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GTA Online PS4/XB1 |OT| Just ignore the bodies (and look forward to heists)

So this game has a lot of complaints of online hackers on the Steam store page. Is the PS4 online any better? Which community is more active between console and PC?
No hacks on PS4 AFAIK. Some people were able to hack their rank on PS3 and import the characters into PS4, so you'll see some guys who are level 5000, but no in game hacks. I don't know about other platforms but there are a shitload of players on PS4.


we all knew her
So this game has a lot of complaints of online hackers on the Steam store page. Is the PS4 online any better? Which community is more active between console and PC?

Every once in a very great while I will see someone doing some kind of glitch (a few weeks ago I spawned into my garage upon loading the game and was immediately killed by someone hiding in the back), but it's pretty rare, and I haven't seen any hacking.


This is what lazy Sundays were made for.



Looking forward to the update. Melee style attacks sound great, but wonder if they'll be easy to hit at all... Seems like it'll be pretty difficult, but no biggie, looking forward to it.

Just not very excited because most of these updates are really locked behind a large barrier of entry paywall.


we all knew her
So, what? Trailer for the biker stuff tomorrow?

EDIT to avoid double post.


Finally bought a large warehouse. Still no biker DLC trailer. =\
Time to sink a ton of money in stuff so you either have to grind or buy Shark Cards if you want the new stuff right way!

And it'll work too because I'm gonna be buying a RE-7B or two or an ETR1 for my secondary character. Though at least with the second character I'd sell the T20 on it. Still won't buy the Limo since I don't play with others that much after moving to PC but might buy a new warehouse even if that stuff might be obsolete with the Biker update.

EDIT: Yeah, still 1.7M for the warehouse I want, never mind. Still only about 2.5M total for the two cars after selling my secondary character's T20.
Ok, the Biker DLC is up.

The clubhouses start at $200,000 and go up to $495,000. There are two types (single or double storey). They're spread around the map: plenty in LS, but also around Sandy Shores and up in Paleto Bay. You can spend a fortune on them though because you can customise murals, interiors, etc. You can put a bike modshop in as one of the options. You can take them up close to $1,700,000 I think.

I haven't seen the MC missions yet, but being president gives you access to Clubhouse Contracts and the Open Road website. I'm assuming the former is like VIP missions, and the latter like the SecuroServ crate missions.

The new clothes are pretty much what you'd expect (jackets, vests, etc, although there are some sporty options and also puffer jackets).

There are new weapons:
Pipe Wrench ($6363)
Mini SMG ($7921) - Skorpion
Sweeper Shotgun ($13,261)
Battle Axe ($8455)
Compact Grenade Launcher ($40,050)
Pool Cue ($5562)

Of the weapons, I think the pool cue is a regular melee weapon, while the Battle Axe and Pipe Wrench are the ones you can use while riding.

For bikes there are a heap. Mostly choppers, but there are also two mopeds, an ATV, a trike, the "Manchez", and two sports bikes (a street fighter and a drag bike).


Aw shoot, should have checked this thread more often. Missed the CEO price crash by a day. Oh well, guess I'll jump in the bike business then.


I booted up online after ignoring it on the PS3 and I have no idea what I'm doing lol. People attacking me constantly and shit. Poor as shit. I just wanna live a peaceful, quite, extravagant life.
I booted up online after ignoring it on the PS3 and I have no idea what I'm doing lol. People attacking me constantly and shit. Poor as shit. I just wanna live a peaceful, quite, extravagant life.

This Los Santos. There will be no peace.

Anyway, yeah. I was going to play tonight, but my friend's copy of RE5 remaster for PS4 came in so we're probably going to start up a new game and work our way through that. I wanted to live stream it, but I wanted to make sure I could do a solid play through with the same person.

I will jump back into GTA O tomorrow night if he's busy. Otherwise I'll see some of you guys on Sunday.
How does the money making stuff work with the Motorcycle Clubs? I know you can buy businesses, but what are the returns like compared to crate missions?


How does the money making stuff work with the Motorcycle Clubs? I know you can buy businesses, but what are the returns like compared to crate missions?

i'm reading on forums that its low roi. 1-2 million to get started, and about 30-40k a hour. but they say there are no costs to run the business once bought, you can steal your supplies. one guy said he lost 300k after 6 hours due to dying during a police raid on his property. sounds like fun, but it looks like for now the returns are bad. i'm sure someone will figure out how to make it more efficient.
What's the best way to level up now? I'm level 71, it's getting tedious.. The new biker update will help but let me guess, you need 1million to even start? that seems usual with these updates.

I just need 1 trophy for the platinum. reach level 100.
What's the best way to level up now? I'm level 71, it's getting tedious.. The new biker update will help but let me guess, you need 1million to even start? that seems usual with these updates.

I just need 1 trophy for the platinum. reach level 100.

Do your daily objectives, it's 3000 RP and 25K a day, 15,000RP and 100K every seven days in a row and 50,000RP and 500K every 28. Do the CEO and maybe Biker stuff with players, I imagine the henchmen get good RP.
i'm reading on forums that its low roi. 1-2 million to get started, and about 30-40k a hour. but they say there are no costs to run the business once bought, you can steal your supplies. one guy said he lost 300k after 6 hours due to dying during a police raid on his property. sounds like fun, but it looks like for now the returns are bad. i'm sure someone will figure out how to make it more efficient.
Cheers SiteSeer. There isn't much left on my shopping list anyway, but if some of the business missions are interesting then I might give it a go.

What's the best way to level up now? I'm level 71, it's getting tedious.. The new biker update will help but let me guess, you need 1million to even start? that seems usual with these updates.

I just need 1 trophy for the platinum. reach level 100.
Get hired by a CEO as an associate, and then help them do crate missions. You level up like crazy doing that, although it's tricky to organise unless you have a friend who's a CEO.


I bought a clubhouse and became president of Syndicate MC, but I have no real incentive to actually do anything. I even bought a coke den but, yeah, I'm not really feeling it. I might jump on tonight and see if I can get in to it.
Just came here to ask if anyone else's Quick GPS got useless after the patch, I can't select Headhunt targets as destinations, so I have to open the map and select that way.


I was checking out the neat lookin new bikes (even though I'm not much into cruisers/choppers), prices seemed cool. Then I finally take a look up at that new sport bike... 900k -_-

Of course, and here I am with 300ish thousand and no real desire to grind out more money right now lol.
Took a test ride on my friend's Drag. Stupid fast. Though I think that and the new outfits are really the only things that interest me in this DLC. I would probably join a club to play around with the new events, but that's it. I have been moving back to mostly playing in private lobbies with friends over the last month, rendering most of this content useless.

Edit: Sold my 811 and bought the Shitzu Drag. I made it look like Kaneda's bike and my avatar now looks like Priss. Awesome.


So is the handling as poor as it should be on that thing? I definitely like that they included an extended swingarm bike even if I have no interest in it, love seeing variety like that. The new Manchez(?) looks pretty rad too.
It's heavy as hell but surprisingly maneuverable. No sliding as braking and e-braking bring it to a halt. Wheelies are impossible until you catch some air. Tapping the scenery comically launches you from the bike.

Actually, it's a lot like driving the bike in Headhunter... but you can fall off.

Right up there with the Tropos Rallye as one of the most unique vehicles in the game.
So is the handling as poor as it should be on that thing? I definitely like that they included an extended swingarm bike even if I have no interest in it, love seeing variety like that. The new Manchez(?) looks pretty rad too.
The hilarious thing is that the characteristics of the Hakuchou Drag and non-Drag versions are reversed: the non-Drag one has a higher top speed, and the Drag version is actually way quicker around a track: in fact it's quicker than any every other land vehicle in the game around a track.

It's fun to ride though and quite unique, with some cool liveries available for it.

There are still another 8 vehicles related to the Bikers update to be released, and one of those looks like it'll be (on paper) the fastest vehicle in the game. It's a bike that'll cost over $2 million and looks like something out of Tron.


Speaking about Tron, these suits are coming too, in various colors:


CLO_BIF_O_0 = Deadline Yellow
CLO_BIF_O_1 = Deadline Green
CLO_BIF_O_2 = Deadline Orange
CLO_BIF_O_3 = Deadline Purple
CLO_BIF_O_4 = Deadline Pink
CLO_BIF_O_5 = Deadline Red
CLO_BIF_O_6 = Deadline Blue
CLO_BIF_O_7 = Deadline White
Yeah unless the Tron bike handles like a brick and is only good in a straight line I might regret not waiting for it.
It looks pretty silly though, unlike the Hakuchou Drag which looks pretty awesome (IMHO).

Speaking about Tron, these suits are coming too, in various colors:

Yeah, as you can probably guess that's the Tron suit that goes with the Tron bike, from the new upcoming (Adversary?) game mode that you'll need to play in order to unlock the Tron bike for purchase.


we all knew her
Played a couple hours this morning with the fine folks at /r/CEOfriendly and it was like a different game. Everyone living peacefully together and minding their own business unless it was to help someone else. I don't think I'll be getting out of this pool; the water is too fine.


Played a couple hours this morning with the fine folks at /r/CEOfriendly and it was like a different game. Everyone living peacefully together and minding their own business unless it was to help someone else. I don't think I'll be getting out of this pool; the water is too fine.

That sounds just the ticket. Is the group cool with the bikers doing their business deals in peace too? I just want to do my business ventures in peace without hassle.


I only played the intro mission of the story and jumped online to see what it was about. I was so lost. What am I supposed to do? I had no weapons, cash, nothing. Can I do missions by myself to start getting some dough?


I only played the intro mission of the story and jumped online to see what it was about. I was so lost. What am I supposed to do? I had no weapons, cash, nothing. Can I do missions by myself to start getting some dough?

Did Lamar talk to you? It should start off with a couple of tutorials.

But after that, it will help at first to spawn into a solo session so you don't have to worry about other players targeting you (you can pick this from the options menu). I recommend doing some races to raise enough cash to buy a garage. Go into the options and start a race and play it alone. This will also get you XP to raise your characters level (will allow you access to more things) and driving skill.

I believe the cheapest garage is about $25K and it is near a Los Santos customs that you can steal cars to trade in for cash (you can do this about once an hour). You can also store cars in there and it will be a safe spot from other players. Simeon will also contact you about cars he needs at his garage at the docks. You can also rob stores for a little money.

As your level goes up, you will have people from the game contacting you to do missions. Some of these are a good way to get cash and XP but some are awful and a waste of time. Some missions you can do solo but some require you to be with at least one other person.

Generally deathmatches aren't good for low level players because your weapons suck and you will spend a lot of money on ammo.

If you join a crew via the Social Club site, you'll get some free stuff including a decent rifle and car that will help in the beginning.
I only played the intro mission of the story and jumped online to see what it was about. I was so lost. What am I supposed to do? I had no weapons, cash, nothing. Can I do missions by myself to start getting some dough?
What gwailo said. Also, registering with the R* social club gets you a free car that happens to be one of the best in its class.
I only played the intro mission of the story and jumped online to see what it was about. I was so lost. What am I supposed to do? I had no weapons, cash, nothing. Can I do missions by myself to start getting some dough?

If you are on Xbox I will happily show you the ropes and get you some quick cash.
i bought the cocaine and got the supplies. do i really need this security upgrade?
It's supposed to reduce the frequency of being raided, but some anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that it dramatically increases the timeframe between when the raid is announced, and when you start losing product. If you plan to work at the business for a while then it's probably worth the investment.
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