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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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Solo said:
ILM's work on the entire prequel trilogy was incredibly poor. Its very strange given how big of a job Star Wars was and their history with Lucas. But I think its easily their biggest misstep. The final battle in ROTS is, I would imagine, supposed to be epic and intense, but instead its comedy of the highest degree watching two figures leap and jump around on floating pad like video game characters, with the entire environment being painfully noticeable CG. Awful.

Of course, just one year after ROTS they do Davy Jones, easily their most accomplished work yet. Go figure.
I don't think it's ILM's fault.
Lucas directing is very poor in general and, in the prequels, there's some of the most bad and awkwardly static acting you can see.
It's not ILM's fault if the coreography for the last battle was ridiculous, afterall.


Ether_Snake said:
I am pretty sure Lucas never planned a part 7, 8, 9.

I don't think Lucas planned out another trilogy but I heard he was toying around with the idea of the movies just having endless sequels. Likfe after ROTJ there would be a sequel, and then three years after that and just keep going. At some point he got rid of that idea.


Ether_Snake said:
The stupid Gungan orb, another stupidity. "Here is the orb! That you have never heard of throughout the movie! I show it to you, holding it up as if it was meaningful, at a time when we are supposed to sympathize with the heroes, but we have no idea wtf that thing is!".

It's a metaphor for the movie. "Here's a shiny special effect, get excited!"


richiek said:
Forgive me if this was posted already, but here's CG Yoda in action in TPM:


Yoda looks pretty good, but those CG Gungans in the parade have not aged well.
Of all the things in the prequels given extraordinary amount of care, it was always Yoda (minus the shitty puppet). I can see in this scene he does look good, minus some animation movement but still looks great.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Buckethead said:
I remember being 12 or whatever I was when TPM came out and thinking that looked "computery".
Yeah I distinctly remember thinking THIS LOOKS REALLY BAD when I watched in on VHS in late 1999.

ON VHS!! Of course the blu looks awful.

Dead Man

GaimeGuy said:
Another suggestion I heard was that Anakin should have been older when he was discovered by the Jedi. Much much older. During the Clone Wars word spreads of an unknown and unfathomably powerful pilot who survives battle after battle, eliminating waves of fighters on his own. The Jedi can sense his unimaginable power, his natural strength with the force, and that he is susceptible to the influences of the dark side of the force, and decide to eliminate him, they're so fearful of his ability and the threat he could pose to them in the future (even though he is fighting on the same side as them). They send half a dozen jedi knights on a secret assassination mission, but none return. They decide to try to make him a part of the Jedi Order, although he and the jedi do not see eye to eye on a great matter of things. Eventually the pilot (Anakin) becomes a jedi, but he has a fallout with the jedi order and turns over to the dark side, as the jedi feared.
That would have been awesome. :(
Aigis said:

oh god

The prequels already look so dated.
It looks like the plastic Jabba toy was literally superimposed to the background. The TPM Blu-ray is a disaster.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Aigis said:

More QUALITY prequel CG.

Did they just use the same two models several times over for the gungan crowd? lol. This is truly videogame level stuff.

Jesus, I shudder to think as to how awful EP2 is going to look with Blu-ray clarity. The CG for that has looked dated for years even on upscaled DVDs. Can't seem to find any BD screens of it.

Umm, do you remember what video games looked like in the late 90s? You can't compare something that's over 12 years old with current tech. Come on.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Solo said:
ILM's work on the entire prequel trilogy was incredibly poor. Its very strange given how big of a job Star Wars was and their history with Lucas. But I think its easily their biggest misstep. The final battle in ROTS is, I would imagine, supposed to be epic and intense, but instead its comedy of the highest degree watching two figures leap and jump around on floating pad like video game characters, with the entire environment being painfully noticeable CG. Awful.

Of course, just one year after ROTS they do Davy Jones, easily their most accomplished work yet. Go figure.

I thought a lot of the environment from the final fight was real footage of a volcano?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I do remember an interview with Lucas, circa 1999, where he said that the PlayStation 2 tech was basically accomplishing in real time what he did on Phantom Menace pre-rendered.

We can accept he was being generous.. but still, he placed them in the same ballpark :p


A Good Citizen
StudioTan said:
Umm, do you remember what video games looked like in the late 90s? You can't compare something that's over 12 years old with current tech. Come on.
Why not? Lucasfilm is releasing these discs and charging money for them, in the year 2011.

We all know that they have the money to go back and re-do the rough looking CG shots in the PT, just like we all know they have the money to go back and do a modern 4K restoration instead of reusing the same outdated 1.9K transfer that they've been using for years with minimal improvements for the OT.

This release is pitiful on all fronts.


Holy crap that's some bad compositing on the parade pic.

Though, what's even worse in the video is the animation. So clunky and artificial looking. Got nothing on Jabba, though. 0_o


The big dinosaur thing in the Naboo pic looks like Discovery Channel quality work. I didn't expect them to age so badly so quickly, but.. well.. there ya go.


You'd think Lucas and ILM would at least take more time touching up the effects for the prequels. They had a year, at the least, when they announced the blu-ray release.


Aigis said:

More QUALITY prequel CG.

Did they just use the same two models several times over for the gungan crowd? lol. This is truly videogame level stuff.

Jesus, I shudder to think as to how awful EP2 is going to look with Blu-ray clarity. The CG for that has looked dated for years even on upscaled DVDs. Can't seem to find any BD screens of it.


It looks like a 'shop. How could it have aged so poorly. It's funny how Lucas keeps changing stupid shit in the OT when this kind of garbage permeates the prequels.


BocoDragon said:
Yeah I distinctly remember thinking THIS LOOKS REALLY BAD when I watched in on VHS in late 1999.

ON VHS!! Of course the blu looks awful.
So what CG in 1999 looked good to you?

Dead Man

And this is why people that chase the perfect effect shot are doomed to failure. Shit will always look aged eventually, just make a decent story with good characters and then leave it the fuck alone.
Yasae said:
So what CG in 1999 looked good to you?
Jurassic Park looked pretty okay in 1993...


God that celebration CGI is terribad. Should have just shopped in parts from FFXII and XIV if he was going to be that lazy, at least it would have looked better than that.
The bluray shot makes it look like those ambassador alien fuckers are watching tv, I like the dvd shot better. Makes it look like there actually is a barrier between them and the bots.

Mobius 1

Much of the blame for the poor aging of the prequels is the precarious design. Doug Chiang was not the sort of person you'd put in charge of production and concept design for movies meant to match the gritty 80's styles. I don't know what he is up to these days, but I remember seeing concept art for the prequels back then and thinking to myself "this doesn't belong on Star Wars".
Discotheque said:
The bluray shot makes it look like those ambassador alien fuckers are watching tv, I like the dvd shot better. Makes it look like there actually is a barrier between them and the bots.

It's been a while since I saw TPM, but I thought they were watching some sort of camera feed in that shot?
It won't but that one shot where they're all praying together in Abahdar looked awful on release. Looked just as cartoony as some of the shit on display here.

They're at their best when it's just one or two cg characters on screen.


Holy shit that CG Jabba can not be real. Can't believe he's so anal about stupid unimportant shit yet didn't go: "hmm maybe we should fix that".
that celebration shot makes me so glad that peter jackson had the sense when he did the LOTR movies to do as much puppet/miniature model work as possible and use cgi only where they had to, ive watched the Extended Edition Extras about 100 times (background noise) and when they talk about how models and lighting it just works and looks more natural, they are so right because look at the (real) people in the foreground of that shot they actually look ok, everything else needs a lighting engine overhaul or something.


Are there any more screenshots of Episode 2?

That Kamino facility doesn't look too bad compared to the Episode 1 shots. The Kaminoan on the left looks OK from the waist up. Her bottom half looks pretty bad.


well not really...yet
For extra lol, compare the crowd scene in TPM to the opening battle in LOTR: FOTR, released barely a year and a half later. Its like a decade's difference.

Branduil said:
Well, the writing sure will.
Unlikely. At least not when we move into space and proceed to pillage other planets for their goods and women!
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