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Halo Lore Thread


Yep tearing ass through some ONI secret base and assassinating Osman while protecting Halsey for what she needs to do there simultaneously would make a great campaign mission. I doubt they'd go for killing humans in Halo though.

It was already done in ODST. Although the impact of doing it was probably helped by the fact that it was never done before or since.
I don't know if I want to be shooting humans in Halo, though.

I mean, I can say for sure that I don't want to be shooting humans in Halo. Even bad humans.

I suppose we already shot the infected guy with the pistol in CE and any friendly AI to get them to turn on us or get some extra nades for warthog launching :). The books had Chief kill an ODST after initial augmentation etc. Oh and endlessly killing other Spartans in multiplayer...

It was already done in ODST. Although the impact of doing it was probably helped by the fact that it was never done before or since.

Wow, I don't even remember that part.

Perhaps it isn't so far fetched, I'd like to take on ONI, why not we've had so many factions at this point what is one more that is human?


At this point we might as well take the story to fighting against human rebels but the story of Earth vs humans who left to colonize and want independence is played out by now. At the end of Halo 4
I don't feel that the villain is dead so maybe he becomes a digital flood via the machine used


I don't like the idea of the crashed ship to be an Human ship left behind or from a small Human group that somehow managed to defy the Forerunners. But I'm very interested to see what 343i is planning for it.

About MC going rogue against ONI in order to save Cortana/Halsey, or to save different species from a blinded ONI? I like that idea. One mission fighting against other Humans, maybe even against Spartan IVs or with Spartan IIs, could be very interesting.

Oh what I'd do to be able to fight against Palmer.


At this point we might as well take the story to fighting against human rebels but the story of Earth vs humans who left to colonize and want independence is played out by now. At the end of Halo 4
I don't feel that the villain is dead so maybe he becomes a digital flood via the machine used

Unlikely, since the Didact is immune to the composer, so no doubt all that happened to him was he was sent back to Requiem, since below the composer was a slip space portal. So he will most likely return, just not in any digital flood. XD


I don't like the idea of the crashed ship to be an Human ship left behind or from a small Human group that somehow managed to defy the Forerunners. But I'm very interested to see what 343i is planning for it.
-- It doesn't look like the Ancient Human ship designs.
Ancient Human Ships said:
Unknown Crashed Ship said:


Unconfirmed Member
What's that unknown crashed ship from? I've barely kept up with the extended universe after Halo 4.


If only I had a handy video clip to demonstrate how much bigger they are than people realise.

Sure would be great to have a video of a scottish lad making a fool out of himself and showing this.

Sure would.

That song is pretty good at the end of that video. Is it on any of the soundtracks or anywhere on youtube by itself?


I'm more interested in how the
ties into the Master Chief's story.

And how 343i will actually pull it off, it's not easy
bringing a dead character back to life, although technically speaking the monitor is Chakas, not 343GS IIRC.


Question. How would you feel if 343i were to bring back the forerunners weapons in Halo 5 but this time only in the singleplayer, forge, custom lobbies, action sack and possible co-op modes? This way they can have the strength you'd expect from a weapon that's crafted by a civilization that's tens of millions of years old. Without breaking multiplayer balance or making the weapons looks like mere copies of existing UNSC/Covenant weapons.

Personally I'm for this too happen.
-- It doesn't look like the Ancient Human ship designs.
And that too, yes. It doesn't really fit any known design.
I'm more interested in how the
ties into the Master Chief's story.

And how 343i will actually pull it off, it's not easy
bringing a dead character back to life, although technically speaking the monitor is Chakas, not 343GS IIRC.
343GS is Chakas, they're one and the same. Chakas is merely the name he had when he had a Human body. Also there's no need for spoiler tags in this thread ;) Except for maybe escalation content.
Question. How would you feel if 343i were to bring back the forerunners weapons in Halo 5 but this time only in the singleplayer, forge, custom lobbies, action sack and possible co-op modes? This way they can have the strength you'd expect from a weapon that's crafted by a civilization that's tens of millions of years old. Without breaking multiplayer balance or making the weapons looks like mere copies of existing UNSC/Covenant weapons.

Personally I'm for this too happen.
Before the Forerunner weapons were fully revealed in 4, I thought they were going to be heavily OP.
It's how they should be. Extremely OP yet rare, if need be put them in the middle of maps and make them worth fighting for. In the legends video a pistol looking weapon shots a splaser like beam that's how I imagined them. Not a shotgun with incendiary attachment.

To smooth it over with storyline just say that only the Prometheans on Requiem used them whilst the actual Forerunner warrior class used immensely more powerful weaponry.


He wasn't required, in fact you had to find all the audio logs in order to make it happen. Otherwise drones kill him.

I think that is what happened for me, the drones did the work.

343GS is Chakas, they're one and the same. Chakas is merely the name he had when he had a Human body. Also there's no need for spoiler tags in this thread ;) Except for maybe escalation content.

I think I should put this is in the main post.

Spoilers should be used for the newest Escalation issues, and possibly Mortal Dicata? (Or a general rule of thumb, spoilers for the latest Halo book?)


I don't know if I want to be shooting humans in Halo, though.

I mean, I can say for sure that I don't want to be shooting humans in Halo. Even bad humans.

I agree, but then again 343 is heavily building up a morally questionable force in the UNSC so it feels like something that has to be at least partially addressed in the games; can't just shove it in the books and have it carry the weight it needs to since it's been brought up in the games as well.

I kind of doubt that they would ever be the sole antagonistic force in a game, though. Having them as one of a set of opposing factions a la CE could be cool though.
I can't find the text that I remember seeing online regarding the last few minutes of life in our galaxy, shortly followed by the first firing of the entire Halo array. It included the last conversation in the galaxy between those two forerunners who loved each other, followed a few seconds later by the first words spoken in the newly wiped galaxy, by one Guilty Spark (or whichever floaty glowy ball it was). It was written like a computer text log, and I'm sure it was part of the ARG for Halo 3.


I can't find the text that I remember seeing online regarding the last few minutes of life in our galaxy, shortly followed by the first firing of the entire Halo array. It included the last conversation in the galaxy between those two forerunners who loved each other, followed a few seconds later by the first words spoken in the newly wiped galaxy, by one Guilty Spark (or whichever floaty glowy ball it was). It was written like a computer text log, and I'm sure it was part of the ARG for Halo 3.

That's the text from the Halo 3 terminals.
That's the text from the Halo 3 terminals.

See, now, I thought that too. But I'm sure there were differences, the text I'm thinking of was much longer than the terminal stuff and had loads more crazy forerunner computer speak in it. It has been like half a decade since I looked though, sooo...

Either way, does anyone know where I can find the ARG stuff from Halo 3 these days? It wasn't all just on the Bungie boards was it?
It'd be neat to see a game that alternated back and forth between the pre-reckoning (Halo array fire) timeline and the present-day one where you play as Chief and witness the Human-Forerunner War concurrently.


It'd be neat to see a game that alternated back and forth between the pre-reckoning (Halo array fire) timeline and the present-day one where you play as Chief and witness the Human-Forerunner War concurrently.

Since the Reclaimer Trilogy is no longer a trilogy and a saga now, I would love to see this happen in some shape.

Or at the very least, have the events leading up to the Halo Array Fire be a DLC or something akin to Spartan Ops.


Spoilers should be used for the newest Escalation issues, and possibly Mortal Dicata? (Or a general rule of thumb, spoilers for the latest Halo book?)

I dunno. You come into a lore thread, you're kind of asking for it.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I love getting lost in the Halo fiction.
I've spent more time than a normal human should on that site as well.

But then again I also own the Halo Encyclopedia and Halo 4 Visual Guide. I'm sick.


Halo 4 Terminal animatics. Some very cool stuff. The Ancient Human battlesuits shown during the Forerunner/Human war sequences are a particular favorite of mine.

They were cool, but I felt like there was too much similarity in the Forerunner and human styles--was hard to tell who was who.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Halo 4 Terminal animatics. Some very cool stuff. The Ancient Human battlesuits shown during the Forerunner/Human war sequences are a particular favorite of mine.
I would not doubt at some point in the future, we'll see a game focusing on ancient events. There's still very little we know about ancient humans and Forerunners.
They were cool, but I felt like there was too much similarity in the Forerunner and human styles--was hard to tell who was who.

Yeah, I thought they should've done a better job with that, was kind of sad they had a chance to do something completely crazy and interesting with Ancient Humans, but what we got looked like Forerunner Lite.
Halo 4 Terminal animatics. Some very cool stuff. The Ancient Human battlesuits shown during the Forerunner/Human war sequences are a particular favorite of mine.
They look cool, I wonder what tier Spark would give that armour.
But as mentioned, I can't tell if that's human or forerunner armour.
Personally I'm for this too happen.
And that too, yes. It doesn't really fit any known design.
343GS is Chakas, they're one and the same. Chakas is merely the name he had when he had a Human body. Also there's no need for spoiler tags in this thread ;) Except for maybe escalation content.

Yeah, they kept it vague for a while, but it was eventually revealed that the science team in Primordium was near the Ark, and had recovered the actual carapace of 343 Guilty Spark. Maybe Bear intended it differently, as it was worded pretty oddly.


They look cool, I wonder what tier Spark would give that armour.
-- Like much of what GS says, it's open to interpretation what he means by Class of combat skin. We see only two types of combat armor worn by Warrior-Servants, for example (three if you include Legends).

--BTW was trying to work out the yield of some of the Halo WMDs and the NOVA bombs made me raise my eyebrows into orbit. They need a yield of roughly 1-10 PETAtons of TNT to do what they did in First Strike, and that's being super optimistic on energy delivery to the moon and planet. I see that's in the same range that someone else calculated on Halopedia too :) A less optimistic calculation would require about (gulp) a 1 exaton yield.

-- On the other end of destruction, the energy densities of human propellants doesn't look too unreasonable. I get about a 20% increase in power for a Halo M118 round versus a modern M118. (assuming a 174g projectile and 55g of propellant with composite case)


-- Like much of what GS says, it's open to interpretation what he means by Class of combat skin. We see only two types of combat armor worn by Warrior-Servants, for example (three if you include Legends).

--BTW was trying to work out the yield of some of the Halo WMDs and the NOVA bombs made me raise my eyebrows into orbit. They need a yield of roughly 1-10 PETAtons of TNT to do what they did in First Strike, and that's being super optimistic on energy delivery to the moon and planet. I see that's in the same range that someone else calculated on Halopedia too :) A less optimistic calculation would require about (gulp) a 1 exaton yield.

-- On the other end of destruction, the energy densities of human propellants doesn't look too unreasonable. I get about a 20% increase in power for a Halo M118 round versus a modern M118. (assuming a 174g projectile and 55g of propellant with composite case)

One could only hope in 500 years of still using congenital projectile weapons they would have improved them in *some* ways
So I'm re-reading the Forerunner trilogy.

I have to say, my GOD is Greg Bear an absolute superb writer. I'm not just talking about the story, but the actual writing in and of itself.

His style fits flawlessly with the Forerunners.
So I'm re-reading the Forerunner trilogy.

I have to say, my GOD is Greg Bear an absolute superb writer. I'm not just talking about the story, but the actual writing in and of itself.

His style fits flawlessly with the Forerunners.

I've been wanting to get the Forerunner books. Are they approachable in terms of reading.
I enjoyed the Halo Books but i don't read a great deal of sci-fi anymore.


So I'm re-reading the Forerunner trilogy.

I have to say, my GOD is Greg Bear an absolute superb writer. I'm not just talking about the story, but the actual writing in and of itself.

His style fits flawlessly with the Forerunners.

The only book I had an issue with overall is Primordium, lots of walking. Which is a shame because I could not put down Cryptum before it.
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