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Giant Bomb Thread The Third: #TeamBrad

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Don't get me wrong. I love Giant Bomb. I watch or listen to pretty much all of the content they produce. I just always find myself heavily disagreeing in their GOTY discussions. They are still very entertaining.

Ryan vs Jeff on SR3. Brad's fervent defending of Skyrim, deflecting Jeff's valid points about Skyrims shortcomings by denying its faults.

It is all very entertaining.

Ok, I can agree with that. I find with Giant Bomb, they try not to automatically pick GOTY based on popular opinion (or Metacritic score). Either way, should be interesting.
I think anyone thinking it's going to be anything other than XCOM is deluding themselves. Ironically, I think only Ryan will have it be his personal GOTY.

And it's funny. When I first played Borderlands 2, I agreed with Jeff that I felt super underwhelmed. But I kept going back to it, to the point that I now have AC3, Dishonored and XCOM sitting on a shelf while I continue playing through it for the second time.

It's definitely my personal GOTY.

Agreed. I started off thinking it wasn't that amazing, and by the end I didn't want it to end. Just CRAZY good. Not revolutionary, but it doesn't matter. GOTY easily.

Dishonored, Sleeping Dogs, Max Payne 3 and Mass Effect 3 would be my top 5 along with it at the moment, I think. EDIT: WALKING DEAD too, duh.

I really need to get XCOM on the Steam sale...


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Big Bo is SWEET.

Big Bo is the only reason I still want to play that game.
I need to find the song that GB used during the Live Live Show, where Drew does archery in the office. Someone piped in this song that was just "Bo" repeated over and over.


Big Bo is the only reason I still want to play that game.
I need to find the song that GB used during the Live Live Show, where Drew does archery in the office. Someone piped in this song that was just "Bo" repeated over and over.

Wait what, I missed that...infact I missed the entire BLLSL

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'm in the middle of several games, but at least I finally played something last week that I could put in a Top 3 slot. This year was slim pickings for me, and lots of the stuff I liked lots were things that I was LTTP on. In the middle of Xillia 2, Shleepy Dawgs, Ys Celceta, AC3:L, etc. still, though... so the year ain't over yet.

GB's GOTY might be something like XCOM... someone will like Tokyo Jungle, someone will like Sleeping Dogs, someone will like Journey, etc.

Dragon Ball Z Kinect should be the dark horse.


sleepy dawgs is still my goatee. xcom is a close second. borderlands 2 third. i'm starting halo 4 tonight.
Right there with you, minus Halo 4 tonight.

I wonder if Far Cry 3 has any chance of being mentioned. Probably not with how close it is to the end of the year.


Huh. I would have scored AC3 a lot lower, but it sounds like they had a reasonable time with it, unlike me who has been mired in glitches almost the entire game.


Huh. I would have scored AC3 a lot lower, but it sounds like they had a reasonable time with it, unlike me who has been mired in glitches almost the entire game.

Same. On a 5 point scale I wouldn't give it more than a 2. It has both technical issues as well as problems with the game itself. Easily the biggest disappointment of the year for me, especially considering I enjoyed and finished all four previous AC games. I've put around 15 hours into AC3 so far and I'm at the point where I just want to finish the game to see how the story ends and then never go back. After 3 hours of dragging through it last night I fired up Arkham Asylum to remind myself what fun combat is like. Now there's a game I can go back to over and over.


Same. On a 5 point scale I wouldn't give it more than a 2. It has both technical issues as well as problems with the game itself. Easily the biggest disappointment of the year for me, especially considering I enjoyed and finished all four previous AC games. I've put around 15 hours into AC3 so far and I'm at the point where I just want to finish the game to see how the story ends and then never go back. After 3 hours of dragging through it last night I fired up Arkham Asylum to remind myself what fun combat is like. Now there's a game I can go back to over and over.

I'd give it a 3. The privateering stuff was a lot of fun and the game does sort of pull itself up after the hours and hours of really poor tutorial (seriously, why does it take you 5 hours to get to the point where you can do whatever you want when the game does a horrible job explaining things to you). Ultimately I wish the stuff that was really good in AC3 was in a better game so I could enjoy it more.

But yeah, shit's broken, and slow, and often boring, and often poorly written.
Big Bo isn't enough to transform... wow, I can't even remember the name of the game. THAT'S how plain and boring it was. A soulless, uninspired, Gears wannabe. So dull. I got halfway through before my mind was numb with boredom.

Binary Domain, that's it.


I love Big Bo, but he's not even the best character in that game.

I know right


Big Bo isn't enough to transform... wow, I can't even remember the name of the game. THAT'S how plain and boring it was. A soulless, uninspired, Gears wannabe. So dull. I got halfway through before my mind was numb with boredom.

Get the fuck out of here. Binary Domain is probably the only third-person shooter in years where I gave a damn about character relationships within it. [Except Mass Effect obviously]
I never got back to playing Binary Domain after I GAME OVER'ed at a part.
Apparently there was a time limit, but it gave no indication of how much time there was or when it was about to run out.

Bosses looked cool, though.
Still think Gertsmann's reasoning about wii U hard drives is bullshit.

Plug in a 3 tb HD in it. Never worry about memory until 3 more gens of nintendo systems.


Big Bo isn't enough to transform... wow, I can't even remember the name of the game. THAT'S how plain and boring it was. A soulless, uninspired, Gears wannabe. So dull. I got halfway through before my mind was numb with boredom.

Binary Domain, that's it.

How can it be a wannabe when it is much better (especially in the area of enemies)?
Get the fuck out of here. Binary Domain is probably the only third-person shooter in years where I gave a damn about character relationships within it. [Except Mass Effect obviously]

That's great.

Doesn't change the fact the game is shit, though. Boring encounters, lackluster gunplay, annoying squad AI, some really bland environments, etc etc. I personally didn't like any of the characters, either.

The story was really the only aspect I liked. I should YouTube the rest of the cutscenes to see where it goes. Wasn't enough to convince me to keep going.


Taking out robot piece by piece was more than satisfactory, but if you didn't like the characters I guess I see why you wouldn't struggle through the largely mediocre gameplay.


corporate swill
That's great.

Doesn't change the fact the game is shit, though. Boring encounters, lackluster gunplay, annoying squad AI, some really bland environments, etc etc. I personally didn't like any of the characters, either.

The story was really the only aspect I liked. I should YouTube the rest of the cutscenes to see where it goes. Wasn't enough to convince me to keep going.

Oh come on, the shooting was awesome once you get your guns upgraded and the game had some of the best boss fights in a long ass time.


He didn't finish it either. That game really gets good near the end. He's right about the gameplay though, it's no Vanquish
Oh come on, the shooting was awesome once you get your guns upgraded and the game had some of the best boss fights in a long ass time.

I'm not a fan of bosses in games in general, so :p

There's a difference between not liking a game and thinking it's shit.

In my opinion, the game wasn't very good, IMO. My opinion is that.

AKA, it's shit. I didn't enjoy any aspect, so it's a fair comment.


I guess this just shows that likeable characters and an interesting story will trump mediocre gameplay for me. I really don't like third person shooters to be perfectly honest, but BD was okay.


I'm really looking forward to their GotY discussions this year, seems like some genuinely interesting games could be in consideration.

These are the games they've given 5/5 reviews for this year so far:

- Mark of the Ninja
- Forza Horizon
- Dust
- Sound Shapes
- Diablo 3
- Trials: Evolution
- Journey (completely forgot that came out this year o_O)
- Rhythm Heaven Fever
- Syndicate (forgot Jeff really loved it)

Assuming that the final contenders will likely stem from that list, I think XCOM, Mark of the Ninja, and Journey have the highest chances. Potentially Diablo 3 as well.
I would really hate for Vinny/Staff to kill themselves over doing a really nice presentation for their GOTY stuff again this year. I mean, I wouldn't mind having the great videos again, but it seemed like so much extra work on the production team's side.

If they did go all out again, I wonder what they would do?
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