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Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (G-Tekketsu) |OT| The Iron Flower We Saw That Day

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Mikazuki is fucking scary, no wonder Orga can't stop moving forward. I got serious Big Boss vibes from Orga near the end too.


Wow. WTF. Mikazuki is like... evil. Total manipulative evil psychopath. Tekkadan becoming the bad guy, the pedo Char is actually the good guy, Shyamalan twist.


Tekkadan have never been "good guys". They're a PMC and Space Yakuza subfamily. That aspect also makes them a much more enjoyable cast.


If Mikazuki wasn't this way, I don't think I'd enjoy the show as much as I do. No hesitation and no remorse, at least his character is consistent throughout the show, most likely it might end in his death.
This just proves to me Mika is the sort of character that has to die by the end of the story. Tekkadan is losing their way if you ask me.

Ein 2.0 will be the one to make sure he dies.


Season 2 synopsis.

Unable to cope with the continued losses of their crew members and through Mikazuki's manipulation, Orga finally broke down. Tekkadan, having totally annihilated all of the world leaders, began their reign of terror, conducting terrorist activities all over the world, inciting riots, and abandoning Kudelia quest for peace, and proclaimed Mars Independence with Cookie and Cracker as puppet rulers.

All seem lost until the remnant of Gjallarhorn uncovered the discarded Gundam Barbatos left by Mikazuki. Ein was entrusted the Gundam by McGillis and Gaelio, using it to thwart the Tekkadan and bring back peace again with the cooperation of Kudelia.


Mika just went full Heero Yuy.

You never go full Heero Yuy.

Pretty much this, lol.

Anyway, it was really hard to tell what the purpose of the scene between Orga and Mika was supposed to be. Was it meant to be Mika pulling Orga forward like Orga was doing for Mika? Or was it supposed to show the start of a crazy downward spiral?

But yeah, Heero Yuy in there.


Saint Titanfall
Pretty much this, lol.

Anyway, it was really hard to tell what the purpose of the scene between Orga and Mika was supposed to be. Was it meant to be Mika pulling Orga forward like Orga was doing for Mika? Or was it supposed to show the start of a crazy downward spiral?

But yeah, Heero Yuy in there.

I don't know, they were exactly subtle about it, the villainous smile, lightning striking, the declaration of the willingness to do anything. This is clearly a downward spiral into madness. Or rather it always was Biscuit simply served as the moral compass that was largely ignored but was still there.

Since he's dead all bets are off and we're now on Mikazuki's wild ride.
Great episode, felt very downer. Best part was the Orga and Mika scene, for being best friends they barely talk or hangout with each other but when they do, its serious time. Also Mika is messed up, I kinda felt Orga forgot that moment Mika so desperately holds on to.


Saint Titanfall
Great episode, felt very downer. Best part was the Orga and Mika scene, for being best friends they barely talk or hangout with each other but when they do, its serious time. Also Mika is messed up, I kinda felt Orga forgot that moment Mika so desperately holds on to.

I think it's more like Orga wants to forget it but Mikazuki won't let him.


I think it's more like Orga wants to forget it but Mikazuki won't let him.

It defines Mika, so why should he? I don't think it defines Orga anymore. Instead, he is defined as Tekkadan's leader. It's a role he chose. Mika chose to be Orga's/Tekkadan's instrument.


Wow. WTF. Mikazuki is like... evil. Total manipulative evil psychopath. Tekkadan becoming the bad guy, the pedo Char is actually the good guy, Shyamalan twist.

Evil? apparently anime has people conditioned to think that if the MC doesn't whine every episode about the value of life and peace then he's evil.

Mikazuki is not evil nor good, he's real. He hates his enemies and loves his friends just like most soldiers do. So far he's refreshing as a character, I hope they don't drop the ball with him.

He's scary though, I give you that.


When I read evil and manipulative and was halfway through the episode I thought it was referring to McGillis playing both sides. Mika didn't turn evil, whew.


Evil? apparently anime has people conditioned to think that if the MC doesn't whine every episode about the value of life and peace then he's evil.

Mikazuki is not evil nor good, he's real. He hates his enemies and loves his friends just like most soldiers do. So far he's refreshing as a character, I hope they don't drop the ball with him.

He's scary though, I give you that.

It's not that black and white, but it is to Mika. I think he would kill his friends if Orga told him to.


Saint Titanfall
It's not that black and white, but it is to Mika.

I actually highly doubt this, he's clearly fairly intelligient and understands how the world works considering just how many times he lectures Kudelia. It's never even mentioned what sorta place they'd be arriving at either. He has just as stopped caring or perhaps never did care in the first.

Basically this is just a game to him ultimately he solely has interest in the ending, where this is all going the players themselves don't matter, not even Orga unless he's leading them to the end result. He's completely sociopathic. It's not like he has no attachments as shown by the numerous times he freaks out when someone he cares about is injured. He simply has priorities.


I actually highly doubt this, he's clearly fairly intelligient and understands how the world works considering just how many times he lectures Kudelia. It's never even mentioned what sorta place they'd be arriving at either. He has just as stopped caring or perhaps never did care in the first.

Basically this is just a game to him ultimately he solely has interest in the ending, where this is all going the players themselves don't matter, not even Orga unless he's leading them to the end result. He's completely sociopathic. It's not like he has no attachments as shown by the numerous times he freaks out when someone he cares about is injured. He simply has priorities.

I'm just saying he wouldn't hesitate if one of those people became his enemy, unless it was Orga. He interacts fairly normally with everyone else. I believe that he is of a mindset where he doesn't think someone in Tekkadan would betray him or Orga though.


Saint Titanfall
I'm just saying he wouldn't hesitate if one of those people became his enemy, unless it was Orga. He interacts fairly normally with everyone else. I believe that he is of a mindset where he doesn't think someone in Tekkadan would betray him or Orga though.

He probably would but it's not like he treats everyone in Tekkadan equally, Kudelia and Atra and clearly in his ring of people he cares most about, he's even pledge allegiance personally to Kudelia's goals and see's the two of them as being completely alligned. Atra is the person he's shown the most emotion for in general.

So it would actually take something pretty significant for him to simply kill either. Anyone else though is fair game. Mika has always been bloodthirsty but he's rarely been tht easy to categorise. He's spent far too much time helping, nuturing and worrying about people, simply categorise him as not caring about anything. You'd litterally have to ignore that past 22 episodes of the show to this point.


He probably would but it's not like he treats everyone in Tekkadan equally, Kudelia and Atra and clearly in his ring of people he cares most about, he's even pledge allegiance personally to Kudelia's goals and see's the two of them as being completely alligned. Atra is the person he's shown the most emotion for in general.

So it would actually take something pretty significant for him to simply kill either. Anyone else though is fair game. Mika has always been bloodthirsty but he's rarely been tht easy to categorise. He's spent far too much time helping, nuturing and worrying about people, simply categorise him as not caring about anything. You'd litterally have to ignore that past 22 episodes of the show to this point.

I never said he didn't care about anyone. Of course that's obvious.


Saint Titanfall
I never said he didn't care about anyone. Of course that's obvious.

Your saying he would have not hesitate killing his allies if they became his enemies. That basically assumes he cares about noone because you can't kill someone that's close to you with no hesitation unless you barely cared about them in the first place. Considering his allies consist of everyone he remotely gives a fuck about.


I don't think Mika is evil, this was just Mika's way of reminding Olga that they haven't reached the place that he was promised. I mean how many people has Mika killed following the idea that it needed to be done to reach the place that Olga spoke of. I just think that Mika will do everything that needs to be done so he can get there then relax.


Mika just went full Heero Yuy.

You never go full Heero Yuy.

I was thinking this too XD

Really good ep.
Always knew there would be some type of "confrontation" between Mika and Orga, but man that was handled in the best way, because... It wasn't actually one.

Mika's view of the world and things around him have always been interesting, but it was certainly somewhat scary this ep. He is such a great main character.

Every week I think about how when this series was first announced + the staff I thought it would be disastrous, and yet it's been the best mainline Gundam series in a long, long time.
train ride through Canada baby!

next week killer robo moose

Nah man. The next Gundam frame shows up to take on Tekkadan.



Episode 22

I like trains. I like plots involving trains. I like military operations involving trains. All the best things always happen on trains. Like Mika barging into Orga's room and going



Edit: Okay I guess the room scene technically happened on the boat now that I think about it. Before they got on the train. It's hard to get things straight when you watched the episode the day before while dying of yet another flu.


Episode 22 was solid but I feel like this series is not as good as I thought it would be when I first started watching. Lot of rough areas


Early in the series I really felt they were going for a Gutts/Griffith thing with Mika/Orga, but that sort of fizzled a little throughout the series. Now it looks like that could still very much happen. Mika is no victim like Gutts though. He doesn't seem to care where this road ends, only that Orga makes it interesting enough for him. If at the election, somehow Kudelia manages to create an alliance for peace which involves Tekkadan withdrawing from combat, I wonder if they'll just kill everyone instead and trigger a real world war.


Early in the series I really felt they were going for a Gutts/Griffith thing with Mika/Orga, but that sort of fizzled a little throughout the series. Now it looks like that could still very much happen. Mika is no victim like Gutts though. He doesn't seem to care where this road ends, only that Orga makes it interesting enough for him. If at the election, somehow Kudelia manages to create an alliance for peace which involves Tekkadan withdrawing from combat, I wonder if they'll just kill everyone instead and trigger a real world war.

How crazy would it be if it really went full anti-hero. Of course that's not going to happen.


Yes the colony area is when I started to lose interest.

The space stuff had a lot of dialog but it was worth it for the pay off.
Yes the colony area is when I started to lose interest.

The space stuff had a lot of dialog but it was worth it for the pay off.

I agree

good pacing on Mars... good fights in space against those girls and the space pirates

still good pacing..... extreme slow down in colonies and random new characters with barely any uniqueness only for them to be casually shot down in a very calm Luke warm rebellion

we really didn't need that... they could've done the same thing via them dropping the cargo in the colony and then flying away only to see Gahlihorn ships entering the area and watching the news to see a massacre

quick done.... no extra paddling.... If they still wanted the aide to die then something like her pushing Kudelia in a space pod away from those goon guys (in the colony) only for something dramatic to happen like the colony blows up from a set of explosives in the the crates that the big business man put in to cause a uproar

debris flying everywhere while they descend to earth and Kudelia crying at the loss of her aide


I agree

good pacing on Mars... good fights in space against those girls and the space pirates

still good pacing..... extreme slow down in colonies and random new characters with barely any uniqueness only for them to be casually shot down in a very calm Luke warm rebellion

we really didn't need that... they could've done the same thing via them dropping the cargo in the colony and then flying away only to see Gahlihorn ships entering the area and watching the news to see a massacre

quick done.... no extra paddling.... If they still wanted the aide to die then something like her pushing Kudelia in a space pod away from those goon guys (in the colony) only for something dramatic to happen like the colony blows up from a set of explosives in the the crates that the big business man put in to cause a uproar

debris flying everywhere while they descend to earth and Kudelia crying at the loss of her aide
I like this better
This just proves to me Mika is the sort of character that has to die by the end of the story. Tekkadan is losing their way if you ask me.

Ein 2.0 will be the one to make sure he dies.

Ein will fail to kill Mika even after everyone else turns their backs on him, but will damage the Barbados badly enough that Atra will kill Mika with a mobile worker as he attempts to kill Orga and Kudelia. It'll basically be the scene when the Barbados popped up out of the ground, but instead of Mika doing the surprise to save Orga it's Atra in a mobile worker.
Ein will fail to kill Mika even after everyone else turns their backs on him, but will damage the Barbados badly enough that Atra will kill Mika with a mobile worker as he attempts to kill Orga and Kudelia. It'll basically be the scene when the Barbados popped up out of the ground, but instead of Mika doing the surprise to save Orga it's Atra in a mobile worker.

Atra gets Alaya-Vijnana to become the ultimate cook.


Episode credits for the final episodes from Newtype:

Episode Director: Shouji Ikeno
Storyboards: Susumu Nishizawa, Iwao Teraoka
Animation Directors: Takuro Shinbo (Character), Sakiko Uda (Mecha)

Episode Director: Yoshimitsu Ohashi, Tomo Okubo
Storyboards: Iwao Teraoka
Character Animation Directors: Takayoshi Watanabe, Kyoko Kotani
Mecha Animation Directors: Manabu Katayama, Shingo Abe

No Credits

They're clearly going all out with action in the next two episodes at least, with Teraoka doing tons of action storyboarding. 23 is probably going to have pretty iffy character art since it's another Nakamura Production outsource job for the characters, but hopefully Uda will get to do good work on the mecha side. She hasn't had a real chance to shine much in IBO so far compared to the Build Fighters series where she did a lot of good animation. Shingo Abe is going to kill it in 24. :)

Wonder if the action will spill into 25 too or if we'll be getting a non-action finale to a very non-action Gundam series...


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Does no one ask how or why Carta made it out?

Like is this just a thing that got completely glossed over by everyone except me?
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