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Giant Bomb Thread The Third: #TeamBrad

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I just can't stand the way Patrick writes, so I stay away from his articles for that reason. This inversely also makes me mind him way less in live content, a win-win for me and probably a lose-lose situation for everyone else.

feeble peanut

Neo Member
What are you talking about? Patrick was hired to write articles like this for GiantBomb. Him existing as an additional member of the core crew and providing this type of content doesn't cause the site to have less video content than it used to (unless you have an explanation as to how this article prevents Jeff and Vinny and whoever else from recording a Quick Look).

The explanation is that articles Patrick writes (interviews, walking dead crap, feminist whatever) are given the same value as what people come to, and have come to, the site for the last few years: videos. There's days when all you see in the upcoming features box is a article written by Patrick. I have nothing against the guy but make more CONTENT, more VIDEOS. Even more videos with just Patrick like the spookin ones.

tl;dr seems like these days written articles are making up the loss of video content after the merger


The explanation is that articles Patrick writes (interviews, walking dead crap, feminist whatever) are given the same value as what people come to, and have come to, the site for the last few years: videos. There's days when all you see in the upcoming features box is a article written by Patrick. I have nothing against the guy but make more CONTENT, more VIDEOS. Even more videos with just Patrick like the spookin ones.

tl;dr seems like these days written articles are making up the loss of video content after the merger

But that's not Patrick's fault. He was hired to do written articles, not star in videos.

And I loved the Walking Dead articles.


Ugh, why did I look at those comments. And why do some people get so defensive at the notion of making the industry slightly more welcoming to women?

Cos this isnt an industry issue. its a couple of dumb ad people at a video game company issue. An article like this may hold a little more weight actually written by a woman or if Giantbomb actually had hired a woman to talk bout video games. This is a white guy in an office full of white guys writing bout the plight of the black man.


there's this one guy that keeps popping up on these articles and he writes a master thesis with every post. like, i've literally seen ten-thousands of words from this one guy raging about patrick's sexim articles


Super Sleuth
I think all the problems with articles at Giant Bomb goes back to the fact that they need a damn editor. None of them seem particularly adept at editing articles. They are often awash with grammatical errors, factual errors, errors of judgement, and editorial comments in articles that would be better served being straight reporting.

I believe they have said that they just proofread each other's stuff before posting it. Too much stuff seems to get past that.


Neo Member
The best jokes are. They're also based on the truth.

I don't disagree with you.

Dude could save a lot of heartache by taking his opinions out of the story. Save the commentary for Worth Reading and the podcast. The marketing of Dead Island is worthy of both reporting and discussion, but probably not at the same time from the same guy.
I havent read the article on the Dead Island statue, but I dont understand why a woman's opinion is necessarily more better or why every reaction should be based of a woman's point of view. Granted its a statue of the female form and who knows about the that than well a woman. Also, a woman can also bring to the table a first hand experience on the topic of what society thinks of women and how they should be portrayed. However, people are people and at the end of the day its our ability to think about things critically that makes an intelligent response. In the end I think it would have been wiser to have a round table type discussion with an odd number of men and women to talk about it. Rather than just assuming that the female perspective is the only right perspective
Ahaha, Patrick's gonna have to go talk to the ol' ball coach after that one.

He should have realized that was the wrong picture to use before he posted the story.
Patrick has clearance to post anything he wants without getting the okay from Jeff or someone else on staff? Dang.

Basically no female statue can ever portray a female in a sexualised manner or we have to go through this all over again?
That's exactly what everyone in that article was saying. The calls for censorship were so loud that I couldn't hear myself think.


I thought it was funny that for an article on sexism, he took the opinion of Elizabeth DeLoria, staff writer at Gameranx and cosplay photographer. Beside the fact that she photographs people who are personifying sexism in video games, she literally has nothing to say about the subject and has some strange tirade about the murder of a girl who is not even affiliated with video games.

It should really have been titled "Eight women, Seven responses and one big WTF."
I thought it was funny that for an article on sexism, he took the opinion of Elizabeth DeLoria, staff writer at Gameranx and cosplay photographer. Beside the fact that she photographs people who are personifying sexism in video games, she literally has nothing to say about the subject and has some strange tirade about the murder of a girl who is not even affiliated with video games.

It should really have been titled "Eight women, Seven responses and one big WTF."

Yeah, reading back through it, really does surprise me. Anna Kipnis's was really the best response in my opinion.


Cos this isnt an industry issue. its a couple of dumb ad people at a video game company issue. An article like this may hold a little more weight actually written by a woman or if Giantbomb actually had hired a woman to talk bout video games. This is a white guy in an office full of white guys writing bout the plight of the black man.
Marketing of a product is a huge part of how the industry's perceived. I work for a digital agency, we absolutely have to fully understand the temperature and sensitivities of an industry before we pitch campaigns.

The majority of the journalists in this industry are young, white males. So we should somehow exclude them from writing about stuff like this and put the onus only on the few minorities?

The article is almost entirely about reaching out to women to get their perspective. Did you even read it?

Are you attempting to troll?

Yeah, reading back through it, really does surprise me. Anna Kipnis's was really the best response in my opinion.
Absolutely agree. I really don't like that every time this discussion is brought up, it's mostly just female writers covering the industry who are willing to speak up and often it can look very navel gaze-y or, at worst, attempting to make the story about themselves. Then again, it's probably not easy to get female developers to speak publicly and on the record about this stuff.


How long a game is Too Human? There are a couple of guys at GB who haven't played that game, yeah? Vinny and Brad?

I ask because, well, once people can't buy that game anymore... that whole "we feel weird giving this game publicity" thing is out the window in terms of an Endurance Run...


she photographs people who are personifying sexism in video games

Haha what the fuck are you talking about. I don't like cosplay at all but I have no idea how you are coming to that conclusion.

He wanted opinions from women who are interesting/involed in gaming and she is?


How long a game is Too Human? There are a couple of guys at GB who haven't played that game, yeah? Vinny and Brad?

I ask because, well, once people can't buy that game anymore... that whole "we feel weird giving this game publicity" thing is out the window in terms of an Endurance Run...

Howlongtobeat.com says ~12 hours for just beating the game, and ~20 hours for 100%. I feel like that's a bit short for an endurance run, because they don't typically 100% the game and Deadly Premonition must've been 20 hours for them doing hardly any bonus stuff.


Haha what the fuck are you talking about. I don't like cosplay at all but I have no idea how you are coming to that conclusion.

He wanted opinions from women who are interesting/involed in gaming and she is?

Do a Google Image Search of cosplay... how is this not sexism?


I havent read the article on the Dead Island statue, but I dont understand why a woman's opinion is necessarily more better or why every reaction should be based of a woman's point of view.

Granted its a statue of the female form and who knows about the that than well a woman. Also, a woman can also bring to the table a first hand experience on the topic of what society thinks of women and how they should be portrayed.

You answered your own question

However, people are people and at the end of the day its our ability to think about things critically that makes an intelligent response. In the end I think it would have been wiser to have a round table type discussion with an odd number of men and women to talk about it. Rather than just assuming that the female perspective is the only right perspective

Nobody assumed that womens perspective is the only right one, that's you. Womens voices in the industry are a minority, go anywhere else to find a mans perspective. The amount of fuss that this article has generated proves there is a massive problem with how the gaming industry/gaming 'culture' treats women voicing their opinions.


Yeah....no. I know where you're trying to go with this, so I'll cut you off at the pass.

By your logic, the martha stewert catalog is sexist because it features women in tight sweaters.

If men were the target audience of Ms. Stewart's lovely catalog, then yes it would be.


Do a Google Image Search of cosplay... how is this not sexism?

Cosplaying on it's own is not sexist? Obviously some characters some cosplayers dress up as are problematic but cosplaying is not inherently sexist and then when you get the professional cosplayers who are hired by game companies/marketers and they become fleshy billboards, yeah that is also problematic.

google image searching cosplay doesn't prove anything? is fancy dress sexist?


If men were the target audience of Ms. Stewart's lovely catalog, then yes it would be.

typically men don't buy womens clothes so why would a womans catalogue be targeted for men? Oh what the fuck are we talking about here

cosplayers aren't selling anything? it's a hobby and most of them enjoy getting together with other nerds and doing nerdy shit. i really don't know where you are coming from here. are beaches sexist because women wear less clothing while they are there?


If men were the target audience of Ms. Stewart's lovely catalog, then yes it would be.

And again, that's like saying Men and young boys couldn't be the target of the JC Penny or Macy's catalogs even though there are robust sections filled with nothing but lovely women in lingerie.

A woman wearing something skimpy does not promote sexism. The irrational endgame of that train of thought is that all women must wear burkas because men cannot be trusted to uphold their own self control. Let's steer away from that train of though; it doesn't flatter anyone.


Neo Member
Do a Google Image Search of cosplay... how is this not sexism?

Wait, are you telling me these women make a choice to dress themselves up as characters?

Oh shit, by your logic these ladies are being sexist against themselves. I hope someone takes that choice away. Or even better, glorifies the sexual aspect without their consent!
there's this one guy that keeps popping up on these articles and he writes a master thesis with every post. like, i've literally seen ten-thousands of words from this one guy raging about patrick's sexim articles

who is it? I need to read some good comment manifesto


I think all the problems with articles at Giant Bomb goes back to the fact that they need a damn editor. None of them seem particularly adept at editing articles. They are often awash with grammatical errors, factual errors, errors of judgement, and editorial comments in articles that would be better served being straight reporting.

I believe they have said that they just proofread each other's stuff before posting it. Too much stuff seems to get past that.

Hire me!
so I've been wondering. a tiny little bikini top isn't going to stay nicely attached to a body that went through that much trauma. which means someone put it on post mortem.

what's up with that?
so I've been wondering. a tiny little bikini top isn't going to stay nicely attached to a body that went through that much trauma. which means someone put it on post mortem.

what's up with that?

this reminds me of a pc gamer (?) article where some guy got scared by doom 3 because a female corpse in a morgue had underwear on, and the writer was convinced that demons had put them on it for some insidious reason
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