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Halo 5 Guardians: #huntthetruth

But again, I'm not claiming objectivity. I just wish those that zealously defend Halo 4 wouldn't be so dismissive of legitimate criticism especially when no substantial posts are being made to propagate why Halo 4 is apparently above receiving it.

This "but the single player was great" motion has already been completely annihilated on GAF.


Which I agree with fully

Again, you are attempting to disprove an opinion.

This is inane.


I don't think you can really say "they" did the Halsey thing; it fits the pattern of Karin Traviss' previous works.

After reading K5 trilogy and GOW novels, I don't understand why 343i chose Karen Traviss as the lead writer.

GOW's world is all about tragedy. Human is facing extinction, the main characters' families are either gone or missing, and there isn't any hope to survive at all. This is what Karen is good at, telling how people are struggling between life and death, and the conflict caused by different thoughts.

However, K5 trilogy is about conspiracy and scheme. It is about how ONI uses dirty tricks to keep humanity safe, and it shouldn't involve too much personal feeling. All those insurrectionist father, Halsey is evil, and crippled Spartan things are just childish if you compare that to the survival of human, yet Karen spends like 2/3 of the book telling us about these. I cannot help but keep thinking "This is so sissy" when reading K5 trilogy. Just do your mission, you are f***ing Spartans and ODSTs! Stop mourning your dog and start to save the humanity!

If you are trying to tell a sad story, Karen is a good choice. I really enjoy GOW books. But if you are trying to go big, you shouldn't waste most of your books talking about personal thoughts.


So wait, why is my post "attempting to disprove an opinion", yet the declarative

"Halo 4 is a good game"


This is a message board, by default you should be assuming that all messages here aren't doing so.

Because a statement is different to disagreement?

Read your original post; you came off as completely dismissive of other people's opinions. If this is not what you intended as you claim, then there is no need for you to continue this argument. And don't throw the "ignoring all the good posts on why Halo 4 is bad" argument, this has been argued to death in previous lore debates and ultimately it still came back down to what people valued in the story and what they were willing to forgive.

Just like every Halo game ever.
So wait, why is my post "attempting to disprove an opinion", yet the declarative

"Halo 4 is a good game"


This is a message board, by default you should be assuming that all messages here aren't doing so.

The basic assumption is that someone stating a preference is doing so as an opinion; someone attempting to debunk that preference is doing so as a "fact." You reinforce that by claiming that the post in question is more than just "proof," it's "annihilation."


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Um, there most certainly is a tedious level in Halo 4. After Chief takes the Pelican and you have to ride the INCREDIBLY slow gondola. Is the section hard? Meh, maybe on Legendary, but it sure as hell takes forever.

Edit: Shutdown. That's the name. Whole thing is tedious.
I enjoyed that level and how the fights played out, especially with the changing pieces of cover. I don't think halo 4's campaign is terrific, but its not at all bad. Reminds me of the more linear halo 2, but without halo 2's highpoints. The only thing that stands out as poor IMO is the series of hold your ground against wave after wave of crawlers as you teleport from one location to the next through a portal to do it again. I fucking hate the crawlers. Oh, and I found the mantis bits dull too.


But at no point have i claimed my opinions were fact, nor that perceptions of Halo 4 were beyond subjectivity. Attempting to hide behind that idea simply comes across as lacking confidence in Halo 4 itself.

It's no coincidence that there are an abundance of substantially researched and critically intelligent posts which shred Halo 4, yet few to none which make a case for it being a quality title. This trend points towards people liking Halo 4 for reasons outside of the actual quality of the title itself, which of course is valid but it doesn't make it a good game.

First off, your posts are definitely trying to portray your opinions as facts:
This "but the single player was great" motion has already been completely annihilated on GAF.

Even this very post...
which of course is valid but it doesn't make it a good game.

Secondly, it's the whole case of the angry population being more vocal.

Personally I don't see any benefit in trying to convince people who have already made their mind up. It's obvious nothing I could write, no matter how eloquent and lengthy it was, could convince you that H4 had a good campaign. So what's the point in writing it? It's an exercise in futility.
It is sweet music to my ears to see people giving the incredible Halo 4 campaign the props it truly deserves. It is quite easily the most genuine fun I've had with a Halo campaign.

Incredible and Halo 4 doesnt fit together... Maybe you should try out Halo 3 or before ;) This are amazing campaigns.
Incredible and Halo 4 doesnt fit together... Maybe you should try out Halo 3 or before ;) This are amazing campaigns.

It doesn't come to any surprise that you of course hate the Halo 4 campaign as well...

The last mission in Halo 4 where you pilot the ship, then work your way towards the didact, and the final bits where you go flying around sticking Cortana in is easily one of my favourite levels OF ALL time, Halo and/or gaming.

I've replayed it at least 10 times on Legendary, so yes I do find the Halo 4 campaign "incredible". Lacking in places, strongly pushing itself in others.

p.s why the change of the avatar pic (curious)?


He's the only good part imo. The rest of it is coloured with uninteresting characters, questionable motives and character assassinations of existing characters, as well as the whole Halsey is evil thing.

I understand why they did it; they wanted to setup the next trilogy of games. ONI, the Storm Covenant and the Arbiter are all concepts that the trilogy had to advance in order for them to be in Halo 4/5. I just hope that Halo 5 actually offers the satisfying conclusion or partial conclusion to the Halsey plotpoint, which is what Frankie said a while back.

I think it's important to remember that it was the characters within the book that were pooping on her, which showed the hypocrisy ONI was spewing to the public. It doesn't necessarily mean the book was supposed to get us against her.
So wait, why is my post "attempting to disprove an opinion", yet the declarative

"Halo 4 is a good game"


This is a message board, by default you should be assuming that all messages here aren't doing so.

Holy fuck! What can't you understand about people liking halo 4 SP?

This might be a revelation to you but, people will like things you don't.
Huh. Wonder why they called out that guy?

He's a new, young, popular youtuber who has a good following for all things Halo and Destiny. He comes to most of the huge conferences. I think he is playing dumb saying "I don't know why the mentioned me," he must be getting a nice deal with this. And it is smart, the Hunter The Truth campaign could be bigger and if he post videos more people will be interested in joining in on the fun.
He's a new, young, popular youtuber who has a good following for all things Halo and Destiny. He comes to most of the huge conferences. I think he is playing dumb saying "I don't know why the mentioned me," he must be getting a nice deal with this. And it is smart, the Hunter The Truth campaign could be bigger and if he post videos more people will be interested in joining in on the fun.

Yeah, I didn't really know anything about him. Seems they're really starting to amp up the ARG.

Just glad they didn't go with Halo Follower :p


I'm surprised to see so much halo 4 hate.
Hali 4's campaign is great. It may be a bit weak for a halo game, but as far as FPS games go, it's still top of the line.

Halo 2 however, has a genuinely bad campaign.


I'm surprised to see so much halo 4 hate.
Hali 4's campaign is great. It may be a bit weak for a halo game, but as far as FPS games go, it's still top of the line.

Halo 2 however, has a genuinely bad campaign.

Halo 4 gets ragged on a lot more for everything else.

Halo 2 campaign is good :mad:


Halo 2 has the best narrative and universe development, but I don't think the levels and encounters are designed amazingly well.

Kind of feel similar with h4.

I thought the narrative in 3 was weak, but the encounters are some of the best.
Halo 2's story was a masterpiece compared to 4. It also goes severely under appreciated for opening up the universe extremely quickly and effectively.

It's actually amazing how quickly they got things going after Halo 1, without having anything rushed or confusing, and it ended masterfully to anybody who actually understands how a second iteration in a trilogy should end.

If only Halo 4 was half as good as Halo 2 in this sense.


Halo 2's story was a masterpiece compared to 4. It also goes severely under appreciated for opening up the universe extremely quickly and effectively.

It's actually amazing how quickly they got things going after Halo 1, without having anything rushed or confusing, and it ended masterfully to anybody who actually understands how a second iteration in a trilogy should end.

If only Halo 4 was half as good as Halo 2 in this sense.

Hah, you're praising the ending of Halo 2?


A twitter this late in the game, only one tweet, and no update to the HtT tumblr? Fake.

I'd love to be wrong, but this is a fan creation.

This is actually a second twitter account. A first twitter account actually tweeted to HaloFollower after episode 1.



Its "John's" boxing coach's card. The account was followed by @Halo so im pretty sure that's legit.

It seems that this may become a recurring theme? Or solid fan renderings.


This "but the single player was great" motion has already been completely annihilated on GAF.


Which I agree with fully

I've already replied to this point in a different thread, but here we go again. That post you link to only seems to care about the storytelling of Halo. It's entirely possible to think the Halo 2 did a great job telling its story, and Halo 4 did a worse job... yet think that Halo 2 has the weakest Halo single player campaign by being filled with boring and frustrating encounters. Many of the best games in existence have pretty much no real story to speak of, so it's hardly an "annihilation" of the idea that Halo 4 is a good game. Most of us are here to play Halo, not just read/watch it. And when playing Halo 4's singleplayer, I had more fun with it then any other Halo campaign other than ODST. Part of that is to do with the story, and the fact that they finally did the characters of John and Cortana justice (who are far more important imo than all the characters around them combined)... but much more of it had to do with the gameplay, the encounters, the lack of backtracking, the interesting visuals/atmosphere, not having the inevitable Flood level that always fucks things up, etc.

So yea, I think Halo 4 is better than most previous Halo games. I wouldn't claim my opinion as fact if someone else preferred Halo 2 or something though.. because that would just be stupid...
A twitter this late in the game, only one tweet, and no update to the HtT tumblr? Fake.

I'd love to be wrong, but this is a fan creation.

The guy wouldn't put up false information to trick his viewers, he said he contacted 343 and they confirmed the twitter account. Him and 343 have done business together before this.


Halo 2 easily had the most world building out of all of the games. Whether or not you liked what it had to say is a different story entirely; but Halo 2 developed the Covenant far more than any other entry in the franchise. That has got to count for something.

It's too bad there were no Arbiter missions in Halo 3. Probably the worst thing Bungie ever did. It'll be interesting to see if the Arbiter is a playable character in Halo 5, although I doubt it.
Hah, you're praising the ending of Halo 2?

Well yeah? It did everything a middle iteration of a trilogy should do, build absolutely mountains of tension and anticipation for the final instalment.

Come the end, Chief was returning to Earth to finish the fight. All Halo rings were primed, the Ark had been revealed, The Covenant were in civil war, The Flood had invaded High Charity and Cortana was left behind.

The ending was the perfect setup, you do realise that a trilogy doesn't end in part two right?


I just cannot like halo 2's campaign. 10 years ago, or now.

A lot of it feels like filler garbage with only 2 standout levels.

I totally agree. The only great things about the campaign were the story and the music. Aside from that, it's a chore to play through and my least favourite Halo campaign.


If someone thinks any characters in Halo 4 were introduced too abruptly or with too little embedded context, I can't understand why they'd feel differently about something like the Gravemind in Halo 2.
This is actually a second twitter account. A first twitter account actually tweeted to HaloFollower after episode 1.



Its "John's" boxing coach's card. The account was followed by @Halo so im pretty sure that's legit.

It seems that this may become a recurring theme? Or solid fan renderings.

The guy wouldn't put up false information to trick his viewers, he said he contacted 343 and they confirmed the twitter account. Him and 343 have done business together before this.

Still find it incredibly hard to believe, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt.


I like what happened with halo 4.

The commander of the Spartan 4s is an idiot, and the captain of the infinity is a dick. I think halo 4's story is so "bad" because it is merely starting another series of conflicts.

I think Master Chief could easily wind up going toe-to-toe with those characters, and Master Chief having to deal with them in one way or another will be rad.

You guys don't think ONI may send the Infinity to stop master chief in a game or two? I think Halo 4's shitty characters were purposefully written that way to make Master chief feel alientated: the captain doesn't respect him at all: he has an *army* of yes-man Spartans and he could have been a UNSC member who was previously disgusted with the II's.

I'll agree that Halo wars is a masterpiece for halo, but it's a self-contained story and not a game that is intended to start another whole wave of halo games. I'm sure everything in 4 will have future consequences.

If they don't, then halo 4 is awful and 343 sucks, but I'm willing to hear more of their story before being pissed
If someone thinks any characters in Halo 4 were introduced too abruptly or with too little embedded context, I can't understand why they'd feel differently about something like the Gravemind in Halo 2.

Gravemind was written in Trochaic Septameter. Automatically makes him the coolest.


Gravemind was written in Trochaic Septameter. Automatically makes him the coolest.


I can't argue with that.


The new into/outro and terminals in H2A's campaign make it a considerably better story. Like, honestly up there for the whole series, but in its vanilla form, it was 2/3 of an interesting story with some brilliant moments and a few too many faults. There's a reason people thought of Halo 3 as a return-to-form for the campaign.


The new into/outro and terminals in H2A's campaign make it a considerably better story. Like, honestly up there for the whole series, but in its vanilla form, it was 2/3 of an interesting story with some brilliant moments and a few too many faults. There's a reason people thought of Halo 3 as a return-to-form for the campaign.

Yeah Halo 2's remake made me want an Xbox One. The added and remastered cutscenes and the terminals added SO MUCH to what was already my favorite halo. I feel like the story was already so great but now the game actually reflects it
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