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Halo 5: Guardians |OT5| Is HaloGAF irrelevant now?

You mean separate mmr for players that decide to switch between controller and m/kb?

example: i play with controller then i get matched with diamond 3 players if i decide to play couple games with m/kb then h6 needs to show different mmr and match me accordingly

Hmm, hadn't considered that aspect. I'd say... same rank, on the face of it, at least?

All I was really trying to say is, don't match up MKB with pad players. It's a mess. Consistently.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Honestly, im surprised to hear 'disappointment' in every answer. Is there still a little bitterness left from Bungie leaving Halo in those responses? ;)

I thought the trailer was bad ass. And personally, i like the direction bungie have taken with their game with this trailer. Its different enough from halo that theres a good reason to play both.

Honestly, i love halo. Thats my jam, but i feel like bungie get more 'what i want to play' then 343 does these days. As much as i love the halo5 mp.

I would have loved to see halo take that direction in a spinoff game, even though i know most of you would hate it.

from me? not at all. for the record, i bought and enjoyed destiny 1. i'm not an mmo or loot kind of guy, and destiny ddnt change this, but i got several dozen hours of enjoyment from it by completing the game, leveling my character (with a bit of that grind), co-oping, and pve. destiny feels great in the core gameplay, as all bungie games do, and has an amazing world and characters. i love the universe, even if the game did a poor job of telling a story. i'm actally really looking forward to destiny 2. i actual dont expect the main formula to change much, and i dont expect it to hold on to me for 100's of hours, but if i can get at least 20 hours of fun times out of it before i get bored, thats fine with me.

i was disappointed with the trailer because it didnt have the same feel/tone as the actual game. as i mentioned though, its a cg trailer - and i dont really expect those to match games faithfully. doesnt have any impact on how i feel about the game or seeing the gameplay reveal though :)


Sort of mixed feelings.

Separate matchmaking queues. The idea about letting skill matchmaking just fix everything is interesting, but then you end up in a situation where really, genuinely skilled console/pad players are stuck in lower ranks while less skilled MKB players lord it over them. Just a recipe for salt. Adding MKB compatibility to the 'bone and having separate (hidden) playlists is the way to go.

This is the only 'problem', but it's also easily solved with good math.

To alleviate the salt issue, you just give a player two MMR Profiles one for each control method. You also give each control method it's own CSR distribution.

You matchmake based purely on MMR, not rank. If a controller user has the same MMR as a Kbm user, they have the same chances of winning. That pad user might be an Champ on the controller CSR distribution. The kbm player might be a Platinum on the Kbm distribution, which is reflective of where he stands amongst other Kbm users.

So there's no need for salt, the Onyx player knows he's among the best pad players in the world, the Platinum player knows he's got a ways to go to be amongst the best kbm players. But they still get a close match against each other.
I made this in case you guys were Breath of the Wild fans.

Man... If H5 started with the proving ground radar, I probably would have kept playing. It doesn't fix all of my Halo specific gripes, but it makes it a much better game imo.

It's really fun to be able to sneak up on people using your wits now. I'm even enjoying slayer in this game now.


So I did a customs browser game for the first time and I spawned in forge mode? Then deleted the floor and everyone died. What even?


So I did a customs browser game for the first time and I spawned in forge mode? Then deleted the floor and everyone died. What even?



I would've loved to see the faces of the players. Probably massive rage.

Seriously, a Forge custom probably should be kept private. If they didn't... they deserve what happens.


Protip: The Timmy Helmet unlock is now automated and no longer has a time limit. If you have over 50 hours played, pop into one more custom game and quit out. It'll trigger the unlock for the REQ pack.


Protip: The Timmy Helmet unlock is now automated and no longer has a time limit. If you have over 50 hours played, pop into one more custom game and quit out. It'll trigger the unlock for the REQ pack.

Yeah, worked for me.

Good substitute until we get Achilles. ;)
Just thought I'd note that between when we got off last night -> now, the company got 5 buckle ups! That's more than we usually get in a whole week!

Ya'll gonna me cry, man :O


Just thought I'd note that between when we got off last night -> now, the company got 5 buckle ups! That's more than we usually get in a whole week!

Ya'll gonna me cry, man :O
Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure I got two Buckle Ups in one game yesterday.



Protip: The Timmy Helmet unlock is now automated and no longer has a time limit. If you have over 50 hours played, pop into one more custom game and quit out. It'll trigger the unlock for the REQ pack.

Really wish it had a gift option. All i got was 5000 req points.


Really wish it had a gift option. All i got was 5000 req points.

I really wish it didn't involve 50 hours in a mode I don't play, 50 is a lot.

But then again, I gave up on my OCD around unlocking evertthing, while I have all the stuff available (sans Achilles helm ofc) even down to the LAN Emblem I never got credited with any of the Beta Emblems, nor am I ever likely to get the Unicorn Skins as 343 don't want to play with us EU scum :(
I'm a gonna play Halo tonight, 'cuz tomorrow's my birthday

You guys should play, and if you don't you should feel very, very guilty.

Starting at ~9 EST


Xbox twitter posted about the Daytona open event. Already better advertising than for HWC. Hope they keep up the posts. Fill that damn arena!


343 needs to re-release H2A and H2 for Xbox One as a standalone game from MCC and make it part of Games for Gold or GamesPass or whatever it's called.

They should do this in the leadup to H6 to increase the hype.


343 needs to re-release H2A and H2 for Xbox One as a standalone game from MCC and make it part of Games for Gold or GamesPass or whatever it's called.

They should do this in the leadup to H6 to increase the hype.

I'll be honest. H2A was shit.
Colors were weird, greneades were way too powerful, too few maps

Campaign was good though, though before the crushed blacks fix it was way too dark in the later levels


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
While I get there is a lot to do to make the game as good as it can be, I feel like the community is so quick to move the goal posts. New radar > old, but who cares, remove autos and sprint.


Well this is weird.

A bunch of playlists have disappeared and I can't seem to access the remaining ones.

Only thing I can click on the multiplayer menus is the search preferences.

Edit: nevermind, a restart fixed it.


I think I'd honestly prefer for AR to be made an on-map pickup rather than nerfing it into uselessness. Just on the principle of the thing.

Making it a pickup works for this particular AR. But id much rather they made autos that adhered to the power:ease-of-use ratio.

Im cool with a powerful AR. Just wish it took skill to unlock that power. Even as a pickup the current AR is going to lead to cheesy plays- just like smg and storm rifle do.


Halo 5 is already so competitive centric it drives away casual players that have always been a huge part of the community, and now after you've finally gotten your wish with the radar now the goal post has moved to getting rid of the AR?
Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Halo 5 is already so competitive centric it drives away casual players that have always been a huge part of the community, and now after you've finally gotten your wish with the radar now the goal post has moved to getting rid of the AR?
Some people just want to watch the world burn.

all the ideas would only be in the competitive playlists.
Halo 5 is already so competitive centric it drives away casual players that have always been a huge part of the community, and now after you've finally gotten your wish with the radar now the goal post has moved to getting rid of the AR?
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
My ideas include the best for all, it just takes several years for both Halo devs and the community to realize it themselves.



Halo 5 is already so competitive centric it drives away casual players that have always been a huge part of the community, and now after you've finally gotten your wish with the radar now the goal post has moved to getting rid of the AR?
Some people just want to watch the world burn.

This myth. How its halo 5 competive centric?

Competitive players have been dealing with radar, tons of magnetism and aim assists on every weapon, Grenade hit markers, Weapons icons that give away your position every time you pick up powerweapons, sprint ruining the dynamics of gunfights, powerweapons that spawn with way too much ammo, splinter grenades that Insta-kill, a weak utility weapon.

This game isn't competive centric. Its centered around the notion that competive halo and casual halo can unite under a single playlist that sits in the center of the values these two groups developed over the years - forcing both groups to make unnecessary compromises.

All most competive folks want is a single competive playlist with competive weapons and settings. Casuals should have EVERYTHING else... Just like every previous halo.


Halo 5 is already so competitive centric it drives away casual players that have always been a huge part of the community, and now after you've finally gotten your wish with the radar now the goal post has moved to getting rid of the AR?
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
The competitive community wants a split from the normal casual people.

The new radar or no radar just doesn't play that well with these strong autos.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
...someone on live is offering me $250 for my heroic status "bungie profile". Is this a scam?


...someone on live is offering me $250 for my heroic status "bungie profile". Is this a scam?

Too bad you never got that Mythic status. I got a XBL message offering $1000 for my Mythic Bungie account while playing Destiny yesterday. The only thing is that when Bungie froze the old bungienet accounts, I was at Legendary and never actually got the Mythic shit in-game.


Well this is weird.

A bunch of playlists have disappeared and I can't seem to access the remaining ones.

Only thing I can click on the multiplayer menus is the search preferences.

Edit: nevermind, a restart fixed it.
I had that happen a week or so ago. All I could see or select was ffa in ranked...it was weird. lol
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