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Greenberg: Quantum Break is not coming to Steam


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Oh, the Windows Tablet App Store is getting products designed for desktop PCs now? Cool, get back to me in about five years if it hasn't been deleted or repurposed and I'll consider tying software purchases to it.


I really don't see a problem with this. I almost bought an Xbox One to play this game, so I'm very happy that it's coming to PC after all.

I mean there's a difference between being happy it's coming and being happier

this is still great news. There's just a catch

Oh, the Windows Tablet App Store is getting products designed for desktop PCs now? Cool, get back to me in about five years if it hasn't been deleted or repurposed and I'll consider tying software purchases to it.

boom bada bing


For those of you who don't get why some of us aren't particularly fond of Windows Store and moves like this from Microsoft:

I'm generally fine with pretty much any client/storefront other than Windows Store. I simply do not have any confidence in them.

Ah i missed this gem it needs to be added for 2016 this time around.

Oh, the Windows Tablet App Store is getting products designed for desktop PCs now? Cool, get back to me in about five years if it hasn't been deleted or repurposed and I'll consider tying software purchases to it.

And there it is.


It's odd that people cited the increased sales being a good drive for QB to release on PC given the situation of AW's sales. Now that it's not releasing on steam people are upset and declaring their lack of intention to go anywhere near the game.

Yes I understand the lack of features is annoying as of now. With Microsoft looking like they're gearing up substantial PC support in order to lay the basis for their platform, whose to say things won't change? I mean at least give it til the upcoming event to see what they have planned before giving up hope.

This steam or no buy epitomizes the entitlement held by some gamers. I mean be glad the game is available on your platform of choice?

MS will have to earn goodwill and trust. People aren't willing to believe "they'll surely improve" and for good reason.

Digital storefronts are all about trust.


I would also say that if Cross-Buy is going to be a thing for future games, this is a small price to pay for that IMO. GFWL fucking sucked, and I hope they dont continue down that road for the Win 10 store. But getting a game for free for owning it on Xbone? That's awesome.


For those of you who don't get why some of us aren't particularly fond of Windows Store and moves like this from Microsoft:

I'm generally fine with pretty much any client/storefront other than Windows Store. I simply do not have any confidence in them.

What does the entirety of that list have to do with Microsoft having a store front? GFWL is the only thing from that list relevant to this conversation. The rest of it has to do with Microsoft supporting PC gaming, which releasing games on PC - regardless of what store front it comes to - literally accomplishes.
Give me Steam version or fuck off

This is the entitlement I was talking about in my last post. We don't know yet what microsofts plans with their PC platform are going forward. At least wait until making such sweeping declarations.

Surely it's preferable having the game available on PC rather than it solely being on the XONE?
I would also say that if Cross-Buy is going to be a thing for future games, this is a small price to pay for that IMO. GFWL fucking sucked, and I hope they dont continue down that road for the Win 10 store. But getting a game for free for owning it on Xbone? That's awesome.

It's awesome but why should I want it for X1 when I have a pc?

Buying for xbox means higher prices. And you can't just sell the console version, since cross-buy only applies to digital purchases (so everything is tied to your account and you're locked into the store).
Guys, if there wasn't a Windows Store to put the game on, it probably wouldn't be on the PC at all.

Exactly. We should be happy at least as we are able to play the game on PC without owning a Xbox and at higher settings. Seems like those who say no steam no buy are not those who are really interested in this game as they never intended to buy Xbox one at first place for this game. Hopefully this game reviews well enough to get the attention of those gamers to try the Win 10 store and Feb 25 event may clears the doubts about the storefront and its features compared to Xbox live.


Windows Store is tied to most Apps built-into the OS.

Uninstalling it will fuck things up.


I own only 1 app which is the horrible Minecraft version. I mean, why didn't MS just release the original Minecraft on it and not the fucking touch version?
MS will have to earn goodwill and trust. People aren't willing to believe "they'll surely improve" and for good reason.

Digital storefronts are all about trust.

Yes I understand this, especially with their priors on the PC.

But at least wait until their press event in two weeks? Appraise what their plans are for the platform before being up in arms.


Not a surprise. I will buy their games if the price is right.

Edit: I can still see their games coming to Steam at some point, possibly depending on the success of the Windows Store.


People behaving like releasing it on PC was altruism on Microsoft's part ... talking about how Sony should do the same...lulz

MS is supporting its platforms: XBox and Windows.


What about the horror stories of people losing access to their steam accounts, having to deal with their slow non useful support over email for months. Both companies have their problems.

I have never not been able to access/download/play a game that I have bought on steam.

I didn't say steam was perfect either, but I think you need to read up on why people are siting GFWL as a reason why they are sceptical about purchasing the game via the windows store.

Oh and not allowing things like 3rd party overlays and FPS counters. That's a legitimate cause for concern.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
Dont care as long as its on PC. I do not have to use Win store after that anyway except for a few games here and there that will be exclusive.

Steam though. Would be nice to have there but one game wont make a difference. Not even 10.


Mine is pretty and pink
Oh, the Windows Tablet App Store is getting products designed for desktop PCs now? Cool, get back to me in about five years if it hasn't been deleted or repurposed and I'll consider tying software purchases to it.

My thoughts exactly.


This is also far from their first rodeo so you can't "excuse" their horrible D/L speeds by "they are new, give them some time. Valve also had problems with it in 2k4"


This is the entitlement I was talking about in my last post. We don't know yet what microsofts plans with their PC platform are going forward. At least wait until making such sweeping declarations.

Surely it's preferable having the game available on PC rather than it solely being on the XONE?

Clearly statements are being made based on information people have now, which is:
  • MS are damn untrustworthy when it comes to PC
  • UWA seriously sucks
  • It remains a hassle to use other storefronts (people grudginly do so)
  • This all may get abandoned sooner or later
In a few years after MS fixes UWA (or does away with it for games) and have shown to actually care instead of shovelling their unwanted ideas onto PC, then maybe, there is room for opinions to change.


Junior Member
Go ahead and try to download some GFWL content that you bought around the same time.

Hint: You can't.

That's where the 'narrative' is coming from.

I can download everything I've ever purchased from this Store though and that is the point of contention in this thread.
Well, if nothing else, it makes my decision to keep my discounted XB1 pre-order easier. I don't have a ton of faith in the Windows 10 store right now, just based on how the last Games for Windows Marketplace adventure went, let alone the apparent heavy restrictions on Win10 Store games.

Honestly, even that would be better. Just anything that's not at the mercy of Microsoft's whims.

Win 10 store is the same as the win 8 store. It's been around for a while now, and it's not likely to go anywhere.


Have MS made any statements about charging for online on PC? If they don't charge, and continue to release first party titles on PC then I might let XBL gold lapse


Steam is not the be-all-end-all of PC gaming, lol

If hardcore Steam folks are gonna skip out because of the MS Store, that's their loss.

Right now I can't download the shit I bought from Microsoft the last time they launched a gaming storefront on PC. Why the hell would I trust them with my money again?


works for a research lab making 6 figures
I hope since this came out of Greenberg's mouth, it's just bullshit to raise X1 preorders.


Are you struggling for storage space or something? You could plop them four or five of them on a 1GB flash drive and run them from that ;)

No, I want a clean and organized PC. Having too many storefronts/clients messes it up.

But most importantly, I don't want my friends and games divided.

I hope since this came out of Greenberg's mouth, it's just bullshit to raise X1 preorders.

Forgot about that.

Holy shit, Quantum Break Steam version confirmed.
This same bullshit again. You guys just took down the abomination that was GFWL. Learn that nobody wants your windows store/xbox live bullshit on PC.


Well, then they should definetly improve the store (normal versions of games and not apps) or every game they release will bomb.
Guys, if there wasn't a Windows Store to put the game on, it probably wouldn't be on the PC at all.

Like...Alan Wake?

Exactly. We should be happy at least as we are able to play the game on PC without owning a Xbox and at higher settings. Seems like those who say no steam no buy are not those who are really interested in this game as they never intended to buy Xbox one at first place for this game. Hopefully this game reviews well enough to get the attention of those gamers to try the Win 10 store and Feb 25 event may clears the doubts about the storefront and its features compared to Xbox live.

I am really interested in the game. Not enough to buy a Xbox One for it, but what does that matter?

But I will not buy it in the Windows 10 store. There are too many drawbacks in my opinion. Also I doubt that store will be remotely similar to Xbox Live, that is not what it is for.

Compare it to the App Store of Apple or something. You don't suddenly get a friend list and voice chat in there.


Have MS made any statements about charging for online on PC? If they don't charge, and continue to release first party titles on PC then I might let XBL gold lapse

So far they've confirmed both KI and Fable Legends will not require a paid subscription.


What about the horror stories of people losing access to their steam accounts, having to deal with their slow non useful support over email for months. Both companies have their problems.

Steam was around before GFWL was a thing, and GFWL is already dead. If you don't see the difference between losing account access for a month or whatever and every single thing you've ever purchased through GFWL being inaccessible and undownloadable *forever*, I'm not sure how else to explain it to you.

This isn't about "Oh I want every PC game on Steam boohoo" It's about not having games with absurd restrictions tied down to a storefront and ecosystem from a company that has a proven track record of not supporting said ecosystem in the long term.

I can download everything I've ever purchased from this Store though and that is the point of contention in this thread.
What the Windows 8-10 store that's barely been around 4 years? Yeah wow I'm so impressed.


Aaaanndd.... I'm going to pass on it. Tired of everyone only pushing their own storefronts, I know they don't want to share a cut with Valve, but I don't want my games in 30 different god damned services.


Yes I understand this, especially with their priors on the PC.

But at least wait until their press event in two weeks? Appraise what their plans are for the platform before being up in arms.

If they fix it, complaints will stop.

However, given their strategy with universal apps i really doubt they will fix this anytime soon. Running PC games as apps becoming a thing would be worse than any of the shit GFWL did. In the current state i'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.
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