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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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Just got back, it was pretty good. I've seen much worse films in the cinema this year. Kinda struggled in the first half as it tried to explain the backstory of everything and there was a lot of technobabble. Pretty fun old school popcorn flick.

Happy to have paid for it especially to screw the haters
Review average is now 6.5/10

I think people are primarily comparing the reviews, whether a 6 or 7 average, to the insane amount of vitriol and shit-flinging this movie has caused over the past few years. As it turns out, it's pretty decent and a lot of people seem to like it. Not everyone, of course, but it's more positive than negative.




I find the ridiculously over the top, pathetic reactions to the film quite fascinating. How could you not? It's free entertainment.

For sure. All because some nerds took outright offence and began spitting poison over a reboot of a movie about a bunch of comedians shooting lasers at ghosts. That was the line in the sand, apparently. That was the moral battle that had to be won.

Fucking hilarious. The original Ghostbusters is one of my all-time favorite movies, but no matter how good or bad this new movie turned out, its existence was hardly a fucking problem. Hell, even if the movie turned out to be crap, these people were always going to look like assholes.
For sure. All because some nerds took outright offence and began spitting poison over a reboot of a movie about a bunch of comedians shooting lasers at ghosts.

That's why I think I never got up in arms about this. At worst, it'd turn out to just be a bad movie. I already lived my childhood.
I like the new Ninja turtles movie, sure it wasn't as good as the originals in my mind but it wasn't bad by any means, it was just kind of average, it's kind of how I expect Ghostbusters to be, if it turns out to be better than average I will be over the moon but I am not going to believe the reviews quite frankly, I have lived long enough to see people recommend me things that were absolutely terrible and also people criticise things that turned out to be actually quite good.

I just hope it's not so good I end up kicking myself for not watching it in theatres.
The new TMNT movies are garbage compared to Ghostbusters. What a terrible comparison. A better comparison in terms of reboot quality is the new Planet Of The Apes movies.

Have fun in missing out on the only good non-comic book blockbuster film of 2016 so far. Correction, the other one is Nice Guys. Also, the 3D is amazing.


The new TMNT movies are garbage compared to Ghostbusters. What a terrible comparison. A better comparison in terms of reboot quality is the new Planet Of The Apes movies.

Have fun in missing out on the only good non-comic book blockbuster film of 2016 so far. Correction, the other one is Nice Guys. Also, the 3D is amazing.

It's the only one?!


Even among "Top Critics" that detractors keep pointing to, the average is about 6.1/10 which is still pretty decent. It's all subjective in the end what constitutes as a "fresh" rating or not.


Even among "Top Critics" that detractors keep pointing to, the average is about 6.1/10 which is still pretty decent. It's all subjective in the end what constitutes as a "fresh" rating or not.
6.1/10 is three stars (in fact, the reason why Rotten Tomatoes ratings almost entirely seem to fall into a certain range is because so many critics give star ratings)
Watch their logic slide into the video game world, where a score of 6.1 is considered "pure trash".

I think the thing with games is that they require a much more significant financial investment

But I still agree that too many people treat 6 put of 10 as if it was a 2 or 3 in videogames
Hated the first few trailers, but enjoyed Spy (McCarthy and Byrne sold it, though JS was a scene stealer). Seeing the film reviewing well is making it worth watching when it gets a home release (Lights Out and Jason Bourne are my theater budget winners atm).

Best thing is approaching the end of the black&white arguments about the film.
Okay. I haven't seen it. I'm going by interview quotes and people that have seen it claiming that it frowns upon the male sex. Maybe that's an observation I won't have.

It's partially that; and I don't think Ghostbusters is the place for it. If this movie comes out and all people are talking about is this sort of topic, I think that misses the point but that's just my opinion.

But guys, this is getting dicey. I think people are misreading or misinterpreting how I feel about using Ghostbusters to push a feminist agenda and I don't really want to truck on with it anymore as this could lead to that. If I'm wrong and it doesn't actually do that, great. I was just expressing a feeling I've gathered over the last few days. I hope it doesn't pan out.

Sorry if you already explained this but how you do know frowning upon the male sex is not equivalent to feminism right?
Watched it today.

Doesn't have the same feel as the Ramis ghostbuster films, and the music sucks. But if you take it on its own it's a decent film. Better then independence day 2, that's for sure
I laughed a fair bit, so did the people I was with and others in the cinema.

Was definitely feigy humour though, he wasn't trying to capture the ramis style at all.

And much the better for it I'd imagine.

Anyone trying to do someone else's humour style unless their own style is already similar is bound to fail far more often than succeed


Watched it today.

Doesn't have the same feel as the Ramis ghostbuster films, and the music sucks. But if you take it on its own it's a decent film. Better then independence day 2, that's for sure
ID2 was the crappiest film I saw in theatres of the last 5 years. That's a pretty low bar.

The rest of your take sounds promising.


I hate Mccarthy...but love Wiig( she is easily one of the funniest people on the planet). So ill be seeing it for her.

For people who have seen it do they have the chemistry as they did in Bridesmaids(loved) Or is this a "Tammy"?

Also holy shit the original Ghostbusters has a 97% fresh rating. This movie never had a chance to live up to it.
And much the better for it I'd imagine.

Anyone trying to do someone else's humour style unless their own style is already similar is bound to fail far more often than succeed

Weirdly I felt like he should have left his comfort zone a bit more often. There was a scene at the beginning that was played almost entirely straight and it was very effective. Might have bumped it up to a must see with a few more scenes like that.

ID2 was the crappiest film I saw in theatres of the last 5 years. That's a pretty low bar.

The rest of your take sounds promising.

Well, that's the last film I saw before this lol. I watch about 40 movies a year in the cinema, so I see worse films then ID2 on a regular basis.

I hate Mccarthy...but love Wiig( she is easily one of the funniest people on the planet). So ill be seeing it for her.

For people who have seen it do they have the chemistry as they did in Bridesmaids(loved) Or is this a "Tammy"?

I haven't seen those films, but I thought McKinnon was better then both of them. Mccarthy didn't have as good a part as she did in Spy though
Weirdly I felt like he should have left his comfort zone a bit more often. There was a scene at the beginning that was played almost entirely straight and it was very effective. Might have bumped it up to a must see with a few more scenes like that.

Well, that's the last film I saw before this lol. I watch about 40 movies a year in the cinema, so I see worse films then ID2 on a regular basis.

I haven't seen those films, but I thought McKinnon was better then both of them. Mccarthy didn't have as good a part as she did in Spy though

Oh exit comfort zone sure but not so far as to wholesale try to do someone else's humour style.
Oh exit comfort zone sure but not so far as to wholesale try to do someone else's humour style.

I don't think the humour was a huge issue, but I think the film would of benefited big time from some genuinely scary moments as they're some of the scenes that I still remember most vividly in the original movies.
More moments along the lines of the introduction of the villain would have been great rather than the reliance of ooze and referential humour.
It's a fun flick that just doesn't have anything to push it beyond that.


I hate Mccarthy...but love Wiig( she is easily one of the funniest people on the planet). So ill be seeing it for her.

For people who have seen it do they have the chemistry as they did in Bridesmaids(loved) Or is this a "Tammy"?

Also holy shit the original Ghostbusters has a 97% fresh rating. This movie never had a chance to live up to it.

Funniest: McKinnon and Hemsworth
Decent: Wiig
Forgettable: McCarthy and Jones

Wiig and McCarthy didn't really play off each other.

Wiig and Hemsworth play off each other well.

As for McKinnon, she should have gotten top billing here as she easily put in the best performance. Instead she is credited last of the four. :(
I hate Mccarthy...but love Wiig( she is easily one of the funniest people on the planet). So ill be seeing it for her.

For people who have seen it do they have the chemistry as they did in Bridesmaids(loved) Or is this a "Tammy"?

Also holy shit the original Ghostbusters has a 97% fresh rating. This movie never had a chance to live up to it.

Great chemistry. They're very love-and-hate towards each other which makes for witty dialogue. Although I didn't bother watching Tammy.
Have you actually seen the film?

Because I'm finding it increasingly weird debating Ghostbusters 2016's 'feminist agenda' and 'tone' with people who haven't seen the film and are reacting to trailers which don't put across what the film is like at all.

I have seen the film. It feels like a Ghostbusters film structurally and tonally. It has a lot more gags, and slapstick, but it's still clearly a Ghostbusters film.
It kind of feels like you think we're dogging the film? Someone asked, explicitly, if the original Ghostbusters felt like a Saturday morning cartoon like the new one, which they had just seen. The answer is a resounding no. There is nothing wrong here and I don't really understand how this has spun off into an ongoing conversation, a yes or no question was asked and the answer was given. There's no hair to split here. Does Ghostbusters 1984 feel like a Saturday morning cartoon? No. That's the entirety of the conversation right there. Nobody said anything about any agenda or any other bullshit, and you can have multiple Ghostbusters films with different tones that all still feel like Ghostbusters movies but that isn't what was asked.
Oh please. He's just making fun like Jay from RLM did.

Alrighty :)

Peter Travers:

Angry nerds, take note: The ladies are the best thing about this franchise reboot

No big whup and no big fat flop either, the female reboot of Ghostbusters settles for being a fine, fun time at the movies. And yet Internet trolls have been talking shit about Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones since their casting was announced. As one neghead tweeted: "I hear the new Ghostbusters movie won't have proton packs, the women will just bitch at the ghosts until they fuck off." Does Hillary Clinton get slimed with anti-estrogen loathing as much as this movie's four leading ladies?

Good lord.


That's amazing.

It doesn't discuss it. I liked the political themes in the original because they found a way to directly tie it into a subplot. The new Ghostbusters does not apparently seem to have any actual subplots or story threads about feminism. My concern was that it would try to do this topic, subliminally, but without a solid anchor. I heard from reviews that the movie feels anti-men, despite not having anything intelligent to say about it, that directly contributes to the story of the film-- like how the political themes were actually attached to the narrative in a sensible way.

Some however are saying this is not the case, and that they're wrong, that the movie does not push an anti-men agenda. This is what I was concerned about, but apparently my concerns were unfounded despite gathering them from folks who have seen the film. I hope that's clear and makes sense.

Collider was pretty clear. If a person was in this film and they were not one of the four stars, they were portrayed as imbeciles. Sex had nothing to do with it. They were all idiots.


Collider was pretty clear. If a person was in this film and they were not one of the four stars, they were portrayed as imbeciles. Sex had nothing to do with it. They were all idiots.

Pretty much, nothing to me felt like an attack on men (except one line near the end "only men need alarms", made no sense whatsoever). Hemsworth I felt they went too far with how stupid he was depicted but it never felt like it was because he was a man.
What's wrong with what Travers said?

I think critics should just talk about the movie and not the backlash. And Travers is considered a top critic. The more critics attack the attackers... I mean, it isn't productive and reviews especially from "prestigious" reviewers shouldn't waste any review space mentioning it.

That's just how I feel about it, anyway. They have 105 minutes of film they need to be talking about instead of internet detractors. I look to reviews, largely, for information and this is not information.
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