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Gran Turismo Sport demo coming Oct. 9

There's just not enough in here as expected. Campaign is literally the license tests from previous games and while PD did everything they can to beef up Sport mode, it's still a glorified online lobby and level up system. I appreciate the penalty system, but its not a prevention method until you rank up much more so players have proper driving etiquette. For me, it does not excuse the lack of a proper A-Spec campaign like previous games. Car collection and roster is anemic as hell too.

The graphics are kind of mixed as well. Replays and photo mode look amazing, but the core game itself is mixed depending on the track. I can only wonder how long it will take until those photo mode graphics become the norm in GT. I also don't understand why they keep making the chase cam worse with every game. It was near perfect in GT3 and GT4. At least they give you the ability to customize it to your liking slightly.

The UI is absolutely excellent however and so are all the neat touches like the museum and the trivia stuff. I love just leaving the game on idle so it can play its sleek music and show some great photos and clips of replay mode.

Just so frustrating. 1 step forward in presentation, and several step backwards or remain the same in everything else bar the driving experience, (which is still sublime). Hard pass.

Best wishes.


Honestly, you get rewarded for like everything you do. The RPG element is very much still here, and to me there isn’t a lack of content, more like not enough production cars. Racers are in the career mode, and some are very challenging. Very! Lol

After 2 updates, I think this will be the best GT of all time.
Okay that's good to hear. I guess people are expecting GT Sport 2 (potentially with a more classic style career) next, rather than GT7. Obviously the only difference that makes is in marketing, but it's interesting to me nonetheless.
Got to play a couple of training runs and a couple of arcade runs before maintenance hit.

Got a couple of crashes but here is a couple of early impressions from one who isn't that big into racing games. I've played Driveclub, a little bit Gran Turismo prologue but haven't spent that many hours on them.

The OST is really good, fits the atmosphere perfectly with the classy, professional tone I believe they are going for.

The museum part is really, really cool. Every part of this game actually just shines of Polyphony Digitals dedication and love for automotion, cars and racing. It's really a nice addition.

The whole UI is really smooth, I did not like the prologue UI because I remember it taking so long time to begin a race, or just to navigate around. This time around it's smooth, it's snappy, it's quick. You can check out all kinds of other information while waiting for a race to load and the cars themselves load up quickly when your checking up new cars to buy.

I have no idea how 'good' racing mechanisms in a video game is supposed to be, nor on the best sound of the motors and exhausts, or if the amount of cars and tracks is good or not, all subject i see being talked about a lot on the forum, but subjects I really don't know a lot about so I won't comment.

I actually feel like getting it as a newcomer. The set up of the tutorials, becoming better, earning mile points, experience points, credits seemed very addictive with the whole visual layout of it.

I look forward to playing some more after maintenance.


It's a limited time demo, so of course everything is disabled if the servers are offline since that's also what will happen to the demo after the 12th.

Probably done solely to ensure that the demo is only playable between two specific time points.

Which makes sense, I was mostly wondering though because the store still classified it as the "full-game preview" as part of PS+ for me, which generally acts like the full game (including connectivity requirements). This is probably a special case, like you said.


I think this might be the first GT game I've ever enjoyed playing. But boy do I suck.

Stage 6 race 2. I did not realise watching your fuel and pitting was a thing in this. I ran out on the fourth lap lol.

Is VR support in the demo? If so how do I turn it on? Couldn't find it in the menus.

Its not in the demo.


There's just not enough in here as expected. Campaign is literally the license tests from previous games and while PD did everything they can to beef up Sport mode, it's still a glorified online lobby and level up system. I appreciate the penalty system, but its not a prevention method until you rank up much more so players have proper driving etiquette. For me, it does not excuse the lack of a proper A-Spec campaign like previous games. Car collection and roster is anemic as hell too.

Can you please explain how the proper races in the mission challenge category are "literally the license tests from previous games"?


always chasing the next thrill



arcade game that is 10 years old look at the terrain deformation
i still can't believe why devs never cared about this in future games.
check 5:11 if you care
I got the server down message but also another message on top of that saying I'll only be able to race in arcade mode offline. I can't even race in that. It's literally back to the same state it was before the demo went live.

You can do that in the final version when the servers are offline.


I like the handling and physics. I'm on no assists with a regular controller and its a bit touchy because it clamps and helps the steering input a lot less than previous gt games. But I'm getting used to it and it's still more or less easy to play with a controller like I expect gt to be.

The cars feel very different and individual, too. I love how I can roughhouse the civic r.
Okay that's good to hear. I guess people are expecting GT Sport 2 (potentially with a more classic style career) next, rather than GT7. Obviously the only difference that makes is in marketing, but it's interesting to me nonetheless.
Depends on sales I guess, but I imagine the plan is to make GT Sports as a Service games that got continually updated, so there won't be GTS2 or GT7 for a long long time
There's just not enough in here as expected. Campaign is literally the license tests from previous games and while PD did everything they can to beef up Sport mode, it's still a glorified online lobby and level up system. I appreciate the penalty system, but its not a prevention method until you rank up much more so players have proper driving etiquette. For me, it does not excuse the lack of a proper A-Spec campaign like previous games. Car collection and roster is anemic as hell too.

The graphics are kind of mixed as well. Replays and photo mode look amazing, but the core game itself is mixed depending on the track. I can only wonder how long it will take until those photo mode graphics become the norm in GT. I also don't understand why they keep making the chase cam worse with every game. It was near perfect in GT3 and GT4. At least they give you the ability to customize it to your liking slightly.

The UI is absolutely excellent however and so are all the neat touches like the museum and the trivia stuff. I love just leaving the game on idle so it can play its sleek music and show some great photos and clips of replay mode.

Just so frustrating. 1 step forward in presentation, and several step backwards or remain the same in everything else bar the driving experience, (which is still sublime). Hard pass.

Best wishes.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but this part is just flat out b/s and incorrect.

There is a 30 lap race in campaign, lol...and a whole bunch still unlocked we can’t access yet.
on the 44th page and there's still complaints about the Chase Cam.

I dont blame them, it's Polyphony's fault for sticking with the horrible one and having the better custom option in the options menu.


Honestly, you get rewarded for like everything you do. The RPG element is very much still here, and to me there isn’t a lack of content, more like not enough production cars. Racers are in the career mode, and some are very challenging. Very! Lol

After 2 updates, I think this will be the best GT of all time.
There's 150 cars? Which is only short of Gran Turismo 3 which had 180. So it doesn't seem like number of cars is the reason for no A-spec mode. I would guess they wanted to focus on the sport mode, and were worried about a full career drawing away attention.

Dunno, weird decision anyway.


I'm having flashbacks of GT5P update issues. I don't think it's a good idea to have a GT game so reliant on servers.

This is a limited time demo reliant on servers.

You're entitled to your opinion, but this part is just flat out b/s and incorrect.

There is a 30 lap race in campaign, lol...

Not to mention we can literally (I can use this word correctly!) only see what 2 out of the 8 mission challenge rows of challenges are.
Yep GT is back and it's awesome. Felt like forever at work today but the wait was totally worth it and I'm really enjoying the demo a lot.

It looks fantastic, runs smooth, the car handling / physics are great and it even sounds good, some big improvements over GT5 and 6.

One question, how do I change it to Quality 4k mode mode ? In the options it's set to "2k Prioritise Framerate" but I can't change it (on PS4 Pro + 4k TV)


Just finished downloading it, server manteineance :(

Was able to practice a bit with beginner challenges

Game crashes everytime I enter Options in the main menù
There's 150 cars? Which is only short of Gran Turismo 3 which had 180. So it doesn't seem like number of cars is the reason for no A-spec mode. I would guess they wanted to focus on the sport mode, and were worried about a full career drawing away attention.

Dunno, weird decision anyway.
I don’t really care about car count. I’m specifically talking about production cars because it’s a fan favorite. People like seeing their old Honda civics, Toyota Camry’s and Impreza, etc...

Need more of those and a few more tracks, updates weather, then it’ll be best GT IMO.
Is the VR part of the game available in the demo? How does it play?

Will be upgrading to a PS4 PRO, I hope there are some deals going about

Also how are the loading times? Last one I played was GT5... And they were awful.


there is penalties for crashing ?? this is horrible

when i used to play FM5, i enjoyed crashing into people much more than actually racing, when the race starts, i go backward and pick a nice spot, i act like i'm AFK, when the 1st player comes close, i end his dream and hear all the shit talking and screaming on the mic, those were the days

Please stay far far away from playing online in this game. It's for your own good, you'll end up being banned in no time.


I'm really excited to try this later tonight. I had my doubts about this game but the impressions seem really positive.


WTF at the music btw. Really didn't expect it to fit so well with the menu stuff going. Plus I just did first challenge and the music that started there was cool too.
on the 44th page and there's still complaints about the Chase Cam.

I dont blame them, it's Polyphony's fault for sticking with the horrible one and having the better custom option in the options menu.

Ah, do you have a video that explains how to customize it? I am sure PD is listening to feedback and could have it patched for release?


The difference between the production cars and the race cars is pronounced. The production cars feel jiggly at the limit where the race cars feel steady. This game has such a nice feel.


there is penalties for crashing ?? this is horrible

when i used to play FM5, i enjoyed crashing into people much more than actually racing, when the race starts, i go backward and pick a nice spot, i act like i'm AFK, when the 1st player comes close, i end his dream and hear all the shit talking and screaming on the mic, those were the days



Neo Member
Well I finally got to play some time before the servers went to sleep.

- Graphics are great, much more in cabin view that 3rd person. It's not that wizardry seen on those replay GIFs, but I wasn't expecting it anyway.

- The driving is SO good, like Holly Molly I missed this gameplay so much. Turn controller steering +3 and started earning lots of golds. The feel of the car, the weight, just perfect.

- The UI, the music, every menu screen, they are all brilliant. So classy, so good.

- Driving school is great as always, as are the challenges. Not even close to work as a campaign though.

- The car shops are depressing. I loved going window shopping and marvel at all the options. Not now.

All in all, I feel so left behind. I could see myself expending hundreds of hours in this game were it not online focused/always connected. It would be easier if the game were crap, but the reality is that the game is really great.
I read on GT planet that the game actually requires an internet connection for everything (Like The Crew). Basically won't boot without servers.

That can't be because the Arcade popup message already says that you can play Arcade while the servers are offline.

And, of course it's not working in the beta.
Really enjoyed the demo. The content is serviceable enough for me and hopefully they add some more mission stuff through free DLC over the coming months. Pre-ordered!


I don't quite understand 6-2. Can't I stop to fuel? Because it tells me that I can't -- only able to change the tires. 🤔

Been playing for a few hours (got around $200K) and I'm just loving everything. The AI is leaps ahead of Forza 7, which I think is good game but didn't hit the right marks for me. I always play racing games in first-person view (I don't see the car nor the bumper) so I find it hard to care about any graphical oddities because all I'm seeing, mostly, are the environment (the asphalt, the tracks, etc) and the skyline. Everything else blurs by as I drive. Just like with Forza 7, I can't find anything to fault here. (I'm not a car aficionado so take my indifference with a grain of salt.)

Didn't expect to find myself loving it, especially that I'm busy with Forza 7, but I'm getting it day one just to support the team and the vision. Everything I've seen so far is sublime. The UI especially is fantastic, and the game owns its intended mood so hard with the great jazzy, lounge-y soundtrack when you're not racing. Clearly crafted with a lot of love and care. I hope it does well.
Can you please explain how the proper races in the mission challenge category are "literally the license tests from previous games"?

You’re entitled to your opinion, but this part is just flat out b/s and incorrect.

There is a 30 lap race in campaign, lol...and a whole bunch still unlocked we can’t access yet.

I'm judging what I've seen so far. Under mission challenge, there is one 2 lap race. Everything else under campaign are time trials, overtaking and braking exercises as the license tests from previous games.

If you say there's a 30 lap endurance race, well that's great. I see 8 stages, and possibly 2 or 3 multi-lap races with preselected vehicles for each of them if that's the aim.

Not exactly comparable to what previous games had but it's something.

Best wishes.
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