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Giant Bomb Thread The Third: #TeamBrad

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Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
Ahaha, Patrick's gonna have to go talk to the ol' ball coach after that one.

He should have realized that was the wrong picture to use before he posted the story.

Not really. I plucked her photo from her Twitter profile, and given she runs a cosplay site, figured it was appropriate. She mentioned her objection on Twitter, rather than emailing me or calling me. When I realized it was an issue for her, I swapped it for a picture from another feed she has, let her know, and she said it was completely fine. oh noes?

I get that people don't necessarily care for these articles, but I'm only going to write what I care about, and sometimes it runs into issues like this. When I'm not writing about something I give a shit about, it'd show. If you take issue with how I approach the issue, that's fine--given the vitriol spewed my way at times, clearly I am a-okay with criticism, or I would have left the Internet personality thing a long time ago. I don't have a problem with at all. For a suit trading on personalities, it's part of the job.


Not really. I plucked her photo from her Twitter profile, and given she runs a cosplay site, figured it was appropriate. She mentioned her objection on Twitter, rather than emailing me or calling me. When I realized it was an issue for her, I swapped it for a picture from another feed she has, let her know, and she said it was completely fine. oh noes?


Godspeed to you and your tumblr.


"The Giantbomb thread on NeoGAF is a showcase of what is wrong with the gaming industry right now"

Yeah, Bush probably doesn't have the license to the name Bush on Mars and they'd have to go by Bush^x again, not to mention how half the original lineup isn't in the band anymore since they re-formed.
Not really. I plucked her photo from her Twitter profile, and given she runs a cosplay site, figured it was appropriate. She mentioned her objection on Twitter, rather than emailing me or calling me. When I realized it was an issue for her, I swapped it for a picture from another feed she has, let her know, and she said it was completely fine. oh noes?

This is the problem...
Not really. I plucked her photo from her Twitter profile, and given she runs a cosplay site, figured it was appropriate. She mentioned her objection on Twitter, rather than emailing me or calling me. When I realized it was an issue for her, I swapped it for a picture from another feed she has, let her know, and she said it was completely fine. oh noes?
I demand more Jurassic Lark as compensation for the mental anguish I have suffered at the hands of your indiscretion and click-bait writing.


Neo Member
I demand more Jurassic Lark as compensation for the mental anguish I have suffered at the hands of your indiscretion and click-bait writing.

The term "click-bait" is pretty much anathema to GB in general. The might do than 4 stories a week if they cared about bullshit page views.

But calling the story click bait does minimize the story nicely if you're trying very hard to show that you don't give a shit.


Super Sleuth
Not really. I plucked her photo from her Twitter profile, and given she runs a cosplay site, figured it was appropriate. She mentioned her objection on Twitter, rather than emailing me or calling me. When I realized it was an issue for her, I swapped it for a picture from another feed she has, let her know, and she said it was completely fine. oh noes?

I get that people don't necessarily care for these articles, but I'm only going to write what I care about, and sometimes it runs into issues like this. When I'm not writing about something I give a shit about, it'd show. If you take issue with how I approach the issue, that's fine--given the vitriol spewed my way at times, clearly I am a-okay with criticism, or I would have left the Internet personality thing a long time ago. I don't have a problem with at all. For a suit trading on personalities, it's part of the job.

Ignore the obvious vitriol for sure, that stuff is worthless.

But I would be curious to know your opinion on editorializing versus traditional reporting.


Neo Member
Well shit. That was more of a joke post than anything but I guess I came off as kind of a dick. It was just funny how she objected to that picture being used given the subject matter of the article. My bad y'all.


Not really. I plucked her photo from her Twitter profile, and given she runs a cosplay site, figured it was appropriate. She mentioned her objection on Twitter, rather than emailing me or calling me. When I realized it was an issue for her, I swapped it for a picture from another feed she has, let her know, and she said it was completely fine. oh noes?

I get that people don't necessarily care for these articles, but I'm only going to write what I care about, and sometimes it runs into issues like this. When I'm not writing about something I give a shit about, it'd show. If you take issue with how I approach the issue, that's fine--given the vitriol spewed my way at times, clearly I am a-okay with criticism, or I would have left the Internet personality thing a long time ago. I don't have a problem with at all. For a suit trading on personalities, it's part of the job.

You son of a BITCH.

I like your articles. Keep 'em coming.


Super Sleuth
Well shit. That was more of a joke post than anything but I guess I came off as kind of a dick. It was just funny how she objected to that picture being used given the subject matter of the article. My bad y'all.

Just because Klepek responds to you and disagrees doesn't mean you made a mistake or were acting like a dick.

I agree that I think he probably should have realized that it wasn't the best picture for the article given the context. But it isn't really a big deal, and she could have probably handled it better rather than publicly calling him out.

Eh, I didn't read it that way, but sure.

I don't see how it is possible to miss that sarcasm.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
Well shit. That was more of a joke post than anything but I guess I came off as kind of a dick. It was just funny how she objected to that picture being used given the subject matter of the article. My bad y'all.

No sweat. Honestly, it was just an easy straw man for people to try and tear down the article and rattle me. You want to tear it down, find a better angle. I've heard better/worse. In hindsight, I should have found something else.

Ignore the obvious vitriol for sure, that stuff is worthless.

But I would be curious to know your opinion on editorializing versus traditional reporting.

That's a good question, and I don't have a hard and fast rule for it, which falls in line with the Giant Bomb ethos pretty well. I mean, for example, my ZombiU feature tomorrow has bits and pieces of myself in it for color, but it's largely quotes and anecdotes from the developers. When I ran that piece about the Street Fighter video last year, I kept to the facts, and let it speak for itself. One of the follow-ups to that, where I tracked own the young kid who was competing in tournaments and had his dad managing him, that, again, was one where the story spoke for itself. It's a case-by-case basis, and I'll admit I don't always get it right.


the holder of the trombone
I don't really see anything wrong with asking for the female perspective honestly, when it is THEIR body we're objectifying here.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
The term "click-bait" is pretty much anathema to GB in general. The might do than 4 stories a week if they cared about bullshit page views.

But calling the story click bait does minimize the story nicely if you're trying very hard to show that you don't give a shit.

If I wanted to get page views, I'd post next-gen rumors I couldn't substantiate with my own reporting every day. :) We never consider that when publishing anything, video or article.

Patrick, why is Swery at the office and is he joining you for TNT?

He's touring SF for the Director's Cut. Dunno when the video is getting posted.


If I wanted to get page views, I'd post next-gen rumors I couldn't substantiate with my own reporting every day. :) We never consider that when publishing anything, video or article.

Surely you do for reviews? I mean when you consider which reviews to do. Also I'm sure Jeff said back in the old office that he wanted to do more video reviews if he could as they get a ton of hits, but it's just not feasible with only Vinny and Drew to edit.


I keep flicking back to that page to read more of the comments and they just get worse. So many people just don't get it at all. It's worse than the thread we had here about the statue.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Not really. I plucked her photo from her Twitter profile, and given she runs a cosplay site, figured it was appropriate. She mentioned her objection on Twitter, rather than emailing me or calling me. When I realized it was an issue for her, I swapped it for a picture from another feed she has, let her know, and she said it was completely fine. oh noes?

I get that people don't necessarily care for these articles, but I'm only going to write what I care about, and sometimes it runs into issues like this. When I'm not writing about something I give a shit about, it'd show. If you take issue with how I approach the issue, that's fine--given the vitriol spewed my way at times, clearly I am a-okay with criticism, or I would have left the Internet personality thing a long time ago. I don't have a problem with at all. For a suit trading on personalities, it's part of the job.

You really are a classy guy, Patrick. You have been and continue to be a great part of Giant Bomb.
Does the internet and its anonymity just reveal raw humanity or is it just a matter of yelling loud enough and crazy enough to get other people's attention. Some of the vitriolic responses to that article are so bizarre to me.

def sim

R.I.P. nyan cat



the holder of the trombone
Does the internet and it anonymity just reveal raw humanity or is it just a matter of yelling loud enough and crazy enough to get other people's attention. Some of the vitriolic responses to that article are so bizarre to me.

A little from column A, a little from column B.

Though you can still see sentiments like these expressed offline.


It's amazing how much you can gleam of a person's personality by watching them silently remove sticky notes from a wall. The Ryan/Drew dichotomy is hilarious.
The term "click-bait" is pretty much anathema to GB in general. The might do than 4 stories a week if they cared about bullshit page views.

But calling the story click bait does minimize the story nicely if you're trying very hard to show that you don't give a shit.
I like you. : )
I was just kidding, but I don't blame you for not noticing me joking around in the midst of people being upset about the article. I'll try to make it a little more obvious in the future, though!

If I wanted to get page views, I'd post next-gen rumors I couldn't substantiate with my own reporting every day. :) We never consider that when publishing anything, video or article.
Let people see the rumors for free, but charge them a dollar if they want to see the actual specs. Five dollars to have an mp3 of Vinny reading the document itself.

edit: It's about time they took down that eyesore of an internet thing.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
They're gonna stick up some sweet posters of the new DmC
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