aigis said:
More QUALITY prequel CG.

Did they just use the same two models several times over for the gungan crowd? lol. This is truly videogame level stuff.

Jesus, I shudder to think as to how awful EP2 is going to look with Blu-ray clarity. The CG for that has looked dated for years even on upscaled DVDs. Can't seem to find any BD screens of it.

This seems kind of petty. Those images are meant to be shown at 24 frames per second for a two-second interval. They're not meant to be frozen, pored over, and used as indication of George Lucas' malfeasance.

There's plenty to complain about with Star Wars that we needn't obsess over a mindless detail.


jaxword said:
I think he was referring to the fact Lucas was making up Jedi on the fly and came up with Leia as something to rival ESB's reveal. The "other", at one point, was a plot hook for 7, 8, 9 but Lucas was too burned out to do those by then.

I am pretty sure Lucas never planned a part 7, 8, 9.


Super Member
Aigis said:
More QUALITY prequel CG.

Did they just use the same two models several times over for the gungan crowd? lol. This is truly videogame level stuff.

Jesus, I shudder to think as to how awful EP2 is going to look with Blu-ray clarity. The CG for that has looked dated for years even on upscaled DVDs. Can't seem to find any BD screens of it.
Suddenly I'm reminded of games like Revolution X and Area 51

It's incredible how much the people on the rooftops stick out of the CG environment


The stupid Gungan orb, another stupidity. "Here is the orb! That you have never heard of throughout the movie! I show it to you, holding it up as if it was meaningful, at a time when we are supposed to sympathize with the heroes, but we have no idea wtf that thing is!".

I'm glad I know I can watch my Blu Ray copy of Blade Runner and know it will still look perfectly fine, as if it had been filmed the year before. Blade Runner still looks perfect. I can only think of one shot that looks like a matte painting, when Deckard looks out from his balcony. Other than that, it all looks perfectly awesome.
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