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Halo 5: Guardians |OT3| Ball Dropped

E92 M3

Over the weekend, Redbull had a speed running comp for Destiny and the production was much better than what we see for the online qualifier. I'll give 343 the benefit of the doubt because it's online, but expect to see something nice for the weekend.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
some teach an old dog new tricks questions for y'all:

1) whats the best way to move around quickly? watching a lot more pro players, i see them slide thrusting or slide thrust jumping and moving significantly faster with further jumps then i can. i dont think this is the trick with slopes either (but may be wrong).

2) finally turned auto-stabalize on and it seems really finicky. sometimes it just wont engage at all, especially if i'm sprinting. help?

3) trick crouch jump with stabalizers - how to? saw ninja jump up to the top mid ramp on regret from bottom throughout his matches, i got it to work once out of several dozen tries. can someone walk me through it? seems like it should be easy enough.


Over the weekend, Redbull had a speed running comp for Destiny and the production was much better than what we see for the online qualifier. I'll give 343 the benefit of the doubt because it's online, but expect to see something nice for the weekend.

What part of Destiny did they speed run? A raid?
Lost four Warzone games in a row. Silly randoms, you're supposed to capture bases and kill bosses.

EDIT: Lol, I join a BTB game and hear the randies talking.

"What the fuck are you, twelve?"
"Could you please watch your language?"
"Shut the fuck up, fat man. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."

EDIT: Nope, I'm done. Lost five games in a row and then got dumped in a Warzone game where the enemy team holds two of the three bases and is continously charging on the third, with a 200 point lead.

Hey Blue if you see me on and playing Halo feel free to join if you want teammates, my friends will always welcome competent players.
some teach an old dog new tricks questions for y'all:

1) whats the best way to move around quickly? watching a lot more pro players, i see them slide thrusting or slide thrust jumping and moving significantly faster with further jumps then i can. i dont think this is the trick with slopes either (but may be wrong).

2) finally turned auto-stabalize on and it seems really finicky. sometimes it just wont engage at all, especially if i'm sprinting. help?

3) trick crouch jump with stabalizers - how to? saw ninja jump up to the top mid ramp on regret from bottom throughout his matches, i got it to work once out of several dozen tries. can someone walk me through it? seems like it should be easy enough.

1) The most basic move would be slide-jump-boost, great way to get over dangerous door ways and surprise across corners.

2) To be fair, auto stabilize on is a must for trick jumps and making jumping pokes much easier, just get use to it.

3) The easiest way to practice this is jumping over to the top level in the plaza area on Plaza, spring, jump, aim high then ADS to stabilize, then hold/spam crouch and jump/clamber, on bumper jumper the button sequence would be LB - (aim high) RS - spam LB+LS.


Btw, i added you recently and you aren't online at all :p.

I don't play games I just talk about them. This is NeoGAF after all ;)

Not to alarm you, but I'm fairly certain you're insane.

Can confirm, insanity required for any sensitivity above 6.

Awesome updated ot Braxzy

Thanks! It took.. Way longer than expected. You know when you start something and halfway through you realise you bit off too much but can't turn back? GG me.


some teach an old dog new tricks questions for y'all:

1) whats the best way to move around quickly? watching a lot more pro players, i see them slide thrusting or slide thrust jumping and moving significantly faster with further jumps then i can. i dont think this is the trick with slopes either (but may be wrong).

2) finally turned auto-stabalize on and it seems really finicky. sometimes it just wont engage at all, especially if i'm sprinting. help?

3) trick crouch jump with stabalizers - how to? saw ninja jump up to the top mid ramp on regret from bottom throughout his matches, i got it to work once out of several dozen tries. can someone walk me through it? seems like it should be easy enough.

The slide boost is really important but there's a very specific way to do it which gives the best results.

You need to be a max sprint speed and thrust, whilst mid thrust hold crouch and when the thrust animation finishes you'll go into a boost slide. If you tap jump mid slide you'll also get a boost jump. For this to work you need Maintain Sprint set to off and Toggle Crouch needs to be off.

Ramp boosting requires you do the above but thrust over the edge of a lip, it's quite timing sensitive and can be a bit of a pain to pull off though.

You don't need auto stabilize on, you can manage with it off just fine if you get used hitting sprint as soon as you scope in air. I don't bother with it and manage just fine with trick jumps. One important aspect of stabilizer jumps is that rapidly crouching will maintain your height for far longer, it's necessary for a lot of jumps. Basically just jump, stabilize and spam crouch and clamber.


Escape from Arc is by far my least favorite Warzone map. Once a team gets 2 of the 3 bases they spawn closer to the 3rd base than the team that is defending it lol

I swear my games on StormBreak are even closer on avg than this map and that map has a lot of lopsided games too.


Escape from Arc is by far my least favorite Warzone map. Once a team gets 2 of the 3 bases they spawn closer to the 3rd base than the team that is defending it lol

I swear my games on StormBreak are even closer on avg than this map and that map has a lot of lopsided games too.
I agree. It's fun until you get trapped. There needs to be more routes Imo. You also get funneled too much so it's a lot easier for the opposing team to lock that map down and go for the core than it is for the others.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
is it possible to auto-stabalize from a jump in full sprint? doesnt seem like it, strange enough. trying this out for the first time since it was an instant off with the beta's control scheme
is it possible to auto-stabalize from a jump in full sprint? doesnt seem like it, strange enough. trying this out for the first time since it was an instant off with the beta's control scheme

You should stabilize the moment you ADS in the air if you have the auto on.
I have assassinations turned off *shrug*

I play with Assassinations off. They waste time and are a dumb gimmick.



I hope ya'll are assassinating as much as possible. We've got like 1700+ to go before we cap LVL 3
I've been trying to get some to see what my new assassination looks like but I always fail
Edit: I haven't gotten a single Warzone pack since the beginning of the year. This is starting to piss me off


What's weird about assassinations is I could understand in Reach and 4 where people didn't mean to use them and they'd get themselves killed accidentally, but in 5 even when I mean to assassinate people I usually just ninja-tap them instead.
Antifreeze you are literally the worst

Worse than anti

What's weird about assassinations is I could understand in Reach and 4 where people didn't mean to use them and they'd get themselves killed accidentally, but in 5 even when I mean to assassinate people I usually just ninja-tap them instead.

I don't have any assassination unlocked anyway so I just disable it.

E92 M3

One thing I love the most about the current championship is that pros are are using all of the weapons available to them. First time in Halo history, I think lol.


I hope ya'll are assassinating as much as possible. We've got like 1700+ to go before we cap LVL 3

Does this require assassination animations to be turned on, cause I keep them off for competitive reasons...

One thing I love the most about the current championship is that pros are are using all of the weapons available to them. First time in Halo history, I think lol.

The days of only power weapons and BRs getting all the love are behind us..

E92 M3

Does this require assassination animations to be turned on, cause I keep them off for competitive reasons...

The days of only power weapons and BRs getting all the love are behind us..

And I couldn't be happier. Every weapon has its place.
If you want to win Warzone Assault as the attacking team, respawn right after you capture the second base with a Fuel Rod Cannon and Speed Boost. You can knock off at least 50% easily in 5 shots. Worked for me in every match I've been able to try it in so far (2 out of 2 yesterday).
I hated it at first, but realized I was just using it wrong. It's a great weapon. Extremely useful on the Rig when trying to wipe out everyone in Engine 1 and 2.

Yeah, it shoots like half sized plasma gernades that have one bounce included. specially when you charge them, if one sticks on a spartan they die. It's a high risk/reward type of weapon i think.

i like to use it, but it's very situational. To run around with it as a main can get you killed instantly.

Makes me with we had those Spike Brute Nades that stick then blow up in one direction. So good for people chasing you or hiding around the corner. :p
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