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H1Z1 Early Access |OT| You've got red on you.


I like the bulk changes so far.

We should try to organize an GAF night or something. One certain time where us regulars meet up to run about. Or maybe add an online column to the Google doc? Every time I log on to TS, it's just crickets. 40 hours, mostly solo. We need a better system or timeline.





That new lighting... wow. I also noticed using the flashlight at night is pretty cool looking.

I think this game is going to be a huge hit when all is said and done.


This game took me off guard and is awesome. A lot of fun. It's truly tense and a sense of survival is there compared to most games, a lot of fun playing with friends too.
Quite a few topics on Reddit being upvoted that suggest keeping a retail price instead of going all out F2P. Interesting.
I like the suggestion of full price = BR access without tickets.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Quite a few topics on Reddit being upvoted that suggest keeping a retail price instead of going all out F2P. Interesting.
I like the suggestion of full price = BR access without tickets.

I hope they go with something like this, but they are a F2P company, so it's doubtful.


Finally won a BR. It's crazy how small the playable circle gets at the end. At first I got mad because I died when I clearly shot the guy from behind but then I remembered the winner of the BR just falls dead when you win.

I didn't get a winning BR shirt though, so that's kinda BS...


Is there a way to make this game brighter when streaming? There's no in-game option and I tried using my nvidia control panel but adjusting gamma on that only works for my monitor and doesn't help the stream brightness.


Is there a way to make this game brighter when streaming? There's no in-game option and I tried using my nvidia control panel but adjusting gamma on that only works for my monitor and doesn't help the stream brightness.

Are you using OBS? If so then under game capture just turn the gamma up a bit.


Someone really needs to fix a huge problem with survival games!

When you become fully armored and have a big house there is no real reason to play.

This needs to be solved.

I found a worn letter and got a gun and ammo and built a decent house. Now I no longer play on that character because it's boring once you have everything.
Someone really needs to fix a huge problem with survival games!

When you become fully armored and have a big house there is no real reason to play.

This needs to be solved.

I found a worn letter and got a gun and ammo and built a decent house. Now I no longer play on that character because it's boring once you have everything.

Isn't that the point when people just go grief others?


They don't have to be anymore though.

You act like it is a bad thing for them when it is anything but.

Someone really needs to fix a huge problem with survival games!

When you become fully armored and have a big house there is no real reason to play.

This needs to be solved.

I found a worn letter and got a gun and ammo and built a decent house. Now I no longer play on that character because it's boring once you have everything.

The reason to play is to kill other players. Once you're geared up you go hunting. If you're playing it just for PvE you're playing the wrong game. Heck, you're playing the wrong genre.


The reason to play is to kill other players. Once you're geared up you go hunting. If you're playing it just for PvE you're playing the wrong game. Heck, you're playing the wrong genre.

I wasnt in a PVE server. Also this may sound bad but I'm too good. I guess that's just my problem though. Everytime I go against a gunman his aiming sucks or his tactic is the worst.
Someone really needs to fix a huge problem with survival games!

When you become fully armored and have a big house there is no real reason to play.

This needs to be solved.

I found a worn letter and got a gun and ammo and built a decent house. Now I no longer play on that character because it's boring once you have everything.

Two words. Hardcore Parkour.
The servers will be coming down at 3AM PST for approximately 2 hours.
Patch Notes:
The backpack frame recipe now requires wood sticks, nails, and metal brackets.
The framed backpack recipe now requires a backpack frame, a spool of twine, and eight pieces of cloth.
The spool of twine rate of appearance has been slightly increased.
Applying an account item to an inventory item no longer resets durability.
Dropping an item from an inspected container now places the dropped item at the players feet, not the origin of the items container.
Fixed durability not being attached to projectiles - thrown spears should now be the same durability as when they were your inventory
Fixed drop spear dupe -you should no longer be able to drop thrown weapons and have them dupe
Adjustments to "heat" generated while crouched. This will allow players to more effectively sneak around zombies.
Exiting from a flipped vehicle should no longer send you below the world.
Vehicles that fall through the world Should now reappear above the world after a small amount of time
Added a ‘ForceSingleGPU’ option to the [Rendering] section of UserOptions.ini. Adding this option set to 1 will disable the games code adjustments applied when it detects you have more than one GPU active (SLI or Crossfire). This may help some users that are having issues get the game running better without needing to disable their SLI/Crossfire setups.


I'm about to dive into this game for the first time soon now (15mins).

Any stuff I should remember? Tips?

I haven't played any other zombiemmo game, like DayZ btw.


I'm about to dive into this game for the first time soon now (15mins).

Any stuff I should remember? Tips?

I haven't played any other zombiemmo game, like DayZ btw.

You have everything you need when you start, other than a stick. You can use a stick (found all over from two different "plants") to make a bow and/or arrows. Right click you shirt in your inventory to shred it and get cloth, which can be used to make a bow. Move the stuff from your pants to your belt (click and drag it onto the belt) so you can shred you pants to make a satchel, which will allow you to carry more arrows and berries. Don't trust anyone.


Did the decrease loot spawn? About a week ago I found guns and ammo often now its back to never finding shit in buildings again.


You have everything you need when you start, other than a stick. You can use a stick (found all over from two different "plants") to make a bow and/or arrows. Right click you shirt in your inventory to shred it and get cloth, which can be used to make a bow. Move the stuff from your pants to your belt (click and drag it onto the belt) so you can shred you pants to make a satchel, which will allow you to carry more arrows and berries. Don't trust anyone.

Thanks! I bumped into a french guy, and we played together for a while. It was fun until we were held up by two guys with motorcycle helmets and guns. They told us to sit, and executed us. Brutal stuff, haha.


So my car flipped over. It had 70%. I went back in and tried to grab the AR15 and shotgun and the car exploded within moments of getting back in. Everything gone. I hate life.


Is it just me or has the latest patch really bugged the game out more than usual?

Had a BR where when I died I returned to the starting prison area and a regular server where I killed a guy in a fist fight then proceeded to be pummeled by an invisible man until death. I guess that could be lag or a hacker but I've never seen lag that bad before. Seems iffy.


Got second place in BR, while looting nothing the entire match. Hiding in a bush FTW!

Be nice if they add some sort of spectator replay after a match. Would be fun to have a bird's eye view of player movement/engagements throughout the length of the match. Watch a ton of matches, try to gather some data on what the most common and/or successful strategies are.
Be nice if they add some sort of spectator replay after a match. Would be fun to have a bird's eye view of player movement/engagements throughout the length of the match. Watch a ton of matches, try to gather some data on what the most common and/or successful strategies are.

Passive play is the way to go. Try and find a low pop area on the map which can be hard when 180+ people are on the server. try and get and AR and a shotgun with maybe 60 rounds for the AR and 12 shells for a shotgun. Then try and move through the woods and get close to the center, find a nice bush and wait for the gas. Then jut keep an eye on the gas and try and get as close to the center as possible while remaining low profile. When you get to the final couple "rounds" then you will start having to shoot.


Is it just me or has the latest patch really bugged the game out more than usual?

Had a BR where when I died I returned to the starting prison area and a regular server where I killed a guy in a fist fight then proceeded to be pummeled by an invisible man until death. I guess that could be lag or a hacker but I've never seen lag that bad before. Seems iffy.

havent had any lag, but usually dying to something invisible is either a hacker, gas or you go out of the playing/sandbox area. YOu will die and die fast like something is beating you up.


Tried to explore the buildings in the far northwest corner of the map on Solace. Somebody has a huge base there, you can't even get anywhere near it because everything's blocked by sheds and punji sticks.


Tried to explore the buildings in the far northwest corner of the map on Solace. Somebody has a huge base there, you can't even get anywhere near it because everything's blocked by sheds and punji sticks.

Good loot spawns there thats why. They are trying to hog that spawn.



Dear Players, Partners & Friends,

Last week we announced that we were acquired and are now operating independently as
Daybreak Game Company. To better position our newly independent studio for future growth
opportunities and to deliver on our legacy of making top online games, we have had to make
some tough choices including realignment of resources.

Unfortunately, this realignment means adjusting staffing as well. We announced today that we
will eliminate positions in our San Diego and Austin studios. We deeply value our employees
and never take these decisions lightly so we’ve done our best to do what’s right for the people
affected. Although extremely difficult, these are necessary actions that will ultimately drive
improved results and help strengthen our company’s foundation for success. Many of us are
saying goodbye to close friends and colleagues who we’ve worked with over the years, and we
are grateful for the memories and all that they’ve contributed. They will be greatly missed, and
we wish them nothing but the best for the future.

These reductions will not affect the operation of our current games and as mentioned above, will
help better position our company for future success. As we move forward, we are committed to
delivering the best online games and working side-by-side with our players to drive the future of
our online games.

Thank you for your continued support,
The Daybreak Games Team

game's dead


I heard it's mostly the Everquest team.

Passive play is the way to go. Try and find a low pop area on the map which can be hard when 180+ people are on the server. try and get and AR and a shotgun with maybe 60 rounds for the AR and 12 shells for a shotgun. Then try and move through the woods and get close to the center, find a nice bush and wait for the gas. Then jut keep an eye on the gas and try and get as close to the center as possible while remaining low profile. When you get to the final couple "rounds" then you will start having to shoot.

That's also boring as shit. lol
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