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Halo Lore Thread


I've been wanting to get the Forerunner books. Are they approachable in terms of reading.
I enjoyed the Halo Books but i don't read a great deal of sci-fi anymore.

It's hard sci fi, and Greg Bear sometimes meanders when he describes a scene, to the point the reader probably has no clue what is going on. Also, the middle book of the trilogy (Primordium) is largely dull, only picking up at the climax.

But on the whole, it's a very interesting story - builds up a lot of lore. And Silentium is the best all around Halo book in my opinion.


It's hard sci fi, and Greg Bear sometimes meanders when he describes a scene, to the point the reader probably has no clue what is going on. Also, the middle book of the trilogy (Primordium) is largely dull, only picking up at the climax.
I love the books, but they are not hard sci fi. They are very detailed and multi-layered though, which makes re-reading them quite a joy.
But on the whole, it's a very interesting story - builds up a lot of lore. And Silentium is the best all around Halo book in my opinion.
Totally agree.
The only book I had an issue with overall is Primordium, lots of walking. Which is a shame because I could not put down Cryptum before it.
I liked it, I thought it was a great build up to the massive last quarter of the book.
Everything to do with the Primordial was fantastic, it gave hints but still maintained mystery.
IMO Greg Bear is a great Sci-fi writer.


So maybe I'm alone in this, but does anyone else want to see a novel centered around the Pre-UNSC Humanity? I'm not talking Ancient Humanity, but Humanity when we first started to go to other planets and such.


So maybe I'm alone in this, but does anyone else want to see a novel centered around the Pre-UNSC Humanity? I'm not talking Ancient Humanity, but Humanity when we first started to go to other planets and such.

It could certainly be interesting, although I have no idea what the contents would really be. The stuff that's pre 46th century is so alien to the rest of the series it could feel like another franchise.


It could certainly be interesting, although I have no idea what the contents would really be. The stuff that's pre 46th century is so alien to the rest of the series it could feel like another franchise.
46th? 26th :p

Honestly right now there are more interesting topics they could go into. Although a book about Project Orion with Nolan Byrne and Johnson would be interesting.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
46th? 26th :p

Honestly right now there are more interesting topics they could go into. Although a book about Project Orion with Nolan Byrne and Johnson would be interesting.
I'm guessing he thought you meant Ancient Humanity, such as the Human-Forerunner Wars.

Although I'd be up for that too!

Edit: nvm, you already said "not Ancient Humanity" so I'm not sure what he's referring to. :p


I'm guessing he thought you meant Ancient Humanity, such as the Human-Forerunner Wars.

Although I'd be up for that too!

Edit: nvm, you already said "not Ancient Humanity" so I'm not sure what he's referring to. :p

I was mainly referring to things like the Rain Forest Wars, Jovian Moons Campaign, and the Argyre Planitia Campaign. The Interplanetary War.

Edit: Correction, these are actually in the years following the UNSC being formed...

UNSC was founded 2163, the Interplanetary War lasted from 2163 - 2170.

So maybe instead of pre-UNSC, but just the very early days?

Edit: Also random fun fact, Chakas character was actually suggested by Greg Bears son, Erik, who said that Bornstellar needed a Human side-kick,
apparently Frank O' Conner was hesistant at first until Greg Bear said that Chakas would eventually become 343 Guilty Sparks.


Hey guys to get a discussion going...


Actor Mike Colter from "Good Wife," has been casted on the Halo Digital Feature directed by Ridley Scotts, who do you guys think he will play?

Though that assumes he is a character we've seen...

Based on how similar he looks to the character Carlo Hoya, it's very possible that it means that Fireteam Majestic could be in the digital feature, if not the main focus of it?


Hey guys, is there a list of references to 343 Era lore in halos 1-reach? It's interesting to see how far bungee planned ahead, and how if at all 343 is retconning it.


Hey guys, is there a list of references to 343 Era lore in halos 1-reach? It's interesting to see how far bungee planned ahead, and how if at all 343 is retconning it.

Well, obviously Bungie couldn't plan for what people were going to do to the franchise twelve years later :)

That said, if you read Silentium it ties into a lot of the unanswered questions from Combat Evolved. The Forerunner trilogy rewrites the specifics of the Forerunner-Flood War from what was presented in the terminals, but in terms of retcons they had plenty of wiggle room without breaking canon (given that the terminals in Halo 3 themselves said they were unreliable.)

It's been argued that Bungie intended humanity to be descended directly from Forerunners, rather than two species with a possible common heritage as the Forerunner trilogy makes explicit. But that's something that some of Bungie's work leaned towards strongly while others contradict it.

Aside from that 343's continued the storylines of many of Bungie's characters in addition to adding new ones.


Is that Spartan III SPI armor maybe?



I do agree with others, I do think the Spartan IV at top is most likely hunting Chief. Though that sort of depends on the next few issues of Escalation which is about Thorne and Chief.

Anyway, should I add Halo 5: Guardians to the: "Current" section of the main post?


I really appreciate this thread. I never got into Halo but really enjoy a good scifi story.
Subscribe for future reading!


I'm still not entirely sold on the "Chief goes rogue" narrative yet. Namely because I don't think there's any reason for Chief to go rogue at the end of Halo 4. Cortana dying sucks, there's no doubt about that—but they haven't set up any conditions that would require Chief to disregard orders or set out on his own, even if there's a chance to bring her back.

To compare, we're basically at the end of Star Trek II, and all the setup for Kirk stealing the Enterprise to search for Spock is a whole movie away.

That said, the ONI-branded Spartan makes me think that they are indeed pumping up ONI as a big bad, or possibly more likely an actively antagonistic force for the player.


No, it's obviously MJOLNIR of an as-yet undocumented type.

I like the aggressive helmet design.

SPI is supposed to look like cut down MJOLNIR, I know it was on a book cover but they could very well make it different. But it could also be one of the Spartan IIIs who got MJOLNIR.


"Going rogue" doesn't mean he goes nuts and joins the Insurgency. As far as the UNSC is concerned the Chief and the other Spartan-II's are effectively weapons of mass destruction that they keep under a very, very short leash. Having a Spartan of any kind go off the reservation is Bad News(tm) but one with a habit of leaving cracked planets and dead super aliens in his wake will raise eyebrows into orbit if he starts doing his own ops.

SPI armor was cheap, quickly designed armor. ONI are not going to be fitting their Spartan agents with anything but top-of-the-line gear, especially those chasing a godkiller and combat legend.


SPI is supposed to look like cut down MJOLNIR, I know it was on a book cover but they could very well make it different. But it could also be one of the Spartan IIIs who got MJOLNIR.

Well there doesn't seem to be much of a reason for SPI armor. The Spartan IIIs are no more as far as we know—they’ve moved on to the more politically tasteful S-IV project, who have MJOLNIR armor. If I recall there’s lines in the Halo 4 armory about SPI armor being an influence on some pieces, but SPI armor seems like at best elements would trickle down to the marines and ODSTs.
I'm still not entirely sold on the "Chief goes rogue" narrative yet. Namely because I don't think there's any reason for Chief to go rogue at the end of Halo 4. Cortana dying sucks, there's no doubt about that—but they haven't set up any conditions that would require Chief to disregard orders or set out on his own, even if there's a chance to bring her back.

To compare, we're basically at the end of Star Trek II, and all the setup for Kirk stealing the Enterprise to search for Spock is a whole movie away.

That said, the ONI-branded Spartan makes me think that they are indeed pumping up ONI as a big bad, or possibly more likely an actively antagonistic force for the player.

Maybe the MC isn't in to the type of crap ONI is involved in post-war.


He was involved in their anti-Insurgency ops and knows first-hand they are not even above kidnapping kids to use as warforms, he should be well aware of what they are willing to do.

Indeed. Then again, contemplating and testing bioweapons to use in a genocide might be a bit beyond "capturing or killing people in rebellion against a central authority". Like I said, I feel like this would need to be explained pretty heavily in the game.


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Has anybody noticed the apparent Covenant influence? Look at the curve of the armor and honeycomb fabric pattern. The shape of the harness brings Covenant armor to mind as well.


Has anybody noticed the apparent Covenant influence? Look at the curve of the armor and honeycomb fabric pattern. The shape of the harness brings Covenant armor to mind as well.
I am a bit surprised that it's not a refinement of the Prefect armor, actually.


I am a bit surprised that it's not a refinement of the Prefect armor, actually.

I see the Prefect influence in the front chest underneath the more "standard" Halo 4 bits, personally.

(Did love the Prefect armor save for the helmet, would love to see that expanded upon.)


Honestly I think it's more likely we could see a UNSC vs ONI narrative than a Chief vs UNSC/ONI.

Chief isn't dumb, in fact we know that he is very smart. I feel if he does go rouge, it won't be against the UNSC, but ONI.

Or maybe he does go rouge against a new enemy? :D Or lastly, maybe the new guy on the cover is the 2nd player in the Single-player? Maybe it's Chief and this new guy?


Honestly I think it's more likely we could see a UNSC vs ONI narrative than a Chief vs UNSC/ONI.

Chief isn't dumb, in fact we know that he is very smart. I feel if he does go rouge, it won't be against the UNSC, but ONI.

Or maybe he does go rouge against a new enemy? :D Or lastly, maybe the new guy on the cover is the 2nd player in the Single-player? Maybe it's Chief and this new guy?

I could see it being Chief's new partner. I mean he has lost Cortana so they need another person to be Cortana's replacement.


I'm still not entirely sold on the "Chief goes rogue" narrative yet. Namely because I don't think there's any reason for Chief to go rogue at the end of Halo 4. Cortana dying sucks, there's no doubt about that—but they haven't set up any conditions that would require Chief to disregard orders or set out on his own, even if there's a chance to bring her back.

To compare, we're basically at the end of Star Trek II, and all the setup for Kirk stealing the Enterprise to search for Spock is a whole movie away.

That said, the ONI-branded Spartan makes me think that they are indeed pumping up ONI as a big bad, or possibly more likely an actively antagonistic force for the player.
well chief wanted to get to Halsey to help cortana, so if he finds out Halsey is alive with the Covies he may try to get to her.



What if...


Is a Guardian? I know there was many guessing it was actually a War sphinx, but
maybe this is a Guardian and it's protecting something? You know since typically that is what a Guardian does. :D
Just give me some Arbiter/MC being bros, and almost all will be forgiven 343.

Hell, while you're at it, some goddamn Elite vs Brute action also helps


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

What if...


Is a Guardian? I know there was many guessing it was actually a War sphinx, but
maybe this is a Guardian and it's protecting something? You know since typically that is what a Guardian does. :D
Guys on the SB forums insist that's not a War Sphinx due to the descriptions of them, but I'm thinking it could be a minor retcon.


Since Chyler was brought up in the community thread... It only just occurred to me that Chyler shared the same surname as Major Antonio Silva (Halo: The Flood).

I wonder if they're related to one another? It could maybe explain why Antonio was extremely hostile towards Chief in the novel ("failing" to save her). He seems to know a fair bit about Spartans in the novel too, so maybe someone or other told him about what happened (or dug up info) on Circinius IV including the SII involvement.

I suppose it doesn't matter now, but it'd be a nice throwback connection.


Since Chyler was brought up in the community thread... It only just occurred to me that Chyler shared the same surname as Major Antonio Silva (Halo: The Flood).

I onder if they're related to one another? It could maybe explain why Antonio was extremely hostile towards Chief in the novel ("failing" to save her). He seems to know a fair bit about Spartans in the novel too, so maybe someone or other told him about what happened (or dug up info) on Circinius IV including the SII involvement.

I suppose it doesn't matter now, but it'd be a nice throwback connection.

I suppose it's possible, but Silva's distaste of Chief is already justified in the novel—he sees the Spartans as freaks and a threat to displacing the ODSTs as the baddest of the bad. He also doesn't like the Chief much because of his "test"—killing and grievously injuring the ODSTs who were sent to rough him up after his augmentations.
Guys on the SB forums insist that's not a War Sphinx due to the descriptions of them, but I'm thinking it could be a minor retcon.

The only Sphinxes we got complete descriptions for were outdated ones around the Didact's cryptum. There's plenty of wiggle room without retcons (although I dont believe it's supposed to be a Sphinx either.)



What if...


Is a Guardian? I know there was many guessing it was actually a War sphinx, but
maybe this is a Guardian and it's protecting something? You know since typically that is what a Guardian does. :D

I've seen people say that it's possibly Mendicant Bias instead.


How did the Arbiter and Master Chief get separated at the end of Halo 3 if they both escaped on the same ship?

Cortana seems to suggest they made it through the portal but if that was true wouldn't the other half of the ship with Arbiter on it be dead after the Halo explosion?
Killer robot? I don't see any weapons...

His weapon is the Inception Horn, duh.

How did the Arbiter and Master Chief get separated at the end of Halo 3 if they both escaped on the same ship?

Cortana seems to suggest they made it through the portal but if that was true wouldn't the other half of the ship with Arbiter on it be dead after the Halo explosion?

The Ark went kablooey, so the portal collapsed. The Dawn was mid-transition at the time, and just got sheared in half. One part ended up back at its destination, Earth, but the other part got tossed out into space, ultimately arriving at Requiem four years later.


I've seen people say that it's possibly Mendicant Bias instead.

Hm... I'm not sure, wasn't Mendicant Bias destroyed when the Ark was at the end of 3? Then again as far as we known from Primordium, the Ark was just damaged to all hell, but the book (and the wiki) make it sound like they actually have gone back onto the surface.

So it's possible MB is alive, though if he is in that giant robot... It's anyone's guess.


Hm... I'm not sure, wasn't Mendicant Bias destroyed when the Ark was at the end of 3? Then again as far as we known from Primordium, the Ark was just damaged to all hell, but the book (and the wiki) make it sound like they actually have gone back onto the surface.

So it's possible MB is alive, though if he is in that giant robot... It's anyone's guess.

If you compare the surface that MC is standing on in the trailer to the level the Ark in 3, they look remarkably similar.

I have a feeling MC is on the Ark in the trailer for H5, obviously its pretty tough.
Hm... I'm not sure, wasn't Mendicant Bias destroyed when the Ark was at the end of 3? Then again as far as we known from Primordium, the Ark was just damaged to all hell, but the book (and the wiki) make it sound like they actually have gone back onto the surface.

So it's possible MB is alive, though if he is in that giant robot... It's anyone's guess.

The Ark was heavily damaged, not destroyed; Cortana's exact words were; "the explosion did a number on The Ark". ONI have since sent a team there, who picked up mysterious life signals and subsequently went missing.
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