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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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Really cool thing you are doing, if you need any help let me know.

I'll probably announce a BTB night soon to get the BTB map variants, I'll make sure it's very visible.

I should point out that I still have all of the Halo 3 Bungie vs. the World maps on another storage unit, if you're interested in those.

That would be cool. I'll send you a PM with the starter file within the next couple of days.
So a CE question, why doesn't the sniper rifle work against the Flood. The Magnum can three shot combat forms, but a sniper can't do anything? It says it fires a 14.5 mm caliber round, which is rather large. I guess it's for balance? I just find it funny that a Magnum can kill them quickly. Yet, a rifle that's firing a 14.5 mm round, that can tear off limbs and maim any flesh it hits doesn't do anything.


So a CE question, why doesn't the sniper rifle work against the Flood. The Magnum can three shot combat forms, but a sniper can't do anything? It says it fires a 14.5 mm caliber round, which is rather large. I guess it's for balance? I just find it funny that a Magnum can kill them quickly. Yet, a rifle that's firing a 14.5 mm round, that can tear off limbs and maim any flesh it hits doesn't do anything.
The canonical reasoning probably has to do with the pistol's rounds being explosive.


just realized even in game fred's dmr has no attachments

gat damn, hunt the truth was marvelous


The canonical reasoning probably has to do with the pistol's rounds being explosive.
Whenever my local friends would bitch about the Pistol being too strong, I just told them that the rounds were explosive. Shit's in the game manual.

One of them was adamant about not using the Pistol, because he felt like the AR should have been the go-to weapon. First AR scrub I had the pleasure of donging on.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Why do you think it's okay to respond like this? Seems really rude and arrogant. They gave us a beta already, E3 is around the corner, and it's close to release date.

Come on.

lol wut? How is that rude? I am simply saying it would be a dumb decision not to release a open beta before the game release. Simply because

A). There are millions of new Xbox owners since December
B). Marketing, and get everyone talk about the game again
C). Consider the beta that came out a year ago, that could be just an alpha and make this a real beta for server testing and all the new tweaks that did since then.

As an extremely dumb person, in some ways responsible for this dumbness, I encourage you to believe it.

lol I will not believe until Sept. But yeah if I hear no beta news until sept then yeah its not happening.
Cross post from the Hunt the Truth thread:

I just realised something:

ONI cleared the Chief's name. So why has he gone AWOL and why are they hunting him in H5?

Obviously we don't know it's just interesting.

Well, the Game Informer Article said that Halo 5 starts before the the Embassy Incident. So I'm guessing that Halo 5 runs alongside HtT, and the end of HtT takes place around the time that Halo 5 ends and Chief's reputation is restored.


Ok, cool at least that explains the Magnum part.
The idea being that the sniper rounds penetrate right through in a way that isn't very destructive to Flood tissue.

Unless you were referring to the "magnum" name, at which point there's nothing to explain; Halo 1 doesn't have any weapons called a "magnum." The first use of "magnum" is in Halo 2 (and the manual actually disagrees with the game by calling it a pistol, heh).
Oh man, Vic DeLeon left 343 Industries in march. Whoa, wasn't expecting that. I know that concept artists and artists -in general- usually have much shorter cycles on a studio, but he is a very talented artist.

Well, I'm studying Fine Arts and Concept Art, I'll be checking his work closely :)
The idea being that the sniper rounds penetrate right through in a way that isn't very destructive to Flood tissue.

Unless you were referring to the "magnum" name, at which point there's nothing to explain; Halo 1 doesn't have any weapons called a "magnum." The first use of "magnum" is in Halo 2 (and the manual actually disagrees with the game by calling it a pistol, heh).

Wiki refers to it as a Magnum, which is why I was calling the pistol that.

M6D Magnum Sidearm - Halo: Combat Evolved/Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary -era UNSC sidearm, 'up-sized', armed with High Explosive ammunition and featuring KFA-2 ×2 scope
So a CE question, why doesn't the sniper rifle work against the Flood. The Magnum can three shot combat forms, but a sniper can't do anything? It says it fires a 14.5 mm caliber round, which is rather large. I guess it's for balance? I just find it funny that a Magnum can kill them quickly. Yet, a rifle that's firing a 14.5 mm round, that can tear off limbs and maim any flesh it hits doesn't do anything.
The sniper is traveling at such a velocity that instead of doing damage in impact it just pushes itself through the Flood's biomass. It's explained in Halo The Flood I believe.
The sniper is traveling at such a velocity that instead of doing damage in impact it just pushes itself through the Flood's biomass. It's explained in Halo The Flood I believe.

That explains it then. It is +500 years in the future, so the ballistics are much more advanced.

In MCC news, my H4 rank reset back to one. I thought it was a glitch at first. Reset and also played a different playlist, didn't help. Sure enough I played a game and now I'm rank two, so it's broken. I was only rank eleven, so it's not that huge of a deal I guess. If it keeps happening though, I'm going to be pretty pissed.


Anyone else find it weird Buck is on an ONI sanctioned fireteam? Thought he hated ONI

He doesn't work for ONI, as Team Osiris is UNSC and not ONI. The Game Informer articles talk about that a little, stating that Locke is an ex-ONI agent, who is now working for the UNSC as the leader of Team Osiris.

That would explain, why he said the following in the H5 cutscene found in the MCC:

"He's gone AWOL and the UNSC want him back. I'm going to bring him home."

Always wondered why he didn't say ONI, instead of UNSC.


Wiki refers to it as a Magnum, which is why I was calling the pistol that.
Yeah, loads of people call it a magnum, and it makes sense. The game doesn't refer to it as such, though.

Random note: The original game actually represents the explosive rounds by displaying a secondary impact effect a moment after the first when striking some environment surfaces. (This doesn't work right in Classic Mode, though.)


He doesn't work for ONI, as Team Osiris is UNSC and not ONI. The Game Informer articles talk about that a little, stating that Locke is an ex-ONI agent, who is now working for the UNSC as the leader of Team Osiris.

That would explain, why he said the following in the H5 cutscene found in the MCC:

Always wondered why he didn't say ONI, instead of UNSC.
He still has the ONI insignia on his armor.
Well, the Game Informer Article said that Halo 5 starts before the the Embassy Incident. So I'm guessing that Halo 5 runs alongside HtT, and the end of HtT takes place around the time that Halo 5 ends and Chief's reputation is restored.

Idk, that whole paragraph sounded like speculation instead of confirmed timeline. Stinkles, does Halo 5 and HtT happen concurrently?

He still has the ONI insignia on his armor.

The reason for that could be:

- he has no animosity towards ONI
- he still technically works for ONI, which is interesting cause that would mean ONI has their own Spartans, which kind of fucks up Stantan branch's autonomy
- it's just a reference to his old unit. in the real world that's common for uniform, which the patch on your right arm signifying previous unit, and the patch on your left represents your current unit. not exactly the same as Locke, but similar.


Idk, that whole paragraph sounded like speculation instead of confirmed timeline. Stinkles, does Halo 5 and HtT happen concurrently?

It has to, and it's not just about the Master Chief going AWOL, but it's also because we're hearing about the outer colonies going dark later in HUNT the TRUTH, which is also the main Halo 5 plot (outer colonies are going dark because of the Guardians).
It has to, and it's not just about the Master Chief going AWOL, but it's also because we're hearing about the outer colonies going dark later in HUNT the TRUTH, which is also the main Halo 5 plot (outer colonies are going dark because of the Guardians).

timeline is still weird, cause that means the ending of the last episode
with Petra ready to continue Ben's fight
is set up for Halo 6/whatever the next game is. That's a really early start for a storyline, when we haven't even gotten all of Halo 5's details.
Well, the Game Informer Article said that Halo 5 starts before the the Embassy Incident. So I'm guessing that Halo 5 runs alongside HtT, and the end of HtT takes place around the time that Halo 5 ends and Chief's reputation is restored.

Hunt the Truth/Halo 5 speculation:
I can't see 343 giving away part of Halo 5's ending with HTT. If anything, Chief gets his reputation back ~halfway to 3/4 of the way through the game

In many ways, I think, Halo 2 and Halo 5 are quite similar. Second game in each trilogy. Two storylines. Two playable characters. And I could definitely see Halo 5 go down the path of Halo 2 and have Chief/Locke eventually work together similar to how Chief/Arbiter eventually worked together.
Anyone else remember Sully repeatedly telling Ben earlier that "Glassed planets have bad records."?

Maybe Ben should have taken his words a little more seriously.


I think it's pretty much given Locke has the primary playtime but he's used to tell the story of Chief going AWOL, why, what's happening elsewhere in the universe. I just don't like how it seems Nightfall kind of irrelevant but hopefully whatever happened in that show has some bearing on the person Locke is, what kind of people Spartan-II's are.

I see an almost 70-30 playtime split. With the early Chief missions being set in the past before they all went rogue. We'll play as Blue Team in that already announced mission, but then we see Chief get those Cortana memories. And then it switches back to Locke and he and team Osiris are helping explain what's gone on since, the Guardians, 'the seeds of our future are sown in his past' and Locke missions are just inevitably bringing him closer to Chief. And then near the end, when the stories converge on a single point in time, they move further together. We'll take control of Chief again with Locke as our ally, or alternate back and forth.


I think it's pretty much given Locke has the primary playtime but he's used to tell the story of Chief going AWOL, why, what's happening elsewhere in the universe. I just don't like how it seems Nightfall kind of irrelevant but hopefully whatever happened in that show has some bearing on the person Locke is, what kind of people Spartan-II's are.

I see an almost 70-30 playtime split.
Man I sure hope not. I'm more interested in what's going on with Chief and Blue team (though I'm looking forward to playing Locke and his crew as well because Buck amirite).


All this Rare talk - what is this, 1998?

Sad truth is that Rare as it currently exists is about as far from the original company as possible. I'd love to see a Perfect Dark reboot
that isn't absolutely terrible
or even another Conker remake, but even if they happen it won't be quite the same.


Seriously? I didn't expect for the HtT season finale to be as good as it was. The series was fantastic and I was worried that it wouldn't close on such a high note (in terms of quality of course ;) )
Hope 343 gives us something huge at E3, spent all day playing smash with friends.

E3 hasn't even really started and the hype is already too real.

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