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Halo 5: Guardians revealed - more at E3 - Fall 2015 [Box Art person is new guy]

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I am totally conviced that the ONI spartan is the remains of Noble 6 resurrected into some sort of super soldier. He was ONI's second best spartan, Cortana thought so.

He's basically buckey/the winter soldier.


How come you guys are worried about ADS? I doubt they put that in.

Seeing as Halo 4 basically included everything from COD except ADS...it wouldn't surprise me at all if they incorporated it in.

Hundreds of thousands of Halo fans would hate it, however, there are millions of new gamers who probably never played Halo and their first console FPS game was COD, so anything not ADS would feel foreign and out of place to them.

I just hope they stick to their core and not cave-in to the COD pie in the sky.


Here comes 5 and I still haven't played 4. My first Halo experience was 3, and it did a less than stellar job of making me understand why people love the series so much. It basically crushed my interest in checking out any future (or past) games in the series.

How was Halo 4, anyways?


Why would MS ever pressure 343 into adding ADS? Yes, they are the publishers but they don't make decisions about basic gameplay mechanics.

Yup, never going to happen.

Publishers have a direct say on gameplay mechanics. Activision themselves told IW back in COD4 Modern Warfare to remove recoil in multiplayer because their focus test groups said it wasn't fun.

However, they left the recoil in on the single player campaign, but it's removed in multiplayer.

Publishers dictate more than you think when it comes to game design.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Here comes 5 and I still haven't played 4. My first Halo experience was 3, and it did a less than stellar job of making me understand why people love the series so much. It basically crushed my interest in checking out any future (or past) games in the series.

How was Halo 4, anyways?

Well, jumping into 3 without playing 1 or 2 is a pretty horrible way to jump into any series.

I'll never understand this thought process.
  • RPG mechanics
  • ADS
  • Open world
  • Female lead
  • 1920x720
  • Cloud processing
  • Multiple worlds to visit
  • 2 flavors of MP, War Arena and Battlefield


If this was real, would be the goathalo without ADS

The guns I used the most in Halo 4 were the Battle Rifle, DMR, LightRifle, and Covenant Carbine.

So they might as well put it in.

Canonically, a Spartan's HUD uplinks to the smart scope on the weapon, so Spartans don't need to use the sights. None of those weapons you mentioned would benefit from ADS either because they already have scopes. All ADS would do for them is make you move slower.

It'd make more sense on a weapon like the AR, but even with ADS you're not going to do much with that thing at range against a person with any of those rifles above.


How come you guys are worried about ADS? I doubt they put that in.

I don't really get the fear either. Although lots of mistakes were made on Halo 4 that have lead many people to believe that 343i doesn't really get Halo and what made it so great in the first place, they are definitely not so far gone that that they don't realize that ADS would completely alienate most of the remaining Halo fan base.

Give them at least a little credit here guys.



I remember the Librarian and Ur-Didact in the Forerunner logs from Halo 3. It was everything from political reactions during the early flood outbreaks to pieces of conversations between them. It followed Mendicant Bias's path to rampancy. I swear the people who claim to be Halo enthusiasts who say they didn't know who these characters were in 4 barely payed attention in some of the side-content in the games.

I understand it's not front-and-center, but one thing I've always appreciated about the Halo games is the overt story and the underlying one.
  • RPG mechanics
  • ADS
  • Open world
  • Female lead
  • 1920x720
  • Cloud processing
  • Multiple worlds to visit
  • 2 flavors of MP, War Arena and Battlefield


At the moment 343i is in the prototype phase, but i will post the current state of Halo for Xbox One.
Just a reminder that the game you will see probably wont feature everything you are reading here.

60 FPS has been confirmed at E3, now the team around Corinne is basically taking the Halo 4 Engine, "dumps" it on Xbox One Devkits and measures the perfomance and goes from there.
The Xbox One hardware is really powerful, though as many have stated not as powerful as Sony's machine. Nevertheless the team does have the goal to create one of the best looking titles next year. People are seriously overstating the power difference and underestimate the potential of the eSRAM (yes, it was included for bandwidth reasons, but the low latency does increase efficiencs in real world perfomance, if the eSRAM is used in smart way. I basically got the same code, with some optimization with the eSRAM running only 20% worse on Xbox Oen than on a PS4-Devkit from January.
Now what tech and graphical features will be implemented?
Deferred Shading will finally be implemented, Halo 4 was really sparse on terms of dynamic lights, a drawback of havin to use a traditional forward renderer. G-Buffer will consist of 4 MRTs. The entire pipeline is HDR and linear space. Those Render Targets will probably be stored in the eSRAM or split between the two pools, depending on perfomance.
Some form of SSAO will also be implemented, Halo 4 only had static and baked AO which looked great in pictures.
PRTs will be used, current tests with eSRAM and the results are amazing. Thanks to 5GB of ram (soon 6GB ;) ) the textures will look amazing and the models will have plenty detail.
There are a few drawbacks with aiming for 60 FPS. First the game will not render in native 1080p. Current resoultion on display plane 2 is 1920x720 (1,3 Megapixel compared to 2 for 1080p), display plane 1 (HUD an weapon) will be native 1080p. You literally cant tell the difference.

Dedicated Server.
First titel to showcase true power of cloud processing. Massive battles with 100s of AI (calculated by the cloud); massive worlds with dynamic weathher and global lighting (all done in cloud).
And yes, this will need an alway online connection(you dont need a powerful connection, those data pakets are really small)

Campaign is planned to be 3-5 times longer than Halo 4. No more linear , going open world.
Master Chief has gone rogue, has own ship and can visit different planets (6-8 planned). Each planet has several regions with main objectives and several side missions. ( Think of Wings of Liberty or Dawn of War 2 cmapaign)
Core gameplay is still Halo (2 weapons, grenades, melee; "30 seconds of fun"; sevaral different enemies) but there are RPG elements added to it: character progression (mostly items like forerunner relicts you will find that make Master Chief stronger or will give him more ablities), not really loot, but you will have to acquire weapons first, before you can use them in more missions. Weapons are stored in the armory on the ship and chief can choose his loadout, which he will use on the mission start. He can still pickup and use the weapons he finds in the different missions.Loadout weapons are basically the same you have in Halo 4 Multiplayer (you cant start with a rocket launcher, but you can call in those "super weapons" on a mission like in Infinity Multiplayer; difference is this is a limited ability, at "low level" you can call one time, this can be upgraded over time)
There will be more weapons in campaign than in Halo 4(and yes more "alien" weapons; not just human weapons with a different coat)

Elites (the same faction you fought in Halo 4), Grunts, Jackals, Hunter, Brutes, Drones
Promethean (heavily redesigned, more types like Promethean Warlords)
Humans (yep you will gith humans, but not UNSC, those are Insurrectionists)

Biggest number of vehicles ever.
Warthog (classic, rocket, gauss), Scorpion and yes the Grizzly will be in, Mammoth, upgraded Mantis, more Halo Wars vehicles like rhino, wolverine, cobra, hornets, falcons, vultures
Chiefs ship can store a limited amount of vehicles (call in similar to weapons)
Forerunner War Sphinx are in, very powerful enemy "vehicles" (and yep you will fight them)

To put the gameplay in campaign into perspective:
The team was running an encounter test in the Halo 4 engine with prototype models.
This encounter featured several hundreds of Brutes with 2 Scarabs, 10 wraiths and several ghosts and banshees fightin against one Forerunner War Sphinx and some Prometheans. Now the player could engage in that battle or just simply watch them fight (Power of the Cloud: AI in short distance to chief is process on the box; rest in the cloud) and pick off the remaing forces.
Well the current player chose to engange, took his Hornet and landed it on one of the Scarabs ( the AI is amazing, the Brutes had now to choose who to fight, most forces fought against the Prometheans, a few took on the fight with chief; it really looks and feels like every single AI makes smart and menaingfull decisions))
The Player killed of the crew on the Scarab and well, thise time he doenst destroy the Core, he gets behind the wheel of the Scarav ;) All hell breaks loose, brute forces more and more engage the rogue Scarab, while the Prometheans dont really difference their enemies.
And yep the Scarabs is destroyed withing seconds , thought the Player surived thanks to god-mode.
Those are the kinds of encounter you will find in the final game.

Split between two categories.
Halo Wararena ist basically Halo 2 reloaded. No loadouts, no armor abilites and perks.
Player Count 8-16, game types are Slayer, CTF(yes classic Halo CTF ;) ), King of the Hill, Assault, Oddball....
Static weapon spawns, more weapons on map which means more ammo, weapons wont respawn as quick as in Halo 4
The seconds multiplayer categorie is titles Halo Battlefield (not final name obviously).
Those are basically really big teams battles like 32-64. Gameplay is more inline with Invasion from Halo Reach.
Custom Loadouts, "armor abilites" (more like class abilites), Vehicles, Infinity like call ins

Thats it for the moment. Just a small glimpse into what you will eventually play in November 2014.

Oh really...
I remember the Librarian and Ur-Didact in the Forerunner logs from Halo 3. It was everything from political reactions during the early flood outbreaks to pieces of conversations between them. It followed Mendicant Bias's path to rampancy. I swear the people who claim to be Halo enthusiasts who say they didn't know who these characters were in 4 barely payed attention in some of the side-content in the games.

I understand it's not front-and-center, but one thing I've always appreciated about the Halo games is the overt story and the underlying one.

I've read the terminals. It's "the Didact was referenced in Combat Evolved" I'm referring to specifically.


I sometimes feel like I was the only person who liked the multiplayer in 4. I found it a lot more fun for the TDM/DM modes than in Reach and previous games.



Dedicated Server.
First titel to showcase true power of cloud processing. Massive battles with 100s of AI (calculated by the cloud); massive worlds with dynamic weathher and global lighting (all done in cloud).
And yes, this will need an alway online connection(you dont need a powerful connection, those data pakets are really small)

I almost bought this until the cloud stuff.
720p? For the lead studio of Microsoft, no thx.

Well yea, the game obviously has to look good, but I don't care nearly as much about that as how it plays. Those other gameplay points would be an exciting breath of fresh air. Hopefully some of it ends up being real.


  • RPG mechanics
  • ADS
  • Open world
  • Female lead
  • 1920x720
  • Cloud processing
  • Multiple worlds to visit
  • 2 flavors of MP, War Arena and Battlefield


Reads like a dream come true. I love the ideas of an open-world Halo, RPG mechanics, big battles, lots of vehicles, and dynamic weather.

Then you get to the end of it where it says Nov 2014. Obviously fake. Bah.
Sounds cool. I was in for Halo 5 anyways. I like the subtitle on it :)

60fps will be nice. Hope MP is like Halo 3 though, maybe that's just me though
I didn't own an original Xbox, and felt like as a 360 owner, it was my duty to get Halo 3 when it came out. :)

You could still play 1 and 2. Go buy Halo: CE Anniversary. You'll have the exact experience as the original xbox. Then buy Halo 2 for cheap. You wont be able to do Multi, but you'll get the story.


  • RPG mechanics
  • ADS
  • Open world
  • Female lead
  • 1920x720
  • Cloud processing
  • Multiple worlds to visit
  • 2 flavors of MP, War Arena and Battlefield


I don't...
any of this.

But if true, I would probably jump into an XBone.

But...this sounds...dramatically far-fetched. Like whoa.

Also, where are we getting this stuff about a female lead? I've read through this pastebin like 5 times and can't see it.
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