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H3H3Productions |OT| Reppin' the Naysh \//\

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
So wait this video was funny and managed to expunge this thread of people who live in an echo chamber and cant look past their own political views?

Incredible H3H3, incredible.


semen stains the mountaintops
You guys are really emotionally invested in these youtube kids.

I wish I knew what that meant.

So wait this video was funny and managed to expunge this thread of people who live in an echo chamber and cant look past their own political views?

Incredible H3H3, incredible.

If anything else, I live in an echo-chamber of people doing nothing but bitching about SJWs and everyone being triggered, Gaf is the only site where it's not invested by that shit.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I wish I knew what that meant.

If anything else, I live in an echo-chamber of people doing nothing but bitching about SJWs and everyone being triggered, Gaf is the only site where it's not invested by that shit.

I just dont see what you see in these videos and it really feels like people bringing their own baggage into it, I saw it in the South Park thread at all, I go outside and no-one talks about this stuff but I come on GAF and its people in every thread, its as if people spend all their time visiting internet sites where they become outraged by things that when you step outside never seem to materialise.

You are entitled to your views, but to me this is a comedy video about a pretty unreasonable woman who has lost the plot, I didnt read anything into feminism or sjw, I saw a woman who had gone off the deep end and got exposed.


semen stains the mountaintops
I just dont see what you see in these videos and it really feels like people bringing their own baggage into it, I saw it in the South Park thread at all, I go outside and no-one talks about this stuff but I come on GAF and its people in every thread, its as if people spend all their time visiting internet sites where they become outraged by things that when you step outside never seem to materialise.

You are entitled to your views, but to me this is a comedy video about a pretty unreasonable woman who has lost the plot, I didnt read anything into feminism or sjw, I saw a woman who had gone off the deep end and got exposed.

How can you not read anything into feminism when the title of the video is literally "crazy feminist get triggered".

And I didn't bring any baggage into this, Ethan brought the collective baggage of 2016 into this with the last 2 videos he made. Am I the one who is making this political when the comment section of that video and on the Subreddit is now filled with stupid anti-feminism and SJW shit?

Back in April 1st, one of his mods turned the H3H3 sub into The_Donald and most comments were from people that didn't wanna see politics and that type of humor associated with H3H3. A few months later and it seems like it's now Ethan himself who wants to bring that into his own videos.

This is just Ethan jumping on the bandwagon and growing his viewership with a fanbase that is just outright fucking annoying.

Can? More like "Should."

Call me when he makes fun of people who call everyone an SJW and a cuck.

Only the most fringe of the fringe think Jews caused 9/11.


Call me when he makes fun of people who call everyone an SJW and a cuck.

Hatred of the Jewish people is the fucking core tenet of the alt-right movement, way more so than the love of politically incorrect humor or hatred of feminists.

If Ethan making fun of the idea Jews caused 9/11 isn't enough for you to think Ethan isn't afraid to make fun of alt-right people, as you asked, then I don't know what to tell you.

Hatred of the Jewish people is the fucking core tenet of the alt-right movement, way more so than the love of politically incorrect humor or hatred of feminists.

If Ethan making fun of the idea Jews caused 9/11 isn't enough for you to think Ethan isn't afraid to make fun of alt-right people, as you asked, then I don't know what to tell you.


Astroturf? You know who's responsible for that, don't ya? The JEWS.


H3H3 has hit anyone that deserves it. These 2 "SJW" vids were simply recent events to react to. I don't think they are trying to pander to any groups.


How did Ethan get so much political capital? Was it his Hey I'm Wearing 900 Shirts in A ShopRite video or was it the Hey Im A Fat Guy That Tucks My Shirt Into My Pants Like A Fat Guy video? He's a guy that makes goof videos and he used the clickbaity SJW acronym to get views. You guys are discussing his record like a New York Times war correspondent who is under investigation for journalistic integrity fraud.

It's amazing how much you have invested in this kid.


Are we just gonna forget this video?

Ethan & Hila strike me as apolitical and just call out silliness when they see it.

That being said.... none of their recent stuff is as good as the stuff from a year ago.

EDIT: Just saw someone say the last video also had some "anti-feminist" influence in it. Their last vid was about TechRax. The vid before that was a silly interview with Hugh Mungus. Before that, an iDubbbz collab. Before that, the toy channel with a very annoying voice. None of those videos seem politically driven.


The term "alt-right" is being run into the ground at lightning speed. I knew it would eventually, but I'm surprised at how rapid the process has been.


The lyft chick was completely in the wrong and people here defend her? What the fuck happened to gaf? This is straight white knighting.
Why can't people just admit when someone on "their side" is wrong.
your gonna unsub from h3h3 because someone he knows made a video about leafy? ethan hasn't even addressed or discussed whatever's going down with those two. he's staying out of it, even on twitter.

i don't blame you from staying away from the reddit, though. I only go over there every now and again to see if theres any cool fan art. reddit is where youtube drama goes to gestate and regurgitate back out.

nah im gonna unsub because they made yet another triggered feminist video


semen stains the mountaintops
The lyft chick was completely in the wrong and people here defend her? What the fuck happened to gaf? This is straight white knighting.

No one is defending her, she was clearly in the wrong but does this mean that H3H3 needs to turn into the "lets shit on crazy feminist" channel?

Dude straight up made a playlist for feminist videos, so there will probably be more in the future.

Like, not one single comment so far has defended her. The criticism comes from what direction Ethan is going to take his channel if this continues.


No one is defending her, she was clearly in the wrong but does this mean that H3H3 needs to turn into the "lets shit on crazy feminist" channel?

Dude straight up made a playlist for feminist videos, so there will probably be more in the future.

Like, not one single comment so far has defended her so far. The criticism comes from what direction Ethan is going to take his channel of this continues.

Ah okay that makes sense.
^Does not conform to my world view, so I excise it from my life. H3 should never ridicule people who are acting like utter shitheads if they are doing so in defense of a good cause.

So because they goof on two recent viral videos of women acting psycho in the exact style that most of the Internet would call SJW suddenly they're anti-feminist? Despite all of the other content on the channel, labeling these crazies as SJWs (which they are) and feminists (which they certainly think they are) is just too much?

Some people need to take a breath. Using the term SJW doesn't mean you hate feminism or women, or sympathize with those who do. Calling out crazy is what this channel does, and the women in those two videos are certifiably nuts. Lumping in the air conditioning video makes sense because it's yet another video where nonsense claims of sexism are being made up in idiotic fashion, just like the other video in the category.


For you.
The lyft chick was completely in the wrong and people here defend her? What the fuck happened to gaf? This is straight white knighting.
Why can't people just admit when someone on "their side" is wrong.

I challenge you to find one single person here defending her. Reading is hard, huh?

The Flash

Next time on h3h3...

Ethan and Hila visit NeoGAF.com but get more than they bargained for when they enter the h3h3 OT.

Featuring special guest, K-k-k-k-killer Keemstar


Gross and problematic, Ethan should really stop with these toxic videos. I bet he votes for Trump, that sexist MRA shitheel.


Guys, I like h3h3, but it's ok to be critical of them while still liking them. These comments are immature. You don't have to shitpost about people who are unhappy with the channel's direction. If you disagree, just express it like a normal human being.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Meh, the content isn't really any different to some of the similar older ones he riffed one. Air Conditioning, GTA, etc. The only difference I'd say now is he's used the clickbaity "Triggered SJW" titles, which I'm not a huge fan of as it's low hanging fruit as far as getting views on YouTube but there you go.

I can't believe people are still going for the whole "Triggered" thing, I thought that died ages ago.


I just dont see what you see in these videos and it really feels like people bringing their own baggage into it, I saw it in the South Park thread at all, I go outside and no-one talks about this stuff but I come on GAF and its people in every thread, its as if people spend all their time visiting internet sites where they become outraged by things that when you step outside never seem to materialise.

You are entitled to your views, but to me this is a comedy video about a pretty unreasonable woman who has lost the plot, I didnt read anything into feminism or sjw, I saw a woman who had gone off the deep end and got exposed.

I think it goes like this:

H3H3 makes jokes about things viewer doesn't care much about: "haha these guys are hilarious".
H3H3 makes jokes about things viewer is oversensitive about: "OMG how dare they poke fun at this topic, I hate these guys".


For you.
No, English is not my first language and i'm just terrible at explaining myself. I meant something like "I can't believe people are unsubscribing because it's a feminist video"

That's because you're missing what people are actually complaining about.
The issue isn't the content of the video itself; the video was fine. The issue here is the clickbaity title straight outta of a MRA's channel, and that they made two of these videos back to back, which makes people think this is a start of a trend (and with now those videos being grouped on a specific "feminist" themed videos, they might be right. See how there isn't any single video on their channel that isn't these ones that singles and labels people out on their political leanings). I don't think we have to worry about this just yet, as at least the content itself is still good, but I don't blame people who think this might devolve further. I certainly don't want H3H3 to turn their channel into LeafyIsHere( you know, the dude whose half of the content is complaining about "crazy feminists")
Mind you, my bigger issue with this is that the H3H3 reddit has gone to shit in the latest months with a bunch of the_donald posters coming in, and this managed to shit it up further now that those people feel completely validated.
If you disagree, just express it like a normal human being.
Sadly I don't think that's possible for many here. For people who love to complain about "outrage", they sure do love to jump to being outraged themselves pretty quickly.


Words that are definitely used too damn much in today's vernacular:


It's time to stop. That includes you, H3H3.


"Oh, lots of new replies, must be a new video!"
Realize many of the posts are from people new to the thread, see new video name - instant reaction:

Not telling anyone to exit the thread or quit the discussion, keep it up, interesting to read.


There has been like 4 videos from over 300 about SJW's so he really isn't pandering to that market. Just screams of people getting offended that he is making fun of someone you can relate too, all 4 of the videos have shown the "victim" being completely in the wrong too so I wouldn't really worry about this pandering that some of you think is happening.
There has been like 4 videos from over 300 about SJW's so he really isn't pandering to that market. Just screams of people getting offended that he is making fun of someone you can relate too, all 4 of the videos have shown the "victim" being completely in the wrong too so I wouldn't really worry about this pandering that some of you think is happening.

I think the majority of people critiquing the vid have been clear that they think the woman was way out of line and not relatable at all. I take issue with it because it's lazy clickbait title pandering and the video itself is so low effort. All they do is dress up in a costume, do the camera shake meme and call her a bitch. Even looking back on something similar, like Air Conditioning is Sexist, it seems like way more effort/thought was put into those.

It's pandering that's working too, judging by the cesspool of comments the videos themselves and their subreddit have been getting. It's never been a problem with h3h3 before, so it's no coincidence.


Saw the new video and came directly to GAF to see the reactions.

Come on guys, you can find the behavior from these feminists ridiculous and still not be in the "alt-right Trump followers MRA" shit. Maybe they had these videos close to each other because Ethan just discovered this kind of thing. Maybe he saw the Hugh Mungs video and found the Lyft one in the related stuff, as he probably did when he was searching for ridiculous prank videos after seeing one of them.

He's not making fun of the feminist movement, he's making fun of these ridiculous overreactions. He really doesn't say anything political in these videos.


I don't really have an issue with what the video was about. I just wish they would've put more effort into it. All they do now is recycle old jokes over and over. They seem like they need a break. Hila especially seems out of it lately.


There has been like 4 videos from over 300 about SJW's so he really isn't pandering to that market. Just screams of people getting offended that he is making fun of someone you can relate too, all 4 of the videos have shown the "victim" being completely in the wrong too so I wouldn't really worry about this pandering that some of you think is happening.

Saw the new video and came directly to GAF to see the reactions.

Come on guys, you can find the behavior from these feminists ridiculous and still not be in the "alt-right Trump followers MRA" shit. Maybe they had these videos close to each other because Ethan just discovered this kind of thing. Maybe he saw the Hugh Mungs video and found the Lyft one in the related stuff, as he probably did when he was searching for ridiculous prank videos after seeing one of them.

He's not making fun of the feminist movement, he's making fun of these ridiculous overreactions. He really doesn't say anything political in these videos.

You guys are missing the point. I've called both of those people who were the subject of recent videos ridiculous. I don't really think Ethan is super alt right or whatever either. However, doing lots of videos like this attracts that type of people to their community, and they shit up the community and push out normal people, and (like I've said in this thread before) I've seen several youtubers slowly morph into their community when that happened and just become alt right pandering. We know he's not necessarily making fun of feminism, we're not stupid. However he is walking a dangerous line. The people he's pandering to bring a lot of views and clicks, and we are just concerned that he will just delve deeper into that pandering.

That, and the recent videos on those topics have been really lazy.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Words that are definitely used too damn much in today's vernacular:


It's time to stop. That includes you, H3H3.

Pretty fed up of all of these now. Alt-right in particular purely because I'm sick of seeing the term EVERYWHERE at the moment.


Pretty fed up of all of these now. Alt-right in particular purely because I'm sick of seeing the term EVERYWHERE at the moment.

It seems the term alt-right is being used a lot as a way to quickly dismiss someone. I'm glad there's people on GAF calling others out for calling Ethan an alt-right when he's clearly the farthest thing from alt-right. He's made many videos showing how progressive his thinking actually is.

It's like Louis CK can talk about how shitty people are who hates gays, but the moment he cracks a rape joke, everybody loses their mind.


thanks for the laugh
alt-right went from relevant phrase to catch all word for people i don't agree with in record breaking time.


For you.
It seems the term alt-right is being used a lot as a way to quickly dismiss someone. I'm glad there's people on GAF calling others out for calling Ethan an alt-right when he's clearly the farthest thing from alt-right. He's made many videos showing how progressive his thinking actually is.

It's like Louis CK can talk about how shitty people are who hates gays, but the moment he cracks a rape joke, everybody loses their mind.

Nobody called Ethan himself an alt-right, but keep on with the imaginary boogeymen.


Even ignoring the subject matter of some of his recent videos, which I consider to be pandering, I do feel like a whole lot of them have become really low effort. I guess that's the Ethan and Hila channel merger for ya, the more "vlog" type content has never been my thing. But even then I feel like his recent more traditional videos seem lower effort. Some of it's still a whole lot better but there's no real distinction between his videos now that it's all on one channel, makes it hard for me to find the stuff I like since I no longer feel like watching it all.

This is also happening around when he's started messing with the theme song, which really isn't that big of a deal on its own, though I do love it so I'm going to miss it, but all that together just makes it feel like he's really changing the direction of the channel into something I don't like (and honestly, into something that he would've made fun of in the past,) so that's unfortunate.

I still love Ethan's sense of humour so I'm not going to unsub over this or anything, but yeah, I'm a bit down on his recent content.


is now taking requests
You guys are missing the point. I've called both of those people who were the subject of recent videos ridiculous. I don't really think Ethan is super alt right or whatever either. However, doing lots of videos like this attracts that type of people to their community, and they shit up the community and push out normal people, and (like I've said in this thread before) I've seen several youtubers slowly morph into their community when that happened and just become alt right pandering. We know he's not necessarily making fun of feminism, we're not stupid. However he is walking a dangerous line. The people he's pandering to bring a lot of views and clicks, and we are just concerned that he will just delve deeper into that pandering.

That, and the recent videos on those topics have been really lazy.

Well if another crazy "triggered feminist" posts a video designed to shame her target and it then backfires because it turns out that yes, she's actually a bit insane, i'm pretty sure h3h3 will be there to cover it.

But here's to hoping everyone has learned a lesson or two by this, and insane people will have their material vetted outside of the echo chamber before they post the video designed to shame, thus depriving h3h3 of his alt right pandering content.
You guys are missing the point. I've called both of those people who were the subject of recent videos ridiculous. I don't really think Ethan is super alt right or whatever either. However, doing lots of videos like this attracts that type of people to their community, and they shit up the community and push out normal people, and (like I've said in this thread before) I've seen several youtubers slowly morph into their community when that happened and just become alt right pandering. We know he's not necessarily making fun of feminism, we're not stupid. However he is walking a dangerous line. The people he's pandering to bring a lot of views and clicks, and we are just concerned that he will just delve deeper into that pandering.

That, and the recent videos on those topics have been really lazy.
He could start reacting to Sargon of Akkad or Milo or Davis Aurini or Breitbart/Drudge or Taylor Swift being an alt-right icon or some other "alt-right" weirdo to balance it out, so the new toxic fanbase can be triggered and outrage against h3h3 enough to leave? :p
So wait this video was funny and managed to expunge this thread of people who live in an echo chamber and cant look past their own political views?

Incredible H3H3, incredible.

I wish I knew what that meant.

If anything else, I live in an echo-chamber of people doing nothing but bitching about SJWs and everyone being triggered, Gaf is the only site where it's not invested by that shit.
Stop blaming me guys,not cool at all.
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