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Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (G-Tekketsu) |OT| The Iron Flower We Saw That Day

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semen stains the mountaintops
I went back to see if she died or not and apparently you can kind of see the reflection in her eyes fade away for a split second before they cut away. Was this supposed to be the way they conveyed that she died? Because this wasn't clear at all when I first watched it.

Still not 100 percent sure if she is dead, honestly.


Until they attach her corpse to mech.

It seems ot me this is the immediate objective of McGillis, turn his pilots into super cyborg pilots so he can use them to overthrow Gjallarhorn. Which is a pretty jerk thing to do because they are already loyal to him, in his place I would just
use the compromise with Gaelio's sister and make a Red Wedding to kill all Gjallarhorn leaders

Spoiler tagged because I think it could happen anyway.
I thought she was dead but even Ein came back, so I'm guessing she'll be the human / mech hybrid number two, ready for S2 of the show. Gaelio got friendzoned so hard at the end, damn.

That promo though, I have a feeling
Mika might be killing some good guys in the next episode.

EDIT: Btw, Mika GOAT protagonist. No fluff, almost zero "emo" parts. Straight killing machine, that's what I like.

The finale should just be all the people Mikazuki almost killed being turned into Gundams vs Mika.

Then he kills them.

With a spoon.


So, the title of the episode was "The Final Lie". What does that refer to? There are a number of things in the episode it could be referencing, or maybe it's just all of them?

- McGillis is obviously lying in a way to his friends and maybe to himself. He tells them he is helping them, and he tells himself that he really sees them as the future, but he also knows he is playing both sides and keeping his true intentions to himself. By sending Carta to her death with her still believing in him, was that the final lie?

- Tekkadan is rallied by the call for revenge and Orga uses this to his full advantage to unite everyone towards their goal. But he knows that he's leading them into war, and if things go south at the election, no one is going home. Is that the final lie? Do they realize that Orga and Mika don't really care at all about revenge or even the mission, and are only rushing forward because that is the only direction they have left to go?

- Galileo tries to save Carta even knowing that the only one she ever cared for was McGillis. He lets her believe that McGillis came for her at the end, knowing that no matter what he does she will never realize that he has always been there or her. Is that the final lie?
It doesn't need to any of them in particular. It's pretty common for episode titles to be a theme or motif that applies to multiple plotlines or characters.


So, the title of the episode was "The Final Lie". What does that refer to? There are a number of things in the episode it could be referencing, or maybe it's just all of them?

- McGillis is obviously lying in a way to his friends and maybe to himself. He tells them he is helping them, and he tells himself that he really sees them as the future, but he also knows he is playing both sides and keeping his true intentions to himself. By sending Carta to her death with her still believing in him, was that the final lie?

- Tekkadan is rallied by the call for revenge and Orga uses this to his full advantage to unite everyone towards their goal. But he knows that he's leading them into war, and if things go south at the election, no one is going home. Is that the final lie? Do they realize that Orga and Mika don't really care at all about revenge or even the mission, and are only rushing forward because that is the only direction they have left to go?

- Galileo tries to save Carta even knowing that the only one she ever cared for was McGillis. He lets her believe that McGillis came for her at the end, knowing that no matter what he does she will never realize that he has always been there or her. Is that the final lie?

I don't think it's McGillis' final lie at least, but maybe toward Carta. Maybe Carta had been lying to herself? She didn't get developed enough though.


Gaelio, Merrybit, and Kudelia the true protagonist of this series.

Fuck Mika, he is a dynamic character but he is no gundam protagonist. Why celebrate violence and machiavellianism to this extent? You have no direction you are all lying to yourself to cover your faults, your loneliness, and your weakness and powerlessness in this world.

There is no war, just one you created yourself to justify your actions. Even the maiden of revolution is led astray. Once a symbol of peace and change, now one who breeds and justifies violence.

You who celebrate this unnecessary cruelty. You will stand trial. All of you.

For the sake of peace and pacifism, you beasts will stand trial.
Gaelio, Merrybit, and Kudelia the true protagonist of this series.

Fuck Mika, he is a dynamic character but he is no gundam protagonist. Why celebrate violence and machiavellianism to this extent? You have no direction you are all lying to yourself to cover your faults, your loneliness, and your weakness and powerlessness in this world.

There is no war, just one you created yourself to justify your actions. Even the maiden of revolution is led astray. Once a symbol of peace and change, now one who breeds and justifies violence.

You who celebrate this unnecessary cruelty. You will stand trial. All of you.

Merrybit is terrible, eugh, she reminds me of Relena (though Kudelia could be a better fit, I know. But I don't hate Kudelia). Gaelio is a condescending blue blooded aristocrat, even McGillis is better.

Fuck peace.


Watching the new one now.

Mika the GOAT, doing what should actually happen in a battle.
Dude's just gonna keep being the hammer smashing things in his way till he's dead. There's no way he's coming out of this unscathed.
Personally I'm not interested all that much in the justifications of their current situation and pulling for as many to survive as possible.


Well, I'm rooting for Mika to win, live and be with his harem at the end. Tekkadan needs to defeat Gjallarhorn and replace them as the bloodthirsty world police (maybe make some reference to the cyclic nature of history and that the Gundams will be there to punish them when they grow corrupt, that would be great).

Gundam gets some flak for always telling the same story so I'm Ok with IBO having something to differentiate itself.

All this Mika love disgusts me.

Oh someone being judgemental in NeoGaf, that's new haha.


I don't think it's McGillis' final lie at least, but maybe toward Carta. Maybe Carta had been lying to herself? She didn't get developed enough though.

I guess the running theme is that everything done in this show seems to have a dishonest streak to it. That's probably the biggest difference it has from any other Gundam series. Instead of a bunch of people doing what they really believe in and ending up on different sides, this entire series is about people on all sides who just lie to each other, lie to themselves, and just misrepresent intentions. Even Biscuit did that before he died. He wasn't really upset with Orga taking things too far, he was just trying to blame Orga for something that he was fine with all along as long as the consequences didn't affect him. When his brother died, suddenly he didn't think it was such a hot direction to go in, even if he was just as much to blame for it.
Most of the characters in the show are engaging in some form of self-deception. It's actually one of the most compelling things about the show.


I think the only major character I don't have any appreciation for at the moment is Merribit. The motherly concern from her in the recent episodes seems excessive, especially since she is employed by a galactic crime syndicate.
Gaelio, Merrybit, and Kudelia the true protagonist of this series.

Fuck Mika, he is a dynamic character but he is no gundam protagonist. Why celebrate violence and machiavellianism to this extent? You have no direction you are all lying to yourself to cover your faults, your loneliness, and your weakness and powerlessness in this world.

There is no war, just one you created yourself to justify your actions. Even the maiden of revolution is led astray. Once a symbol of peace and change, now one who breeds and justifies violence.

You who celebrate this unnecessary cruelty. You will stand trial. All of you.

For the sake of peace and pacifism, you beasts will stand trial.

I can never tell when you're trolling or serious at this point.

Merrybit is terrible, eugh, she reminds me of Relena (though Kudelia could be a better fit, I know. But I don't hate Kudelia). Gaelio is a condescending blue blooded aristocrat, even McGillis is better.

Fuck peace.

You don't like ice cream, Merrybit, or Gaelio... I feel sorrow in my heart for you.
I think the only major character I don't have any appreciation for at the moment is Merribit. The motherly concern from her in the recent episodes seems excessive, especially since she is employed by a galactic crime syndicate.

Even someone employed by the mob can be appalled by bloodthirsty child soldiers.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
"I didn't realize that, in this era of interplanetary skirmishes, piracy, children trafficking, child sex workers, PMCs using children as tools of war, like this group I've been assigned as a supervisor/consultant to, there would be children who would want to see a fight between one of their surrogate parents and the murderer of another one of their surrogate parents. It's so awful."

I mean you know why she's the one to get all teary eyed right? It's because she's supposed to be this show's token symbol of adult femininity and womanhood. The other Teiwaz girls couldn't give a shit. I really don't care for these kinds of characters and especially not in the middle of a militant revolution story. It just undermines the whole foundation if these bleeding hearts worked alongside supposedly criminal underworld elements.

Anyway Kudelia already has the "oh god everything is so awful for these kids I can't believe I never knew" ground covered. It was done to death in the first cour.
"I didn't realize that, in this era of interplanetary skirmishes, piracy, children trafficking, child sex workers, PMCs using children as tools of war, like this group I've been assigned as a supervisor/consultant to, there would be children who would want to see a fight between one of their surrogate parents and the murderer of another one of their surrogate parents. It's so awful."

I mean you know why she's the one to get all teary eyed right? It's because she's supposed to be this show's token symbol of adult femininity and womanhood. The other Teiwaz girls couldn't give a shit. I really don't care for these kinds of characters and especially not in the middle of a militant revolution story. It just undermines the whole foundation if these bleeding hearts worked alongside supposedly criminal underworld elements.

Anyway Kudelia already has the "oh god everything is so awful for these kids I can't believe I never knew" ground covered. It was done to death in the first cour.

Mika will perceive her as being in Tekkadan's (Orga specifically) way and will kill her because of it. That will be the moment when everyone else (Orga specifically and maybe Kudelia and Atra) truly understands just how messed up Mika is and turn on him.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Good, maybe Mika can kill all of them then.

Final shot will just be a bloodstained Mika saying "Orga? Are we there yet?"


What if the lie was that Mika made up the rest of the conversation he had with Biscuit in order to push Orga with the whole revenge thing?

This actually crossed my mind at one point but then I dismissed it since Mika ain't got time for that. Honestly I just want Mika to be happy, guy seems to have gone through a lot of shit to get to this point and just say "alright killing is bad lets stop".
Good, maybe Mika can kill all of them then.

Final shot will just be a bloodstained Mika saying "Orga? Are we there yet?"

I already called Atra killing Mika when he attempts to kill Orga. Final shot will be surviving members of Tekkadan in a large graveyard, with Orga, Kudelia, and Atra standing at what is clearly Mika's grave. Orga will say "See Mika, we finally found our place" and that'll be it.

I actually really like your thing though but it can just as easily work with the whole Mika dying thing. In my earlier post about Mika dying I envisioned Mika pretty much getting blown away (it was very dramatic. In slow motion, Mika clearly sees Atra through a hole in the mobile worker she's in, last we see of Mika is his bracelet getting disintegrated), but he can just be mortally wounded. Orga will cradle Mika's bloodied body, and as Mika dies he will say "Orga? Are we there yet?"


So Kimaris got animal form, kentauros. fucking called it.

we need a couple more left. unless they abandoned the idea midseason.

Why else would they add the features like animal transform and gattai to the gunpla.

Also no mika death, that is the easy way out. Mika must stand trial and face is crimes before a jury.


I'm pretty sure this scene was symbolism for the audience too. The audience members are just like the Tekkadan in that they're cheering for Mika to pulverize the shit out of someone who really can't fight back. We should be like Merrybit in that we're supposed to be appalled at what is happening but instead we can't turn our eyes away and are hoping for him to wipe Carta from the face of the Earth.



Maybe for you. I personally felt bad for Carta and quite a lot of other people did as well last night when the episode aired and trended on twitter.


Man, McGillis is a dick.

He knows full well the abilities of Mika, and he should have been aware that he was sending Carta to her death. I guess to use her as a sacrificial pawn to change Gjallarhorn but I can't help but think there were better alternatives than that.

I mean, Carta was an asshole, but in a way she was noble, and she treated McGillis as an equal. So it's like, thanks for being one of the very few to treat me like a human when I was nothing, here, go get killed by this kid?


Man, McGillis is a dick.

He knows full well the abilities of Mika, and he should have been aware that he was sending Carta to her death. I guess to use her as a sacrificial pawn to change Gjallarhorn but I can't help but think there were better alternatives than that.

I mean, Carta was an asshole, but in a way she was noble, and she treated McGillis as an equal. So it's like, thanks for being one of the very few to treat me like a human when I was nothing, here, go get killed by this kid?

Almost everyone in this show is a horrible monster mutated by shady politics and war. Biscuit was one of the few pure ones, and look what happened to him.
If Carta was really worth any military weight (which she obviously isn't), she'd have wrecked the tracks prior to the engagement if they were truly adamant about keeping them from Edmonton. Sucks to be her!
If Carta was really worth any military weight (which she obviously isn't), she'd have wrecked the tracks prior to the engagement if they were truly adamant about keeping them from Edmonton. Sucks to be her!

Yeah, and didn't Akihiro or someone interrupt the hell out of their little introduction the last time they fought as well? Get with the game yo.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice.....


If Carta was really worth any military weight (which she obviously isn't), she'd have wrecked the tracks prior to the engagement if they were truly adamant about keeping them from Edmonton. Sucks to be her!
She was basically betting on chivalry. Similar how the japanese got smacked when the mongols first arrived in Japan when they tried to engage the horde in single combat (to no avail).


She was basically betting on chivalry. Similar how the japanese got smacked when the mongols first arrived in Japan when they tried to engage the horde in single combat (to no avail).

Chivalry doesn't make any sense in context though. There is no battle of honor here, just a bunch of mercenaries transporting a politician from point A to point B. Why would they stop and put their mission at risk to duel anyone? She's a poor commander, a poor soldier, and just a dumb person in general. Now she's a dead person too. RIP.


Chivalry doesn't make any sense in context though. There is no battle of honor here, just a bunch of mercenaries transporting a politician from point A to point B. Why would they stop and put their mission at risk to duel anyone? She's a poor commander, a poor soldier, and just a dumb person in general. Now she's a dead person too. RIP.
Exactly. It makes sense from her point of view. There wasn't a major conflict for quite some time, especially on earth. Gjallarhorn is corrupt and decadent and Carta is part of a rich family and was "guarding" earth's orbit where nothing really happened as far as I understood. This is why she didn't need or get to refine her actual real life military skills.
She had already gotten her stupid entrance antics interrupted once though(I'm not misremembering this am I?). After that happened, why did she expect everyone to stop and let her do her thing?

She is a damn idiot and shouldn't have even gotten the chance to die peacefully in Gaelio's care. Mika shoulda stabbed her in front of all the toddlers for being such a failure.

Andrew J.

Chivalry doesn't make any sense in context though. There is no battle of honor here, just a bunch of mercenaries transporting a politician from point A to point B. Why would they stop and put their mission at risk to duel anyone? She's a poor commander, a poor soldier, and just a dumb person in general. Now she's a dead person too. RIP.

She's like an Aldnoah antagonist. All this aristocratic superiority has turned her into a chuunibyou.
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