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Halo 5 Guardians: #huntthetruth


I still think Halo 2 is the best in terms of storytelling and world building in the entire series. I was disappointed with the way Halo 3 played out.



-Large world FPS
-Vehicular gameplay
-Normal speed gameplay
-Array of human and space weapons

Not an arena shooter at warp speed which is what i fear Halo 5 will be


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I still think Halo 2 is the best in terms of storytelling and world building in the entire series. I was disappointed with the way Halo 3 played out.

what? in terms of level design, Halo 3 is a far better with lot more option to approach. Story is still debatable. But to me Halo 3 has better storytelling and world design.


I still think Halo 2 is the best in terms of storytelling and world building in the entire series. I was disappointed with the way Halo 3 played out.

The parallel stories with Chief and Arby were fantastic. That structure, and eventually merging their motivations was great, especially as lead-up to the political ceasefire that the UNSC/Covenant would come into in H3. Having THE general who was fucking up the human forces in the Human/Covenant war as a playable character was awesome.
Again, you are attempting to disprove an opinion.

This is inane.

I think he cited valid examples of why Halo 4 has major flaws in how it handled the characters as well as supported his premise that 343i is inept when it comes to handling the Halo series and why while supporters of Halo 4 and 343i might be entitled to their opinion that Halo 4 is a good game and 343i are competent caretakers of the Halo IP, their opinion can be proven wrong.

One can certainly criticize an opinion, just because it's an "opinion" doesn't mean somehow it's completely immune to criticisms and ridicule, some idiot out there might hold the opinion that shit-eating is a good thing or that we should just hug it out with terrorists but we all know it's a fucking stupid opinion.
I think he cited valid examples of why Halo 4 has major flaws in how it handled the characters as well as supported his premise that 343i is inept when it comes to handling the Halo series and why while supporters of Halo 4 and 343i might be entitled to their opinion that Halo 4 is a good game and 343i are competent caretakers of the Halo IP, their opinion can be proven wrong.

One can certainly criticize an opinion, just because it's an "opinion" doesn't mean somehow it's completely immune to criticisms and ridicule, some idiot out there might hold the opinion that shit-eating is a good thing or that we should just hug it out with terrorists but we all know it's a fucking stupid opinion.

Your examples are tangential at best; when one is discussing the quality of a piece of entertainment, or art, so lofty a term could apply, nothing (nothing!) other than the viewer, reader, player, etc. matters.
Your examples are tangential at best; when one is discussing the quality of a piece of entertainment, or art, so lofty a term could apply, nothing (nothing!) other than the viewer, reader, player, etc. matters.

Ok, let me use an example relevant to entertainment, if one is to express the opinion that Pauly Shores' In the army now is a better movie than Saving Private Ryan, he would get fucking laughed at and the people ridiculing such an opinion would be completely right, that said, such a person is still entitled to such an opinion, however stupid it is.

When one is discussing whether the way the writers portrayed the characters make sense, it's not just all about "feelz', there's a brutal war going on, people don't rise to the positions of power when they're outright incompetent idiots, because incompetent idiots during times of hardship tend not to be able to make it out alive, this is where 343i is lacking in their storytelling. The covenant didn't spare the weak and the stupid, they weed them out, Spartans didn't get to become Spartans because they're a bunch of loudmouth dudebro morons, you don't get to command an interstellar warship when you're a complete coward, you don't get to command a squadron of Spartans when you don't even respect the scientists whose expertise keeps you alive on the battlefield, it was clear that Ensemble told a better story than 343i.
Ok, let me use an example relevant to entertainment, if one is to express the opinion that Pauly Shores' In the army now is a better movie than Saving Private Ryan, he would get fucking laughed at and the people ridiculing such an opinion would be completely right, that said, such a person is still entitled to such an opinion, however stupid it is.

When one is discussing whether the way the writers portrayed the characters make sense, it's not just all about "feelz', there's a brutal war going on, people don't rise to the positions of power when they're outright incompetent idiots, because incompetent idiots during times of hardship tend not to be able to make it out alive, this is where 343i is lacking in their storytelling. The covenant didn't spare the weak and the stupid, they weed them out, Spartans didn't get to become Spartans because they're a bunch of loudmouth dudebro morons, you don't get to command an interstellar warship when you're a complete coward, you don't get to command a squadron of Spartans when you don't even respect the scientists whose expertise keeps you alive on the battlefield, it was clear that Ensemble told a better story than 343i.

Okay, let's break this down.

-People do rise to power despite being incompetent. This happens constantly, both in real life and in fiction. Del Rio, however, isn't incompetent; he's a capable administrator who is simply wildly unsuited for the task at hand. He's in the position he's in because of politics. This is entirely believable. Could he have been handled better? Yes. Does his presence and actions strain credulity in the way you're suggesting? No.

-Spartans IVs got to be Spartan IVs by being the best of the best. They're incredible soldiers, nothing else matters. Palmer having little respect for the Infinity's science crew is entirely believable, and is, in fact, a longstanding trope; us working stiffs vs. the ivory tower types. Now, it might make her a bad person, but that's not really relevant here.

The quality of a story is, again, entirely subjective. Even what are, to you, incredible glaring faults might not even register to another viewer. Pacific Rim, for instance, is riddled with various levels of lunacy, but I love it anyway, because that stuff simply doesn't matter to me. To somebody else, it could completely destroy the movie.


EDIT: Oh, right, #huntthetruth. Looking forward to it.


I am on topic, dammit.

Haha I figured I would try and steer this ship back on course for the info later today. This thread has kind of become the catchall for all things Halo discussion so when there's supposed to be something 5 related, it's nice to be on that topic so we can discuss what was released until the arguments about the games start back up.
Haha I figured I would try and steer this ship back on course for the info later today. This thread has kind of become the catchall for all things Halo discussion so when there's supposed to be something 5 related, it's nice to be on that topic so we can discuss what was released until the arguments about the games start back up.

Yeah, the files are pretty short; there's not really a week's worth of discussion in each one.

I really am looking forward to the new episode though. He's finally going to stumble onto the real nature of the Spartan II program, methinks.
Stinkles said today's ep was going to be dark

Are we talking Pride in Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood dark?


Or darker still?
what? in terms of level design, Halo 3 is a far better with lot more option to approach. Story is still debatable. But to me Halo 3 has better storytelling and world design.

He's not talking about gameplay he's talking about story, the world building in 2 is the best in 2 of all Hall games.


Just finished Halo 4... Loved every single level of it.
At the start I was negative about the ammo stuff, but when I got the handle of it, ammo wasn't really a problem!

That end though! T-T
I'll watch now that video of the terminals and read the Halo Lore Thread. I'm in love for this serie!

My general consensus about the campaings are Halo 4 > Halo 3 > Halo CE > Halo 2. Being Halo 3 and Halo 4 almost tied, cause they were both amazing from start to end! Halo 2 had quite a weak campaing imo, besides the amazing Blur CGs; and Halo CE was golden until its last two or three levels that I found a bit frustrating.

Now I can't wait to see some Halo 5 gameplay! And also to play Halo ODST on MCC. And I expect them to announce Halo Reach aswell.

Agree Halo 4 was a great game!


what? in terms of level design, Halo 3 is a far better with lot more option to approach. Story is still debatable. But to me Halo 3 has better storytelling and world design.

Halo 3's storytelling is absolutely awful. That's not even considering the blatant character assassination of so many major players, including the Prophet of Truth and the Arbiter. World design is also pure shit compared to Halo 2.


what? in terms of level design, Halo 3 is a far better with lot more option to approach. Story is still debatable. But to me Halo 3 has better storytelling and world design.

I never said level design, but IMO, the story, story structure, exposition, world building in Halo 2 is miles ahead on Halo 3.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)

-Large world FPS
-Vehicular gameplay
-Normal speed gameplay
-Array of human and space weapons

Not an arena shooter at warp speed which is what i fear Halo 5 will be
Did you play the beta? It felt great. Really dying to see btb
Well yeah? It did everything a middle iteration of a trilogy should do, build absolutely mountains of tension and anticipation for the final instalment.

Come the end, Chief was returning to Earth to finish the fight. All Halo rings were primed, the Ark had been revealed, The Covenant were in civil war, The Flood had invaded High Charity and Cortana was left behind.

The ending was the perfect setup, you do realise that a trilogy doesn't end in part two right?

You do realize it only ended on a cliffhanger because of a disastrous development cycle that led to the entire third act being lopped off last minute, right? It wasn't even supposed to be a trilogy.
Incredible and Halo 4 doesnt fit together... Maybe you should try out Halo 3 or before ;) This are amazing campaigns.

I believe Halo 3 to be the worst Halo campaign of them all. I really do. Of all the Halo titles I've played, I place it firmly at the bottom of my list. There's just so much about it that I really didn't enjoy.

It was amazing, but mostly in overall concept and potential. The execution to me was severely lacking.

I never said level design, but IMO, the story, story structure, exposition, world building in Halo 2 is miles ahead on Halo 3.

It most certainly is. Halo 2 is among the best in the franchise in terms of story and world building.


343, you have let me down. I wanted to listen to the new soundcloud bit before Game of Thrones and Silicon Valley but it's too late now.



Doesn't mean that we can't realise that in retrospect things clearly turned out better.
Yeah, cliffhangers aren't good, even if it was the 2nd game in a trilogy.

Do you realise how infuriating that was in 2004?

A game should finish when the story has reached a natural pausing place. It should not continually build and then just cut out. Otherwise all the story that had been building up to that cut off feels pointless.


Halo 3 is the best single player experience imo. Just a lot more epic moments and feel it was a lot less linear in design than Halo 4.


To the people guessing Ben dies and all these interviews were released automatically upon his death, I think it's looking good for you.

Love this series.


This is genuinely fantastic.

It's absolutely gripping.

Seriously, whoever is directing and writing this deserve top praise.


That's the guy that was beaching it up, right? Most likely an ONI plant as well.

Yup, the guy who supposedly was in John's bootcamp on Reach where John would take leadership positions and lose purposefully. Ben doesn't make it clear that he's another ONI interview but the way he prefaces it and the ODST interview differently makes it seems so.


So, Walker is a plant. The ODST doesn't seem like a plant and it sounds like his story is about Spartan II program John which would be the truth.

Also Ellie contacting him is huge.

That ending...


Holy shit that was great. These episodes are really fantastic and putting us more into the Halo universe. Making me more hyped for Halo 5, hope 343 can pull it off cause this is a hell of a start coupled with the commercials.
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