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Halo 5: Guardians |OT3| Ball Dropped

Yeah, it shoots like half sized plasma gernades that have one bounce included. specially when you charge them, if one sticks on a spartan they die. It's a high risk/reward type of weapon i think.

i like to use it, but it's very situational. To run around with it as a main can get you killed instantly.

Makes me with we had those Spike Brute Nades that stick then blow up in one direction. So good for people chasing you or hiding around the corner. :p
Lol, imagine a plasma caster with splinter nades...



I'm not saying get careless and die trying, but you should definitely get careless and die trying to assassinate everyone.

Lol I'll have to remember to turn it on and off between Warzone and Arena...

Side note, I did see Snipedown do one last night. I was shocked to see a pro have it turned on. It was Breakout, against the last man standing, so no rush. But I would have thought he'd leave it off.


One thing I love the most about the current championship is that pros are are using all of the weapons available to them. First time in Halo history, I think lol.
It's the most enjoyable Halo spectating experience I've had. I probably watch as much as I play this game. I've never done that before.
1) The most basic move would be slide-jump-boost, great way to get over dangerous door ways and surprise across corners.

2) To be fair, auto stabilize on is a must for trick jumps and making jumping pokes much easier, just get use to it.

3) The easiest way to practice this is jumping over to the top level in the plaza area on Plaza, spring, jump, aim high then ADS to stabilize, then hold/spam crouch and jump/clamber, on bumper jumper the button sequence would be LB - (aim high) RS - spam LB+LS.

Auto stabilize is terrible, IMHO. I can manual-stabilize just fine for pokes. What I struggle with is the trick jumps, and honestly, tying the stabilize mechanic to ADS feels pretty derpy. Pro players zooming in on ledges all the time... that's by design?

And what about when you're using the Hydra, the Sniper Rifle, or any other weapon that almost always wants to be scoped in? You're always stuck hovering. It's frustrating. I don't know how anyone uses auto-stabilize. De-scoping to land just isn't a solution.

I don't hate the idea of allowing players to set the Sprint button to Stabilize-while-in-the-air. That's what it is now when you're on manual, except you're inexplicably required to ADS as well. (not really inexplicably... that's just my frustration. You don't want to accidentally stabilize when you're trying to sprint, but there's likely a balance there).


It's the most enjoyable Halo spectating experience I've had. I probably watch as much as I play this game. I've never done that before.

Time constraints make it so that I actually watch this game MORE than I play. It's also the only game I've made a habit of watching. And a lot of that has to do with the weapon variety, and how players have to constantly reassess their capabilities with their current Arsenal, or jockey to improve it.

I can't imaging watching shooters that don't have similar dynamics...

Auto stabilize is terrible, IMHO. I can manual-stabilize just fine for pokes. What I struggle with is the trick jumps, and honestly, tying the stabilize mechanic only to scoping feels pretty derpy. Pro players zooming in on ledges all the time... that's by design?

I don't know if it's by design, but it's easily the least intrusive button assignment possible. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of pausing in the air everytime I want to scope a target, but I have gotten use to zooming in to reach ledges.


SC is full at the moment (2 pending invites), there's still a couple people who haven't played since like early January, but I'll revisit the member list next month to see if they've started playing again.
I really wish they would give more funds to the mastermind that does the Sprints. I know he has posted here in HaloGaf but i don't remember his tag.

Would love to see more Sprints on the after-math of launching Halo 5 and then the twists n turns that eventually lead up to e3 16. I mean, i think it's obvious they will talk about halo 5 at e3.


I'd like to see Sprints on the monthly updates, and the HCS. HCS needs some good content output now qualifiers are over. There's great teams, drama, storylines happening which could get even the most casual Halo fan interested in the comp, it just needs documenting.
I'd like to see Sprints on the monthly updates, and the HCS. HCS needs some good content output now qualifiers are over. There's great teams, drama, storylines happening which could get even the most casual Halo fan interested in the comp, it just needs documenting.

Oo that would be a cool idea. I think they use the live stream instead of the sprints.

HCS is another animal that would require too much. I think it's just 1-3 guys doing Sprints where as if they followed 4+ teams, it would be impossible.

At least infection is coming lol. but i wonder if it will have the Skins overlaying or just be a gametype........
Would be cool to have an update theme based on the flood.

Cool map with flood, maybe a WARZONE MAP WITH FLOOD! OMGZ

jk it'll never happen.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
That feeling when the Legendary Req Kazoos have only signified an Arena RP boost.



Oo that would be a cool idea. I think they use the live stream instead of the sprints.

HCS is another animal that would require too much. I think it's just 1-3 guys doing Sprints where as if they followed 4+ teams, it would be impossible.

At least infection is coming lol. but i wonder if it will have the Skins overlaying or just be a gametype........
Would be cool to have an update theme based on the flood.

Cool map with flood, maybe a WARZONE MAP WITH FLOOD! OMGZ

jk it'll never happen.

I'd be happy with just a means to change teams in the middle of a game and to automatically assign one person to a solo team at start. I'm more interested in the infection based forge gametypes than infection itself.
That feeling when the Legendary Req Kazoos have only signified an Arena RP boost.
They beat the jackpots since it's a standard payout. Sometime I get less or equal value in a jackpot compared to just selling the card. :(

But none of that matters now, because I have the Mk. IV helmet and everything else is just padding.


SC is full at the moment (2 pending invites), there's still a couple people who haven't played since like early January, but I'll revisit the member list next month to see if they've started playing again.
Thanks for going to the trouble. I really want us to get the Achilles helmet.


Kill an enemy Spartan with a standard weapon

120000, really? It's 60 times more kills.


Boring? The other day I was playing Jenga Tower, Duck Hunt and Andy's Dorm and those were all great fun.
Using Breakout as a substitute for infection is a hassle and doesn't work for cool gametypes. Andy's dorm is just a nice looking map afaik. Is the Jenga map like Halo 3's where you have to launch shit to topple the tower because I played one that used a Phaeton and it was terrible.


SC is full at the moment (2 pending invites), there's still a couple people who haven't played since like early January, but I'll revisit the member list next month to see if they've started playing again.

I sent a request yesterday (xDnl94) in case more people stop playing, I'm active every day and looking to get all the REQs (currently going through Silver packs, SR73).

Hope they don't release the update in the evening CET like the last time, that's the only time I have to play other than weekends and don't want to wait lol


I wonder if the 100 person limit was known when these commendation numbers were made, lol.

"Oh, Spartan Companies will have 1000 people in them? Alright let's make the tiers accordingly."

Weeks later

"Wait, they only get 100 people? LOL good luck."


I sent a request yesterday (xDnl94) in case more people stop playing, I'm active every day and looking to get all the REQs (currently going through Silver packs, SR73).

Hope they don't release the update in the evening CET like the last time, that's the only time I have to play other than weekends and don't want to wait lol

Sent ya an invite, bud.


I'm hoping they raise it soon. =/

half of HaloSLAENT company's active players jumped ship back to HaloGAF company once you guys cleared out room. I'm trying to get Cliq to mod me so I can clear out the fully inactives over there, and do some recruiting.

If they don't raise the member limit and we're unable to consolidate efforts under one banner, I guess we'll get full Achilles in 2020 after you guys get it in 2018.

still pissed at the OT ban that caused this split to begin with. It really sucks

SLAENT has the higher win percentage tho. Kappa


MOre like Braxzy happened! he is going on a 2 post per page Ratio!, better than my Halo 5 KD... :-(

I'm beating my own KD ratio too, and I'm practically pro. Right guys?.. Guys...?

Disappointing that that basically means Ball mode is the "major feature" of Feb update and Infection+ is probably March. That'll 5 months post launch.

Kill an enemy Spartan with a standard weapon

120000, really? It's 60 times more kills.

DAYUM! And that's only for tier 3.. RIP HaloGAF's dreams of the Achilles helmet. Did nobody read the OP? I specifically said to grind for that!


Thanks for the invite to HaloGaf spartan company!Is there any easier way to add some of y'all to my friends list then to send out 99 friend requests? I'll try to step my game up instead of just dicking around solo when I play since I'm repping gaf now. I'm coming off a year straight ps4 destiny player but decided to grab an xbox elite with halo 5 about a month ago. I have like 4 friends on xbox and none play halo. Thanks again for the add :) I'm the7thAssassin2 on live if anyone wants to send some friend requests my way.


Kill an enemy Spartan with a standard weapon

120000, really? It's 60 times more kills.
Tier 1 was 20 000, and tier 2 was 50 000. Also it's 60x the amount that we've gotten since 2 days ago, which will come out to just under 4 months until we get it.
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