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Gran Turismo Sport demo coming Oct. 9

This. Played plenty against Seattle in GT5, he Is very fast and clean player. I respect his oponion, but I think he answered his own question.

GT sport was made for a broader appeal, and not for the hardcore racer that cares about tire pressures, but simmy enough to reward good driving techniques and etiquette.

I think they succeded in that regard.

Truth is GT was never going to go down that road.
Those other races sell poor even compare to GT worst selling game.
It will get more simmy but it will never get fully hardcore .


Does anyone have any experience/impressions with the CronusMax Plus in GT:S for using an older wheel? I should be able to use my Fanatec 911 GT3RS wheel with but I want to make sure it works well before I spend $60 on it.


I don't disagree with any of that, but it's also a chicken-egg problem. Limited time to play a limited demo where online is the focus of the game. I have to evaluate the major part of the game they're basing the $60 value prop on, so... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Also, some of those tracks afaik aren't available in arcade mode (unless they unlock?), like the Autodrome I played last night. I'm not super excited by the default demo tracks so I'm hoping I can find something I can sink my teeth into.

You can practice lap any of the tracks that are available for the daily races. Don't enter and just go straight to qualifying. You can get as much time as you need to figure out the track from there (preferably with the car you'd select for your entry). Half an hour or so should be more than enough to get a good idea of how the track works and then you can go from there.

Where's rubber banding I can't find It, I know it's under boost but looked in the options menu on the main screen and on the screen before you start the race and can't find it.

Seems to only be available in the custom races for now. I saw the option and assumed you'd be able to make it a global setting but nope... I hope they allow you to make it a global setting in the full game.

dr guildo

I've not seen much aliasing in quality mode on my OLED. I'm usually quite militant when it comes to image quality. Is your TVs sharpness setting too high?

He is maybe playing on a led display. lCD/LED has sharpeness rather tough compared to plasma/oled where the overall look is softer.


For the first time ever I enjoy racing in oval tracks. The tension is real. Finished in 2nd (started 4th) in a Sports race in that almost Oval circuit. 15 laps (I think) of pure concentration, a small mistake and you are gone.


You're doing it wrong. Just pound your way to the podium, haha.

They're pretty much all in. It's down to luck of the draw as to what you win for your garage in the demo. For example I've won the Cayman GT4, the Mercedes SLS and the BMW i3 (lol) so I can take any of those cars and do custom/arcade/timetrial races with them.

Apart from that arcade mode gives you a decent amount of cars to play with and the qualifying mode in the GT sport mode allows you to select any car from the class of a particular lap to do practice in.

Crossing my fingers on a Mustang then, lol. Is it in the arcade mode?


I've not seen much aliasing in quality mode on my OLED. I'm usually quite militant when it comes to image quality. Is your TVs sharpness setting too high?

i'm using thx mode on a panasonic plasma (model gt30). it's never given me problems. i use this mode for both films and games (game mode looks hideouswhich is why i don't use it, plus: the lag in thx mode is barely noticeable so i'm fine with that).

sharpness is set to 5 (out of 10) in this mode. i tried decreasing the sharpness, but it only helps a tad.

the fact that you say you haven't seen much aliasing really makes me think there's something wrong on my end. or maybe the game is bugged. or something.
Okay I can respect that, it’s just that your first post came off with some elitism.

To each their own. :)

The references to gt academy maybe were not the best ones, never the intention to clain some bs about personal accolades and stuff, i tried to put in context that it was the impression of someone who has played the series for hundreds and hundreds of hours.

But i bet that if really fast people like the Lacombe brothers would say something, they would also mention some shortcomings, specially considering the competitions in place for 2018 and beyond.

The whole esports and gt academy focus is what produces this confusion.

As people have said before, a hardcore sim makes little sense marketwise, more reason to question the focus they chosed in this title.
Do you guys reckon that the cars that come with the special editions will be available later at some point?

I really want the Toyota FT-1 Vision GT Gr.3 and the Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 N24 Schulze Motorsport but to get the SE for just 2 cars....I dunno.

I've read that they will be, but I too am looking for a more concrete answer. I prefer the standard edition if we can earn everything ourselves.


He is maybe playing on a led display. lCD/LED has sharpeness rather tough compared to plasma/oled where the overall look is softer.

How is OLED softer than an LCD? OLED TVs are fixed pixel displays just like LCDs, and with 1:1 mapping they will look as sharp as anything.


i'm using thx mode on a panasonic plasma (model gt30). it's never given me problems. i use this mode for both films and games (game mode looks hideous).

sharpness is set to 5 (out of 10) in this mode. i tried decreasing the sharpness, but it only helps a tad.

the fact that you say you haven't seen much aliasing really makes me think there's something wrong on my end. or maybe the game is bugged. or something.

might depend on view you play in, i thought it was very minimal in bumper cam i play with, much, much less than GT6 and noticeably less than PC or DC.


If there is one small gripe it's that the cars feel a touch heavy for me. Maybe it's because I drive a Seat Leon in real life haha but i just feel like they are a touch top heavy. At least with a pad, feels like I'm being really weighed down when I go into corners.


My online experiences so far haven't sold me yet. Many people driving all over the place, not paying attention, or just driving terribly and causing a clusterfuck pile-up.

Europe here and it's the complete opposite for me, on par with how it was in the beta, 90% of racers are clean and respectful, theres usually one bad/moron in each race but hes out of the picture fast

edit: hell i just had a great race on suzuka east with some fast clean spaniards :D


I'm surprised there's so many easy to replicate crashes. You'd think they'd have found tham when testing this build although server stuff probably plays a large role in them.


If there is one small gripe it's that the cars feel a touch heavy for me. Maybe it's because I drive a Seat Leon in real life haha but i just feel like they are a touch top heavy. At least with a pad, feels like I'm being really weighed down when I go into corners.

Cars are generally really heavy at the limit, they all have a lot of weight and it all becomes amplified at high speeds. Unless you've been to track days and really pushed a car you'll never really get to feel it. That feeling of "weight" decreases once you start getting your weight transfers right. I can't say it's one of my complaints when it comes to the physics model here.

Crossing my fingers on a Mustang then, lol. Is it in the arcade mode?

Ive seen it somewhere in a car select menu, just can't remember where exactly. There's also both the standard road Mustang GT (5.0) and the GT3 version.


Heh, cheers to the old crew here niks, l2ound and Seattle 🙂 thanks for all the good races.

:D There needs to be NeoGAF lobby setup again

The whole esports and gt academy focus is what produces this confusion.

As people have said before, a hardcore sim makes little sense marketwise, more reason to question the focus they chosed in this title.

The Fia license/award thing adds to the confusion, like what do they see it becoming? A yearly competition thing?
Man, this crash to desktop error is really annoying. Can't resolve it. Did test, lobby race, quick race. Still instant crash anytime I try to enter options. I need to turn off this fuck awful music!!!!
You can practice lap any of the tracks that are available for the daily races. Don't enter and just go straight to qualifying. You can get as much time as you need to figure out the track from there (preferably with the car you'd select for your entry). Half an hour or so should be more than enough to get a good idea of how the track works and then you can go from there.

Ahh thanks! It didn't dawn on me that we can sit and practice without entering.

Europe here and it's the complete opposite for me, on par with how it was in the beta, 90% of racers are clean and respectful, theres usually one bad/moron in each race but hes out of the picture fast

edit: hell i just had a great race on suzuka east with some fast clean spaniards :D

Well, for context, last night on Autodrome there was a 12 car pile-up in front of me within 30 seconds of race start. During the same race, in every tight turn there would be at least one person in front of me (or into the back of me) that overshot the turn at high speed and took out someone with them. It's hard to have a nice race in conditions like that.

Private lobbies might be the only cure for that unless they fix the penalty system.


Honestly my suggestion would be to play offline more to familiarise youself with the cars/tracks. You can do qualifying runs long before you can even enter the events for an unlimited amount of time, try doing those and start nailing some consistent laps. Before long you will be qualifying alongside a lot of the better racers. Don't ruin your driver rating while learning the game, it's not worth it and you'll only make things more difficult for yourself in the long run as you'll have to fight through more bad players to get to the good stuff.

I would never never enter any of these events unless I was at least comfortable with the track first.

I've been able to jump on and play online races with no track knowledge. It just means that I can't win I have to just drive safely with traffic. I don't come in last because I still beat people who spin off the track and basically dnf. But it's true without track knowledge, you can't really go fast and drive safely with traffic.

This is just a matter of having some patience and knowing when to yield to faster traffic and how to safely offer them a pass.


Europe here and it's the complete opposite for me, on par with how it was in the beta, 90% of racers are clean and respectful, theres usually one bad/moron in each race but hes out of the picture fast

edit: hell i just had a great race on suzuka east with some fast clean spaniards :D

I am in Spain, download the beta from the ES Store but I play using my Brazilian account. I only play against USA, Brazil, sometimes one or two guys from Mexico/Colombia/Chile... I dont have problems with lag but its wierd that the matchmaking uses my account country instead of my actual location =/ It would also be much nicer to race against people of more than just 3 countries...


I have a hard time believing the Miata loops out so easily in real life.

Then again I thought the same thing of the new ISF when GT5 came out then it turned out that was not the most stable of vehicles irl...


Really enjoying this demo, now I need to decide between this, PC2 and Forza.

This is where I’m at right now as well. Shame none of them really knocked it out of the park as a complete package as they are all screwed up in their own unique ways. Weird year to be a sim racing fan. Think I’m going GTS for now. Anticipating huge price drops though for F7 and PC2 on Black Friday.


Played it for half an hour. Bored me to tears. The UI is clunky and it's just not that visually impressive on OG PS4. I just wanted to play some online racing but every room kept saying I lacked the requirements to play. I made my own room and only one person joined.

I think Forza Horizon 3 has ruined serious racing games for me.
I have a hard time believing the Miata loops out so easily in real life.
Are you playing on a wheel or the standard controller? It's easy to overdrive the car and push it too hard without any feedback and it can snap at the limit. It doesn't "feel" like it should, but any car will misbehave if you simply heave the wheel all the way to one side and floor it. Small, light car like that and it can also be hard to keep the center of mass stable. I had this exact same thought originally but remembered you have to keep a soft touch. In a game mode where you can adjust the suspension settings it would be fairly easy to dial a lot of this out.

The FF drivetrain N100 and N200 cars don't really have this problem, of course, but you can overdrive those into understeer easily instead.

The N3-400 and Gr4s are probably the easiest to drive via intuition alone without additional practice.


Game is crashing instantly when I try to enter options menu, and I have ZERO FFB when driving with my Fanatec CSL Elite for PS4...
I'm very disappointed.
Is there something I can do?
Standard PS4


This. Played plenty against Seattle in GT5, he Is very fast and clean player. I respect his oponion, but I think he answered his own question.

GT sport was made for a broader appeal, and not for the hardcore racer that cares about tire pressures, but simmy enough to reward good driving techniques and etiquette.

I think they succeded in that regard.

The problem is there are already broad appeal racers. GT was something special and novel in the console market, which played into the sales. Their "broad appeal" game is going to sell less, as so many broad appeal games do.
Mission challenges 6 category kicking my ass, barely getting bronze in these, I have comfortable golds in MC 1 cat and driving school. Gr.X category for my daily today though.


Are you playing on a wheel or the standard controller? It's easy to overdrive the car and push it too hard without any feedback and it can snap at the limit. It doesn't "feel" like it should, but any car will misbehave if you simply heave the wheel all the way to one side and floor it. Small, light car like that and it can also be hard to keep the center of mass stable. I had this exact same thought originally but remembered you have to keep a soft touch. In a game mode where you can adjust the suspension settings it would be fairly easy to dial a lot of this out.

The FF drivetrain N100 and N200 cars don't really have this problem, of course, but you can overdrive those into understeer easily instead.

The N3-400 and Gr4s are probably the easiest to drive via intuition alone without additional practice.

I'm using the controller and I'm being pretty Ginger with it. I've never driven the real Miata, but in my experience most accessible rear wheel drive cars our setup to be very stable from the factory as a matter of safety. The Toyota GT86 in this game for example behaves exactly as I would expect. In most cases when you overcook that car it'll results in an understeer or maybe a lurching brief oversteer before it recovers. The Miata is like riding the teacups at Disneyland!

When GT 5 prologue came out and it had the new Lexus ISF, I thought the same thing. I thought that there was no way they would let a factory chassis out the door handling like that. But then I saw the car on best Motoring, and they turn the traction control off and lo and behold that baby was loose.
The problem is there are already broad appeal racers. GT was something special and novel in the console market, which played into the sales. Their "broad appeal" game is going to sell less, as so many broad appeal games do.

What ?
The game is still GT but the broad appeal has now become MP more than SP .
Which is what GTS is more focus on compare to the past .
It 's still simmy but not full hardcore like all GT games.

Only time will tell if this going to work out for them but racing games already sell rather poor compare to other types of games.
Be it hardcore or ones that trying to have broad appeal.
I tried 2 player splitscreen with my 5yo nephew today. He beat me on the dirt track with beginner assists and me without any assists. He was pretty happy about it and really liked the game. When I wanted to show him Scapes, he was outrageously bored

"Oh yea, that looks great, I wanna race there"
"No, it's like a foto course, you get to take beautiful pictures of your favorite cars in real places all around the world"
"Huh?? [wtf, who wants to do THAT] Can we maybe drive another track?"


He did like the different lighting conditions / ToD though.


What ?
The game is still GT but the broad appeal has now become MP more than SP .
Which is what GTS is more focus on compare to the past .
It 's still simmy but not full hardcore like all GT games.

Only time will tell if this going to work out for them but racing games already sell rather poor compare to other types of games.
Be it hardcore or ones that trying to have broad appeal.
Not sure I can agree with that. Gran Turismo 5 sold almost 12 million copies. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/gran-turismo-series-sales-reach-nearly-765-million/1100-6433205/


The problem is there are already broad appeal racers. GT was something special and novel in the console market, which played into the sales. Their "broad appeal" game is going to sell less, as so many broad appeal games do.

Not with a focus on competition/esports.


A traffic cone laying in the middle of the track launch my car 1m in the air!! Almost caused a disaster but finished 2nd after starting 7th. The racing is so good, when you're in a clean room.
From that framerate test video, it's good to see PD have made sure performance is very solid, even with all the nice graphics and polish.

With the last few GT games running well under 60fps, it's good to see PD have made the best looking and best performing GT game yet.
I have a hard time believing the Miata loops out so easily in real life.


I thought I was crazy when I had to drive the ND with traction control haha. I’m so used to be able to just gas through a corner like in Forza, it’s a huge change for me.

That said, you can easily spin one out if you keep jerking the steering wheel suddenly. Do it smoothly and it really doesn’t happen that way.

Speaking of handling complaints... the GTI in this game has a ton more understeer than in real life lol.

I’ve got the shitty economy tires on my GTI IRL and you can easily fight past the understeer if you push the gas hard enough. So I find it hard to believe the GTI in game has a ton of understeer even with Sports soft tires.

On the other hand, I am driving with the controller after all so maybe that’s why?


It's unfortunate that the opponents are based on my account country (US account) and not physical location. I'm racing US and Brazilian racers and I just wish I was instead racing European players whom are near to me. Sigh. Mood killer.


I will say this, the demo has convinced me to buy the game.

I think I'm gonna spend most of my time in the livery editor and scenes honestly.
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